(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

maybe they has seen too much hi-tech strollers where mummy can close using 1 hand :p But to be fair, there are also alot of nice drivers lah. .. most of the time i meet drivers who will come out, tho' by than, my stroller is probably oredi in his boot. I am the scarly cat kind, so if i hv intention to bring strollers, i will fold while waiting for the cab. Than when cab come, juz hv to stuffed it into the boot.

Btw, why would u get stared at in mrt or bus?

josh sleep quite early like javen. javen sleep ard 8 plus to 9. what time does josh wake up every morn. Javen always wake up abt 7....sometime will be slightly earlier while sometime will be 7 plus. quite early...so thinking if its cos he sleep early.

tot jacob ballas coming sun right? not sure whos going...anyway i will most prob be there unless it rained
Well, certainly appreciate your sharing...Well, I guess regardless of how good the programme sounds, most important is the kiddo enjoy himself/herself at the class.

I just hope Jonas won't start crying again at the trial due to unfamiliar faces...actually I really wish wish to sign up for weekly class but my sonny's nap time can be quite chaotic....that's why has been putting aside this thought.

Sure ....gimme a call when you reach...actually, I also can't be 100% sure I can reach by 3.30pm...depending on the KO time for Jonas. :p

It's on this Sunday...Hmm..I hope you & Jordan are still available? Or you have other plans?
ok ok .. Sunday 3.30pm. Will be there
So izit still picnic? need to bring food or anything? I am not sure of the place, will call u when I am there.

Btw, there's water play rite? Are there places where we can shower the kiddo?
Dear Mummies

<font color="0000ff">Picnic at Eco Lake &amp; Playtime at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (17 Aug - Sun, 3.30pm)</font>

Based on majority choice (as some mummies dun have any preference), it seems that a picnic is good. So, here's what I roughly have in mind for our Outing on this Sunday...

Draft Programme
<font color="119911">This is a rough guide only, please feel free to adjust your time plus or minus an hour or so due to baby's nap time....</font>

3.30pm Meet OUTSIDE the gate of Jacob Ballas
(The gate is located along Bt Timah Road, near to NUS Campus. Please DO NOT enter the Botanic Garden from the gates at Napier Road or Nassim Road as it will take more than an hour to reach JBCG)
3.40pm Families which have arrived at the gate can walk together over to Eco Lake for Picnic.
Directions to Eco lake:
If u are standing outside the JBCG entrance gate - facing the carpark direction, you will need to turn RIGHT and walk up straight along the pavement to reach the Eco lake. It will take around 5-10minutes walk to reach there. After you turned right outside gate and walk alittle further up, you will see a signage pointing to "Eco lake".

See map below:


If you are late and cannot find the way to Eco Lake, please contact any mummies below who are planning to come for the outing for HELP:
1. SpringDance
2. Cool_Daughter
3. Janet
4. Nellu
5. Pisces Gal
6. Sgn
7. Mum@Work
8. CHeezel

4.30pm Proceed to JBCG for playtime at the waterplay area and sandy playground area.
5.30pm Home Sweet Home

<font color="ff0000">Things to bring:</font>
1. Foods for your Family.... <font color="119911">(and a little more to share if you can spare... NO OBLIGATIONS!)</font>. Examples of food you can consider to bring: Finger foods/Savouries/Sandwiches/Tidbits/Breads/Cakes
2. Drinking water for your family
3. Picnic Mat
4. Play stuff like balls &amp; bubbles for the tods to play at the picnic ??
5. Swimwear or Swim diapers for your boy/gal OR extra change of clothings(for water play at JBCG)..Dun think there's a shower area there.

Inclement weather
In the event if there is heavy rain after 11am on Sunday, let's CANCEL the picnic. (Guess it's better to decide now in case if it really rains, and everyone is unsure whether to proceed or not.....:p )...but feel free to bring your little one for play at JBCG if rain stops and weather is fine in the afternoon, at your individual preference.
Thks for all ur concern. The blisters all broke liao, nw healing and healing fast cos doc gave some antibotics cream. Im oso am applying aloe vera cream too. Hopefully wont be scar!!

Ya, ter's water play but ter's no shower point for kiddo. Wad I do is juz a chg of clothes &amp; towel lor, den go hm n bathe.

For the blank cards, I'm sharing wif my frenz cos we bought it frm wholesaler and min. muz take 1800pcs. U keen? let me noe.

haizzz my maid's face changed wen she saw the soup overturned. I was too pissed to scold her but did gave a super black face. My hubby was the one who talked to her.

I am interested to share with all of u for the blank flash cards too. Please include me in! I have just sms u to confirm.

Please check your sms. Many thanks
i worry i may not able to meet up on sun cos we are having family gathering and ky's nap time had been ajust to 3pm usu he will nap 1-2 hrs by the time we reach Jacob Ballas i think the rest already gone.

hope u understands cos i also dun want to stress myself over travelling here and there esp hb not coming with us = no transport. tks

If time permits, I'll see you mummies &amp; babies there! As usual babies are unpredictable &amp; I can't really tell what time Adam would nap that day. We've got a family gathering at 6 too, so gotta ciao by 5 plus I guess.

I saw a little toilet for the kids somewhere in the garden. Didn't go in to check if there's a shower though...!
Hahah...no need to explain lar...it's really a free for all outing...in fact, I can't be too sure myself on the arrival time too...depends on whether my boy is co-orperative. That's why initially I wasn't too sure if you gals really wan a picnic outing OR.... just leave everything free &amp; ease and catch a bite/drink at the kidz cafe if happen to feel thirsty or feeling hungry after play.

<font color="0000ff">Cool_D/ Janet/ Nellu/ Mum at Work/ P_Gal</font>
Are you ladies still ONZ and OK for the picnic? Feel free to share with everyone if you have any concerns yah.
Kris, Nellu

I think I was more excited abt the baby fair when baby wasn't out yet. Now..it seems he has almost everything..hehe so can't think of what to get there. Although, I love browsing thru baby stuff, very fun
haha i also got nothing to buy..just wanna go jalan jalan around town...better than being stuck at home...
Cheezel, Cool D,
forgot to reply you two.

1. Sleep early.
yes josh also wakes up around 7am. kiddos wake up early because they sleep early. I dunno what you prefer, that they sleep late and wake up late or sleep early and wake up early? I personally prefer sleep early and wake up early. Cos then hubby and I can have some time to ourselves at night.

anyway both hubby and I think this is a good habit to instill and will try to keep this all the way as Josh goes to school.

2. getting around with tod
Being stared at in bus/mrt when using a sling..i have NO idea at all? perhaps these people are wondering how I can carry such a big baby when I'm so skin and bones?? Or maybe Josh and I look great together (WAHAHAH!)?? Or they just dun see the sling being used often enough i guess?

Strollers and taxi drivers -- i too always fold up the stroller before the taxi arrives. But most of the time I'm alone with josh. so one arm stroller, one arm josh. no hand left to lift up the boot.
personally I prefer sleep early and wake up early. As what u say, if they sleep early, as a FTWM, I will have time to do my own stufs like surfing net, relax abit, tidy up things etc. Also got time to spend with hubby. But josh cant sleep thru fr 7-8pm to 7am the next morn wor. Mine cant. He will wake up at least once or twice (midnight and 6am) for milk. I also intend to keep this habit till he go sch.
I m ok wif JBG on Sunday if it's bright and sunny
But I am not sure if I will bring food .. probably cakes and pastry if I happen to pass by. Usually, I prefer buy and eat outside, since oredi so much things to carry.
josh still got bad habit, wake up around 230am and won't sleep till 1hour later...i always have to accompany him in the room, until i myself also fall asleep...everytime i wake up it's abt 4am liao and see he's sound asleep then scoot out back to my own bed...very tiring..so trying very hard to eliminate this problem.

I am still on for JB. But I will only arrive around 4pm. So will meet you gals inside rather than at the entrance.
I will bring some Oh Chang Kee Fishballs.
jboy also hv a habit of waking up .. usually ard 2-3am if I am not wrong (coz i too tired to chk clock:p). Than he will toss n turn, sometimes play wif himself, sing abit etc etc. I try to pretend to be sleeping so he wun 'kachiao' me, eventually he will go back to sleep. If u find out how to eliminate this habitual waking up, pls let me know ya.
my girl will wake up few times a nite then tug at my top then comfort suck back to sleep..haiz..any idea how to wean her off this?

u hv the same prob with adam too, right? when are you planning to wean him off?
chek jewa is some island in s'pore

can take a photo of how you use the sling now? me scared the cloth will give way.
Javen will also toss and turn n make noise ard 3,4 or 5am. Dunno why also, not sure if hungry or cold or whatever. I didn’t bother abt him unless he cry out loud. Sometime he will sit up blur blur and then I will quickly put the pacifier back to his mouth and lie him back and he go back sleep again.

now I feel like eating old chang kee fish ball and currypuff. Hehe.

know what my fren did to wean off her 3 yr old gal cos she also comfort suckling and if she didn’t get what she want, she scream the whole house down in the middle of night and also refuse milk. Even day time she also like tat. So my fren go apply some lemon juice on her nipple n let her daughter suckle. Told her nei nei spoilt liao. 1st few times abit tough but after a while, her daughter stop. Even night time, she just tell her nei nei spoilt and if she still insist, then she let her daughter suckle n her daughter rejected cos of the lemon taste. haha
haha the nei nei spoilt liao, so funny...

IS THE gallop stable smelly? I went to the goat farm before, quite smelly loh.
not very smelly unless u really have very sensitive nose. I think still ok at least for me. It’s a small area. But the kiddos gets to run ard the field without you having to worry that they will fall and hurt themselves.
Cool_D/ Janet/ Nellu/ P_Gal
That's great...see you gals on this Sun...by the way, I am worried that I may be late coz my boy nap time sometimes haywire one (oppsss...I "AH BISH" myself first to apologise) :p...will SMS one of you if I am really late.

Think I dun have your mobile no...would you mind to PM me please?

Mum At Work
U still be meeting us for Picnic N Play this sunday?

Lemon sounds mild enough! A cousin of mine BF her kid till he was about 3, then she'd go "Shame shame neh neh" to tell him it's no good to suckle anymore. Hehe. Sometimes I wonder, still got milk meh, after 3 yrs?! my SIL said, only got some kind of liquid left...euww..hehe

I'm still wearing nursing bras... grr...miss my old undergarments which I've stashed away somewhere in the closet.

Yes, Adam still comfort latches at night, but thankfully he sleeps immediately. Never has he been awake for anything more than 10 minutes at night (except when he had wind when he was younger). I think if i'm desperate I might try that lemon thing. ehhe.

I intend to wean him off TOTALLY before I try for a second baby. As of now he's on formula totally in the morning. I've said goodbye to expressing.

Re: discipline
TOday I Took some time off work &amp; went home. And u noe, silly me didn't notice tiny adam standing behind me and I bumped into him &amp; he yelled &amp; yelled! He fell on the floor, head bumped of course! After that, so whiny...and later my mom was saying I needed to be more firm with him. Sighs, I felt rather lousy lah, and wondered if I really am too soft with him. Anyway in the end, he latched on &amp; fell asleep. Now i wonder, perhaps he's just sleepy after all... but i must admit he can be very notty at times!

What teat is Kelly using now? I read in yr blog sometime ago that she can suckle using straw &amp; I was motivated to train Adam. And he did it after a few days of me shoving the straw into his mouth ehhe! So happy!
axe oil? i cant imagin putting oil le. hehe...how abt nipple cream? Avent nipple cream which is okie if baby happen to suckle. wonder how it taste...scarli it taste sweet n kiddos like it....hahaha

dun feel bad abt it. sometimes, they may be just want attention. the more u give, the more they try.... sometime when javen falls, if u try not to notice, he will look look ard and get up hiself....but the moment u go attend to him, he wil cry even though he didnt bump into things. they just wan u to sayang them. hehe.

Javen can use straw also. not wanna train him to use the straw mug to drink milk...but he still cant relate straw mug to milk le...he thought its water...sip sip a fw mouthful then dun wan
SpringDance &amp; Mummies going for JB,

My hubby is joining us for the picnic. Can ya? Any hubby coming for the picnic this Sunday?
all mummies with habitual night wakings (HNW),

ok, i'm still dealing with it. I personally think that it is a matter of training. I've consulted PD before on this and PD say just ignore and let them cry. I cannot tahan this approach cos my Josh will just go on and on and on until the whole bloody estate wakes up...

My experience with Josh was this:
when he was sleeping with us in our room, he woke more often. I think due to a few reasons:
1. our movements in and out of room, esp if we are still up at night or something like that.
2. at that time he was still on BM, so could be some comfort sucking
3. reliance on pacifier. That time he was younger still dunno how to find and put it back himself.

Since we've moved him to his own room, the HNW has reduced, but the main problem now i believe is still reliance on pacifier.

why i'm still struggling with it is cos I'm still a weakling lah.. :p...cannot pull through with the sleep training...

The solution is quite simple actually but the execution is quite tough lor...

Also other factors do affect the kiddos' sleep. They are:
1. hunger
2. teething pains
3. developmental milestones -- like crawling, standing walking
4. Over or under tiredness
5. night mares/ night terrors

I've been reading a lot on sleep training because this is one major issue that i had to deal with for Josh since he was born. his sleeping pattern is very bad.

Some books are:
The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg

I also visit the baby whisperer forum a lot to see how the other mummies do sleep training. Most of them are ang mohs and ang mohs are quite bent on sleep training apparently.

HTH all of you.
like u. i have done a lot of reading on sleep training and several reasons on why kiddo cant sleep thru the night or will wake up a few times at night.
i do agree with the one on pacifier. when they younger they still do not know how to find and put back pacifier. good thing is Javen knows how to put back now...but he likes to throw them ard at night when he dun feel like suckling. so at times, i have a hardtime looking for his pacifier. now i keep a spare one nearby just in case i cant find.

most prob will go but depending on javen napping time. so may go early n leave early or will go later when he wakes up.
ha ha ky also will spit out his pacifier when alseep so usu i will standby 1 near my pillow.

how u managed to wean off ur expressing?
SpringD, PiscesGal
Yeah, me still oonzzz tis sunday. Most likely to reach ter ard 4pm unless bbK wakes up frm her nap earlier. Hubby will be coming too. Most probrably will buy some snacks....still hvnt decide on wad to bring though. SpringD, i've pm u my contact.
till now, I'm still wearing nursing bra even though I stopped nursing few months back. I can't wear wired bras coz it's uncomfortable. Another sad thing abt weaning off is the shrinking (cup size)process and gravity is the greatest enemy of them all. grr...

I think having food of exotic spices changes the taste of BM and that helps with weaning off my child. My #1 don't like my BM whenever I had curry so I was curry-free for that period of time. #2 stopped coz I started using grapefruit essential oil (on other parts of my body)..guess that also found its way into the BM. Didn't have to resort to putting axe oil etc. Then again, probably they were younger then and not as clever as your kids wld be at this age.
cheezel, janet

Thanks, I guess bumps &amp; whines are part of toddler-hood...


I just stop expressing lah. Coz abt 2 mths ago, if i express in the morning at 8 am, i can only get a miserable 20 ml, which is super waste time so I totally stopped. No engorgement, but by the time I'm home, there's some milk &amp; breasts feel semi-full. Adam will suckle. Then the cycle starts again. Goodbye pumps!

Oh, but u can get those non-wired but attractive non-nursing bras. Still more fun than plain nursing bras (which are too loose for me now too, btw)...
ya .. axe oil. Olden days no tis cream dat cream. Ething oso use axe oil. hehe.

On the bumping issue, i agree. In fact, even when jboy run n fall, if I dun go to him, he will usually get up himself. Sometimes, he will get up, squat down, hit the gound, than walk to me
nellu n mummies,
i slp train both my kids but i m not d 'hard-hearted', let them cry n don't care type lah. i cant bear to. my approach is start as early as possible n be consistent. is easier for my 2nd bb.
i find tat 1 of d most important rule/start of slp training is: establish a fixed routine as early as possible. d downside is mummy/daddy cant party late and hv to turn down late appointments.
slp training is more than just sleeping through the nite. it has to be the whole day. tat is fixed waking up time, meal time, nap time etc.
some pple feel tat is stressful to follow such strict routine but i feel otherwise. cos if kids slp n eat well, they are happier, so m i.
but i do allow 'deviations' esp now kids are older. esp wkends, like somtx ash wld miss his nap or nap 1 or 2 hr later than his usual nap time. but we still try to get kids to slp early at nite, latest latest by 10pm (but they usually slp by 9pm). some days cher slp at 8pm.
but i do undstd is 'easier' for me since i m a sahm n main caregiver.

i really dun noe how to wean cher off too. hopefully she self wean off soooooooooon...
kuddos to strict routine! I'm stickler for this too. My only regret is that I started very late on this. That's why it's very tough for me.

I do think that it is possible even for FTWM to instill a routine as long as the main caregiver and the mother is on the same page to carry out the routine.
Cookie has the same problem with straw = water and milk = bottle and teat. want to train him on cup soon. his cousin 4yrs old still drinking milk from bottle although can drink from cup steadily.
seems like sucking is a comfort?

re: soya drink
i let Cookie try Jollibean / mr bean's sugar free soya milk when we are out and he likes it.
i don't have a pic of me using the sling with Josh now. Can wait some more days? I'll try to get hubby to take one and send to you.
jeanyard/ cheezel
I am also feeding jboy milk in bottle n teat, whereas water or other beverages are fm cup n straws .. i neva thot of changing also. Somehow, its like i oredi associate milk with milk bottle n lying down to drink ..hehe:p
