(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

RIM is music and movement class. They focus a lot on percussion instruments, beats and rhythms. But for our kiddos age group, a lot of it is quite free expression, using small instruments like shakers, claves, small tamborines, etc to move along with the music that either the teacher plays/sings or from a recording. they've got lights as well..abit like disco..hahaha my hubby was a bit appalled by it cos he's the classical music type..very serious..but i think josh and i enjoyed it alot cos we get to do a lot of silly things..hahaha

anyway, it is based on the theories of music educator, Carl Orff. His work is Orff Schulwerk. you can read abt it on wikipedia. I personally like this philosopy because it helps kids to feel and love music and at the same time teaches creativity. I think it's impt that kids get to learn to love music first before learning how to play the instruments, cos i feel that a technically good musician is only half as good a musician as one who is able to feel and express the feeling of the music.

sounds chim hor... :p

I started with petit miam too...but Jonas didn't like...so I gave him normal adult yoghurt like Meiji...and he dun mind...strange! But I am abit apprehensive if this is ok in the long run..not sure if there's any ingredient in grown-ups yoghurt which he is not suppose to take at such a tender age ...

You can read up about RIM in the link I posted for Grace kids.

Apparently, there is a special 2hour event at the school next Sat, 4-6pm which we can sign up for $35 each...the programme is a combination of RIM and busy buddies....got goodie bag at the end some more...guess it's something like trial class? I may be joining..... U keen?
the programmes are great. only problem is that their timing not very friendly for FTWMs. Alot of the classes are on weekdays. It's ok for me cos me SAHM mah...can find time to go...

but if you can join a class do come lah...more fun to have more local kids...rather than a lot of expats... :D
Re: Pasta
Mummies, may I know how to cook tasty Pasta? Cos pasta itself is tasteless, and I dunno if even using nice soup base, the taste will be absorbed into pasta like porridge.

Shyanne still on porridge. Saw many of your babies venturing into new food. Tot of doing so.

I should only start her on rice after her molar teeth grow rite?
tks for the info may not have channce to bring ky during wk day lor, starting off hrs next wk.

sorry never see ur post until reach home. i brought ky to kidsexplorer at downtown east quite fun n tired cos got to carry my boy to climb up n down the slides. who knows the moment we were in the car he fall asleep!
next sat abit packed. have to go for a fren's baby full month celebration in the noon and then evening time to BBQ at pasir ris. So prob not going.

does kidsexplore open on sat? tot if so, i can bring javen there since we going BBQ nexr sat.
heard that they are thinking of starting a sat class for busybuddies but i think the timing is 115pm or something like that. If you think this is ok for you then can try to bring KY lor. It's pretty fun and josh had enjoyed himself a lot.

I think i Shall try to cook pasta for Adam this weekend. What cheese do you use? Cheddar block cheese or just the sliced ones?


Hey you know, a friend of mine recommended Explorerkids as it's in the east & yesterday we went there too! I was there about 5 pm... yourself? who knows we could have "bumped" into each other?

I too, climbed with Adam, up & down the play area & down the slides... damn steep man, haha! he had a great time there!

Did you join the membership? U mean weekend - charged per hour, not unlimited play like weekdays?

Am sure Javen would have lots of fun there! But since you're preggy I guess yr hub would need to accompany Javen with all the climbing & sliding down. Bring socks okie? If not gotta purchase at $2 per pair.

That RIM class sure sounds fun! But I wonder if Adam would be able to appreciate it. For all I know he'll be roaming around the class...oblivious to the class that's happening...
read so much here about issues with MIL. I have my fair share yesterday. MIL shared bread with bb. Didnt even wash hand...yee....this is the second time already...
Regarding the picnic…..can bring something easy & convenient…like finger foods, bread, sponge cakes, savouries…anything you feel is good for your family.

I am interested to sign my boy up for some class….but only select those with classes on weekdays…wanted Julia Gabriel but it’s out of the option since no weekend class….thought about Shicida but it’s so expensive and scarly if that weekend my boy fall sick or we need to go somewhere else then have to miss the class, very “Lugi”….notice GUG is getting popular but not sure if it may be boring after a few lessons…..me very difficult mummy rite? Hahahaha….. hmmm, you have any feedback to share abt the classes I mentioned?

Not fair! Not fair! All the fun places are at EAST part of Singapore. :p
you interested in what course? i aslo wanna register javen to some of these courses so that after i give birth can bring him go.

what time u all intend to stay at jacob ballaas? since its abt late noon...prob by the time we left will be abt dinner time for the kiddos?

I'm curious to start Adam on one of those classes too, but seriously I don't have the committment to bring him through the sessions.

A friend of mine placed her 18 mth old in Shicida, and it's really like a school! For babies! Sit down & watch flash cards kind of things. From what I read in another thread, you really need to follow through several terms & follow up with the learnings in yr free time. Only then can we see the effect. I don't think I'm disciplined enough for that. For now, all I do is let him play & read to him. He likes his Leappad, and sometimes he brings it to us to read to him.

Abt fun places are in the east, hehe, well there are other fun places in the southern & west too!

Southern : the Southern ridges - the bridges connecting several areas, vivo etc

And west : got Fidgets, a free-play area for kids at Turf City. I wanted to try this yesterday - $8 per hour for kids below 2, but when I called, it was noisy & the person said it was rather crowded. So I chose the east instead, hehe.

Actually got a lot of places for babies. If only I was qualified, I think I'll open 1 of my own. Dreaming of doing something I love...then won't have to go to work everyday :p

Awww~ do you live in the east too?
I would think probably not more than 2 hours for the picnic and play at JCB...leaving around 5.30pm I guess.

Regarding enrolling for classes, I'm in a dilemma actually on what class to sign up for...like what I mentioned to Nellu in my earlier post. GUG seems to be popular among the April & Mau mummies though....

If sign up for Shicida, definitely need to have committment and be dilligent in the homework...you will paying around $120 per class! Cannot heck care and anyhow throw $$ like that...hahahah!

Amongst the outing places you mentioned, southern ridges is nearest for me BUT I dun think my boy appreicate plants & trees at this age lei...only Vivocity we do go there quite often for shopping or dinner.
RIM is fun..well at least for me lah.. hahaha...most of Josh's classmates are older kids, around 16-17mths. They are all walkers. Josh is the only wobbly blob in that class. All the other kids just wonder all over the place too! Better than clinging to mummy right? The main thing abt alot of the programmes run by Grace Kids is that they let the kids roam around free and they kinda not mind that. unless of course the kids get really destructive or something...

Today is Josh's 3rd lesson and already we see an improvement. He participates a bit by clapping and waving his arms. Sometimes, in the dance segment, he'll get me to hold him up so that he can stomp his feet abit. And he was shaking his pom poms and beating his claves too today! The other mummies in the class were impressed and you can imagine how proud i felt...hehehehe

abt busybuddies, it is playgroup style with a myriad of activities. Josh's favourite segment is art&craft, snack time (hahaha but of course right?!) and bubble time. Josh enjoys busybuddies more than i do cos he gets to do a lot of things...as you can see he's real busy..even at home, he'll be doing a lot of things within a short span of time. I think it's quite recommended for kids with short attention span, and it also teaches the kids that there is a time for everything.

RE: Shicida
I was quite against it in the beginning. cos i really think it'll be a big waste of money for us. Josh is not that type who will sit still and look at you flashing cards. Even reading to him is quite a challenge sometimes. But recently i found that he's starting to have an interest. Been flashing chinese flashcards to him and he could sit through 3 sets of 10 cards each! Initially he kept wanting to hold the cards. Recently when i take out the cards, he'll get into position, as in crawl a distance away from me and sit down and look at me. I'm totally amazed. so now i'm thinking of taking him to Shicida..but i'm lazy leh.. :p

dun underestimate Jonas. For all you know he may be really interested in nature. I try to take Josh out to parks and all to look at plants, trees, flowers and birds and he really likes it. The main grouse i have is that our weather is horrid. If only it's cooler...We enjoyed our walks alot in Europe... really miss the weather...

Shichida where got so expensive, S$120 per lesson!

It should be around S$60 plus per lesson if I have calculated and remember correctly ;p

U are very cute leh!

Singapore is so small and u are living somewhere in Redhill only, right? Not very far from east side what!!

U're very funny leh
hello mumies
I am back .. an uncle passed away in malacca so we went to attend his funeral. Initially thot of extending 1 day holiday in malacca but find it kinda boring so we drove up genting instead. Cool cool weather .. shiok

So next Sun JBG still on? 3pm?
Hello everyone!
Hope you're enjoying yr weekend!

Pisces Gal
Hey, S'pore can be small but w/o transport or when you bring a 1 yr old kid around, it can be "far" OK! hehe!

I was just wondering where you have been for the past few days... sorry about yr loss. but good to know you had a little holiday too. Is there any place for toddlers like Jboy in genting? I was there in Feb 08, but most of the entertainment were for bigger kids.

Mum@work, etc

Wonder where you guys are!
jboy was happy enuff juz roaming ard the place .. but we did bring him for the carousel ride & ferris wheel. There are also kiddy rides ard actually.
still around lah...
yday we so garang took Josh to NDP, but had to leave even before parade proper started. Rain and Josh was upset with the fact that he can't see anything. I had to carry him and stand up. Then the aunty behind me got upset. Aiya..so in the end, we just left... but we managed catch the planes which Josh absolutely loved!!

but on hindsight, think better not take them till they are abt 4-5..poor bugger cannot crawl/walk. must sit there the whole time..very boring for him...

sorry abt your loss. but seems like you 'earned' a short little holiday there.

wow, yea that's very "garang" alright! I'll never bring adam there till he's abit bigger. he won't be able to keep still! would be a torture for him, hehee. Good to know Josh loved the planes! Did he catch the fireworks too?

Adam loves planes - where we stay, a plane takes off every few minutes, and he'll point to the window and shout " Ayennnn" - I suppose that means aeroplane. hehe

If u live in the east, take him to explorer kid. Fun!

i saw in the explorerkid website, it's unlimited play whether or not its peak or off peak...
hi smalldreams, mummiesss
wow u missed me arh...heehee...
was MIA for awhile. Had been busy lately cos got sum family frenz came over. Last friday was a nightmare!!! bbK got scalded by soup!!! aiyo me so heartpain tat I teared. Haizzzz my maid leave bbK's soup on the coffee table and bbK grab the spoon frm the tray n the whole bowl flipped n scalded her left hand!!!! Nw her hand has recovered, waiting for the scalded skin to drop off...sobsob...
poor bbk, hope she recover soon.

oh is it great.

my boy had been falling quite offen n mil says he got wobbly legs. i'm a bit concern is he not getting enough nutrients (he still on partial bm).
wah...poor bbK! I read your post also feel heartpain. Why your maid go and put the soup there?! Must teach maid to be more careful and more aware of baby's safety. Luckily only kena the hand. I can't imagine if the soup kena more than just the hand!

i think BM is not the main nutrients provider here leh. You give KY more protein and calcium foods lor...also must let him practise walking more. I think the more they get to practise the better they'll be come right? But also dun push him too much lah..Josh still cannot walk independently. Even when we hold him he's still like got jelly legs...we just try to let him practise as much as we can, but if i see he stops or sits down then i won't push him anymore.
my ky is heong type lor, he still can't walk very well n he likes to 'run'. i tried giving him brown rice porridge n rice as my mil keep nagging that i never give him enough nutrients. my 2 friends advice was my boy still not good at balancing. yet got to give him time. i also dun like to push my boy too much cos i knew boys tents to slower than girls which i think MIL compared my boy against my niece (22 months old).
hehehe KY heong ah?! Sometimes Josh also is like that...boys lah..wat to do?

Older folks tend to compare one lah. my mum also always tell me abt this auntie that auntie's grandchildren like this and like that..all that kind of stories...i tell her "how you know pple not boasting?!" haha

dun worry too much lah. Just make sure KY gets a balanced diet and gets sufficient practice...and dun push him too much...sure in time our boys will run!! hahaha

Hope your baby gal is ok. Will it leaves a scar?

My class last Friday was cancelled coz teacher is sick leh!!

Are u interested to buy A5 blank flash cards to DIY yourself? I am thinking of getting leh ;p


Is the picnic at Jacob Ballas this Sunday still on? What food will all of u be bringing?

Wow! Like that u wasted your NDP tickets leh.

U are so lucky to get the NDP tickets. I thought the whole show will be cancelled coz of the rain
i brot jboy to the old explorer kids when he was only crawling. He loves to crawl after the bigger kids. I find the new explorer kids abit ex leh.

I brot jboy to 1 of the NDP NE rehearsal show few weeks back and he loves it too. Managed to sit thru' the whole show wif only a short 15mins nap in between. Actually i woke him up coz the fireworks starting soon .. hehe:p
Like what Smalldreams say, it’s really not as convenient as you think without personal transport…I mentioned to you before we dun own a car rite? Going to & fro to the Eastern end of Singapore will cost us like almost $40 taxi trip…and if the place is not frequented by cabbies and we need to on-call taxi, the bill is even higher. Plus so many ERPs and Peak hours charges some more now….

Oh dear…bbK must have got a great shock and cried badly….hope there won’t be any scar….with a baby around in the house, we must really be very extra careful about where we place our stuff and do every possible precaution to avoid accidents.

Genting for the 2nd time this year…heheh…Jordan boy got follow this time?

Went to Vivo on day of NDP (coz Cityhall is way to crowded!) with Jonas just to give a shot to try if we can catch fireworks but couldn't see any...well, too bad! Did Jordanboy like the fireworks?
What does your child do at home with caregiver? I find it so boring, that this age they are not going school yet. Basically is play, but my boy don't like play toys. Now he is playing with the pot mitt, the gloves type that used to hold hot stuff. He will insert both hands inside and play.
yes .. jboy went wif us tis time, his first oversea holiday. Last min went to buy him a pair of jeans n long sleeves tee at malacca, and off we go
Re the NDP, he watched everything, but everytime there are loud noises like the aeroplane, fireworks and even the part where the army platoon will fire the gunshot, he will cling very tighly to me while watching.

If you like fireworks, I think there's a firework show coming up soon.

my FIL also said the same .. nothing to do at hm. So I had register jboy for playgrp, but only starting next yr lah. Meanwhile, told my FIL to try reading to him etc .. but jboy dun like books

Hey dont worry too much...i guess babies will just play with anything & whatever, to boost their creativity. How about board books? Those small chunky ones? I saw at borders previously, books with wheels - so babies can turn them round and round. seemed fun, only $10.95 i think, but i didn't buy coz SIL just passed down to us many board books

Re: explorerkid
Ive never been to the old one. This one is about $8.50 per entry, unlimited play right? I tot it was alright coz fidgets, which is older also charges about $8...

Welcome back! Oh dear, heart pain hearing yr story... gotta tell the maid to be super extra careful next time. I guess she's still young so scarring may not be so bad right...just put some calendula cream, hope that would help too.

I envy you coz yr gal can actually watch something & stay still. Not my boy - always scuttling here & there to find something to disturb.
U sure make RIM and busybuddies sounds interesting...you should be a marketeer for them..hahah, juz joking.

Thanks for sharing, shall go to their event on this sat and hope my boy will enjoy.

Ya know...for the past one month on every sat at around 7pm, we can hear the planes rehearsing and zooming past the skies at our home...and Jonas was so afraid and cried each time. Signzz...during subsequent later weeks, when we know the planes are about to come, we quickly hug him and cover his ears and he was OK.

Oh yah....Did Jordan enjoyed his trip? How you manage to cook for him during the trip?
i hv quite alot of passed down books too. Board, fabrics, shiny ones, etc etc. jboy does 'read' them, but maybe for like 2mins:p I cant rmbr how much was explorer kids, but all I rmbr was the last time I see the price list, I was like 'wah so ex, dun tink bringing jboy there'.

yah .. jboy seems quite fascinated and keeps wanting to walk ard the place. I cook porridge for him, those Nestle instant porridge. I hv a travel cooker than I brot along.
i juz strap her in her hi chair to watch tv. also when reading books..she cannot crawl away..wahahahahaa

how was genting? hvnt been there in ages
same here. i cook those nestle instant porridge with mini slow cooker for javen when we went aust early tis yr. but i do bring along uncooked rice, grinded silver fish powder and microwaved dried vege along. mix together to make simple porridge for javen after letting him take the porridge for a few times cos find the instant one abit oily...scare he cant take it tat time cos he only 9 months old.

maybe planning to go after birth..prob in dec. drive up together with my bro n nieces. prob bringing the little one too. haben been there for quite some time liao

understand what u mean. cos though sg is rather small. but to travel to n fro with a toddler without a car is definitely quite troublesome unless u take a cab everytime which can be rather exp. dun say abt short trip la....prob short trip still manageable even with buses or MRT.

we may be at the jacob ballas early next sun or prob later depending on javen nap. not meeting u guys at a place.....prob i call you when we reach.
wonderbb/ cheezel
if u haven been to genting for years, u sure will notice the change. it's more family now wif the indoor theme parks, shopping, cinemas, shows etc. But our bbs will still be too small for some of the rides lah, so probably only see see look look for them. Also, somehow i find the weather not as cold as last time. .. dunno y (global warming?). For me, i find t-shirt is gd enuff now, unlike last time, i used to pack sweaters. But for jboy, i still get him to wear long sleeves juz in case.

Jacob ballas
is it tis wk or next wk? who's going?
just to let you know i have no deemed interest in grace kids hor...Just that i find their philosophy behind their programmes pretty good or quite aligned to what i believe in. And hence I've gone to their classes and found it quite good, i'll just tell you what i think. You'll probably have to go and try it out for yourself....but then you know, one trial is usually not enough to tell you whether your child likes the class...

ya..sort of like wasted but we kinda expect this would happen and would prefer not to let Josh suffer by forcing him to stay there. Also because Josh's bedtime is actually quite early like 7-8pm so by 5pm he's kinda fidgety.. we got tix cos of my hubby's company being one of the sponsors/partners for NDP.

RE: going around with tod.
i tell you gals, some taxi drivers are mean ok! i've so often meet these kinds who would just open the boot and sit inside the taxi. They expect you to still have hands to open the boot fully when you are already carrying your tod in one arm and the other with the stroller?!? Piangz! Everytime i meet these kinds, i show them black face and stand at the back of the car to wait. I'm the heck care type one and will make these taxi drivers come out and help open and close the boot.

as for MRT and bus, even if i dun take the stroller and carry Josh in a sling, i get stared at...aiyo, what is wrong with the people around here??
