(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

CoolD, nellu
Im worried bbK ddnt wanna brush her teeth cos I spotted 2 of her teeth got a bit of yellowish stain. (like when we ddnt brush teeth for a long time stain.) So wad I do I still use cotton ball n rub against her teeth and wash her tongue lor...

heng u read the thread, if not u realli will go ter 2day ar?

Hi Mummies
Really upset as I am typing this email now....Jonas temperature keeps shooting back up once the medicine effect wears off...worse still, he's having a runny nose and cough now...only drank 150ml of milk and NOTHING ELSE for whole of today.... guess it's quite likely we can come for the picnic tomolo...really sorry about it.

Actually Adam behaves rather well in the car seat when he's occupied & busy looking at trains. But sometimes when he is in a notty mood, he'll want out. Tsk tsk..most of the time I'll ignore his cries. But when cannot tahan anymore, I succumb & take him out. The moment he sees my finger about to press the release button, he keeps quite. Notty!

Yups, blur me would have gone...!

Oh dear...you were the main initiator... anyway nothing matters more than Jonas' health k? Hope he gets well soon. U take care too.
aiyoh hope that jonas is okie today..

Now Markus very nottie..he dun wan to drink milk..usually he will have 3 milk feeds each day..but the afternoon feed he keep refusing to drink...MIL says duno he wans to wean off milk is it..think I must buy some cheese to feed him..
sad to heard that jonas is sick, take care. give him lots of h2o. maybe we meet up at Jacob ballas next time after the vaccination period.

now sun is out, if you gals still wanna go to JBCG, you still can...

As for us, we may or may not go...Very tired from yday's long long day...
did u all get to meet up in the end?

i had 2 days off n energy flat liao after running after ky for the pass 2 days. i was telling hb that i felt terrible 2 seems to be coming....
hi mummies,
pity that we cant meet up today. was all ready to go when it started raining...ai ya...maybe next time. lucky , i havent buy the old chang kee...otherwise, have to eat all by myself...
Too bad for the rain...else am sure it'd have been quite fun, me & Adam meeting everyone for the first time...

So sgn, nope, we didn't get to meet :p

Tell us, what did KY do? Hehe. Is he notty enuff like Adam? Adam whacked his 3-yr old cousin who snatched a toy (her own toy!) she was holding.

Hey OCK stuff are yummy...wouldn't you mind having them all fo yrself? hehe..
thought some of you went ahead with the picnic. So all never go also?

I was totally shacked out with the activties on saturday and Javen keep sneezing throughout the night. think he catch a cold. then sun morn also. but by the time he wake up from his noon nap, his running nose stopped. thought wanna go but then it rained.

Jonas ok liao?

I have already marinated my chicken wings for everyone going for the picnic.

In the end, we have to eat half of them with cooked rice for our dinner yesterday. The other half for another day's dinner this week
! <font color="ff0000">Sigh!</font>

Hope to meet all of u one of these days again!
Pisces gal
thanks for the effort...sorry to hear that your dinner was the chicken wings meant for the mommies. Hope you didn't get an earful from hubby...

So who managed to make it for the gathering? Maybe we should plan an indoor one next time...at least it won't be subjected to weather mood swing.
can wean off milk? I always thot milk shld be in our kid's diet till maybe a few years old.

Hiaz, weather not cooperative yday hor .. Nvm, we arrange again another day

ya, thanks for the effort.

Jonas ok le mah?
Springdance &amp; Cheeze

Hope yr boys are alright by now... very stressful when babies are unwell ...and poor thing if they have blocked noses. It's a new week, hope it's good for the mums too.

My SIL had flu but came into contact with Adam. I loaded him up with Vit C the moment I heard she had flu, hehe. Hope Adam doesn't catch it. Both of us sneezed this morning, I felt quite nervous...

MommyPoh, Pisces_Gal
Nevermind, chicken wings are nice right? I think if I marinated lots of chicken wings for a BBQ then it got cancelled, I wouldn't mind, coz can just eat it myself, ehhe. Oops, am I sounding greedy...

Actually the weather was alright by 3, but guess since it's unpredictable, good also that it was cancelled.

Indoor outing? Hmmm, any ideas where this time round? Anyone been to Fidgets? But a bit far in the west...and also, very crowded for sure on weekends...
Small dreams,

I went downtown east for chalet on fri and went to the kidsexplorer. Didn’t go in cos a lot of kids runnning ard and its near javen dinner time so we just hang ard outside looking willmprob go one of the weekedays. Not too many kids. So end up we only try the mini ferris wheel and those play rides.

Also let javen had a full outside meal for dinner for the 1st time. Hehe. Cos dun want to prepare his dinner too early as we were out after his lunch to a fren's baby full month clelebration. My fren's little baby gal abt 8 mth old wanna me to carry her. Hehe…u know what…Javen cry out when he saw me carry her even though his daddy is carrying him and insist I carry him instead. And when my hubby carry the little ger, he frown n keep saying "no no no no"….n keep pointing at my hubby. So funny. Now wondering what will happen when my 2nd one come out. Wonder if he will get jealous anot.

Javen seems ok liao. but at night when he sleep, can hear his breathing quite loud. Like something in there…..but no running nose liao. apply cold rub on him also no use le.
wat source of vit C are u giving adam? Seems dat alot of pple r sick. gd to load them wif via C.

Btw, yday my side (PG) sky dark dark till abt 2.30pm, so i reckon picnic cxld and went to nap:p Woke up 5pm .. hehe.

Indoor ah .. abit restricted hor. anybody keen in swimming maybe?

Ohh...downtown east on a saturday is a No-no! Surely crowded. But am quite sure javen would enjoy himself there on a weekday

Hehe, well good practice for javen seeing you carry yr friend's baby... a friend of mine - her 1st one is abt 22 mths, and she just gave birth to another one. The boy seems to understan and asks to kiss his baby brother

I give him a small tsp of scotts emulsion about every other day. and his PD gave multivitamin - i think it's called pharmatonkiddy. can buy at pharmacy i think.

wow, nice long nap you had there! Bliss...!
Dear Mummies
Very apologetic for the picnic outing...really sorry about it....

Just to update ....suspect my boy is down with viral flu...his fever has been going up &amp; down every few hours, high at 39.5degrees...and he has gone almost foodless (except for around 100ml of milk per day and NOTHING else) nor taking in water (only a few squirts of water using the syringe or tea spoon when feeding him medicine) for the past 48 hours...been forcing medicine down his throat every few hours to push down the temperature (he struggle like mad each time and look so horrified after the ordeal)...think he lost like 300grams in just 2 days and I think the weight is going to plunge somemore (he was originally in the 30-40 percentile to start with)....feel very heartpain to see him like that.

Just brot him to see doctor for the THIRD time since last Thursday and did the blood test (he was wailing until his voice coarse)...waiting for the test results this afternoon.

By the way, I also have abit of sore throat and fever this morning (guess I got the virus)...quickly swallow down two panadols first thing in the morning...hopefully can "tahan"...
aiyoh..i hope its nothing serious...

cool daughter
possible for them to wean off milk now..cos I had a colleague..her son when younger oso wean off milk when he was 1yr+++..cos MIL was taking care of him..n MIL dun like milk, cheese etc..so the boy oso follow suit

sorry to hear Jonas is still struggling with the fever. Looks like it's not just due to the jab hor?

you better take good care of yourself. Load up on fluids and vit c!


wow, looks like you also had a full weekend like me. on sat, we went to go go bambini, cos some friends came back from UK and wanted to meet there so the kids can play and the adults can chat. In the evening, we went to Josh's godparents' 3yo gal's bday party. Stayed till close to 9pm...so tired the whole day. hmm..wat do you mean when you said Javen had his full outside meal for the first time?? He ate only outside food??

i agree with smalldreams. you should let Javen see you holding other kids more often so he'll slowly get used to it.

hahaha running aft the kid is not the main problem of the terrible twos. The dealing with tantrums is the one! Already we are experiencing quite a bit of that especially since Josh, by nature, is quite an assertive boy since young (ha! I think since the day he was born!!). He'll sure 'long' with you if you keep hovering around him. But if you leave him alone to play or to feed himself, he'll be happy to do it at least for a short period of time. Very difficult to manage him sometimes...
hope jonas gets well soon.
the previous time my girl has virus attack, also quite similar to jonas. We had to wake her up in the middle of the night for medicine. It lasted for 1.5 weeks of blocked and running nose and cough. the nose drop helps alot for blocked nose. for fever, maybe try to spoon him more water. milk will be difficult to suck now.
maybe you can let jonas try to feed himself. My girl wouldnt drink when we feed, when we let her feed/play with the water, she tends to drink more.
Hiaz.. FIL juz called me to say jboy fell down fm his activity table. Hit his forehead so now there's a big baluku and his mouth bleeding oso. Hiaz hiaz hiaz !!!
don't worry too much. Josh also fall and bit his lips many times. He'll cry for a few mins and then aft that, back to his old self again..like nothing has happened..
r u on leave? Poor jonas. I can imagine he must be feeling very terrible. Cry till no voice. The only time when Javen also “almost lost” his voice is when we were back fr aust. The weather is too hot and think he has sore throat and when his voice become very hoarse. Did the doc say anything? When will the blood test result out?

dun worry. Jboy will be fine. Javen also always fall. His upper eye lid there has a little scar which he get from a fall when he’s abt 13 mth old. 2mth plus liao n the scar still there. Haiz…PD says scar wont be so fast…will take some time. But I scare will leave a scar next time.

ya. I bought shredded chicken porridge for him. N plus BBQ food. Hehe. But dun dare to give too much cos oily.

Aww! Can feel yr pain man... last friday also, hubby dropped me at work first, then he dropped adam off at my parents'. adam tumbled head down on the floor. lucky no vomitting. i guess falling is just a part of growing up. can't protect them all the time... their skull also rather hard by now, not like the time they were newborns...to withstand all the bumping i guess!

how about getting fingers trapped in sliding doors? hehehe..adam already got one blue-black on his thumb. and we can't even remember where he got it from!

Btw i saw the video on yr blog. Hilarious!!


i do agree too...that if babies are getting enuff nutrients from elsewhere, dont have to take in so much milk... i also saw on the milk tin - 2 to 3 feeds a day. Not that much right

btw, off topic.
If you had a spoilt canon camera and it takes $250 to repair it, would you fork out the money or would u buy a new one? Yes cheezel, actually the day you saw me at Courts was the time i bot a new camera coz my old canon one spoilt due to adam's leaking magmag!
jboy also has a blue black on his finger and i hv absolutely no idea when or where he get it.

Haha, u saw it? :p Wanted to stop him but he angry, so in e end, we juz let him be.
Oh gosh, sori to hear tat Jonas is feeling real lousy. Hope Jonas recover soon. Meanwhile u oso hv to tk care of urself.

Smalldreams, CD
When got blueBlack, do u gals roll hard boiled egg over or juz let it be? smalldreams, for the scotts emulsion, tot the intake shd be 1tbsp for toddlers? Tats wad I gave bbK.

Glad to hear Javen is ok.

Falling ill:
Seems tat alot of pple are falling sick, wonder iszit due to the haze? I was hving a bad running nose since Thurs and hubby was down wif high fever on Fri....luckily bbK was not infected despite Im looking after her. Mummiesss out ter, do tk more fluids and tk care ya.
smalldreams/ nellu
ky keep running about n at times can be very bad temper when he was not allow to do or eat something. ai ya i also dun know how to explain. he can follow instruction like sayang baby mei mei. he also learn very fast, can say protect n zebra etc. sometime ky just want to breakfree when u try to carry him.

playing: ky likes to play with my niece but she tents to think that my boy is trying to take her toys (which toys belong to my boy) she would scream at my boy n made my boy cry then she will also cry make me very pai say n dun who i should sayang! wait ppl think that i side my boy but my boy did't do anything wrong by taking his own things. we always teach him to share share!

now repair cost more than just getting a new machine.

got take care of urself too, will pray for Jonas
all these things you described is VERY normal. Regarding KY's tantrums, you have to be very clear yourself what you allow and what you don't. If he throws a tantrum, try to distract him with something else. If he can't be consoled, try to be there with him as he cries. Aft a while, he'll stop. Josh is very very assertive and it's hard to control him. But these are the methods i used. so far still can diffuse the bombs..I personally feel that it is ok to let them express their emotions as this is a learning process, but it is also impt to let them learn that they don't always get what they want.

as for your niece and ky playing, pls ah dun feel paiseh abt the gal crying. At this age (i.e. 15mths), they won't understand how to share. How would you expect KY to know?? How old is your niece by the way? if she's older perhaps you can explain to her that her actions are upsetting KY?

We also face somewhat similar issues. My neighbour's 3yo gal likes to come over to see Josh. The both of them have sort of developed a friendship. Recently Josh has started to bring his toys to show her. But when she touches the toys, he gets upset. I had to explain to her that he doesn't know how to share yet so he'll be upset when she touches. It took me a while to get her to understand but it's worth the effort explaining it. But I don't bother that much with Josh yet cos i know he won't understand.
Javen also like tat. when he didnt get to do what he wan, he throw tanthrum. Now if you scold him, he will cry out loud loud. just like what happen last night when he throw his water bottle on the floor and my hubby scolded him. Somtime when i ask him to drink water, he will keep saying "no no" and frown at me and refuse to drink even when i told him he gets to eat his biscuit or do what he wans after one sip and he still refuse lo....n say "no no" n look at me like he very fustrated. he also like to break free from our hand when walking and like to run abt. only allow us to hold his hand when we told him if he wans to go out then he got to let us hold his hand...but sometime it doesnt work la. Now....these few days, he actually wanna us to carry him. think now he know how to walk quite stable he lazy liao, wan pple to carry him.

my niece also always no wanna share her toys with Javen. N he gets all upset cos me n hubby always teach him to share share. sometime when my niece snatch back the toys from him, i will told my niece to share share...but often it doesnt work. They're not my kids...so i leave the teaching and discplining to my bro. i just give Javen an alternative toys instead. sometime my niece also claim Javen's toys as hers....i just told her its Javen's and ask her to give back to him else i will tell javen to let Jiejie play play a while..n offer him an alternatives.

last nigth heard the national day rally speech. wonder when its going to implement. hope will be real soon so that apply to me......Pray Hard
yah loh...i also happy with the national rally...now, for the next one will have 4 months maternity leave...yipee.

my girl also has started to refuse bedtime milk again. So have to feed cereal. the last time this happened was when she had a blocked nose. but now, she is well and about, still doesnt want to drink...maybe the kids are exercising their 'rights' now.
new goodies announced at national rally no apply to me! :'( ... some more hubby is PR..walao...so sianz...

it's time the country also give SAHMs some recognition leh... *sob sob*
Nellu / Smalldreams / Sgn / Cool_D / Cheezel / Janet

The PD clinic finally called this morning (although they say they will call yesterday afternoon but didn’t… guess their service level not really good?) …results is negative on dengue so likely it’s the normal viral flu…good thing is that Jonas’s temperature is finally within control today and he’s starting to eat abit…but he still refuses water, juices and liquids…so body still a little warm and he didn’t pass motion for 2 days already. Hopefully he recovers fully by end of the week and start to take in water……..

I was working yesterday....and by the time I knock off, my fever has gone up to 38.8degrees! Saw the PD and get all the medications...flu tableets, antibiotics, cough syrup etc...luckily this morning feeling better and resting at home today... but I've got loads of work to clear in office so can't afford to take 2days of MC although GP advise me to...

Jordan is really active and daring as the Chinese saying goes "Chu Sheng Zhi Du Bu Pa Hu"...guess your poor caregiver really need to be extra alert and keep a close watch on him...must be tiring for them. So his "Baluku" subsided today yet? I guess it must be heartpain for you to see the "Bao"...Like me, Jonas hand is all blue-black coz the rough nurse took 2 tubes of his blood for test yesterday and she dripped some blood on the tissue....So angry with the clinic's service!

Cheezel / Sgn
I wish my boy likes to breakfree like your boys and run around! He keep wanting to be carried and now that he's not feeling well, it's even worse...even sleep alsoo wan to be carried refuse to lie on bed...signzzz....

Well... Govt's intention is to encourage mothers to return to workforce rather than be SAHM...then they can contribute to the country's productivity and economy (not just for their kid only)... to be honest, I find that many SAHMs nowadays are highly educated and a talent (just like yourself) and it's kinda wasted for these mothers that they will not be using their valuable experience and knowledge in work. But on the other hand, I also understand that this group of SAHMs choose to make the sacriface becoz they want to best groom their child in the modern way on themselves (not the traditional grandparents method) and accompany them through each &amp; every step (instead of leaving to a stranger at childcare) throughout in their early years..so it's a dilemma here....
ya, dats wat my FIL says .. relax for 1 minute, jboy oredi dunno climbing up where. Moreover my IL stays mansionette so there's stairs in the hse. Baluku still abit .. rub rub abit now his forehead 1 patch of blueblack.

wah, e nurse shld be more careful handling a bb mah. Usually if e needle poke correctly, shld not blueblack 1.
haiz..a lot of ppl sick lately..chloe also down with fever and cough since yesterday. temp yesterday was 38.7 degrees. today her temp is abt 38 degrees. fever keeps coming bck after 4-5 hours. her appetite is poor too coz of her fever. and she has hives on her legs and buttocks. how do we sponge them?

i'm using safety's 1st step 2 toothbrush but doesnt seem to be able to clean her 8 teeth. teeth looks stained too. should i chg to step 3? hv to clean her teeth and tongue with hanky but she hates it and it's very hard to get her to opem her mouth. how do you all do it?

Thanks for the update on Jonas. Hope he gets well real soon! And you take care too.

i know what the govt is trying to drive at. But quite frankly i think if they want to up the birth rates, the money, tax breaks and leaves are just not going to work. A lot has to do with mindset change, all through!

I am SAHM not by choice but by circumstances, in a way because I do not have reliable support. A lot of issues i had with my mil, then maid and my mum needed my immediate attention at that time. So in a way i had no choice but to tender my resignation to handle stuff.

Since handling everything for 5+mths, and now we've found a fairly reliable maid, I can only hope that my ex boss will take me back as he promised (wishful thinking only lah! now stock mkt so bad!) when I get Josh settled at childcare lor...

actually I've sort of decided already for #2 to be put in infantcare next time. My hubby and I did our sums and we really don't mind putting our kids at premium childcare places. At least you know that they are somewhat qualified, compared to nannies, babysitters and maids...our mums are just not the right people either, cos they have forgotten or rather, they really dunno (cos they were FTWMs) how to take care of babies!
nellu/ cheezel
my niece is 22 months old, she should know how to share share, even ky knows must share share he sometimes even give his toys to next door 3yr old girl. dun why only my niece maybe he think my niece is fighting for my MIL's attention!

ur boy is sick mah. they into their sick role, need TLC!!!

pray hard huh! hope 16 wks of ML will encourage more ppl to have babies.... shoik shoik dun feel like working too.
if i ever step into d workforce agn, i wld send both my kids to cc too. yes we wld prefer premium cc than maid. hope my ex-boss wld take me bk too (as he promised 4yrs ago woh... but i do visit him once a while, n he said 'cum bk wen u're ready').
i was fr a gd sector/industry w gd benefits, job n bosses. evy1 felt tat it was so 'ke xi' tat i had to leave my job n b a sahm. but many sahm frds hv been sharing w me tat it's all worth it.
yes i do agree but once a while wen i feel tat i needed a brk, i hv tots of gg bk to work.
ydy i wen to fetch ash fr cc n wen he saw me, he ran out fr his classrm, all excited n happy n shouted 'mummy....................' n gave me a big hug. his classmate's mum who came at d same tx saw n was so 'jealous' n told her boy, 'c, u never hug mummy wen u saw me'.
is d close bond loh, d most valuable reward i got.. evytx i ask ash who is no. 1 in his heart, the answer is confirmed, 'my mummy'!

gd to hear tat Jonas is better. viral fever (i hate it) is fairly common n fever can shoot real high but usually by 4th day, it shd subside. u mus take more water n some vit c, else mummy is alwy d next 1 to fall sick loh. poor thg. u take care
can undstd is so tiring to take care of a young child wen he/she is unwell. i alwy tell myself 'i cannot fall sick' cos my hb vy busy w work so even i sick, oso hv to 'tong'. somtx bo pian hv to sos my mum to help if i really sick n badly need to catch some slp.

my boy n girl are both down w runny nose too
erm..then your niece's education is quite a question hor..but some kids tend to be more aggressive than others. Very often you'll see such traits appear very early in their lives. perhaps what you say abt KY thinking that she's vying for your Mil's attention with him is true ba..

you've just said exactly what I wanted to say. I too had enjoyed the close bond with Josh and he very often likes to display his affection when we are outside.

in any case, i think Ash is a sweet kid. Saw him the other day when I popped into the cc again to look see..btw, how do you go to the cc? by bus ot by cab?
good that jonas is getting better. He should be on his way to recovery soon. some one said this to me before, 'input=output. Therefore if jonas didnt eat alot, unlikely for him to have much output. So dont worry so much that he didnt output for two days. After this ordeal, he will sure to eat more, body inner reaction to get back in shape.

Also must take care of yourself eh...so you can take care of jonas, also, dont want virus to keep on passing around in the family.

take care
agree with Janet. if he didnt eat much these few days..where got poo poo le. but at least his fever comes down. try to coax him to drink water. how abt juicy fruits ike watermelon if he refuse water, juices.

dun say ur niece is 22 mths old. my nieces r 4 yrs old and 2 yrs old. both also like tat. i believe is how u educate the kids when they did something wrong. if u find that ur kids r not sharing things...something need to be done. if u leave them as they r, soon, they will taught they can behave this way. initially its my elder niece who behave this way...not the younger sis follow how her sis did n say.
i use stage 2 pigeon toothbrush on Javen. he did allow us to brush. when he has 8 teeth....i switch to step 3 which is like mini toothbrush for baby. he allow us to brush his teeth for few days then rejected too. sometime when we demonstrated brushing to him he will follow but most of the times he will say "no no". now we have to use hanky to clean his teeth. i told him mommy inspect his teeth n ask him to show, n when he show me this teeth, i quickly cleaned, and make him laugh, so he will open his mouth and quickly clean individual tooth....
nellu/ cheezel
well her parents did teach her to say sorry to ky when she screamed at him, but cry badly MIL will find her very ke lian n sayang her more. maybe i feel jealous bah cos mil always wanted a granddaugther. always praise girls are so sweet n loveable.....
i tried to do the same with Josh but he's too smart for us...the moment the hanky or toothbrush comes near, he'll clamp up his mouth.

don't bother about MiL lah. KY got mama and papa good enough liao.

speaking of kids snatching toys and parents' reaction hor, share with you ladies one incident that happened in music class last fri.

we got one newbie boy last week. Halfway through the class, the newbie came and snatch Josh's pom pom away. Then my Josh also "gong gong" like that and just look at the boy. I think he wasn't bothered cos he was looking at something else. Then the newbie boy's mommy came and said to her son "that's not nice!" aft that, apologise to me 3 times. But never once make her son return the pom pom..

I looked at her and I wondered if she really thought sorry was enough. It definitely wasn't to me cos I think kids at this age won't understand wat sorry means. We have to make them do it instead of us just saying it for them...

yes i m sure josh enjoys bonding w mummy too. i hvnt seen josh for a while, is he walking on his own already? lets go imm one of these days.
my hb sends n fetches ash to n bk fr cc. oh u met him, did he misbehave :p
