(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

hey taro,
me also interested to go for the antenatal class leh.....my hubby working shift so he definitely cant accompany me attend every lesson one lo.......and its good to have some company for the class leh.....

Hi Cheezel,

I read the miscarriage support treads which you previously posted and got to know that you get pregg so fast.

I have my D&C done by Dr Adrian also, and he too mention that I can try after my 1st mens when he give me the green light yesterday but I am still a bit afraid that the next one will be the same as the first one.

On seeing that you are getting well on this pregg, I think i might consider trying again.

actually fr the time i knew i preggie till now, the fear is always there one lo. i dunno abt the others but having gone thru the process fr miscarrigae to D&C & mini confinement, though everything happens very fast, the stress/fear level is always there when u know that u r preggie...thoughts of baby not having heartbeat, or what if the heartbeat stop?.....its always there huanting u but every pregnancy is diff and there is nothing we can do but pray tat baby is ok. Even dr adrian also can see me n hubby quite stress up and he always assure us that baby is doing fine now and previous miscarriage does not come into the picture for this pregnancy and told us not to worry.

I guess u never try u never know........
I always tell myself Tomor Will be A Better Day.

Wish You Luck!! *Lots of baby dust*
Hi gals,

I think you can remove my name from the preggy list liao, cos my bb is not growing and doc had advised to terminate the pregnancy.
I went for my gynae appt yesterday and did a scan. The scan showed that the bb is not growing and the heartbeat, which was present in last week's scanning, was missing. The bb only measured 4.8mm compared to 4.4mm last week. In normal cases, it shld have grown to 8mm or 9mm.

I went for the abortion this morning, and i've just got home a few hrs ago.

Hiaz .... guess it's our fate that this bb dun want to follow us
pegsfur, don dwell too much into it. Have a mini confinement and build up your health. Be strong and take care.
hi pegsfur,

take your time to grieve...but you must also move on...build up your body again. There will be lots more opportunity for many future babies to come your way I am sure.

be strong gal..
Hi Ladies

Had been reading this thread for a while.. me just went for my 1st scan this morning..now I am 8W1D...bb is measuring 1.5cm..nearly teared when I heard the heartbeat..previously I had a chemical pregnancy..so was a bit worried for this one..was so glad when doc say everything is doing fine..
hi ladies
I went for my 2nd visit this morning, i can c bb heartbeat, dr tham shows me on screen the blinking white dot...very happy lor...
... I finally can tell my family and colleagues about my pregnancy, since i only tend to disclose this news after i see bb hearbeat.

bb measure 0.90cm at 7w0d, EDD: 26 May 07. It is very close to the internet website estimation..:p... Dr Tham says the pregnancy is doing fine and I will visit him again in 3 wks time.

take care everyone... hope those who have MS recover very soon.
im also interested antenatal class leh. Since our hubbies are working shift, i think we will be great companions together with other gals here. Do update me regarding the antenatal class.

sorry to hear that... must be strong k.
hi there, just checking if it is safe to do facial or body massage when preggie? any advice? i just found out that i am abt 6 or 7 weeks preggie from last mense.
Hi there to those who are worrying abt bb development... you're not alone. I'm too even thou I'm into my 11th week. I'm always a person who wants to be prepared n in control of everything, so this isn't ez... So I know how it feels...

I'm also worried abt the slightest thing like whether bb growing fine (cos last gynae visit Wk 8), why there're cramps at times, whenever I sneeze is thr any prob, is it fine to crave for coke, etc and worst is everybody's symptons are diff, cos u got no one std SOP to be assured... but keep telling myself to be strong.

1) if u hv a religion, just keep doing prayers, cos it may keep you be more optimistic;
2) talk to your husband openly, he can share your burden thou he knows he can't help either, but at least u can assurance;
3) talk to your gynae and trust him/her, cos if he/she's worried for u right from your 1st visit, he/she cld hv already detect some minor details like bb growing smaller than normal; &
4) if it really happens, then tell urself it's not meant to be and take time to move on.

I've frens whom after miscarriage & with good mini confinement got pregnant within 2 mths... but most importantly, don't hurry, just relax...

I'm still worried abt all the small stuffs thou, but whenever my hubby reassures me that we're in this together, it really keeps me going...
Morning ladies,

how are u all? im getting worried for my bb- usually i wake up very late in the morning, feeling tire and have morning sickness but today i woke up extremely early,cant get back to sleep, i feel normal(no more morning sickness) and had very good appetite, like those days b4 pregnancy... im now worrying for my bb alot.

i called up my gynae just now and he told me to go down for a scanning tomorrow. Pray hard bb is safe and healthy.

Yesterday,I went for my first gynae check and i'm into 7 weeks of pregnancy and my gynae pointed to me bb's heartbeat...very excited about it too.

can i ask normally which week of our pregnacy do we join the antenatal class at TMC?

i only asked about the first born incentive programme, my gynae says if i joined the first born incentive programme membership i will have discounts on the oscar test, not sure whether the membership has discount on the antenatal class too?

oh yah by the way, recently channel 8 has been advertising on this talk, it seems useful for us.

its about Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pregnancy talk

morning ladies,
how is everyone feeling today?
i am not that good. i felt like vomitting but i swallow back the vomit when it reaches my throat. so gross.
Morning ezann/mommies,

I know exactly what u mean on the vomit part. I'm always like that too and its damn disgusting. Esp after dinner, like last nite I ate mincemeat mushroom noodle dry....and half an hr later I just vomit out the dinner. Yucks.....
Anyway, as usual, I woke up at 4plus am this morning and lie on the bed till 7am. Den gotta force myself up to go to work. I really really wish I don't have to work.

Btw, any mommies know when should we be doing those blood tests or triple test??
Morning ezann/mommies,
I am feeling like you. I don't feel good today as well. Just ate sweets to curb my nausea and drank honey with lemon. 5 Minutes ago, all vommitted out. GROSS

Hi Ice,
What sort of job are you doing? Sitting or standing entire day?
hi bblim,
yup yup, i remember u


hi pegsfur,
take good care of yourself, build up ur body, i believe, pretty soon, u'll get good news again. *hugs*

precious moments,
i think not too worry, maybe our body has already get used to the hormones changes, thats why the symptom are not so bad as before?
i used to sleep everyday @8pm when 5wk~7wk pg, but since last sat, i can sleep @11pm, wake up @6am, without feeling as tired as before, and the nausea feeling has faded off.... i think maybe because our body has get used to the changes...
Hi gal,

I am deskbound. But staring at the computer whole day long. I gets very tired staring at the computer. And theres alot of stress in my job.

Hi Karen,

Which week are you in now? So good that your nausea feeling has faded....I am into my 11 week now but still vomitting badly. Sigh....wonder when my body will get used to the changes.
Hi Ice,
I am like you, staring at the computer everyday. VERY TIRING. Can you always get up and chit chat with anyone? Walking around? I heard staring too long is no good for preggie ladies : not much movement and exercise. Stiff joints.
pls take care, don't think too much.

precious moment,
i understand how u feel. actually, everyone is worry about the same thing for the first 3 months.

i think it depends on individual... i continue to feel sleepy everyday, and one thing, last time i like to drink water very much. but for now, i prefer the beverage with strong taste, eg: milo.
here's some old folks sayings...
these applies to those having no2 and above. :p
1)my mum says, to know no2 is boy or girl, look @ the elder siblings, if the elder siblings has a boyish looks from baby, the next 1 will be boy, if girlish looks, will be girl.
my sister no1 looks boyish when baby, and her no2 is boy. my mum says, my son look girlish, so she predict my no2 is girl. :p

2)heard this from my aunty. she mentioned that, to know is the next siblings is boy or girl, look at the nipple of the elder siblings.
her daughter-in-law gave birth to a girl as no1, when her DIL pg with no2, my aunty told her that her no2 will also be girl cos no1 nipple is inverted. and true enough, her DIL gave birth to a girl again. her DIL don't believe, and when she saw that her no2 also has inverted nipple, she go ahead and try cos she wants to prove her MIL(my aunty) wrong. who knows, her no3 also girl... when her DIL saw her no3 nipple also inverted, she dare not try liao.

my sister no1 has pointed nipple, her no2 is boy.
this saying, don't think can applies to me, cause my son has 1 pointed nipple and 1 inverted nipple. *LOL*
hi mich...
yah... same kind of feeling. gg into 11 weeks this wed but then can't help but feel paranoid abt the whole process. can't wait for the appt on thurs to check and gynae ensure me that bb is growing fine. Been craving for coke and taking it moderately. Max is 1 glass/can a day to release the gas and so on. No ms and no appetite but putting on weight and bloated. Heartburn and food seemed stuck at the chest area. Paranoid cos some say no ms no good. haiz
karen koh,
i heard another saying from his cousin yesterday who is also preggy.

she say mum will be prettier if bb is girl
and mum not so nice when bb is boy
Hi Ice Queen (icy_queen),

My gyane only told me that for oscar test to test for down syndrome is normally done on the 12th week and its 90% accurate but cost about 300

and the triple test also test for down syndrome cost about 100 plus but only 70% accurate and can only be done on the 16th week i think

so take either test only.

but best to ask your gynae to confirm
i've heard of the 1st saying. haha..i will go and check my girl's nipple tonight.
don noe how accurate hor.
Does any of you suffer from gastric? i have always been suffering from indigestion and gastritis since a teenager.

After breakfast on friday, i took a glass of cold fruit juice. Attack was immediate. suffered the whole weekend...today still feel weak.

everytime after a meal, the gastric just get worst and I can't eat the normal gastric med as i was told they can't be taken during pregnancy... feel like dying... today working from home. think tmr will have to take another day of mc..

makes me worried all the acid in my stomach... will it affect the womb?
I have a lot of wind in the stomach and my gynae gave me antacid for gastric/wind. Think it's safe. Check with your gynae.
hi taro,

what's the name of the antacid. I was told by GP that mylanta and gaviscon are ok but both does not have any effect on me... think my gastric is pretty severe case kind...
lovedogs, taro,
i am bloating too, u need to avoid those gassy stuffs, banana and etc. don't take cold drink if you have gastric. i didn't take any medicine....
Hi gals,

I'm new to this thread. Was previously from support group for endo/fibroids thread.

I'm finally pregnant. Currently at 7w 4d. Just went for my 2nd scan on Sat. Can hear and see bb's heartbeat but bb only measured 7.8mm which my gynae said abt 1 week behind. This really worries me a lot....Dr say must see him again in 3 wks time to check bb's growth. Hope everything is going to be ok...

I have frens who told me that no MS is not good. Why is that so? Anybody know why? I'm a bit worried cos I dun have any MS leh...only no appetite...
Hi Lovedogs,
I do have the same problem. Taking mylanta now. Was told that we are allowed to take like 8 tablets max a day but I dare not. Take like 1/2 a day only. It does improve my situation.

How many tablets you take a day?
hi Bridget,

for me, gastric pain is an old problem. doubt it is due to pregnancy. Just that now i can't take a lot of my normal medication for gastric....

hi Sherl75

congrats! i am not suffering from MS too. but my appetite is as per normal or better than prior to pregnancy. My gynae just said that I am very lucky to be not suffering from MS. My gf who has a 3-mth old healthy son now did not suffer from MS too. so i guess it really depends on individual body's reaction...

but u shd return in 3 weeks as per advised. during my last check up, i was also 7wk4D... bb was measuring 1.29cm.

take care yah
i have the same problem as well. my gynae also prescribed me mylanta. it helps to relieve my condition although my stomach still bloats and i kept burping and farting.

urs is tablets? mine is solution kind.

welcome and congrats!
lovedogs & ezann
Thanks for the warmth welcome.

ur bb measured 1.29cm....wow...I'll definitely go and see my gynae in 3 wks just to make sure my bb is growing...
At least now I'm more relieved that not everyone will get ms....
Hi Ezann,
There are two kinds available and I bought the tablet one. I scare the liquid is terrible is taste.
