(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

hi lovedogs,

oh del monte bananas "too cooling", but if u really like bananas u can take those short bananas instead but definitely not the long bananas....for me, i skipped all bananas as i dun really like those short bananas heee :p

hi gal (yoji),

my colleague told me before that if u feel like vomiting, have those packets of plain crackers with u all the time, so when u feel like vomiting, or uncomfortable take 1 piece of plain crackers....it helps for her. I will always have a packet of plain crackers with me in case i feel hungry all of the sudden

my mom told me to take sour plums if i feel nausea but till now i only took plain crackers

hi Bridget,

oh i dunno nasi lemak cannot take..i still take :p oops....but i think some coconut in nasi lemak is okay

i have been having ms for around 3 weeks. i should be 8 weeks now. still another month to go before i get into 2nd trimester. during my 1st pregnancy, i continued to have ms in 2nd trimester. the ms only eased off towards the end of 2nd trimester.
Hi Ezann,
Oh goodness, that is a bad news.. MS can contiune until 2nd trimester. I was thinking like you, another montht o go. aiiiiii .

Hi knottsy,
I am always wondering if nausea is associated with hunger. Now I am quite blur, don't know if stomach is hungry or bloated or FULL cause after all those vommitting, feeling of stomach gone haywired. Always fear to eat just in case vomit again.

Hi Tami,
Mind me asking if you crave or always see SWEET stuff. I was told this is the reason for active babies. Don't know true or not?
I think your heart melts the moment you see your baby dancing. VERY nice..
Bridget, oic. will try to stay off. so that means laksa and curry also no no.

anyway, for those who are having breakouts, i am using an origin product to control the pimples. getting better now and almost all subside. i supposed origins used all natural ingredients so should be ok
hi gal (yoji),

hmm i think maybe u can try 1 piece of plain cracker when u feel nausea? see if helps?
sigh for the baby sake, we have to eat

oh? laksa also cannot? i only know dun eat the "cockles" as its raw
Hi Knottsy,
Yes. I am planning to eat those plain cracker.. Eat and see if it works. Keep you updated. Thanks.

yeah laska cannot as cockles are raw. Harmful for baby
Hi Knottsy , laksa contained coconut milk u know ?
coconut milk can upset stomach . i think it is ok to take it if u hv cravings lah , but try to avoid if possible.
hi gal (yoji) and caicai,

ok thanks
i think i better dun take laksa...actually i have more cravings on chicken rice heee
i think almost every week lunch, i will eat chicken rice once.....dunno okay anot....

the food i see in hawker centre or food court dun seems appetising to me even though i hungry
Thks! I think my bb is about 7 weeks to 8 weeks old already. Been having morning sickness with vomitting. Terrible terrible! As compared, my 1st pregnancy is easier. Just occasionally heartburn and nauseous without vomit and I can eat very well too. I gained 26kg in total! But now....I would love to eat but dread the feeling after food.
welcome Happy Mum....7 to 8 wks liao? Try to eat some cracker or biscuit to curb the MS?

I just had laksa too, cannot control....have been craving for it but din know it's becos of coconut, i thought so long I dun take cockles should be fine. Thanks for your advice.

I am using the Kose Shikisei (whitening products). I wonder if it will affect the baby....read somewhere that whitening products not good.....

SO good, 9 weeks can see the baby moving....cool! It's so amazing right. I almost teared when I saw my baby's hearbeat.....
hi happy mum , free to join the rest here , the girls are very frenly . i am also not fm this thread , just kaypohing ard and sharing my tots.
i am 12 weeks now , but still experiencing MS . no apetite to take rice for meals , after the puking , dread rice. for my case , esp aft i took nasi lemak , the after taste is very yucky , i guess coconut milk is the culprit lor.
hi happy mum,

congrats and welcome

hi tami,

so cute...your bb week9 moving liao..this is amazing isn't it ...heehee... my next check up will be week 12... wonder what to expect at week 12.

hello caicai, can share what will we see at week 12?

thanks for reminding me abt the book.. i better go check it out
yes, yes i know what you mean. The after vomit taste in the mouth is really unbearable. So now I try not to eat too much at one go. But I will get hungry very easily and of cos not very nice in the office cos everyone will be looking.

My MS is so bad that I dont have mood to play with my older baby. I feel so bad.
Hey mommies,

Ask you all, did your gynae gave you a few days mc due to ms/vomit? I am thinking I really wanna have a week good rest after so many weeks of vomitting. But not sure if the gynae will give me 1 week mc cos of vomit.
Hi Happymum,

You asked for the mc or the doc just gave u? The last time I complain to my doc I have bad vomitting, he just gave me some med. No MC though. Wondering if I shd ask him for the MC the next time I see him?
hello ladies!! Back fr my parent's place. was given anoter week of MC....me have been resting for almost 2 weeks liao......

Wow!! we have so many newbies here recently!

my bb is now abt 9W3D ...measure at 2.73cm. The baby keep moving...so cute.....can see the head, body, legs and hands...

my nausea not so bad now....been feeling more ok now...but more hungry often..hopefully after 1st trimester, will feel better.

i also got the book "What to Expect when you are Expecting". got it fr popular.....quite diff to find...i went to 2 popular b4 i found it.

think laksa can eat ba.....just eat in moderation will do.....just dun put in cockles will do.
what happened to u? Hope you are fine.....How come got another 1 wk MC? I am on 1 wk MC as well, but feel bad as there are so much work to do. Tot of going bk to work.....

U are already 9wks....that's fast....I am still in my 6 wks going on to 7...so cute, can see the head, body etc....did u keep the scan? I am thinking of putting the scan together in a album, wonder if there is any better way to keep the scans?

I saw the book when I was 4weeks, I tot I wont read it as the wordings r too small....but after hearing so much raves abt the book, I wan to get one to read since on MC oso nothing much to do....
suppose to go back work on mon. then last sunday evening, i bleed quite abit all of sudden. so scare at the sight of the blood....quickly call my gynae n meet him at TMC to scan. baby is ok...very active with good heartbeat.....so was given another week to rest.

ya i keep all the scan printouts....will put them into a album and also will scan into the PC. not sure if the scans will fade off as time past....wonder those stick type album will do te trick anot....

The book not bad...i practically finish the whole book...now once in a while will take out and flip to the month i m in to see the bb development.
hmmm....saw a few postings on ribena....i just drank a glass of cold ribena.....my hubby bought a bottle for me to mix....saw o the label that its suitale for preggie ladies.....so should be ok ba.
mine at 12 weeks . can see the head, fingers , legs . baby was sleeping when we did the NT scan yesterday. so we disturbed it by knocking on my tummy. so it woke up , moved its arms and touched its feet . sucked its finger. den i disturb it further by turning my body. it got mad , flip over and show me the buttocks, in the end i dunno the gender.
The scan at week 12 is for neural tube defects. There is another scan around week 20 - that one you'll find out the gender :)
hi all mothers,

i think the doc will evaluate your condition before deciding how long MC to give. If really need addition rest then by all means ask for it. what's more important is the baby. i have lots of work waiting to complete but luckily i have a supportive group of team members who are all chipping in to help at this critical time.

Laksa and ribena is ok. I took a lot during my 1st pregnancy and my bb cums out fine. as long as you have good appetite, eat whatever you want. i heard from others that if you control your cravings, the bb will drool a lot or become very greedy when its born. haha dun noe how true. Anyway, just eat moderately loh.
u hv to rest more....my gynae asked me to rest n not walk too much....so we better be good gals....
wat do u do at home? i sleep, eat n watch tv only....a bit sian...

I oso think those sticky type album may damage the scan....

me actually did rest leh...me at my parent's place like queen like tat...even pouring of a glass of water my mom also help me....just dunno y bleed lo...even gynae also no ans.....say nobody know the cause for spotting and bleeding.

me at hm also eat n sleep n watch tv n surf net....nowaday i watch DVD n VCD also...kindda bored but what to do.
hello caicai,

thanks for sharing what to expect at week 12...heehee...i can't wait for my next appt then

Hello Ice Queen,

The last visit to Dr Chan, I just asked him for 1 day mc so i can rest. Me no MS at all.. but just tell him u feel like resting. U can tell him that the MS is causing you lots of discomfort at work..I am sure if you ask, he will give you the mc... Must ask..
If not from gynae, GPs will also give mc

Since now i am preggie, i hate my job even more and the thought of going to work really depresses me.. i wish i can keng 1, 2 weeks mc too... heehee...
hi cheezel,

oh 9w can already see bb's arms, head etc? i tot only on 12w then can see....

my next appt will be on the 10week..but ..end oct..very excited

just wondering did u take a lot of cooling stuffs? or any chinese herbs etc? my family doc only advised me not to take any chinese herbs for the 1st trimester. then my mom told me not to take too much cooling stuff.......so i think best to moderate

hi caicai,

the way u describe ur baby is very cute.....hehehe
y not just tell ur gynae tat u wan to rest for a week or 2 ...i'm sure he can give u ba.....my gynae told me he has some patient who requested to rest for whole trimester just to play safe.

we saw the baby's legs and hands at wk 8....gynae say by week 10, the toe and fingers should form liao.

no leh....i didnt take any cooling stuff or herbs.....ya i heard 1st trimester better avoid herbs.
hi all , my test at 12 weeks is called Nuchal Translucency test . check the nasal bone / nucal fold for down syndrome . it is not a compulsory test , but it is pretty accurate 80% . detailed scan is at 20 weeks ...
my next appt also on end of oct...wait until neck long. just hope that everything going smoothly. i've a colleague cannot wait to see the progress, so everytime, she goes 1 week earlier then the appt date.

no worry. my aunty also having spotting last time, my cousin is 19 years old now...
morning ladies!

my spotting actually did stop for a week then all of sudden bleeding occurs lo.....so very worried. luckily bb is ok.
Morning ladies, how's everyone?

Im 8 weeks 5 days now. Baby measures 1.88cm. I can also see my bb little hands and feet.

MS seems getting better for me, no more vomitting but feels giddy at certain times of the day and tire easily. Appeitite also improved. Hopefully it will be gone soon and regain energy to do maternity shopping.

I ate lots of fish during this period and drink Ribena almost everyday. Seems that i love Ribena now. Opps i took laksa with cockles, didnt know that cockles are harmful to the bb. I wont eat laksa from now cos whenever i have laksa, i make sure there must have cockles in it else i won't want to eat it.

Cheezel & Tami,
so envy both of you...can rest at home for a week. Nowadays i took Mcs, my boss seems unhappy. I dun care to take much MCs, dread working now,feel like quiting my job.
precious moment,

dun worry. u dun eat laksa with cockles everyday right? hehe.....just make sure no cockles next time. remember anything not totally cooked, dun take.
I am here....hee hee. too bored. first thing woke up is to surf the thread....nothing much to do....
I just made ribena too somehow feel that the taste bud is tasteless....anyone got this feeling? yesterday nite, woke up at 3am and could not sleep liao...hungry...drank milo and ate bread then suddenly felt nauseous...i dun experience MS at all....maybe it's coming....
i went to see gynae on Mon, same day as you....heehee! Thinking smth happened to my bb, luckily bb is fine. I was given homorne pills too.

Enjoy ur Ribena, i just finished mine this morning. Ribena is good, Vit C! Ya,thread is quiet today.

Morning Blueblue,
sometimes i also feel my taste bud is tasteless then got this 'metallic' taste...now mine is improving a bit. How many weeks preggie are you?
i also woke up at 3 am last night....go toilet then after that seems like cannot sleep liao...toss here and there then finally doze off.

lunch time soon.......hubby cooking mee sua for me....hehehe.....dunno y keep thinking of mee sua since yesterday. LIVE LIKE A QUEEN!!! Yeah!
Hi Precious moments, Blueblue and Cheezel, are you all on mc today? I am so bored too.

My tongue also feel tasteless and makes my appetite not good. Just had INDO MEE today. I slept so much that now I have backache.
hi Bridget,

sigh yah loh, my next appt still have to wait for another 2 weeks...everyday i keep wondering how's the bb inside doing....sometimes can feel small pain i am relieved as at least i know my uterus expanding i think but sometimes when i look at my stomach it looks very normal....not much changes at all......

hi cheezel,

must rest well..1st trimester crucial period...dun do any strenuous housework etc ....last week i went to shop with my mom...after a few hours....i started to have backache...now i becoming more and more lazy....whenever i feel bloated i went to sleep
, dun feel like doing anything

yah, i do not even dare eat those sushi that are cooked becos sushi prepared by hand so i scared got bacteria.......got one time i bought those supermarket sushi from raffles city and the next day i got diarrhea

sigh...i missed sushi.......

haha...i agree with you, cheezel. my hubby is cutting my nails for me every week, as my mil said i cannot use scissor woh ... so, grabs the opportunity!

very jealous to those who have mc"s". so far, i only have mc a day on my visit.

happy mum,
i also want to have indo mee, hubby disallow me to have it...
