(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

Hi Gal and Ezann

I have tried both types. Now i have the liquid kind. Me used to the taste. been taking it for so many years...hence, i am immune to it loh

when i get the gastric attack, my back will ache like hell as well...

Hi Sherl75,

I am sure your bb will grow. must remember to eat normally ok...

congrats. perhaps you have late ovulation?

the bloating cause me unable to wear some of my skirts....the tummy is so obvious. my colleagues start suspecting since i am getting fat and wearing slipper.
same here! my back was aching so badly when i had an attack last week.

i cannot wear my pants at all. i only wear skirts now and only can zip up halfway. luckily i have a lot of skirts that auto locks (will not unzip on its own).
hi briget,

same here too....right now all my skirts and pants i have to zip down some in order to fit into it.......i realised that pants or skirts with zips at the side have "auto locks) which will not zip down on its own. but those zips in the middle will zip down automatically
lovedogs, I think I was given Actal, the most common one available in parmacy.Took only twice as I think it does not help with my bloating and burping of gas lor.
hi ezann, taro and bridget,

think i will go to see GP tmr to get something else...

its so sad...but now i am craving for Boon Tong Kee chicken rice...sob sob....gastric how to eat
morning mummies,
how is everyone feeling today?
i felt better today although still vomited some water just now. i also have some motion sickness after my bus ride to work.

what medicine did gp give u? falling sick while preggie very cham because a lot of medicine cannot take. during my last pregnancy, i avoided medication when sick and let my body recover on its own. this round, i just take whatever medicine that gynae gives. i also took the medicine for nausea and giddiness although i know ms is good. i realise it helps me to sleep better at night so i have been taking it every night now.

hey, i also like boon tong kee chicken rice leh. yum yum!!! heehee.. when i had gastric attack last week, i also ate chicken rice but hb told the stallholder to use normal white rice so that it's less oily.

yar hor, now then i realise those zips in the middle will unzip on its own.
Morning ezann/mommies....

Me not feeling good at all. But no choice gotta get up and go to work. Ezann, your doc gave you med for MS? I was eating the stop vomit med Maxaflon but have no use at all. In fact got worse, so I stop the med. Now MS/vomit still not cure. I am gng to see my gynae this sat. Am gng to pour my miseary to him.
Morning mummies...
guess i am one of the lucky few w/o ms but i got heartburn though. Been taking coke but max 1can a day. can burp la. feel so much better but then guilt set in after that.
Good Morning
How's everyone doing? I hv flu and sore throat think I got to see GP today. Called my gynae she said can see GP for normal illness.

Boon Tong Kee, my favorite food. I oso got craving for it.....
now oso got craving for steak....ha ha, too much not good I heard.

Anyone into 6/7 weeks? I hv been looking at maternity clothes on and off, in case hv nice ones, I can buy...so far no harvest. And also my tummy haven shown yet..anyone already got slight tummy liao?

Sheryl75 - CONGRATS! Take care! Ur baby at 7wk4d measures 7.8mm seems ok to me leh...how do we know the size at that wk?
mine at 6wk yest measures 4mm....strange, baby actually grow very fast as the week goes by? from 6wk to 7wk can increase by few mm? hee hee, my gynae said it's growing well..so happy.
can detect the heartbeat yest...pumping really fast......she amplified the sound for hubby and I to hear....hee hee
ice queen,
the med for ms will cause drowiness so i don take it in the day when i have ms. so i am still suffering.
bear with it, u r coming to the end of 1st trimester!

lucky gal but as u noe, too much coke no good leh. i have a friend who craves for coke and towards the end of pregnancy, she got gestational diabetes.

hahaha.. i also like steak! the key point is eat in moderation. anything too much also not good one. i got slight tummy already and increased weight. trying to control because too rapid weight gain is no good but i have to keep eating to curb the nausea.
ezann, knottsy,
yeah...i think i have to start purchasing the maternity bottom after my next appt (around 11 wks). if not, sit also uncomfortable.

i think chic rice ok lah...

small one usually will grow 1mm everyday, this is the teory before 11-12wks. after that, it depends on the individual. i suggest u to take more water and vitamin c to curb your flu.
Hi morning mummies,

can i ask if can use perfume? As the perfume got alchohol content......

my gynae also did mention that temporary diabetes or high blood pressure will happen during 3rd trimester when the baby is big already and our body digest more slowly...so i think when nearing 3rd trimester we may need to cut down on sugar stuff.....
hi all
today feeling okie... just tired... no nausea feeling (finger crossed) :p

my tummy already starts showing since 2wks ago (maybe because i'm fat to starts with) and this is my no2, heard others mentioned that, no2 and above, will shows earlier.
I've been wearing those elastic waistband pants to work, i feel comfortable in it.
My hubby has already got my old maternity wear ready, think i'll starts wearing when i'm into my 12wks(currently going to 8wks)

i'm kinda pissed by my HR executive.
i thot that i should inform her as she's in HR, so i inform her about my pregnancy last wk and told her to keep to herself as i prefer to wait till i'm 3mths then i'll let others knows. and who knows, since yesterday, the whole office knows liao! *angry*

now, my dept that 'mad dog' is trying hard to persuade the new dept manager to increase my workload! to let me do something not within my jobscope. isn't he a id*ot???? he's wife also pg b4, and yet this is how he treat a female subordinate? i damn angry and pissed now!
Hi ladies,
I just weigh myself and realised tt I've lost 2kg. Must be due to all the vomiting and loss of appetite.
I'll be seeing my gynae this evening and he say can estimate my EDD if everything goes well. I really hope tt my little one is growing well then all my sufferings will be worth it. I should be coming to 10 weeks liao. Hopefully the ms will subside very soon.

Jesmine, I also like gassy drinks but i try not to take coke cos of the caffine..I've switched to sprite and kikapo but the sugar content is high so i try not to drink too much..but sometimes really cannot help it. I also realised that I've begin to like sweet things and I heard that craving for sweet things when pregnant will give birth to gal and sour things will give birth to boy. Dunno how true it is..
Hi Karen,

Cool down. Don't bother abt your boss. Let him do what he wants. Just do what you can. I din inform my HR at all leh. Cos dunnoe who to inform also. haha....bo chup, as long as I inform my boss can liao. Think my boss starting to look for back up liao....I got too many project on hand.

Can anybody advise if I can drink ginger tea? THose indian kind like teh terik? Cos I got the urge to drink. But not sure if I can drink it.
Hi Ice Queen,
I think you can drink the ginger tea. But take in moderate. What i experienced from my first pregnancy and now the second one is if you have craving over some food, just take them moderately. You should be fine. For my case, i have this craving for china pear. But my sister in-law told me that bb will have discharge at the eyes if we eat the pear during pregnancy. But i am craving for the fruit, so what i do is i just eat a piece a day. At least this makes me feel happy. And i wont feel vomit after eating the pear.
Hi gal,
Yes this is my first baby....that's why so paranoid...hee hee

Hi lovedogs,
Thanks, I'm eating like before but more frequently and smaller meals as I have lower appetite and get full and indigestion easily. That's why I brought some biscuits to work...in case hungry...

Hi bridget,
I did BBT as well as OPK leh...ovulation were not late....strange...

Hi blueblue,
Dunno leh, my gynae says so...Then I went to the internet to check and it's true...Usually at 7W the bb shd measure abt or more than 9mm...
I can hear BB's heart beat too but quite faint lor...
Hi mommies,
At the moment everybody seems to be growing...me too...can feel my butt getting bigger liao...hopefully I can still wear my normal clothes till 12W. Went window shopping for maternity clothes...but so far all not nice leh... I was thinking maybe can buy some loose or stretchable, or even babydoll tops...Saw TopShop carry maternity wear but all very huge...I think not suitable for asians...
Hi Ladies,

me went to see GP and was given 2 days mc due to gastritis. She gave me veragel and famotadine. I din bother to check wif my gynae...juz took the med leh.. since GP said its safe for pregnancy. this GP is very understanding (my 1st time seeing her). She also suffers from severe gastritis and told me it will get worst during pregnancy.... think my next few months will be a torture.
told me whenever i need to rest, juz go look for her. My company per year MC is 28 days. I think i may juz utilize them all liao...

hi ezann , bridget, blueblue,

i think yday i was halluncinating abt the chicken rice. i thought i smelt it u know. think i am going mad. now craving for Jumbo chilli crab... why am i so greedy huh...yet i can't eat them. Can't take milk, can't take fruits too due to gastric *SIGH*

Hi ice queen,

I think normal ginger tea should be ok but am not sure about teh alia... coz got teh leh... better ask ur gynae...or ask your mum?

Hi Karen,

think that guy in your office is really a mean ba^%&%* Hope everything will be ok for u.

Hi Sherl75,

good that u are eating now
take smaller meals is good as i think shd aid digestion.
Hi lovedogs,

can u take yogurt drink, as i took yogurt drink its okay for me but i not sure pregnant can still take yogurt drink anot... my stomach cannot really take milk else will have stomachache...when i was a baby, my mom gave me soy bean milk instead becos i can't seems to take in milk and everytime i diaherrhea my dad will give me honey as it seems to help...so maybe take honey will help?
hi knottsy,

no yogurt... will trigger gastric. I stay away from honey too as i suffered from a few attacks after drinking honey. Even a slice of lemon in water will trigger gastric...
lovedogs....did u just say "crabs"? I also like it....chilli crabs! I read the food guide for first trimester, we can take crabs but of course everything got to take in reasonable portion....U on mc for 2 days? I also on MC for this wk...resting at home, nothing much to do. Take care!
How many wks are u in now?

I see, maybe u really O late...so long as baby is healthy...it is ok. Must eat ok?

Can we take ribena? I hv craving for cold drinks like coke...but cant take. hv been drinking milo everytime..so bored. Thot of drinking ribena....can we drink cold ribena? salivating now.....
hi lovedogs,

oh? gastric cannot even take yogurt drink or honey ??
, what about soya bean milk? hmmm....

last week my gynae told me after 1st trimester i think, have to start taking milk...then i told gynae my stomach may not be able to take milk, else will stomachache....then my gynae says milk is to give calcium to the baby...so she gave me dumex mamil powder sample to try if my stomach can take it...else my gynae will have to give me calcium pills liao or i have to find out what foods have calcium liao...

hi Blueblue,

I read from this thread that taking ribena seems okay....but every food we take or drink best to take in moderation.....


my colleague who is pregnant told me not to take chin chow, pineapple and raw stuffs like sushi, sashimi, cockles, oyster (as they may contain bacteria)....

my mom told me not to those "del monte" (dunno who to spell) bananas and fish without scales (as they may contain high in mercury)

my gynae also told me not to take Liver as it contains high in Vit A, which may lead to birth defects.

2 weeks ago, I was sending my brother at the airport with my parents and we went to the fish and co outlet there, there's one waiter very helpful...maybe i look pregnant, when we wanted to order some fish as main course (forgot which fish is it) from the menu, the waiter told us that fish contains high in mercury...then when we pointed another fish, he says this fish is cooked in "mirin" wine. Seems to me the fish and co has educated his staff on which type of fish has mecury etc......
What kinds of fish is w/o scales? I am ignorant abt fish...tot fish is good for preggie, so I just take it without thinking it will be harmful....
hi,i am fm the apr thread .
heard fm my aunty Delmonte Banana / Chin Chow is too "liang " , can cause epilepsy in babies . so must avoid.
as for fishes , need to avoid BIG fishes like stingray, sharks,tuna , coz their level of mercury is higher , so not good .
hi Blueblue,

I read from somewhere, think this is the list:

some other fishes like the below have high levels of mercury too
Orange roughy
Southern bluefin tuna.

my mom only mentioned "chang yu" (looks like angel fish to me) has no scales i think and got mercury and high in cholestrol so to avoid....

i think best to take a mixture of fishes and not take only 1 particular one fish loh....we definitely have to take fish....got protein etc and good for baby.

tonight i going for my husband's cousin wedding dinner....sigh........think i not taking sharks fins...just in case loh

hi caicai,

ya loh, my mom keep telling me not to take delmonte too cooling...so did not take..

..but last week my colleague birthday, then they bought chocolate banana from awfully chocolate shop....sigh i think since the banana already cooked, it should be okay to eat?....
hi knottsy , fish is a MUST hv diet for all preggys . so i think as long as we avoid those big fishes , shd be ok ? no sashimi 2
Thanks for the list...now I know...better not take sting ray. My favourite! Oh ya, chang yu oso cannot take? that fish is nice. going for wedding...then better dun eat shark fins. try to eat more veg....

Thanks for sharing...so Del Monte is a no no as well...not many fruits to eat, no orange, pineapple, watermelon...I hv been taking apples...safest choice I guess.
hi blueblue...

yah think chang yu dun have the "ling" scales...so i not taking..that's very nice...but we can still take other fishes....so take a mixture and not take the same fish loh

actually i took watermelon because it looks very appetising when i am thirsty....heee, i took papaya and orange too but only limit myself to 1 piece loh........

then i read from a thread, that some mommies eat pineapple tarts during chinese new year....they saying maybe becos cooked pineapple not so acidic so they just take...hmm pineapple tarts my fav...still thinking whether can take anot
and next yr we definitely hit chinese new year...so many cny goodies dunno which can or cannot take....

some say cannot take coconut as too cooling...but when come 3rd trimester...they say take coconut when want to give birth its easier........
hi caicai,

yup i am taking a mixture of fish....except those big fish that you mentioned
and chang yu (which my mom specifically says got mecury)

yah i think take fish is good....got proteins etc and dunno why i have the thinking that take fish makes a person smart like those jap pple quite smart? heee :p
Hey gals
Just checking with you all..now I am 8w ++..but my morning sickness like diminishing...At least for these 2 days..I did not vomit as much..wondering if anyone had the same situation as me o not
hi zhuzhu,

i am 7w++ now and from the first day i did not vomit at all, but my appetite getting better as the weeks goes by but after eating i still feel bloated and after 1 or 2 hrs later, i feel hungry again.

i guess some pple may or may not vomit depending on individual but do you start to feel hungry often nowadays?
hi blueblue,

yeah, i love crabs too... now fingers crossed and hope gastric will heal soon so that this weekend i can go to eat chilli crab
so good ah...1 week mc... i wish i can take 1 week mc too. eventhou i am on 2 days MC, i am still attending conf calls and replying emails

hi knottsy,

thanks for all the info... hhmm... i have been eating lots of del monte bananas leh...I love it..but stopped these few days due to gastric. actualy, i have not taken any fruits since last Friday due to gastric. I can't take soyabean milk too during gastric attack. But when i am normal, i can take.

as for the fishes without scales...hhmm.,...i better go tell my mum coz she has been cooking lots of chang yu for me to eat leh... cham... and thanks for the reminder not to eat shark's fin soup during wedding dinner... i have 2 to attend in Nov... better remember.

I have been taking cod liver oil till week 6.5...then i called to check with gynae...told me to stop immediately....he said Vit A is too high as well.. cham... how ah... wonder did i stopped too late?

hi zhu zhu,

me 8.5 weeks... but same as knottsy, nvr vomit before...hence, not sure leh. but if u stop MS, that shd be a good thing
dun worry so much.
Morning Ladies,
How is everyone feeling today? I am 9 weeks + and my MS kick in on me hard.. Harder and Harder. I am vomiting at least 2-3 times a day
After vomitting, then I feel better that sort of feeling.
Any good remedy to stop this?
morning ladies,
how is everyone feeling today?
i vomited big time after my small supper last night. i felt hungry and i thot eating something will curb nausea but i think my body (or maybe bb) doesn't accept the food that i ate. hb witnessed the whole process and said this looked worse than the first pregnancy.
Morning gal
I read that drinking ribena helps. Have you tried? U r already 9+ weeks, MS should be over soon....

Anyone know where to get the book called "What to Expect when you are Expecting". I have went to popular bookstore near my place but could not get it...heard it is a highly recommended book. Anyone reading it and any comments? I have seen the other collection, the wordings very small, so scare I will fall asleep.....hee hee.
Hi BlueBlue,
Yeah I thought it should be over. Week 8 was good for me but week 9 was terrible. Can't stop vommiting. Yucks... Drinking ribena know after vomitting and hope afternoon don't merlion again.

I do have that book. It is very good, telling you a lot of things that you do not know. Sometimes telling u too much until u are scare

Hi Ezann,
How long have u been having MS? U are in week ?
Yes, I have the book and it's interesting and informative. Should get a copy as it gives you a month to month guide on what to expect. It's available at most bookstores..I'm sure you can find it at Borders or Kinokuniya.
And when bb is born, you can get the next book, What to expect in the First Year...good read too!
hi morning mommies,
ytd i consulted my gynae, finally i can saw the little one....from 6w change to 5w pregnancy...may be due to my period not accurate...and my EDD from 31 May 07 change to 6th Jun 07...so am JUN MTB liao...hee hee...
am really very happy here and tks all of you sharing the experience so that i can be calm...am a very "kanjiang" kind...
My gynae visit scheduled tomorrow. Hope bb is growing well... i got no symptoms like ms and so on. only indigestion. wonder if it is ok. paranoid la, first child.
morning ladies,
did not come in here for some time, how's everyone? can see that there are a few newcomers...congrats and welcome!

another book to recommend: Your Pregnancy week by week. it has detailed descriptions of bb's growth and develpement, of what you may be experiencing each week.

I have been feeling nausea pretty often these days and i was feeling very lightheaded yesterday. got to keep eating to keep the nausea away. I am in my week 8 now and have outgrown most of the skirts and some of my tops. got to do shopping very soon.

hope MS will pass very soon for u ladies who have been suffering from it. have u tried eating plain crackers or drinking ginger tea, heard from the books that they are supposed to help.

thanks for the info on the fish....will bear that in mind when i can start eating fish again. Now whenever i think of fish, i can feel the nausea and dun dare to look or eat fish now. Think my bb is like my hubby, dun like fish, like chicken....
i just went to fish & co....and also took nasi lemak yesterday... cham... forgot about mercury and coconut.

i did feel more uncomfortable when stepping in week8/9 zone, but so far no ms, just nausea and feel tasteless in mouth.
Bridget, nasi lemak cannot take meh? i just took it yesterday but din manage to finish all though.

I also experienced tasteless in mouth.

For those who also suffer from indigestion, my dietician ask me to avoid fried and spicy food. Take small meals. craving for gassy drink then opt for perrier mineral water and sleep higher ie. with 2 pillows

Hi gal,
I am like u. Now into week 9 and ms is getting worse. I was suffering fr nausea since week 6 but only started to vomit in week 9. Now I feel sick most of the time and cannot eat anything. I've lost quite a bit of weight.

Yesterday I went for my check up and saw my baby. Mine is really an active one...i can see the arms and legs moving ard non-stop..as if its dancing..haha very cute! My gynae told me usually baby at such an early stage does not move abt so much so mine is really active. I wonder is tt the cause of all my discomfort.

Hopefully my ms will subside soon. I was given a jab and 1 week mc..
