(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

ladies, Happy mooncake festival!

i didn't really take mooncake this time, too sweet...

may be you can try the product which you have now, if it is ok, then can stick to it. If you still feel oily, then buy those written "non-comedogenic", then it won't clog your skin.

my predicted sex is girl.
not accurate,
u shld use your chinese age and chines month conceive to see ...
u try again...but my colleague correct lei
morning mommies....

was so tired that i woke up late today and just reach the office....no choice gotta drag myself up to work. Took the train this morning and was thinking why nobody gave up their seat for me. den realise tummy not big enough to be considered a pregnant woman. think from now on I got to avoid taking public transport.

Happy MoonCake Festival to all and little babies!!hehe

i also vomitted today...but only sour sour water and phelgm come out. I wonder how come i have so much phelgm......

me too....pimples everywhere....i have those big and painful ones at my back and small ones on my chest and chin there.

My colleagues have 2 gals and when she preggie tat time, she also looks pretty leh....the face no change. but another 2 more colleagues with boy kana skin outbreak, hair loss and big swollen nose.....so think ugly = gal and pretty = boy doesnt really applie to everybody ba. Theres one also....if u having gal, then u will prefer sweet stuff....dunno how true....i just heard fr my mom one. hehe....

me same as Bridget. cant take much mooncake...i haven even touch one yet....it just put me off leh...prob tonight will eat one small one just for the sake tat today is mooncake festival...hehe.....

my prediction sex is boy.....we r taking 7th month right and age + 1 yr?
ice queen,
u are so good life so late then start work...
am so tired every days...easy to fall slept...like pig...after eating then fall sleep...sometime i even dont when i falled slept...
ya ezann,
ur table easier to see leh....

hehe...oter factors like the ones you posted yesterday on the serveral factors one ah...hehehe......tat one so funni....hehe
wahh...me 1 day nvr check this thread moving so fast...me can't keep up liao..

congrats to all the MTBs who went for a successful check up with baby heartbeat and good growth size

hi ping ping,

thanks for sharing the chart. question hor...as this year is supposed to be lunar 7th month for 2 consecutive months, most likely we conceived during lunar 7th month as well right?

hi taro,

thanks for the update. from the gender table, mine should be a girl
let's see whether it is accurate.

hello ice queen,

u think your boss will be flexible if you request Doctor to write a recommendation letter to suggest you work from home if this can be arranged?
ya....actually the only factor that determines if boy or gal is the male spermatozoa X & Y.....

eh....i just had breakfast ard 9.30am....now hungry liao.....
Hi pingping,

No lah, I start work at 8.30. Just that this morning I wake up at 5am!! Then lie on the bed till I fall asleep again and sudd when I wake up its like 8.30 already. So I am late for work lor.


I think it dep very much on the boss for this kind of arrangement. I dun think my boss will agree to it. So no point asking the doc to write any letters.
Hi Cheezel,
I dare not take mooncake too. Heard that the filling inside is hard to be indigested so dare not touch it.

Your appetite is improving leh. Keep getting hungry all the time too.. Good news.

Hi Jesmine,
Same for me. Used ezann's chart also girl.
my morning sickness not so bad now.....think appetite growing too....but i still try to take small meals with more interval.....my hubby say at the rate i eatting, no wonder our bb grow so tall like what u gals say yesterday.....i told him the bb growth now not due to the amt of food i take...hehe....
Morning ladies,
Happy happy Mooncake festival.

I vomitted last night, vomitted all the food that i ate, think bb doesnt like the food. This morning drag myself to work, feeling neusea.
I cant stand public transport too, always so crowded...
hmm....we r in the normal range...not very tall type leh....me 163cm and hubby ard 173cm ba.....normal range ba. our family also all not very tall type as in those 180cm and above one leh....hehe....
Happy for you. At least appetite is improving and things are improving for you. U see light at last
Hi all,
i will like to share with you all something. Not advertising for anyone la. I went to this Dr Loo at their clinic at The Adelphi. Was asked to go to her by my mil in hope of getting my constipation problem resolved which has been with me since my teenage years. I took alot of veggies but still problem persist. Kept putting it off till i was pregnant and was really bloated and the feeling of indigestion was really terrible so we finally made an appt to visit her.

During the first appt, she ask abt my problems and stuff and so she proceed to touch my spine and back to check the struture and such. To my surprise, she asked if i am having backache occasionally even before i am preggy. I was having that some times and i thought that is because of menses and such. But she told me that my pelvic area is slightly slanted on the left and thus cause the constipation problem as muscle weak and take longer to get out of the sys. and that is why i am having backache also. This may be due to prolonged incorrect sitting posture and so on. She also commented that my stomach muscle not firm enough thus baby might be low so during late pregnancy, i might need support belt.

Checked with her and she mentioned my problem is not serious and she is doing neuro massage and she recommend me to go aqua walking to firm up my abdominal muscle.

I asked her further about who and why there are so many children that comes to her and her husband clinic for treatment and so she told me that some of these child are born with disabilities and undergoing treatment now. And all these are not detected by the gynae during the checkups cos apparently it is due to the mum's structure. For 1 case, the lady went to the doc when she has bleeding in her early stages of pregnancy and in hope of stopping the bleeding and then after some checkups, Dr Loo discovered that her spine has a hook like structure which was caused by a fall long time back. She informed the patient that there is a possibility that this child will not be born normal but still the mummy decide to keep the baby and true enough, the baby head rested on the curve of the structure and when she was borned, her head looks different from other bb and so development was slower also.
The bb is still undergoing treatment with Dr Loo and we can see significant improvement in her though she still can't be growing in line with the kids at her age.
does that mean that diff chart will give diff result?? hmm....prob we verify the one tat is accurate for those whith 1 child liao and all of use tat as a guide and see if its really accurate?
Yes. different chart give different results. There's heaps of versions. Don't know which is accurate.
hey ladies,
just wondering if anyone taking up antenatal class in the next few coming months when our pregnancy is more stable? when can we start attending such classes?
i am planning to take antenatal classes. will ask my gynae when is the best time to attend.

I am also planning to do some exercise. maybe yoga or aqua stuff.
i am not sure can go or cannot go. but i went facial and my beautician say must inform them that you are preggy and so then they will not use aromatherapy oily and so on.

I went for hair treatment and haircut last week and the hair stylist say some even dye or perm but it is up to individual. But she saw alot of preggy women who cut their hair short.
yeah... my gynae told me i can register for that.. i thought we only attend when it reaches 6-7 months, as most of the courses are related to labor and ways to take care of baby.
hi jesmine,

thank you... i will try to "tong" till week 12... 4 more weeks to go.. coz i am trying not to tell people abt my pregnancy. feel that I already told too many people!
Do u feel cramping when u are around wk 6? yesterday nite while lying on bed, I got cramps like mense type...wonder if it's normal....

yeah, i am oso trying to tahan not to tell....ha ha, my hubby even asked gynae can tell already?, gynae said wait till week12. then he like super sad....
i mean not now....but if got plan to take at the later stage.

i also dunno when need to register so i just ask ask....u mean register for the class in the last trimester?

some of the hairstylist if know u preggie, wont even want to do ur hair esp perm, rebond or even dye.....some will just take extra precaution. ultimately, its all up to u la...if u feel comfortable then just go do it. cos my gynae also say no problem. but for me, i wont feel comfortable perming rebonding or dyeing hair cos too many chemical involve so will avoid. but cutting hair should be fine ba....

think its all up to the couple if really wanna announce. some once preggie, will spread the good news ard some just wanna play safe and wait till after the 1st trimester.

i did have crampy feeling when in week 5-7.....lke those pulling effect. now at times will still have but not so often liao.
Hi Blue Blue,
Everyone is different. I got cramps(pulling type) around week 4-5 then stop. Now week 8, mense type of cramp came back for me.
ya blueblue,
dun worry...my gynae say as long as no spotting, crampy feeling should be fine cos prob thats the uterus expanding.
Ice queen,
People are usually "not so nice" to give up their seats on the mrt/bus. Even when I was in my 3rd trimester, if the train was super crowded you can forget about getting a seat. Sometimes you have to be thick skinned and stare at them with your big belly before they give up their seat!

For facials, it's safe to go, but please inform them you're preg, so they'll avoid using stuff which are harmful to the baby.

I think I went for antenatal classes in my 2nd trimester. It's useful for 1st time mothers esp for natural births, but then I ended up having a c-sec, so didn't have to apply any of the techniques at all...
Hi Cheezel,

Are u with Dr Adrian of CCK? after you have your D&C, did the doctor give you the pass to start TTC? My 1st mens have just pass and yesterday, when i ask Dr Adrian, he did not say cannot, so did he do say the same thing to you when you ask him for opinion?
hi carol,
i went back to see him for follow up after my 1st mens had cleared. He told me i can start ttc if i want to even without me asking him leh. I was abit shock cos initially b4 D&C, he mention normally after 2-3 cycles. He say everything looks good for me after he scan me and give the green light to ttc.

But he's also abit shock when i went back to him a few weeks later to tell him i missed my mens and is preggie again. think he didnt expect so fast la.....hehehe
i think facial ok, but no massage. i think better don't go hair treatment now, wait for a month later.

may be can go during 2nd trimester... closer is better mah, can remember well.

as long as u have no serious cramp, then it should be ok. if u feel uncomfortable, just give a call to your gynae.

where did you go for your antenatal classes? I am interested to go too during 2nd trimester. Maybe we girls here can go together and have fun
