(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

RE: hair

hehehe some pregnancy books say not only the belly button have hair.. the moustache and the armpit hair and pubic hair also grow overdrive ah!! but will drop off in 6mths after give birth! I feel like my legs hairier... my waxing ost going to increase!!!

HI peggy,
is ok la.. i just told my hubby & he say dat the different is nt so much he also feel more safe for me to buy from the clinic.. is his character lor.. keke...

RE: hair and blown line

i also notice i also have it lei.. tot is stretch marks, but glad to know dat is nt

Hi wenethena,
i also do waxing in the past.. is is cream wan la.. just two days back cos of all thoses ugly hair i use the cream my skin become very senitive lei.. being red and itchy.. guess i cant use using pregnany lor.. or trying new brand liao.. sian
hi peggy17

the hair is very fine 1 so think u should be fine.

wenthena, u mean we'll get moustache too?! oh man...hope i m not going to morph into a monster!
hahaha... blueroti, hopefully not become a JMONSTER :p

re: hair
i didnt see any hair at my belly & no moustache too leh..
Hi all! I'm new to the forum. I'm 18w preg but dont know the gender of my baby yet.

Saw some postings about maternity clothes. I just bought a pair of hip maternity jeans from this maternity shop at Habour Front Centre. The prices there are very reasonable (most of the maternity clothes in Singapore are SO expensive).

Angela, I have eczema too. It's quite irritating.
Hi Jmonster,
i saw the thread. i also buy two baby blankets lei.. haha.. no doubt havent confirm the baby gender.. very surprise we have choose the same design.. keke..
have u transfer the $ to Mra Tan?
Blueroti and JL,
Today i just booked the TMC antenatal class via telephone for thur nite class 7-9pm conducted by Mrs Wong (6 session starting 23th Nov to 9 Jan $168). The receptionist told me that only the wed class is fully booked (by Mrs Wong). Saturday class by her is available too.Strange??
I get through this enquiry line easily 62514090

Your clarin stretchmarks oil sounds weird...is it Clarins Huile "Tonic" Body treatment oil??? The promoter told me this is the only clarins stretch mark products for pregnancy...
I also realised the area near the belly button is hairy. Showed my hubby and he commented I am hairy than him }

To the potatoe gang, sadly I do not know the gender of my babe yet. Will be going for a detailed scan in week 21. Do you all know yours already?

I thought of going for the aqua fitness sessions at KK hosp. Has anyone tried it before?
hi fen,
yeah, went to the thread just now and realised that we have the same taste ;P

i choosed the 2 designs cos i think it's more safe for bb be it boy or gal lah. though 1 of the design is in pink colour in stripes, i guess shld be ok for boy too.

anyway, dun care lah as long as i like it, can liao. hee... oh i also bought a diaper bag last weekend and it's pink (again!) floral prints.

yes, i transferred the $ to her at 10pm just now. hmm, guess it's safe to do that since i hv kept her email of her a/c no.
hi sandwich,
welcome in!! :p

hi mummies,
thanks for the thread.. i also bought the blankets from there.. :p price seems quite reasonable and its reversible..wow!! :p next time got more of these interesting threads, must share share leh.. hehhee.. :p

btw metro is having 20% storewide from this friday to sunday.. maybe you all would like to grab something from there.. :p
hi J&R,

i saw the metro sales booklet last nite. nothing much to buy leh. but i will going to the Pigeon sales this Saturday to see got anything good deals or not.
hi sandwich

you hv ezcema too... so i guess is likely due to pregnancy. will get my biosy result next thur after i remove my stitches. Angry when the itch/pain just dun go away. When is on the fingers, is so unbearable. sighzzzzz!!!

btw welcome to chat!!
Hi all!!

I am hairy too, not just belly but one thick line of fine hair down from my chest to beyond my belly... hope they disappear soon, quite yucks.

Oh yes, here's a bit of info for the french fries cravers I got from the Health Promotion Board website: Mac's and KFC fries contain the least trans-fats, followed by BK. The worst is Long Johns Silvers... good la, coz I think Mac's has the best fries!! Haha... there was no info for Mos burger's nice thick chips though.

My BB keeps rolling around in my tummy ... super hyper!
hi all,
i juz rec'd sms from Perfect Mum (at Kovan Heartland Mall branch) that they r having "End of Season Sale".. storewide $19.90 to 50% (free bra & voucher to be given with purchase).. chk it out.. i think the branch at Suntec is having sale too.. saw it last Fri..

hi sandwich,
where is the location of the maternity shop at harbourfront?

hi evejosh,
i'm in the potato gang but dunno gender yet, going for detailed scan in 2 wks' time.. wk20..
there is this babies and cream shop at my office at great world .
Prenatal Yoga - 1 session around $36 .
suitable for 2nd trimester mummies
Hi fen, cmy and JL

My gynae's charge is RIDICULOUS!!!
$1200 for package from 16 wks onwards (abt 12 sessions, includes vit and scanning)
Another $1600 for dr's delivery charge (normalvaginal delivery)
PLus hospital charge separately (abt $1k+ for 2 nights' stay)

Anyone here is seeing her? (DR CHEN CHERN YI from punngol healthcare for women)

Any other recommendation? I really think i need to look for another gynae. prefer near punggol/sengkang/hougang and a female gynae.
Hi EveJosh,

I'm also interested in the aqua fitness at KKH, in fact I started a thread asking for reviews and comments. So far, no mummies respond leh
Anyway, I'm attending prenatal yoga once a week now, hoepfully it is enough of exercise.

Re: brownline along tummy.

The line is call linea nigra. It is due to over production of melanin, thanks to our active hormones. I think if you have fair complexion, it will be more obvious. I also start to develop very faint brown line liow. No need to worry about it as it will disappear after delivery. Mine disappear within 2 months after my last delivery
Hi TrazNg,
That's really ex.. which hosiptal is she doing delivering at?

I ever visited this female gynae for pap smears last time, Dr Watt Wing Fong, a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.. she's now in Raffles Women's Clinic in Compass Point.. I dunno how much is their antenatal package.. u may chk it out.. she's quite detailed and gentle.. I'm not seeing her for my pregnancy cos I can co-pay my expenses in SGH.. so me in public hospital.. hee..
Hi traz , i am staying in Sengkang . my gynae - adrian woodworth at Sengkang MRT station.
quite cheap , pkg- $550 .
delivery charge = depending on with or without epidural , c-n etc .
the minus point , LONG long wait at his clinic lor , coz many mummies .

to J&R - prenatal yoga at Greatworld City . i can email u the time table if u need :D
yeah.. yours so expensive leh.. maybe bcoz package incl Vitamins? mine $570+ don't incl medicines.
perhaps thats the diff?

went Perfect Mum at Suntec.. last evening. wow the shop very crowded leh with 4 mums trying the clothes.
I went thr on Mon's lunch time.. wow nobody. then the SA let me try alot of clothes
hi jmonster

haha! but it does sound scary man! getting all hairy! n i thot pregnancy is only abt a ballooning tummy and MS!!!

hi stileto

i called TMC last evening n they told me mrs wong's classes are all full so mayb i'm abit late. anyway i've changed my classes to Nov - under some other instructor. think if i stick to mrs wong's jan classes, i'll end in march - think i may be too tired to want to go for lessons then!
Hi caicai,
so far you went how many times huh? good or not? hehe.. :p

oh i know what gynea, he also at CCK branch sometimes..ya his clinic really alot of ppl..but he seems quite unfriendly leh.. that time b4 preggy, i went to him a few times..after waited for so long, only tok for 5mins came out already.. plus he seems always long face leh.. :p but his service good or not leh? he is at TMC one right??

think the Dr Ho's quite expensive.. his package is about $600+$100(to Dr Ho direct, but dunno why)..and those doesnt include medicines and alot of tests also not included.. :p the package is just for normal consulation and scanning, i think.

fen, correct me if im wrong.. :p u also havent sign package right? :p
hi evejosh,
haha.. i am also potatoes lover lor.. lol... but still nt yet confirm of my bbay gender during the previous round... hopefully when i go for my detail scan on 1 dec i will be able to confirm it liao..
Hi jmonster,
i like both the design cos it look nice to me.. i think be it a gal or a boy is not bringing outside so should be ok lor.. keke
hi J&R,
thanks for the infor. but i also dun noe what to buy lei.. will go down and have a look as i am metro members and stay at hougang likely to go to sengkang wan lor.. keke
Hi saffy,
to me i feel like long john fries is the best.. very crisp lei.. haha.. follow by mcd.Dun really like kfc (only cheese fries)and BK fries..
Hi JL,
i was at heartland mall perfer mum also... but i think the clothes there is very limit lei.. all that are on sales dun really look nice to me.. maybe all taken by others liao la.. keke
no lah , i never go for the yoga yet . still scouting around , i still hv my ms on off . so uncomfortable , was thinking of maybe after 20 week or so then i join the yoga sessions .now very tired .
abt my gynae , becoz the Q is alwys so long , my sessions with him always less than 10min .
nothing to ask him then i can go liao. he did not take my blood pressure , weight also.
i went to a female gynae at gleneagles before , she is ok . but very exp , costs $300 for u/s scan and 1st consultation . no medicine somemore .
wow today thread so active.

Huh..wonder what's the 100 bucks for. I'm seeing him for detail scan next wed 15Nov. Think they will offer me the package liao. I will ask abt it then.

The Dr Chen at punggol indeed expensive. I have a frenz seen her on her previous pregnancy said she so so only. The other frenz
seen the Seng Kang Dr Adrian Woodworth said he is quite friendly so her 2 bbs were delivered by him. I'm with Dr HK Ho cos I understand his stitches is well-known.

Thanks. Glad to know my favourite french fries are still the healthiest amongst all. Let us see which gender of the bb loves fries most.

re: bb movement
I'm also experiencing my bb movement now. hyperactive too. Everyday I'm telling my bb gal to kick heehee. But too bad the movement not very obvious, my hb still can't feel it yet. Any idea which mth we feel it stronger.
re: massage lady

Has all mummies book the massage lady during confinement? What is the price or package? My SIL recommended me hers but I dunno what is the average price? I find her her massage quite gd...I asked her over to my hse for the javanese massage before I'm pregnant. She works full-time in a spa now.
Hi Stileto (stileto)

Want to ask, I tot TMC only have classes on MOn, wed, fri? due to high response, they open another class by Mrs Wong on Thursday?

I'm attending the one on 22nd..wed
hi fen,
Perfect mum at Kovan not many choices ah? I'm still thinkin of going dwn this evening..

hi Peggy17,
So good can feel your bb moves.. me hvn't.. still trying to keep very quiet at night and try to feel.. still waiting.. hee..
page up: I should be signing up for the weekend aqua fitness at KKH coz i have been having backaches and pelvic aches when I sleep on my sides.

Anyone has this problem? Does anyone know where to get maternity pillow?
hi Peggy17,

I also can feel my bb movement. The feeling is very tickling feeling but sometimes can be abit hard. My bb very active & i always feel the movement / kick in the morning, after my lunch & after my dinner...hahaha..

What about u Peggy17?

Haha so cute your bb. Muz be very happy after each meal kekeke. Mine very naughty. She will kick me in the morning when it's time for me to wake up and sometimes in the midst of my meeting. even kick me in the middle of the night when i wake up going to the loo.

Gotta be focus one haha, initial stage ard week 17, i have stay very focus to feel it when lying down but now week 19, can feel stronger but too bad hb still can't feel anything yet.

Ya same, my bb also kick me in the morning when i just woke up. But so far, bb never kick me in the middle of the night when i wake up to go to the loo..hehe...

How is yr feeling like? At first i didnt notice but after a few days, it seems to happen every day so i suspect is the kicking or movement. Heard right now, the feeling is still ok but when gets to 6-7mths, the kicking will be harder rite?
Hi Dlim,

I dunno whether bb is kicking or juz some movement actually keke but have the same feeling as you...can feel movement like tickling feeling. Sometimes very soft but sometimes a bit harder.

When bb moves, i have a very wonderful feeling that can't really describe... Do you?
hi TrazNg (traz) ,

i am from feb thread, saw ur posting bout ur gynae,
i also have prob with my current gynae, and have change to Dr S T Chan at far east plaza, he is so nice, he answer all my question, and he is not rush, one more thing, the waiting time is short for weekdays, his chages are 800 include delivery, consultation and scanning ) other test and vit, u will have to pay urself, one more thing is u onli need to pay him 400 cash, and other 400 he will claim medisave for u... u know i told him i cannot give him the whole 400, he says nevermind, pay 100 at a time loh... very nice rite..
u may PM mi if u interested... i will give u his details
Hi Peggy17,

Same. I was very happy & excited so if the kicking or movement is lesser, i tends to miss the kick & also wonder how is the bb doing inside. Each time the bb kicks, i will tell my hubby but everytime when he place his hand on my tummy, he dun feel anything...hahahaha...

Anyway the kicking/movement feeling is great!!
hey ixora15 (ixora15)

fancy bumping into you here!!!! Yes, I'm that ryes...I'm now 23 weeks..how about you??
hi peggy17,
the wallables r really cute.. dunno if i wan 2 buy.. as for bb's movement.. i shall wait then.. focus... haha..

hi Ryes,
i'm now 18wks.. yours made in Europe? hee hee..
seeing gynae in TMC? boy or gal? sorry ah, so many qns.. too excited...
Hi EveJosh,
I saw maternity pillows for the stomach at Mothers' Work (not too sure of exact name) at Great World City. Not very ex, abt $25 each. Looks comfortable though.

Hi all mummies, when can we start going to antenatal classes?

Sigh so good that some of you can feel your babies already, I'm still far behind, only getting uncomfortable when sleeping at night because of protruding stomach.
Hi ixora,

kekeke..Mine's a girl...*blush* dun think made in europe, maybe Singapore. haha.
You leh? know gender liao?

I'm seeing gynae at gleneagles, delivering there. You attending antenatal classes at TMC? If yes, we might bump to each other..

Hi Cherry, for TMC and Mt A, you can start antenatal classes at week 20 onwards.
Cherryteq: Thanks! Will pop by on weekends to take a look. Sadly Great World is a little inaccessible.

The wallables are cute but don't know the gender of babe yet so don't know which to order. Anyway, I have yet to buy anything for the babe or the nursery. sigh!

Hi Ryes,
a bb gal.. so sweet.. Mine not in Europe too.. hee.. dunno gender yet.. detailed scan in 2 wks' time.. I'll b attending antenatal class in SGH cos seeing gynae there..

So hv u bought many bb stuff?

hi Cherryteq,
SGH oso recommends to start antenatal classes in wk 20..
