(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hi peggy,ya lor..scarry..think the order is closed liao.. :p

btw i downloaded some recipes for pre and post natal meals.. not sure if you all are interested. :p btw how to post attachment? me too new, dunno how. hehe.. :p

hi ixora,

according to my SIL, she said we shld start eating fish oil w.e.f 4th mths onwards but strange thing is the gynae nv give me leh. might ask her on my next visit while at the same time i eat walnuts and gingko, same effect as fish oil aka helps in BB's brain development
Hi Augelo,
i think if u really need a CL is better for u to book nw then to book last minutes in case u cant get one.. in fact my hubby sis god mum wanna help me wif my confiment but i dun tink i need it.. she is a malaysian.. she always come over to help Spore do their confiment de.. if u all wan maybe i ask her if she is interested to take up dis job anot lor.. keke

Hi peggy17,
i think as we are having the same gynae we should all be given the same doctor.. u mean onli selling @ $24 instead of $34? isizz of the same ingredients or wat? my hubby dun like me to anyhow buy medicine de.. he always feel dat buying from clinic is always more safe than else where..

Hi J&R,
Ya.. is actually the same feeling.. i cant stand all those stretching lei.. so itchy de.. stomach still ok la.. still can really stretch.. but breast.. a bit funny to stretch lor.. keke..

Hi peggy17, EVEjosh, & ixora,
haha.. think we are FAt compares to others cos we eat alot of junk food LE.. GT to CONTROL Lei.. i also like eating chips especially hot & spicy.. gt scolded by my colleague whenever i eat it.. so sian
Fish oil
Where can we buy them? my gynae also never prescribe me any. and up till now i'm still taking folic acid even though i'm already in my 17th week. any other MTB also still taking folic acid?

me often mistaken for college student though i'm already in my mid-20s. that's why i'm always very paiseh to see maternity clothes as the salesgirls will always give me strange stares.

I'm also taking a lot of junk food and i love mac french fries too!! heehee
Hi wawapiggy,
since u are also having junk food just like a few of us here.. is ur weight gaining alot then u expected ? haha... Dun need to feel pai say la.. me also lei.. if i wear maternity clothing strange eye keep staring at me must be wondering.. dis gal so young gt bb liao ar? i always gt dis kind of feeling de.. keke
but just dun bother lor.. dat wat i always tell myself..

Re: FIsh Oil.
maybe u wanna requested from ur gynae?
Hi ladies,

I'm wondering if anyone here is using any anti stretch mark cream? anyone tried the cream from "babies & cream"?

Initially i wanted to buy clarins "tonic" oil after reading so much abt it...but i just saw in 2 pregnancy bks that pregnant women shld avoid rosemary n sage...which is both present in the clarins oil. any1 using it?
I think the BP should be safe as they are the same as what our gynae gives us. They get it direct from the distributor but response too gd, the BP closed already.
Hi Fen,

Not to worried about the BP. I think the supplier is the same from last 2 previous BP. (Recently BP is the 4th BP but organised by different ppls and is same supplier)

I received my Neurogain PB plus yesterday. It's sealed up. Same as what I bought from clinic. Btw, if you're aware, the manufacturing is frm M'sia. I even bought 2 bottles from M'sia frm my previous pregnancy. Exactly same as what i get it from SG. It's cost cheaper due to currency rate.
Hi cocoa,
i am using the claire anti stretch oil now.. so far still ok lei.. i dun have any problem wif fat at all.. maybe not all ppl are suitable wif the products bah..
Hi peggy17 & cmy
then how? the BP close liao.. now wanna buy also cannot liao rite?
Hi cmy,
when did u order? and by wat mode of payment? at least must buy how many bottle de?
hi fen,
ya, its the same brand..quite safe.. BP close today around 5plus.. very fast moving.. :p it mentioned ma, if got more than 50 bottles already, the thread will be closed.
hello fellow fish oil consumers,
i'm taking the GNC one and it only has 200mg DHA and nothing else. i'm worried that it's not enough. anyone taking this as well? it's called goldmind.
my dr also dun give me anything else except folic acid and multivit. she jus ask me to eat fish 3x a week and drink milk. that's it. but i know other drs are giving mummies tons of pills.
hi wawapiggyling,

i m still taking the folic acid, my SIL told me that she continued with the folic acid till she gave birth.

btw, read from other thread that this Saturday got Pigeon sales. so grab what ever items u need.

Date: 11 Nov 2006 (ONE day only)
Time: 10am - 5pm
Venue: Pigeon Office (84 Genting Lane #05-06 City Neon Design Ctr)
Tel: 6742 3001

I'm currently using the clarins stretch mark oil. I didn't know plants oils will affect us. When i showed my g/f the clarins oil she ask me if it contain Lavender which she said will induce birth/contraction. I got startled cos' I've not heard that plant oil can be dangerous...Is it true???

When you feel the intense gas in stomach, do you feel also like farting???hahaha....I feel this way and wonder if it due to maybe bb movement...

Me still taking folic acid, thought must eat until delivery time? I was prescribed FA when i first saw gynae - around 5th week then.

I got the fish oil from clinic, but I guess the BP one is the same, just bought my 2nd bottle from the clinic last thursday, may consider the BP for next one. Can ask your gynae, I guess...

Cocoa n Fen,
I use Elancyl stretch mark cream, recommended by my sis-IL. She tried many brands b4 and told me this is gd. So far no stretch mark on tummy or elsewhere. At the back of the tube, there are printed words which read, "use from 3 months of pregnancy onwards" so I guess the ingredients r ok as it is meant for pregnant mothers. Oh yah, got it from Guardian, in case anyone interested.

You bought the GNC one off-the-shelf? Or was it prescribed? I know most mummies take NeuroGain, maybe can try when u finish yours
I oso take multivit, FA and fish oil plus calcium tablet as I dont drink milk regularly. Just read from some pregnancy website that we need 1000 mg of Calcium a day

Food & Drinks,
I dont really restrict my diet - I eat almost everything leh, incl. barley, chrysanthemum tea, green tea, white tea, oolong tea, japanese tea, sometimes coke/ pepsi when i eat mcD or KFC. Anyone knows if we should reduce tea/ canned drink/ fizzy drink intake during pregnancy? Food also all eat, french fries, laksa, curry...Anyone knows any food that we should really "pantang"?

Chicken Essence,
Is it really good? Can just buy Brands one right? Will it be too heaty? Doctor recommend not to take any chinese herb or tonic or something like that during pregnancy, so I never eat lor...

My baby oso measures abt 10 cm on my 16th week, shud be ok lor - I gain 6 kg still my baby measures that length
i also nvr restrict my diet.. i even ate chili crabs last week *slurp*.. also ate mutton, beef, drank barley, tea, eat 2 slices of salmon sashimi last wk etc.. guess i'm a mother/MIL's nitemare. haha
btw, try to restrict your caffine intake to 1 cuppa per day
i drink tea on alt days.

am using BS's cocoa butter. not sure if it helps coz my cousin bot it for me and she say its good

Anyone knows when will stretchmarks make their apperance?
Stretch marks:
Some pregnant mums never have stretch marks at all even after birth, whilst some can see the stretch marks as early in 2nd trimester. It depends on individual's skin texture.
Food & Drink:
The reason why we need to reduce drinks contain caffeine (coffee,tea, soft drinks, chocolate) is because caffeine will reduce the absorption of Calcium in our body. Avoid raw food and food contains high Vit A (eg. liver) because it will cause birth defect.
Hi stileto,

I read from 2 pregnancy bk ( one local and the other oversea) that there are sme plant oil that will affect pregnany women. They mention quite a nbr of plant, off hand i can only remember rosemary, sage, majoram etc.
over the weekend I bought the clarins "anti eau" oil(which contain majoram extract) n i apply at my thighs n buttock area at nite. then the next day i started to have cramps the next day. dunno if the cramp is related to the oil, but i think better dun use.
Hi Fen,

I ordered Neurogain PB around end of Sept. Items can be collect around end of Oct. So approximate need 1 mth. Normally BP organiser will asked buyer to transfer $$ first. No limitation of ordering. I'm a bit KS so stocks up first. hee
hi happyjean, JL and all mummies

i stopped taking all the fizzy drinks and tea more than a year ago, as advised by chinese doc coz' i was prone to getting diabetes. so have been keeping to it. for tea, i understand that it may be too liang so not very good for pregnant women.

and for laksa and curry- was told not to take coz' it has coconut in it.

but beef is supposedly good coz' it makes our babies stronger, but must eat in moderation. my colleague said if eat too much, baby will be too hairy!

as for raw food, best to avoid coz of bacteria. unless u can be assured that it's very fresh, then it's ok.

as for stretch mark cream, i just bot the clarins cream but have not started using it yet coz' m using this other cream from mothercare that my colleague gave me.
hi ladies, hv nt been signing in the past few days as my ah boy was down with gastric flu.
Somehow i find tat this pregnancy is tougher than my 1st one...maybe becos our bodies are weaker after each preg?
Now at 18 wks but still vomiting. Burping and farting too.
My gynae is Dr Chen Chern Yi from punggol. Her antenatal package is $1200! Didn't sign up 4 the package...thinking of paying each trip..visit her less frequent.
Hi Fen

I had quite bad morning sickness at first, so initially my weight dropped...then since 4th month onwards, appetite increased and have been gaoining weight since then.. last visit at gynae i gained back what i lost .. i think now sure gain a lot but nvr weigh.. heehee

Hi jmonster & happyjean
thanks! i'm just wondering if i'm taking unnecessary pills that no longer serves any use. in that case shld be ok to take folic acid till birth. it seems like the type of pills we are eating are getting more and more. i'm also taking calcium pills prescribed by gynae now.. perhaps at my 5th mth visit, i'll ask my gynae abt fish oil.

Yes i'm also like happyjean & JL. eat all kihnds of food.. husband nvr disallow also... the only thing he disallow is pineapples...my mum say try to cut down on fizzy drinks though.. i have craving for hot and sour food, eaten a lot of tom yam and mee siam already. Not all fizzy drinks contain caffeine.. can read the ingredients on the bottles..

JL, my gynae says stretch marks will appear from 28 weeks onwards..i told her my friend got it after birth, she says unlikely and prob because my friend didn't see it on her big tummy when she was expecting.. dunno how true

Stretch mark cream
Where do we apply?? on the tummy and anywhere else?
how come yr package so expensive? think i paid abt $570+ for 12 visits when i hit 12 weeks.

can apply SM cream on stomache and also the back of stomache.. and also our thighs

some say SM will appear on our breast leh.. so how ar? if use coca butter on our bust like very yucky :p

hubby only restrict me on sweet stuffs like dessert.. coz his buddy's wife got gestational diabetes. and the hubby gotta poked wife's finger every few days for the test. my hubby see liao .. got so worried for me.
Hi Trazng,

Your $1200 is it included delivery charges? My gynae charged $1300 inlucluded delivery charges and unlimited visit.
Hi Gals,

Tks for your advise on barley and chrysanthemun drinks. I think I also heard that barley is very "liang" from my Confinement lady.

Btw, I used mother care stretchmark cream for my first bb and I m stretchmark free..will buy back the same brand again only need to apply it on your tummyother areas I think no need.
the thing abt barley . my fren told me , can mix small size barley and big size ones ( to neutralize the "liangness" )
Ok to drink barley coz prevent water retention .
but must drink in moderation too lah.

Just cancel my order for the BP. Cos the distributor can only fulfill 1st 50 bottles. The organiser can't arrange for another lot. Too bad.

Let me know if have such lobang again. Thanks!
Hi Stileto,
I din feel like farting with those gas bursting.. haha.. nvm, hope I can feel the bb movements soon..

hi Jollysheep,
Yup wonder if we all end up with same gender bbs.. shall see.. btw, i juz took large mcdonald's fries yday.. yummy..

As for SM cream,
I'm using the Massage cream from Mothercare.. so far it's quite soothing to my itch.. it contains shea butter which i heard is very gd for moisturizing skin.. i oso read that SM is due to inelasticity of skin or sudden rapid stretching of skin.. so we can try prevent by applying SM cream but it's not guaranteed that SM won't appear.. Let's hope we won't get them..
Hi happyjean,
i heard from many mummy that we are not suppose to drink too muck cold drinks.. not very good and healthy for our baby lei.. but no choice lei.. i cannot control much on that.. keke. for food i just take whatever i wan and crave to eat lor.. but was told that during the last trimster dun eat too much curry, mee sian, laska all dis.. cos baby skin will be yellow..
Hi jollysheep,
what baby what gender? my baby likely to be a princess. gynae cannot confirm.. onli 90% confirm to be a gal.
Hi JL,
heard during pregancy cannot eat crab lei,... if nt baby next x grow up many hand.. like to mess up the whole house all these lei.. dun noe hw truth anyway
haha.. ok lor.. now gain back what u have lose.. did u limit to what u actually eat ? i try not to eat so much somex.. scare fat lei..
stretch marks cream needs to be apply the whole body if u really scare gt marks all over ur body.. for my case i onli apply on my tummy and somex if i like it on my breast lor.. keke

Hi Traz,
my package start from 20 weeks & cost $600 & doctor delivery charges is $1k.. total will be $1.6k lor..
Hi peggy17,
ok we keep each other inform should we be able more order
other then 'What to expect when you are expecting' book.. anyone can recommend other books to read or borrow fm library?
Hi Blueroti,
i also heard before if eat too much beef, bb will be ahiry leh..dunno if its myth hor.. me has so far eatn 3 times laksa (with hum)!! very sinful leh.. hehe..but dun dare to eat liao also..

hi wawapiggyling,
thighs and butt area also must put stretch mark cream..

hi peggy17,
oh, mine also after 50 leh..think my order also not accepted eh??
the eat too much beef theory was the first time i heard leh .
but i noticed my belly abit hairy now , did u all hv the same experience ? it is getting hairier as i progressed into my pregnancy....
my bb is still very tiny , the hands very skinny and i did not put on weight . i heard many ppl saying beef can boost the size of baby ...
ya,caicai, i heard they say beef can boost bb's size.. but hope not too big la..else hard to deliver also.. hehe... :p
yeah. Eat beef and durian will boost bb's size. Hairy.. nvr heard this before. I ate lots of beef for my first born, but he's not that hairy type. Just normal.
hi caicai,
i oso notice some hair on my belly.. dunno if cos of bulge that makes the hair caught my attention or it's really the works of preggie hormones..

i oso heard abt beef n durian boosting bb's size..
hi JL, ixora15, cai cai

yes! yes! i also noticed the area around my belly button is abit hairy now! i assume it's coz of hormones wrecking havoc! n i thot it's juz me!!!

Hi J&R

yah that's wat my colleague told me. they said eat beef, baby will be strong.
but cmy didn't have this problem so mayb it's a myth!

and yeah funny thing is i crave for laksa now. in the past i only eat my mom's laksa but now i everytime i see laksa, i'll want to eat it. but so far, have managed not to succumb to temptation yet!
so far i dun see any hair around belly area *touchwood*, but got a light brown line from belly button downwards lor..
so far i dun see any hair around belly area *touchwood*, but got a light brown line from belly button downwards lor..
JL, ixora15, blueroti .

will the hair drop off eh ?
so ugly ..... i tried pulling off . then there is some twitching action from inside ( must be Baby protesting)
haha caicai, your baby so cute! anyway, i duno if it'll drop off but i assume if this is part of pregnancy, it'll drop off eventually! i dun dare to pluck it tho'. but thankfully it's juz at the belly button n i'm not growing a


my colleague who juz gave birth also has a very dark brown line running down from her belly button. she said it comes with pregnancy but it'll fade off with time so dun have to worry.
haha caicai, your baby so cute! anyway, i duno if it'll drop off but i assume if this is part of pregnancy, it'll drop off eventually! i dun dare to pluck it tho'. but thankfully it's juz at the belly button n i'm not growing a moustache!


my colleague who juz gave birth also has a very dark brown line running down from her belly button. she said it comes with pregnancy but it'll fade off with time so dun have to worry.
sorry, posted the msg twice!

anyway, for those who're interested, i juz called TMC to ask abt the antenatal class and all the classes conducted by mrs wong (many mummies said she's good) are fully booked. her next class starts pm 6 jan n will run till 6 mar coz of the CNY holidays!!! i've made a tentative booking but think 6 mar is too close to delivery date so may change my mind.
can gimme the no. to call. i tried calling 62514090 (got it fm TMC's web) many times.. and their voice mail is full

guess no choice gotta join next yr class coz HB and i are totally clueless

Ya due to too overwhelming demand. We are out. Can cut hair lah... cut twice so far.

The next BP delivery is Mar07. Think has to forget it.. by the time we collected, we only left with one mth before our EDD.

I dun see any. Those hair very fine ones or prominent long ones?
