(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Hi J&R, my mum only told the 'shifu' my DOB & he predicted that most likely my bb is a boy, which comes true based on the prelimary scan. And I think DOB quite general leh, me borned in 1978 but before Chinese New Yr, so not Horse like my peers but Snake lor. Dun worry lah, shld be okie one, esp when u intend to get a 'master' to name the child. The master will do so in a way that's gd for the child & the parents. U intend to do so?

Hi Blueroti, agreed that the gender doesn't matter as long as the child is healthy but me & my colleagues all seem to feel that the world has changed. Every1 in the past like my Ah Ma's generation wanted boys to carry on the family line but now, seems that if we don't give birth to a girl girl, then cannot stop production liao........:p at least, that's what my husband told me jokingly.

Btw, I have not put on any weight, still experiencing MS. So worried whether my bb has enough nutrients or not. My bb is 10cm at 16 weeks. Gynae said normal, so relieved to hear that.
Hi happyjean & J&R,
i guess we are the top few which have gained so much weight as at current..
But i guess is ok to gain weight de la.. cos i have friend which gain abt 20 plus kg throughout the 10 mths lei.. also can lose weight lei.. keke.. jz to comfort urself dis way should be ok la..

Hi ixora, in fact nowadays dun really feel like going to work.. cos dun noe wat to wear? normal clothing which is abit too tight liao or maternity clothes which make me look so big & fat.. sign.. Me going for detail scan next appt which is abt 20 weeks lor..

Hi peggy17, i will be going to register for the class.. maybe before dis mth end will send a cheque over lor..baby love i dun tink she will be attending as she is nt the first mummy le.. she have go for her previous round..
Hi peggy17,
where is the doctor located? i also want to go.. i cannot stand it liao.. if it go on i tink i will look very ugly cos i gt itchy hand lei..

Hi jmonster,
i cant stand the smell of the fish oil lei.. every morning after eating i feel so uncomfortable.. feel like vomit.. anyone feeling the same also ?
hi fen, happyjean, J&R

i've also gained 5 kg so far! in fact, most of my colleaguees from other divisions can tell i'm pregnant coz' my face is round and nose is big!

hi snowflakes

yes, that's true. my colleague who has 2 sons juz told me she saw her fren's cute daughter n she really wants a baby girl! but she's closing factory already coz' 2 is too much of a handful for her.
Was told nose big is a boy. So confirm boy liao

Thought of attending too. You going for the weekend one? Maybe will see you there. keke

The skin clinic is located at Blk 825 Tampines St 81. Is this far from your place? Also be prepared to wait very long i.e. an hr or more cos her biz is too gd till need to take number one. Need to call b4 going down cos she might be on biz trips. If this is comfortable with you, I email you cos dunno can post here will kana banned or not?
After taking the fish oil, I will eat 1 sweet to ensure later when the fish oil take effect, I burp.. will not smell of the fishy smell. If not sure feel like vomitting.

Anyone drinking the essence of chicken every or alternate day. My colleague told me very gd for bb.
Hi fen,
me dun feel like puking when taking the fish oil, but you know sometimes when burp, can feel the fish oil smell coming out..er xin leh.. heheh.. and you try not to scratch your face leh.. else will scarred.. endure abit and go find doctor quickly.. :p if not you can try the aloe vera gel from foreverliving..it can actually helps to smooth itches and reduce swelling..no chemicals and safe on face.. :p i used that as my stretch mark gel as well.. hahah!! :p

hi snowflakes,
ya, think we gog to calculate..my hubby agrees only when i tot him my friend intro one master, calculate name only $38.. haha!! :p maybe me too pan dang but i still hope baby and me wont crash lor..dun mind spending a little..hehe.. :p

hi peggy,
me didnt really drink EOC..soemtimes feeling very tired and open one bottle to drink. hehe.. :p

hi blueroti,
maybe me too petite and too young-looking.. some ppl dun even know im married and too paiseh to ask if im pregnant.. :p haha!! and some cant even see that im pregnant even though i put on and can see tummy liao.. funny!! maybe they just keep looking at my face and anything below, also didnt see.. hahah!!! :p

Wat kind of fish oil r u taking ? It usually comes in capsule form rite ? Funny, mine got no smell leh. Probably it's becos I'm not afraid of fish smell la :p

Fen, Happyjean, J&R & Blueroti,

Add me into the "Sumo Club". I'm going 20wks soon & so far I've ballooned 6kg ! Hahahahhahaha
i think me too man!! almost every month when i went checkup, my weight was increased by 1kg man!! scarry!! dun dare to imagine the other 6 mths down the road..
hi peggy17

yeah most pp say nose big means it's a boy BUT a fren also had big nose but she had a baby girl! actually i feel it's a girl leh hehe. my hubby also thinks it's a girl now!

wah J&R, u very lucky man! u r petite so u'll still look fine. my colleagues said i look very maternal now! aiyo to me that means i look auntie!

and haha mama22, fen, happyjean, J&R - there're 5 of us in the "sumo club" now! welcome everyone! let's juz hope we'll gain weight steadily the next few months and not balloon too much! hehe
Hi Traz

Cheer up. I think gender doesnt matter. Most impt is bb must be healthy. I'm also having a girl again and I'm not disappointed. Guess after going through oscar n amnio tests.. gender doesnt matter at all. All i wish for is a healthy bb. Don't feel depressed..it will affect your bb and make bb feel v unwanted. Be happy that you have a healthy bb, all bbs are bundles of joy!

hi Fen and mummies,

i have not taken any fish oil yet, maybe i will ask my gynae to prescibe it to me on the next visit..

it's tat normal that after taking the fish oil and whenever we burp got the fishy smell coming out from throat? yiaks! :p i did experienced cos i started taking the fish oil even b4 i got pregnant

I hv booked my CL already. I heard must give 2 ang paos also. One when she comes and one when she is leaving. But my friend gave her one only..when she is leaving. I thk it is up to the individual? I thk maybe i will give her a small ang pao when she comes.. and if she is gd..will give her a bigger ang pao when she leaves lor.


I went to the childbirth education class at MT A when i had my 1st bb. I found it useful! It teaches you how to take care of yourself and how to prepare yourself from now until delivery. It also teaches you how to take care of bb. I feel 1st time parents should try to attend the classes. I think is is $126 for 6 sessions. If u are going for wkend classes i thk must book earlier and it is a bit more expensive than wkday classes. U can go to the Mt A website to read up on it. There is a hotline for u to call to enquire and book for the classes.

The fish oil in capsule type but very fishy when burp. Dunno what type of fish they used..either too gd qty or too cheapo fish haha.

Wow gd..young looking mum. That's the benefit of petite size.
i will be attending the weekdays wan lei.. dun wanna waste my weekend going for course.. rather tired after work.. keke.. ok can u email the detail lor.. [email protected], thanks

Ya talking abt the fish oil cant stand it lor.. finding ways to overcome it. cannot dun eat ma.. haiz
Hi Baby_love,
Thanks for the link. Will call them to book early.

According to gynae, the fish oil is supplement for the bb's brain development.
Hi J&R,
Ya.. is actually how i feel.. so er xin.. but wat to do for the lttle wan gt to eat ma.. keke
i also dun wan to go and bother abt my face pimples but my hand just cant stop doing dat.. i onli worry dat it will leave alot of scar lei.. ya.. now using aloe vera gel le.. hope dat it help lor..
BabyLove, so is true to give 2 hong bao huh. erm... hw big is big n hw small is small leh. me yet to booked. hv wrote to few nannies...request quote as they oni need to cook during wknd. me plan to cater food in to avoid oily kitchen.

Peggy17, fish oil = DHA pill? is selling $1 per pill from my gynae. proven good? heard, baby will hv big eyes n better brain development.
Baby love, so is true to give 2 hong bao loh. erm...how big is big? how small is small leh? i hv wrote to few nannies (agency) to quote. as they need to cook oni wknd. i will b catering foods to avoid oily n messy ktichen.

Peggy17, fish oil = DHA pills? my gynae is selling S$1 per DHA pill. baby eyes will b BIG n good for brain development. me yet taking...will take from next routine check-up.
hi ma22, Augelo, jmonster, peggy17,
tks for the coffee info.. i oso steal sips of coffee from hb sometimes.. so far hvn't developed disliking in coffee, in fact crave for it.. been resisting since preggie.. recently juz started taking more.. okie, shall go n get decaf ones since i got craving.. I got cravings for french fries too..

hi fen,
i oso dun feel like going to work.. dunno what to wear to feel comfy, mayb i'll get those regular ones in 1 or 2 sizes bigger.. transition period.. ihv been wearing the same clothes for weeks already.. sianz..

Hi all,
last nite i thot i felt intense gas bursting in tummy twice.. wonder if it's fr bb or it's juz gas.. haha.. can't wait to feel the fetal movements..
hi twinkle

i was told barley is too liang but chrysanthemum is ok. but i juz avoid both - juz in case. but i'm more kiasu than others i suppose. i don't even eat cold stuff now even tho i crave for ice cream like mad!
hi twinkle and blueroti,

both my mum and MIL said barley and chrysanthemum are ok for pregnant ladies.

my MIL said barley is more 'hua' aka smooth and helps in delivery or BB's skin..

and my mum said chrysanthemum/barley is ok cos it's not too heaty and not too cooling.

i've been drinking alternate days cos i take chicken essence alternate day too. afraid the chicken essence to heaty for me.
These capsuples are dietary supplement for pregnant and breast-feeding women. The one I'm taking each capsule of fish oil contains:-
250mg of DHA
20mg og EPA
18mg of AA
30mg of OA
3mg natural tocopherol
Vitamin E

Dunno how good it can be but so long gynae said the supplement gd for brain development, I will take lor. Try taking some for the benefits of the bb but S$1 per capsule sound very xpensive hor. Think the one I taking not that x.

My favourite now is McDonald french fries. Are u?

I did visited a chines physician before I conceive. She told me not to take Barley...maybe bcos of my health not suitable or wat. She afraid I might not know I'm pregnant at the intial stage and lost the bb after drink barley. So till now, I still dare not take for my case.
hi peggy,
ok la.. just that some ppl tot im unwed mother only lor.hahah!! :p look young doesnt mean good leh..

Hi jmonster,
really wierd leh..the doctor should have given you fish oil.it contains DHA and EPA which is very good for brain development (about 70% of the brain is made up of DHA)..u try ask your doctor lor..

hi, fen,
thats y ppl always say mummy is the greatest!! need to bare with so many pains, so many er xin medications, itchiness, etc.. :p

hi fen/ixora,
maybe you can try those cotton top which sticks to the mody one (material like those in myphosis).. they are comfy and not too loose for you..

hi twinkle,
i think every drink try to oderate should be ok..not too much of each... :p
Any mummies feel the bb movement already.
I can feel the movement everyday now when I sitted and the environment is quiet. Currently at my Week 19. Detail scan next week.

Emailed you already the contact details of the skin clinic.
Hi Peggy17,

The contains of your fish oil capsule quite similar but Neurogain's OA is higher. It's 70gm. I took since my first pregnancy. Doctor also did't prescribe for me, only when I asked. Anyway, I compared fish oil with other brand in pharmacy before. The lady still recommned me Neurogain plus. Maybe you can join BP? I just bought 5 bottles from recent BP. Each bottle $22 only compared $30 from clinic. I heard got other clinic selling $34!!!

re: barley
I was told not to drink barley. It'll caused early contraction. Dun know how to true was it lah coz I avoid this drink for my both pregnancy.
Hi Cmy,

Also taking this brand NeuroGain PB from the gynae. Is NeuroGain PB and NeuroGain Plus the same? Which BP you join? Thanks for sharing.
Hi ixora,
haha... i also la.. some x wear t-shirt to work lor.. since i am given uniform as i am working as a customer service
Hi J&R,
in fact i also experience itchy on my breast lei.. u also gt the same feeling ma? sian
Hi Peggy,
thanks will go home and see later.
hi blueroti,
u are really very good lei.. i eat and drink what ever i feel like.. no doubt i know is nt good but i cannot control as much as many ppl does..
hi augelo,
heard from my IL the red packet is just a small token onli.. after ur confiment, the CL gt to give u a red packet also.. so dat ur baby will be good good even after she go off.. something like dat.. but i wun be getting one.. MY IL doing for me..
fen, thks for the info. CL will give 1 red pkt to baby to b kuai kuai...
no mummy kid, so i hv asked these nitty gritty info in order not to DE JIU ppl.

now, headache to cfm CL now or later.
Hi Augelo,

If you found someone good you should confirm her immediately. I'm still sourcing. So far called 3 CL all booked liao. I'm still headache looking for one.
Many thanks. BTW, You know how many capsules per bottle?

You buying the BP for the NeuroGain PB fish oil. I will also join in cos it's 10 bucks cheaper if they are the same 30 capsules. My gynae selling 32 bucks. Take 1 capsule per day in the morning.

You can consider as believe you gals are also taking this brand.
hi caicai,
doctor only ask me to take 1 per day.. :p

hi fen,
actually my breast did feel itchy sometimes. think when your skin is stretching, you will feel abit itch one..its norm.. dun worry.. :p like your tummy lor, sometimes feel itchy right? same lor..cos its stretching.. :p

Better cfm now. B4 i found my CL, i called 3-4 CLs, all fully booked. So i think u should book now, else at last minute it is very difficult to find a CL cos many mommies are booking CLs when they are 3-4mths preg. That is why to play safe, I think u should book your CL now.


It's ok, I will continue buying from the clinic.
hi Peggy17,
yup Mcdonald french fries.. BK ones oso fine.. jia lat..

hi J&R,
tks, shall go chk out those mat'l u mentioned..

Re: Fish oil
Like jmonster, My gynae oso nvr prescribed for me, when do we hv to start eating?

Haha. BK one ok only for me but KFC cheezy fries is my 2nd choice.

Gynae start giving me fish oil ard week 13.
yalor..peggy, ya, alot cheaper leh..u go update the BP thread..u didnt state where you wanna collect leh.. :p think too many ppl send in at the same time, me at first also got problem sending in.. hehhe.. :p
wow...J&R, the BP like stock exchange leh. So many sending and all overlapping. lucky managed catch the boat. so fast closed liao.
I also have a craving for potatoes. Couldn't resist the fried ones but realised it may not be healthy for me/my waistline caused of trans fats so in the end switch to baked potatoes with tuna and bacon bits toppings. Really yummy!


Wow, baked potatoes wif tuna & bacon bits sound very delicious leh. But hor potato still fat rite ? Anyway, preggies hv the privilege to get fat :p
