(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

I heard that for 2nd pregancy, usually you will feel baby's kicks earlier. I have experienced bb's kicks since last wk.


hi Ma22

yeah, i've learned my lesson - no more rock melons and chinese medicine at 1 go!!!

halo mummies
and i heard that doing yoga will help when u go into labour so am going to take up yoga lessons. it's good exercise anyway.

hi wenthena

i don't really feel any kick, but some spasms...strange feeling...
hi wenthena,

i cant feel bb kicking but then i was experiencing some cramps few nights ago.. thought i was stomach aching

btw, today went for the DS test... $300 flew away liao. but good thing is at least the scan result is good. now only gotta wait to see blood test result.

and then the BB was a bit playful. when the doctor started scanning, he/she was playing, dun want to lie horizontally. then the doc bo bian asked me go out walked a bit. 2nd scan even worse, the BB was standing upside down. he/she used his head to 'stand' instead of legs. *fainted* finally, BB guai guai and turned ard and lie down.

feel like beat him/her liao...if after born still tat playful, think i will become a mum who run ard chasing kid with cane. cant imagine...

wow your bb so smart somersaut already! haha...actually it more exciting and cute to see them in such active poses!!! of cos, not so good when gynae need to do serious check on them..

thanks for your assurance on cats. but I'll avoid SIL's cat cos' this one is not normal i think a bit of mental problem cos he bites one too often when you least expect...he recognise food more than the hands that feed him...so not very good to "siok" although he is a handsome and cute looking cat..

Who's still enjoying nookie????? ha...I'm feel very conscious but yet I don't want to disappoint hb...is it really ok to have nookies??? I tried but not as good as before...hehheh...
i cleared my Oscar test and spent $1k on a single day on Oscar and package.. sian.. thats alot of money

i still don have any feeling inside my tum tum.. still feel very normal now, no MS etc. worse, i eat per normal, nvr really obstain fm certain food..

btw, i juz bot nursing bra fm Perfect Mum.. wonder if its really useful coz find the bra seem quite odd when u wear those clothes that cling on to yr body.. but must say they are more comfy then my normal bra
hi stileto,

ya loh. the BB is somehow so playful, cant imagine after born later leh cos this morning my colleague frighten me that i will hv 'playful' BB.. crazy this time... sigh... maybe i shld start to listen to some smoothing music. hope it's helpful... lolz
mayb 2 of us are the same-no weight gain, no increase of appettie, no ms, no tummy shown... everything as per norm. except no menses and i eat slower than usual.

nursing bra? can share more? i mean is to hv better support?
Hi mindy and augelo,

I'm also wearing nursing bra from my last pregnancy
Yup they are really more comfy.

augelo, nursing bra has a clip at one corner of the cup for easy removal during breastfeeding.
Actually, most bra experts wouldn't advise mummies to buy nursing bra until we are 6 to 7 months pregnant because we wouldn't know how much our boobs will grow.
For me, mI think as long avoid underwired bra can already.

I think you 2 ladies are the very few lucky ones who have ms free pregnancy. It is ok, not every pregnancies are the same. Do try to eat good nutrituous food while you can.

Hi ladies,
Have your doctors "upgrade" your prenatal vitamins yet? Instead of folic acid and iron pills, my gynae now gave me multivit, calcium tablets and Omega+DHA softgels. Not sure if it is my imagination, but I thought my appetite worsen after taking these pills.
I'm still looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel (end of MS).
Page up

Yap, my supplements were upgarded 2 wks ago to calcium tablets, folic acid, iron tablets and neurogain (Omega + DHA softgels).

I'm not sure if it is the supplements which worsen your appetite.. for me it is still the same.. but i know some mommies will get constipated from the iron tablets.
Hello ladies,

is bak kut teh safe to eat huh? i know there are many herbs in there.

i had some braised duck porridge just now. ate half only cos i started panicking; tasted all the herbs, dunno whether safe for baby or not...
hi page up,

so far i only take folic acid which was the left over during my very 1st chk-up at the polyclinic, the gynae only upgraded my prenatal vitamins to Obimin. so now i m taking 2 of these at the moment.

i stop taking iron pills 2mths ago cos it causes constipation. went toilet once a wk leh... the whole stomach so bloated. so i stop taking it myself 1st then asked gynae later :p

the gynae said it's ok to stop cos i've been drinking Anmum regularly, so that's y she didnt give me calcium as well.

as for some herbal soup, i think no harm if drink with moderation cos my MIL starting boiling some herbal soup for me few wks back. like lst wk, she boiled Dang Gui soup and i drink 2bowls, so far still ok for me.
Hi DW,

I guess any herbal soups are safe as long as the soup does not contains Ginseng ... I was told that Ginseng could cause miscarriage

Hi Page Up,
Since into my 12th weeks 2 weeks ago, I was given the multivits as well as the DHA gels ..I took the pills right after my breakfast and had been feeling lousy and smell "fishy" whenever I burped during the day ...
hi peggy and jmonster,

thanks for your replies.

but jmonster, i think you better check with gynae about dang gui, not sure if it's good to take. i also kena constipation with iron... v xin ku....

hi pageup,
i'm also taking obimin and the omega capsules.
hi mummies,
i was told by my gynae that the multivit cannot be taken with fresh milk. it shd be taken 2 hrs after consumption of fresh milk.

i am into my 13 wk now. so now also taking multivit, calcium pills and DHA gel pills. I usually take the calcium and gel pills before i go to bed.
Hi Peggy,

Yup yup... that is how exactly I felt. So most likely the omega+DHA are the culprit huh? I was wondering how come I have that stinking fish smell around my throat when I didn't even have fish in the morning or the night before.
The omega+DHA softgels my gynae gave is prolacta, which he never give me for my previous pregnancy.

Just to share with you ladies. I was almost dozing off a moment ago but was awaken suddenly by a soft puking feeling from inside of my lower ab.I'm pretty sure it is the baby
As if he/she is trying wake me up. hee hee
HI jmonster
I have been seeing a chinese physician regularly and was told that we should avoid dang gui.

HI babylove
After I read the info from KKH, I decided to go for an Oscar test this week. (initally wanted to go straight for amnio test)
Ooh... I hate that "fishy" smell too!

When I was still in the midst of very bad MS, some websites actually posted that multivits could worsen nausea and suggested that for the first trimester, just take the folic acid and Vit B6 (supposed to help with the vomitting). My gynae also suggested that I don't take the DHA until I stop vomitting otherwise the smell might make things worse! Up till now, I still don't have the guts to take my DHA, just try to eat fish as often as possible.

By the way, any of you have cravings yet? Presently I find McDonald's cheeseburgers particularly yummy even though I usually hate them!
Hi twinkle,

I used to have constipation before pregnant. SInce pregnant I took lot of fruits. (about 5-6 pcs per day) 3 for breakfast and 3 for tea break. Beside that I take oat for breakfast, try to take more vegatables for every meal. I found that nowaday I can poo twice a day the most. Maybe you want to try take more veges and fruits?
Hi mummies,

Anyone knows whether it is safe to consume liver during pregnancy? Anyone started taking bird nest? Is it true that we can only start taking it from 4th month onwards?
hey jmonster

my chinese sinseh also told me not to take dangui. told her my mom cooked dan gui chicken soup for me but she said not to take coz dangui is supposed to boost blood circulation n is not suitable for pregnant women. not too sure why really. but if u've taken n is ok, think should be fine. but try not to take too much.

Hi saffy

haha i actually crave for hamburgers! have not taken it for years but duno why i like it now. mayb it's coz' the pickles in it!

hi twinkle

my colleague advised me to take kiwi or guava if i've constipation. mayb u can try.

hi mummies

i was told by my gynae not to take multivit but to consume food that contain the real nutrients. i took for a few weeks but stopped. i've only been taking folic acid.
Hi mummy,
anyone pang tang on cutting hair?
i dun know should go for my hair cut anot??? wanna cut hair my IL was ok say is ok to cut..
then i heard two of my friend say NO NO to Hair cutting.. anyone can advise?

me also lei.. same as u... but after i drink orange juice per day is ok liao lei.. i manage to do it once every day or two days once..
but was just told by the experience mummy orange juices try nt to drink..
sign.. nw trying to see wat i can eat or drink?? i eat alot of vegetable and fruits also no help anot
Haven't seen you around the thread! ya, I also spent a bomb last week...

nookies=slang for sexual intercourse
I very cham so early wake up for thur already!!!!

Fen, why cannot cut hair, what logic??? I'm cutting this weekend...

gynae added calcium pills for me cos' I told her I only have a glass of milk everyday and apparently this is not enough...oh, so we must also take omega+DHA pills as we progress into pregnancy...
Haven't hear about avoiding dang gui but was told not to take ginseng esp in 3rd tri cos it nourish the blood and cause difficulty in clearing the blood during/after delivery cos' the blood is richer from the "bu"...so this logic maybe apply to dang gui too...

what can I do to sleep huh...xian...
ya! y can't cut the hair. i m planning to get some trimming. any reasons can't cut?

last night went for my 13wks check up, less than 5 mins i m out of gynae room. real quick monies. my baby is 6.5cm length, 83gm, EDD 6 Apr 07...gynae 80% can c the gender liao. will cfm in next visit. paid $500 for the package and get 2 types of multi-vit. triples blood test in 2 wks later.

do u mean u can't sleep? u must b thinking alots. after work, once reach home me so tired...n laze on the sofa. force myself to go shower. After shower, can't sleep liao. usually i will make hubby talk 2me till i sleep. coz of his low voice tone...hahahaha! but not everytimes it works. hope u hv a good nite sleep.
think can cut hair lah.. nvr heard pple saying cannot.. i oso need a trim soon..

as for dang gui, i heard can't eat when preggy too..

like cmy, i always constipated b4 preggy.. so now i'll try to eat more fruits.. sometimes oats.. still dun poo regularly.. cos not disciplined.. will sometimes take diluted prune juice too..

hv been taking only folic acid, seeing gynae tmw.. see if she prescribes other vits or not cos she supports take in fr natural sources.. but i'm not disciplined.. very bad..

i'm like augelo, after work feel super tired.. can't do much except sleeping after nuahing..
Stileto, try keeping yourself very occupied in the day?
hope u can sleep well soon..
Hi ladies,

Anyone still feeling nausea and vomitting? I am in my week 10 now and still having very bad nausea and vomitting. Wonder when you gals stop vomitting? I am hoping to see some lights at the end of the tunnel....
augelo, can almost see gender means boy lah? having oscar today. wish me luck. i hate needles. i hate waiting for results even more.
Hi Fong and Saffy

Just a question. Fong's gynae mentioned that milk cannot be taken with multivitamins pills?
i have been taking the pills abt 2 hrs after taking my milk... and not long after that i will puke. this has been going on for many weeks.. i wonder if it is the multivitamin + milk combination or the multivitamin the main reason for my puking?

im in 12th week and gynae still only give me multivitamins and folic acid.. my gynae nvr prescibe me any calcium and DHA gel pills...

Hi Hopper

i have taken birds nest a few times in the first trimester and there's nothing wrong with it. Also, my gynae has given her ok for taking birds nest.

Hi Fen
i went ahead with cutting my hair short.. it's ok if you are not ban dang =)
HI ice queen
i'm in my 12th week and went to visit gynae yesterday.. i told her since 9th week onwards, my MS worsened...
i puked everyday, feel sick and lethargic..
and my weight declined further...
she was quite surprised as she says normally MS would have peaked from 6th to 8th week and get better after that..
and she says better for me to put on 1-2kgs by my nxt visit in a mths time....
BUT, it all depends on individuals too.... some experience MS but others don't ...and some get it for a shorter period while others get it even in the 2nd or 3rd trimester.. just hang on there.... most of us have been through it (I am still) and all hope to see light at the end of the tunnel soon.
and i just gathered that it may be due to the multivits that im taking so im not taking them early in the morning now... probably will try to take at night....
Hi Ice Queen,

My MS was very bad too, and I was actually on medication to lessen the nausea. I've only just started to feel a bit more relief this week (Week 14). Don't worry, I felt like it was end of the world when I was in Week 10 as well (and I even went travelling to Japan then!). Was so bad that I even threw up when watching cooking shows on TV... haha.

I find that eating small snacks like bread or cheese even BEFORE you are hungry helps...
hello ice queen,

like saffy, i also puked while watching AFC. It's my favourite channel in the world. But now cannot watch anymore. And sometimes, if i cough too violently, i will puke also!

What's worse, even now, i have to brush my teeth in 10s flat. if not, will definitely puke. I'm also 14w plus. Looks like ms is not going away anytime soon....

But with my DS, I was feeling ill all the way until 7 months. Only started putting on weight in the 6th month.

wa wa pigglyling: milk has calcium. too much calcium will chelate (group together) the other components of the vitamins. so our body cannot absorb the vits. that's why try not to eat vits with milk. my pharmacist friend says best to take milk (together with additional Ca tablets) in am and vits at night or vice versa. or at least 4 hour interval in between.

Sorry for the long post everyone! Have a good day!

my gynae din ask me to do OCSAR test...only triple bloods test. hope u are well. when u will know the OSCAR result?

yest. the clinic assistant promote DHA gel to me. $1 a pill. not taking now...mayb start next month. trying to save some cost.

BTW, the DHA gel seems big...is that for chewing? heehee! pardon my ignorance.
i rmbr 1 kind soul hv shared 1 website of the reference baby's growth in wks, size n weight. any1 still keeping this website.

thot hv keep in fav. but is lost.
hi mum_wannabe, blueroti, & Stileto,

when my MIL give me a bowl of dang gui soup & i was kind of 'err.. shld i take it?' cos i also been hearing pple said better not take dang gui soup.

so i told her abt that then she said once a while is fine but not too often and she got 6kids so kind of proven that it was fine lah. but after that she didnt boil any dang gui soup anymore le hahaha... anyway, she put very little ingredients in all her cooking one loh, i cant even tell its dang gui soup. her cooking standards vary day to day. so sometimes i prefer my mum's or my aunt's dishes than hers.

but i do take some Gao Li Sen tea once a while. and my SIL said taking ginseng tea also good cos preggy women tend to be more tired/fatigue.

hi Fen,

we cant cut hair meh... i hv cut my hair last Sunday from mid-back length to above the shoulder. think > 10inches ba... cannot stand my hair cos i hv natural curl plus we cant do colour and rebonding now, so might as well cut it. anyway, some pple wll cut it later ard the EDD, so i think its ok ba.

i heard its ok to cut cos longer hair needs more nutrition and BB also needs it. short hair needs it less so hair wont fight for the nutritions with BB?! not too sure correct or not, been hearing this some times back

Hi Hopper,
pple also asked me not to take liver during pregnancy but its ok to be consumed after we gave birth. thank goodness i dun like any of those things, so it would not affect me much. but they said normally pple take bird nest > 4 mths pregnant. but i still take those in bottles now. will be buying those dried bird nest maybe 1mth later.

hi twinkle,
i also suffered constipation but it was gone after i stop taking the iron pills.. ;) u can try kiwi, it will help.

and i hv been taking multivitamins with Anmum every morning. everything seems ok, dun hv those nausea effect.
Hi Jayde

Thanks for the information.. i think it must be the main reason for my constant puking.... i feel so stupid that my ignorance have caused me to suffer for the past few weeks and not only did it make me feel terrible, it also made my breakfast and all the vitamins/ nutrients gone to waste.
blueroti, i also crave for hamburgers! haha... doc recommend to avoid the fries, just eat the burger when got cravings! :p otherwise, will put on too much weight...

the rest of mummies, i think with regards to food, generally just take everything in moderation. too much of anything is never good.

my OB prescribed folic acid with multi vit and calcium tablets. MIL gave me omega capsules to eat... so one day have to eat 4 diff capsules!

OB started me on the package since my last visit (12wks) and will cover all visits, supplements, ultrasounds, basic tests and actual delivery @ S$2K. I think that's quite reasonable considering my first vist was abt S$180 w/o any supplements.
Hi Augelo,

You can try this as well...

A daily progress of your little one...b4 that log in as a member and register your expected due date.

So everytime when you log in, they will remind you the no. of your preggie days...

I have been logging on since day 1. So it has become a daily regime for me to log in b4 i start work.

check this out! hope u like it. njoy...

Hi all,
i am from the May 07's thread. My edd is on 2nd may 07 so there is a possibilty that i might pop in late april. opps.

the gynae managed to tell the gender at 13wks? that's fast.

Michele Chua, are you the mic on LJ?
Hi jmonster

my MIL gave me some chicken essence which is supposed to perk me up coz' of my fatigue but i've not taken any coz find the taste fishy!

as for cutting hair, i didn't hear anything abt not to cut hair. i went for a trim 4 weeks ago. cannot imagine not cutting hair for 9 months!
hey is there any mummies wanna sign up for Pre-natal Yoga?

I'd fixed up an appt with True Yoga.

Will assess their lesson on this Sat!

Anyone interested? We can all go together

jesmine... what's LJ? obviously, not the same one.

77fiona, what time is the yoga class? and how much is it? i've been thinking of signing up for some classes actually but not sure where to start.
