(2007/04) April 2007 MTB


then tiramisu also got raw egg must avoid lor

ice cream also got raw egg

hi belle,
thankie.. i oso read that ice cream got raw egg.. juz when i had quite alot.. sigh.. so sad.. so many things cannot eat.. but hor, i may still eat ice cream i think.. cos my fren indulged in ice cream, her child is alright..

ya i also eat. i like the hot fudge sundae from macdonalds. But must go to those with a lot of people buying sundae type, so they will regularly replenish the stock else what they sell are old stock then can get diarrhea.

Those ice cream peddlers better avoid. dunno how clean their machines and hands. they handle money and then handle the ice cream. unhygienic.
yah belle,
u r right.. those ice cream peddlers' ones r usually homemade, better avoid.. now that u mentioned macdonalds hot fudge sundae, i feel like having.. oh no... kekekek..
everyday it's a torture to think of what to eat, whether will puke or not.. sigh..

the gynae i saw earlier was Kelly Loi and she's just an associate. she got 1 room at the Premier clinic which means if i take her then i dun hv to wait that long at Clinic B anymore.

but for KT Tan, he only sees patients at Clinic B which means still hv to wait but my SIL said if we r punctual, may not wait so long.

i still can book KT Tan under Primier Package, all i need to do is to sign up the Premier Pkg by paying $620 (Snr Consultant rate) thru medisave

BUT we still hv to pay a deposit of $1200 ~ $1500 near to the time for delivery in order to book the doctor & chop for bed. i will opt for B1 ward cos afraid to stay alone there, esp night time.

whereas under Classic package, the availability of room is on 1st come 1st serve basis. i.e. if no space under B1 ward, they will put u to A1. and doctor on duty will help to deliver BB.

some more i heard, next time if u are going back to KKH to deliver another BB there, u cant choose B1 ward if previously u stayed in A1 ward. i.e once u choosed the highest class of room previously, u can nv go down plus the jabs, medicines, etc they will charge u at A1-ward rate. which is EX!!!!

WHAT?! cant take ice-cream too... i've been eating ice-cream on & off... crazy liao....but yesterday the urine test was ok leh

i also headache what toe at everyday. No appetite and scared eat wrong thing will merlion. So far hot fudge sundae is ok for me

i think it as intake of calcium seems i scared drink milk and vomit. I don like drinking milk anyway.

but i like those homemade peddler's ice cream with bread, u know the multiple colours one? very shiok. but now cannot risk it.
hi belle,
yah i know, i oso like.. got all sort of flavours mixed together.. since when i was in pri school.. hahaha.. i oso dun like to drink milk.. but now no choice, i drink fresh milk cos it's cold.. those powdered ones which need hot/warm water to make, i'll vomit..

hi jmonster,
hope u change to dr KT Tan no need to wait too long.. 3hrs was ridiculous.. me in SGH oso muz wait but not 3hrs!!

i like those ice cream u mentioned. i eat that at least once a week ;P


had called the clinic to change the gynae to KT Tan liao.. so i will be going down to the clinic one more time on Monday but i think he also cant do much thing except ask me some Qns cos yesterday i've done routine test, urine test, blood test, scan
hi babylove,

Think the rest of the ladies have already said what i wanted to say to you. Just continue to stay positive. Do come into post your thoughts more often if you feel the need to 'talk' to someone.
Hope everything will turn out fine for you.

hi ixora,

I saw maternity swimwear at thyme maternity and triumph but i think they are rather ex. Actually, if you don't mind to show off your bulging tummy, you can consider 2 pc swimwear..

Hi augelo,

let me know when you found the web link on confinement ladies ok? terima kasih.

Hi ice queen,

will send you a pm.
hi page up,
Tks! Actually I hv a set of 2 pc swimwear.. still comtemplating whether to show the bulging tummy or buy the 1 pc kind but look like a hippo.. hahaha..

you really are young.. any mummy want to msn here?? hehe! BTW, what is the sample you have?? I thinking of buying the clarins one cos I hear it is very good for itching skin. But for stretch marks prevention too late liao for me.

Does anyone knows how much it is selling at DFS?

Baby Love,

stay positive and optimistic ok?? Will always have a listening ear for you to vent.When will your amnio be scheduled for? Will be sending positive thoughts your way!!


I also nose bleeding. sad sad hehe part of the 'fun' of being pregnant.

ice cream!

ahhh!! no wonder everytime i eat ice cream eat until shiok shiok then afterwards puke until i scared.. i dun even know got raw egg!
talking about ice-cream, i was watching this hk serial... the hubby is a doctor and didn't let pregnant wife eat ice-cream! sometimes, i think we quite cham, already suffering from ms then cannot eat what we like/want to eat... all the sacrifices we make. now i can't go holiday, can't go scuba diving, so many things cannot eat, drink cold water, play golf, etc also kenna scolding... *sigh*

i guess that's why pple say "in the world, only ma ma hao"
Hi Michele,

Just have to bear with it for another 7 months. I know how u feel, my hubby going diving this Oct holiday and i cannot join him sign sign. I was still playing golf i.e. walking 18 holes last week and sometime 9 holes during the evening since i know i was pregnant. i thought walking exercise will be good and can keep me fit.

But 2 days ago, i notice some spotting. Was really scared, went to the doc yesterday and the doc gave me some medication and told me no exercise for 2 weeks until everything is stable. Baby is ok, active and heartbeat is ok but just the sac is abit "dislocated" so there is slight bleeding.

As for what to eat, agree everything in moderation but there is something that defintely must avoid. Not all ice-cream containe raw eggs, just make sure u check the ingredient before u eat them. In fact, anything that's creamy e.g. pasta sauce also must check cos it can be made from raw egg, so check with the chef about the carbanara before eating them. As for mercury, avoid sharkfin and big cold water fish since they had more time to accumate the mecury in their body already. You can check the website on what fish to avoid.

For the clarin oil, i am quite sure DFS is cheaper but not sure how much, but if u use other clarin product, buying at the shopping center is better since u can get more "free gifts and sample" etc. DFS u get nothing.

Baby love, i am also 30. i always tho woman who are older than 35 would be highrisk. but does the age of the father matters? I think i also need to check with my doc abt the oscar test when i next see her. So far, she has not mentioned anything to me. By the way, i read that Oscar is a more advance test compared to triple testing, not sure if its true but maybe check with your doc before testing.

Ya..i'm surprised too cos my hub only 1 yr older than me. Our 1st bb is perfectly normal..and i had a smooth pregnancy. Both of us also dun hv history of ds. Hmmmm... anyway, i will be positive and go for the test.

Baby Love,
Thanks for the info on oscar test. Which week were you when you took the test? Bcos the neck measurement if taken at later weeks is naturally thicker cos bb grows (read somewhere)....your 1st bb is fine , your 2nd one will be too! Bless!

By the way, my gynae never mention nuchal test, just straight away ask if i want to do oscar test...
Hi wenthena,
the sample which i gt is for the stretch marks wan lor.. i buy at metro happen to have 20% discount dis mth as my birthday fall on sep ma..
usually buy from the same sales gal so she give me two sample and i i buy one liao.. nw still left wif one sample lor.. i gt MSm u can add me lor.. [email protected]
hi cherryteq

thanks for the reassurance!!! i tried to resist eating peanuts during dinner today coz' my colleague said best not to eat nuts BUT ate a few in the end...= o P
but i did have raw vegetables tho when i went for a buffet recently coz' was thinking it's good to eat more vege! but i forgot that it's raw so it may not be a good idea afterall.

anyway, my chinese sinseh told me that it's best not to do any streneous exercise during the 1st trimester and eat any cold stuff, including cold water. so i'm giving ice cream a miss for now. but then, it may only apply to me coz' of my body constitution.

as for stretch mark cream, my colleague has given me the 1 she bought from thyme. i read on some forum that it's supposed to be good. but i can't really tell coz' i juz started using it for a week. feel like buying the clarins 1 since most people seem to have given it good reviews.
Hi Baby_Love,thanxs for the info on the Oscar test, really quite exp. Shall see what my gynae say but think given my character, so paranoid, I think I wld still go for it eventually. :p

U dun worry too much. I'm sure everything will be fine. My hubby always say must stay happy & cheery & bb will be fine & healthy too, cos sometimes it's all in the mind, so stay positive k.

I haven't bought any stetch mark cream yet but my fren who is abt 4 mths pregnant has been using for very long oreadi, the one from Clarins. She said she has did her hmwork & so far so gd, so I intend to try oso. Will DFS be a lot cheaper btw?

Thanks! I was at wk 11th when i did the oscar test. This test is usually done ard 11-12th wks.
I thk she can tell from the ultra sound scan. Was your last appt long? Did your gynae do a long ultra scan b4 advising u to go for oscar test? When they do the ultra sound scan, they will take down the measurements at the same time. Nuchal fold thickness is one of the things they will measure during the ultra sound scan, i thk some call it the NT scan..it is just a normal ultra sound scan. It is not a separate test, just the usual ultra sound scan but they will take longer cos they wanna do the measurements of bb. From what i know, usually gynae wont send u straight for oscar if all the measurements are fine. I didnt go for this test for my previous preg. But maybe different gynae practise differently, maybe your gynae just wanna be more cautious?


Thanks..when are u going to see dr ho? I'm going this sat morning.. hee


I read somewhere it is best to avoid peanuts during pregnancy. Some ppl can get really bad peanut allergy, which is fatal to bbs. So better avoid peanuts if you can. Many of the magazines will advise preggies to avoid peanuts.


Yes. Oscar test is expensive. My amnio test is even more expensive. $1080. But $ can be earned back..bb's health is more impt.. right?

Hi Baby_Love,

Can I check with you, did you went for the Glucose Test & Antenatal Test? Heard that normally when u admitted to hosptial for delivery, they will ask for the Anenatal Test(Blood test) result? Is it true?

I didnt do all these tests when i went for delivery that time. If i remember correctly, we will hv a do a blood test ard 5th or 6th mth.

They will do a blood test for you and your spouse. After that they will send the blood samples for analysis. A report will be given to you and you need to bring this blood test report when you admit for delivery so that they can tell from the report if you have any special conditions for them to take note of before delivery.
hi christine, yeah... we just have to hang in there. u hor, better to take the doctor's advice and rest more ok!! i'm thinking moderate exercises like brisk walking would be good coz really scared to put on too much weight! doesn't help that i'm always feel queasy... *sigh* the pounds are easy to put on, but difficult to lose!
Hi Baby_Love,

I see. Bcox my dad had diabetics so i need to do the gulcose test. So since im doing this test, they advise me to do the antenatal test as well. I didnt have any pre-pregnancy check up before hand so I think this antenatal test shld be good.

Antenatal test able to detect - Blood group, Rhesus factor, Rubella,Toxoplasmosis,Hepatitis B,
Sickle cell disease etc. This is what the nurse told me.

Thanks for your explanation.

I am new here!! 13+ weeks into my 1st pregnancy. EDD 3rd Apr. So happy to chance upon this forum. I also went for my OSCAR test last Fri. Everything went on well, thank God!

Hi baby love,
My sis went through a similar situation as you. she also went for amnio. The results of the test was good and now, my nephew is already coming to 3 years old. So, try not to worry, I believe your results will also be as good as hers!

No probs. I thk u should go for the glucose test since your dad had diabetics. They do blood test huh? Since they are drawing blood from you, might as well go for antenatal test too..so that dun need to get poked twice! hahaa

I thk it is gd to do antenatal test since it can detect many things!
Hi Miraclebb


Wow..lucky u. Gd to hear your results are ok.

Thanks for sharing your sis's case. I also hope I will be lucky like her.

Btw, which gynae r u seeing? Hospital? So that i can update the list.

Halo Halo,

I have 2 gals (4 & 2 yrs old) and I'm 13wks+ preggie, due on 3 Apr 07'. Currently, seeing Dr AL Lim at TMC. Doubt I can escape from the "horrible fate" of doing amino test as I'll be over 35 when I deliver. Haiz .... Even thou some mommies from other thread mentioned that it's not painfull. Close ur eyes if u r afraid, breathe in & out & count to 12 & wala u're done. But the tot of this long needle freaks me out !

Since this is the 3rd pregnancy, tummy is bulging very fast - slacking of stomach muscles. Have to switch to more roomy ones soon. Talking abt maternity clothings, I bought quite a no. last time but I still cannot stop myself from getting new ones. Just wondering, anyone out there as crazy as me ? Any comments abt Perfect Mom at The Arcade as I've reserved 2 dresses, collecting next mon.

No eating of raw stuff ? Not sure abt this as I love sashimi. I'm probably blessed wif a stronger stomach la.

Else u can relate it this way :- Caucasian takes salads / pastas, Japanese takes sashimi, Indian takes prata & curries, Malay takes nasi brayani. Now, feel beta ? No more feeling guilty :p

Watever food u take, eat in moderation. Just my 2 cents worth.
Welcome Ma22!

Wow.. so u are a 3rd time mom..guess you should be the most experienced here. hee

Ya, the thought of the long needle also freaks me out.. but I thk i'll just close my eyes and breathe in & out.. heh
hi hi, i'm new here too. Expected delivery is early april. I did the scanning and blood test for down last sat. Nurse said it was normal. Don't quite understand this 2 test (measure the neck skin and the blood test). Anyone can explain in layman terms?

Also, anyone know of any infantcare centre in the west? around jurong east, clementi, buona vista area?

HI, I'm in my 12+ weeks now and jus came bk from my gynae visit. I was told that the Triple Test is only a screening test which gives 60-70% accuracy, while the amino is a diagnostic test which gives almost 100% accuracy. So my innocent hubby asked doc why not do the amino test straight away. To my surprise, doc says this should be the correct thinking although it is not widely accepted. He says the risk of miscarriage is actually lower than the published rate of 1%, and its worthwhile to do it considering the near 100% accuracy.

On my way home I picked up a Motherhood mag (oct issue) and there is an article featuring a woman's experience in doing amino test. Althou the result confirmed that the bb is not having down syndrome, the test picked up other genetic problems such as risk of the child developing genetic problems in later growing years, repeated miscarriages and infertiity in the mother.

I am now contemplating whether to go for the amino test and skip the Triple test (cos I've done similar blood test before). I'm turning 30 y/o.

Any advice?
Baby Love,
My gynae didn't do any detailed scan or advice before proposing Oscars to me. She just tell me if I want to do optional Oscar test for DS, being 1st time mom I just blur blur do it. Oscar test today show my bb nuchal fold at 1.5mm on week 13.
HI Ma22

I quite like the material and designs at Perfect Mum. Bought a few pieces (all cotton) from Suntec branch last week. Supposedly can last till full-term cos stretchable. *cross finger*
mum wannabe,
Amino test is expensive,heard $1K and above. Do it if you have a cause/concern otherwise avoid such extreme test

Today alone I have swiped $1100(!!!)on the card -Oscar test ($312)+ Week 20 scan ($100)+ gynae package $700 (11 visits)...Funny thing is actual delivery of the baby is only between $800 to $1100! Expenditure sound not proportionate huh...
hi Stileto,

wow, so ex ya... btw, i thought the package can be paid thru CPF?

i m a bit better than u...spent $170 on some clothes but it's not maternity wear. i just bought some FREE SIZE tops & dresses.

sigh, last time the receipts show either S or XS... now all Fs

ya, broke!!! but it is upfront payment.. Package paid thru CPF??? I only heard from the nurse that we can claim $450 from medisave after delivery (something like that). Must keep the receipts for claims. Any idea anyone??
hi Stileto,

oh.. this is wat the nurse explained us leh.. she said as long as the individual's CPF > 3k or combined CPF > 6k then we can select either Classic or Premier package & pay out thru CPF..

hmm, nvm, i will ask again on Monday after the appt with NEW gynae & update here.
Agreed with Ma22 about food- can eat everything at moderation. I still eat sometimes junk food or food of less nutritional value like Mac, cup noodle, mee siam, laska, ice-cream, soft drink, chillis etc...But I'll avoid food that is "liang" like watermelon, grassjelly (What else huh??)....
hey ladies,
I'm going bali mid oct to relax relax..hee...have been doing nothing over many weekends since pregnancy cos always feeling tired/sleepy in earlier evening hence most of the time stay home...I'm at the brim of BOREDOM (!) so better take short hols to romantic romantic and rejuvenate the body system......haha...
Hi Stileto,

Which gynae / hospital are u with? Just curious why must pay the week 20 scan and package so early? I thought will pay only when the scan is done etc...

I just went to for gynae checkup today. I am in week 13 now. So far the consultation like very fast leh, ask a few questions then ask me if I want to see the baby...all in less than 15 mins. Haha but charges very expensive $50 for consultation and $30 for scan. So I thought of asking MTB, whether your gynae visits are similar to mine? Is scan compulsory necessary for every visit.

Was recommended Dr Benjamin Tham to be my gynae but i havent heard abt him. Can someone here give some feedback? Desperately need some help here!!!!

Also was told to go with KKH package as the hosp charges are cheaper than pte ones, especially if there is a risk of premature delivery or NICU. Is this true? Can someone enlighten please?

Many thanks!
wah, so good, go Bali to relax... i will be buried with tons of works.. sian manz. will let u know after my appt on Monday

hi dragon gal,
i think the rate u paid is the normal rate.. mine consultation with the previous gynae was about the same as yours.. she just ask me few Qn, then prescribe some vitamins & say 'ok, since no prob, i will see u in 4wks time'.

i saw her for < 15mins but the waiting time for routine test, blood test and scanning is damn LONG...

hi Alyy,
does Benjamin from KKH? if so, i heard my colleague said he was good. as in how good, i m not very sure.

KKH pkg is about the same as the pte one. depends on which pkg u take up i.e. Classic or Premier.

but pple normally go there for subsidize rate when they opt for Classic Pkg but the con is BB will be delivered by doctor on duty, etc

and pple normally go there cos KKH has most of the facilities..

so its really depends on where u wanna go. but the most impt thing is choose a GOOD gynae. so no matter where u give birth is secondary.
wow stileto, so envious. i wish i cld go on a spa holiday too. and indulge in luxurious massages, scrubs, and wat have you and the glorious food!!!!!

mummies who are have their no. 2s, i was wondering abt sleeping arrangements when the new bb comes. wat are your plans? my son sleeps with me now. but may have to make changes when new bb comes.
