(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Hi mummy,
have u all started to wear maternity clothes liao ma? tummy showing liao but still can wear some of my old clothing.. wonder if i need to change to maternity wear nw??

Hi fen

My tummy is getting big..I started wearing maternity pants cos I can't fit in my normal working pants anymore :p But for tops, still trying to wear the normal ones .. a bit pai seh to wear maternity tops cos they seem big...also wondering when should we switch to maternity wear...me in my 14th wk now.
Hi ValC, jmonster

thanks very much! i'll probably rest for the next 2 days n see my gynae if it doesn't subside.

hi fen

yep, i'm going to start wearing maternity clothes soon or rather i'm going to get a few XL size working skirts so that they act as hipsters, lying below my tummy. hope i can wear them for a long time. all my skirts are too tight for me now, worse when my tummy is full. very uncomfortable.
Hi hopper,
me also feel dis way lei.. maternity wear seem abit too big for me now.. unless for those top dat gt string at least dun look so big..
i already started to wear the maternity pant when i am abt 8 or 9 weeks.. cos my jean all tight fit de.. wonder if i can wear back after birth anot.. hopefully yes cos i gt more than 10 over jeans.. sign..
Hi blueroti,
i would suggest that u go get a few maternity skirt rather than those bigger size de.. maternity pant/skirt at least can adjust, tink can last till u give birth.. i am nw searching for a maternity bottom dat is suit my D&D in coming Nov..
Hi All Mummy,
for those who have gain weight since the every first x when u know that u are pregnant.. how much weight have u gain so far???

i gain abt 2 to 3 kg but my figure look like i have gain more than 5kg.. isizz normal?? i feel dat i look very fat now.. feel so sad..
Hi baby love,
how result of the little wan inside? so long nv heard from u liao... My NT scan was ok.. going for the blood test this coming 18..
Hi fen,
my bb CRL was 70mm at week 13+.

I gain 2kg in 1st trimester.

I used to have real flat tummy so tummy now is considered obvious...
Hi stileto,
ur baby so big ar? my baby onli reaching 60mm when abt week 13.. abt one or two day to 13 weeks...
will it be unhealthy for my baby being so small? getting abit worry liao..

my tummy obvious liao le.. onli dis few day started to grow very fast.. 1 gain abt 3 kg like dat lor.. sian
Hi fen

Like u, I also worried tat I might not be able to fit in my normal jeans after birth .. I got more than 10 too...till now I still contemplating whether shd buy any maternity jeans or not...
So far, my weight gain is about 2 kg but my tummy looks quite big
my colleague commented tat I look more like putting on weight and not so much due to being pregnant..so sad..
Hi Blueroti,

Maybe i suggest that you don;t wait and ring ur gynae cos they know your situation best. For my case, i rang my gynae and she asked me to come into the clinic immediately.

Apparently, there was some slight bleeding because the sac was slightly disengaged. I am still taking duphaston to stablise it but been ok once i stop doing exercise as well too.

Going to see the Gynae also give you piece of mind else u will always want to go toilet and check, all these are unnecessary stress that you should avoid anyway.

wow, u ladies are getting a lot of multivits and stuff from your doc. I was taking prenatal multivit on my own while trying to conceive and during my first visit to the doc she actually told me only need folic acid for now. I think will have to check if i need to have the multivits again.

Stileto, i am 12 weeks and also put on around 2kg only. Are we putting on too little? slightly concern cos i dun think i am eating much, just get so bloated after eating a little bit. Have anyones appetite increase after 1st Tri?

hmm, i also need to ask my gynae about baby size, i think mine only 50mmplus on week12, both me and my hubby are quite big size, cannot understand
Hi hopper,
seeml ike we are in the same boat lei.. i think putting on weight during 1st trimster is nt easy liao.. like the other they are losing weight instead of gaining..

i already get myself abt 5 maternity pants liao.. i think i am putting a stop to the buttom liao... just pray hard that i wll be able to lose all the weight dat i have gain after birth
hi christine

u're right - everytime i go to the toilet, i'll kinda hold my breath and hope i don't see what i don't want to see. guess i'll give my gynae a call tomorrow to see what he says. thanks much!

Hi fen

was thinking that the XL skirts will come in handy after birth too! when i'm still fat. = OP
hi folks i think we shd not be duly stressed by the size of the baby --- it is still early.
my coll only gained a total of 4kg throughout her 9 mths. coz she lost quite a fair bit thru MS .
but her tummy still looks big , as long as the little one is healthy ... i think there is no cause for panic .
christine, according to my OB, 2kg is too much! i put on around the same amt. 1st trimester shdn't be putting on weight actually.

luckily i used to always buy baggy clothes... that's why still can fit into most of my clothes. as for jeans, why not consider those hipster lor... so at least dun need to keep changing because of tummy. my tummy is also showing but i wear hipster so its ok...
Hi fen

I just went to Genting over the weekend. The weather is not so cold there, but at least the air is fresh.

I havent done my test yet, doing on 27 oct. Will keep u posted.

So u hv seen Dr Ho? Glad u like him! The blood test for u and your hub will be quite fast..thk they will draw 2 tubes of blood for testing.. no worries!

hi stileto,
I mentioned sometime ago I like "Summit" shoes, there's one branch in Suntec.. I juz bought 1 pair of low-heeled shoes over the wkend, wearing now.. so far quite comfy.. wanna go n chk it out?

hi Springdance,
u r so slender! 41.6kg.. I thot I'm aldy quite thin.. slightly underwt when conceived.. everyone who sees me has been bugging me to eat more.. but think I'm fine lah.. put on 1kg in 1st Tri.. now 48.6kg.. hang in there k, hope your nauseousness will go away soon..

Now into my 14th wk.. end of 1st Tri.. hope all discomforts will be gone.. last Fri heard my bb's heartbeat via doppler.. super fast.. great feeling

Welcome aboard ! Btw, do u feel pia-sieh when u noe that u r preggie with
bb no. 3 ? My colleagues hv 2 kids the max & they give u a funny look as
if to say :- Wow, u r really "productive" ya !

Wat's wrong with having more kids ? Hey, these r my retirement funds leh.

Yes, indeed my tummy is quite obvious. Those sundresses that I used to
wear during my 5th mth cannot even be worn now ! Sigh ..... No choice, I
switched to maternity skirts. As for tops, I'll choose those in L size to
match. In order not to be so maternity looking. Ppl tot I'm 5mths preggie
now leh. Sob sob .....

Talking abt wiggling feeling, tot I'm imagining things. So it's my bb moving.
Unbelievable ! At times, I do feel some pain at the abdominal. Guess, the
womb is expanding as well. Gosh, every part of our body are expanding.
We'll look like a michelin in no time !
Hi blueroti,
i recommend u to buy the maternity wan cos gt buttom to adjust wan ma.. can also wear after birth...
Hi baby love,
ya.. seem him liao.. very friendly guy.. chat quite alot wif me cos maybe i am new to him lor.. blood test fast ar? i tot go liao then take half day off dun need to go work.. keke
me also lei.. whole body also expanding like no body biz.. i onli fat abt 2 to 3 kg but my colleague all say i am fatter by alot more.. so sad de.. Dun need to feel pai say wan la.. u know my colleague her first wan is daughter is gal, she pregnant after abt 6 mth later, and when the customer come he say wow u pregnant again ar.. so pai say de lor... keke... so i think having baby is ok.. dun worry abt wat others say lor.. as long as u happy can liao
Haha!! My sentiments exactly.

When i go shopping for maternity clothes, the salesgirls like to chat and they normally ask " how many kids already?" when i say 3, 99% will say wow, so many ah? I really don't know how to react to that, i always think, is it really so rare?

Actually i meant to stop at 2, i given gave away all my stuff, but as the kids grow (they are 6 & 4), i miss babies!! But sometimes when they are throwing tantrums and when i am tired, i ask myself " do you know what you are getting yourself into?" haha

Have you told your colleagues already? i have not, not sure when to tell.... maybe when i give up and start wearing maternity clothes.

the wiggling?? i keep telling myself " it can't be?" but maybe? i tell u, even the thrid thime round, we still can;t be sure of somethings

Don't tell urself that it's fine cos it's perfectly alright to have a haircut.
Relax, go ahead & pamper urself. Come on, haircut does not involve
any chemicals unlike rebonding o colouring. Ask urself if u 1 2 look
like an Ah-Soh ? Everyone of us 1 2 look swee swee rite :p

Ur colleagues r just concerned abt u since this is ur 1st bb. Learn to
differentiate from facts & myths (it takes time).
haha.. u are right... me nw work also tied hair lei.. so ugly going for a hair cut today or tml hopefully..

Wow, ur colleague preggie 6mths later is quite fast hor. Hmm, very productive indeed!


Luckily I borrowed my stuff to my sil. Heng-ah, can reuse again. Very worth it ya.
So this round, u hoping for a boy o gal ? I hv 2 gals (4 & 2). Frankly, I don't mind
having an/r gal so that they can share the dresses. On the o/r hand, my in-law
keep telling me that it would be gd to hv a boy. Halo, it's not within my control leh.
Blame it on the sperm "producer" la.

Yup, I dropped the bomb to my bosses right after I passed my 3mths (to be safe).
No worries, let ur tummy do the talking then.

I try not to wear maternity dresses now cos I'm neither here nor there. Will be swimming
in it now. I prefer skirts, more feminine I guess.

Yes, I can be quite blur even 3rd time too. Hv to read up to refresh my memory again.
haha.. ya lor.. many ppl keep saying abt her...she also wanna a 3rd or rather 4 baby as she hoping for a son.. keke...

i nv let my colleague know dat i gt baby.. but somehow they know liao.. cos i look more fatter then before.. my boss know when i am abt week 6 or 7.. is spread by my supervisor cos they wanna me to go to my company event which request all those running and jumping then she reject for me knowing dat i gt baby... nw almost my whole dept know liao..
i have a older gal and younger boy. I would prefer another girl, so much sweeter and my hubby a bit zong nu ching nan. funny hor. The princess want anything also can, the boy... always get into trouble cos very monkey. very cute too, not as reserve as girls.

I keep imagining when we do the scan and find out it is a boy, i think both my hubby and myself will burst out laughing, cos we know we will be adding another cheeky monkey to the family.

Ya, as i read the forum, i will be thinking to myself " did i do that in the past" can't remember leh. I want to cherish this last pregnancy,cos i think really want to close factory already. Not enough time to split among the kids

I tell something very funny, i am so tired, i can fall asleep on the sofa when my girl play piano and even when hubby is reading bed time stories with the kids.

I just can't keep my eyes open. zzzzzz
Dun mind, can share details on the prenatal yoga package pls? I'm interested.

Anyone buying maternity swimwear? Any recommendation? I can't fit into my normal swimwear liao...
hi mum wannabe,
u intend to swim too? i'm oso thinking of getting a maternity swimwear.. but dunno where to get.. one mummy fr here mentioned abt Thyme Maternity but very ex.. I searched web but not much info.. if not, mayb i'll try wearing my 2 pc swimwear.. showing the bulge.. hahaha..
Yep theme maternity sells nice swimwear (2-pc which can cover tummy @ $109). I didnt buy mainly bcos I need a different size for the top and bottom which they do not allow. Sigh..

Mothercare @Suntec also sells swimwear. Saw their 2-pc wear @$59 but design not as nice lei... Will consider buying it if I still cant find any alternatives...
hi mum wannabe,
okie.. tks for info.. shall go chk them out.. but still ex hor.. think there r 3 major events in our lives which pple will jerk up prices.. Hse reno, wedding & pregnancy + baby.. hahaha..

Btw mummies,
Juz wanna chk if it's ok to keep applying medicated oil when preggy.. cos I hv been sniffing in for the past 3 mths to get rid of certain smell that cause nauseousness.. my colleagues got worried for me.. ha..
hi christine

thanks for your advice - i went to see my gynae today. did a scan n thankfully baby is ok, and found out it's some fungal infection. but gynae has given me 3 days' MC so that i can rest at home. at least now i've peace of mind.

so i guess if any mummy has stained discharge, pls go see your gynae.
Hi Blueroti, glad to know that u are alrite!
My gynae said that it's very common for pregnant women to have fungal infection (abt 50% will get it), mainly becos we are vulnerable at this stage & usually pple that are weaker will be more prone to it.

In fact, I din have any stained discharge but I got tummy pain, so my gynae said better to check & realised that I have infection too. Did ur gynae give u anti-biotics safe for pregnancy use? Dun worry, shld get better after more rest. Sign, my gynae never give me any mc lor, so sadzzz!!!! :p

Btw, are u ladies still experiencing bad MS. By rite, shld be going away soon but dun know y mine seems to get worst.
hi snowflakes!

thanks! yeah gynae said coz' we get more discharge now so more prone to infection. he didn't give me any medicine tho but 2 types of cream and 1 wash. i also had tummy ache occasionally - thot coz' i ate too much!

as for MS - mine is better now altho i still get tired easily n abit naseous occasionally. not as bad as the 1st 3 months. but still don't really like plain water wh still taste funny. but the good thing is i have started eating fish soup which i shun away from for the last 3 months!
Hi Blueroti, glad to know that everything is ok for you. You Doc is quite understanding, give u MC to rest, nice one.

Hi Michele, hur 2kg is too much, ops. Ok then i dun have to worry about baby growth. I was wondering how come the weight gain so little. hehehe, i better watch what i eat and not put on too much then :p

oh, so where have you ladies been shopping for your maternity wear? Any good recommendation, nice design and reasonable price?

oh, i read earlier about the birdnest, does anyone recommend any shop they are reliable and reasonable price as well?

For the swimwear, i think its more sexy to wear 2 piece, can show tummy
it also give u more option and after delivery can still wear them and not waste money.
hi christine

yeah i was surprised that he gave me 3 days of MC. i asked him if i could go back to work tomorrow coz' i do have stuff to clear. he said better not.

n coz' i'm on 3 days' MC, my colleagues were wondering what happened. so finally told them n 2 of them actually SMS me to say that they thot i was juz getting fatter but were too paiseh to tell me! i'm 54kg now - but i already put on some weight before that so duno how much i put on actually, mayb 2/3kg?! but so far, i've maintained at 54kg for the last 1.5 months.

as for maternity wear, i bot 1 pair of pants and capri from Bliss at delfi. not very cheap tho' - $60 plus for 1. i bot 2 tees n 1 maternity jeans from topshop. i took size 14 for 1 of the tees and size 10 for the other - different cut. they're not maternity wear but coz' 1 is pretty long n the other flares at the bottom so think they're ok. all my frens told me not to buy maternity wear coz' very auntie! = o P

for bird's nest, i bot 2 bottles from dragon brand (opposite OCBC centre) and my sister bot 2 fr nature's farm for me. so far, have only taken the dragon brand 1. both are without preservatives so must consume within 10 days n must put in fridge. for the dragon brand, i bot the concentrated kind. they've different kinds n diff. prices. can't really remember how much i paid tho - mayb $50 plus or $60 plus for 2 bottles. but have been told cannot eat too much - 1 month 1 bottle.

and yep also thinking of getting swim wear but have yet to find 1 reasonably priced 1.
hi mummies,

huh?! put on weight 2kg is too much? jia lat. i put on 4kg leh... but then i was way underweight lah.. last time 44kg nw 48kg. is tat ok?
Hi all

found this list of prenatal yoga classes that u may find useful, but not sure if it's current tho:

1) The Svastha Yoga Studio Tel: 96813403 Email: [email protected] 57B Kim Lin Mansions, Blk F, 2nd Floor
Ante-Natal Svastha Yoga offers exceptional techniques to help train the mother for her new role. The Svastha Yoga Studio's courses focuses on personalizing postures (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama) for each woman based on her trimester combined with her physical and emotional conditions. Natural solutions to nausea and other health issues during pregnancy are also discussed, helping maintain a balanced body, breath, and mind.

2) Green Bamboo Studios Tel: 6469 2824 64 Greenleaf Road (off Sixth Avenue)
Green Bamboo Studios is nestled in a private housing estate at Sixth Avenue off Holland Road. Prenatal & Postnatal classes are available.
Please call for more information, fees and schedules, or visit www.greenbamboo.com.sg

3) "Mothers-to-Be" Belly Babies Class Tel: 98587464 Arnie Rozah - Dance Therapy & Entertainment

Strengthen your stomach and back muscles, keep your hip muscles supple and build up your stamina for an easy birth! Belly Babies dance classes for expectant mothers uses a modified version of the hip shimmy in bellydancing to help you work out all those tummy muscles that will help you push that baby out. So if you want to celebrate your pregnancy with a little dance, call for details.

4) Shambhala Yoga Centre#06-05 Forum The Shopping Mall Tel: 735 2163 Fax: 735 2993
run several different types of yoga class. One is specifically designed for pregnant women and is very gentle. It is suitable for those who have little experience of yoga as well as women wanting some gentle stretching. They also have other classes of more challenging yoga for women with yoga experience. Postnatal yoga classes are also available with babies being welcome.

5) Birth & Beyond Tel: 6736 1636/7 Tanglin Shopping Centre 4th Level
Birth & Beyond (S) Pte Ltd conducts Water Exercise & Yoga-based Stretch & Tone Exercise for pregnancy. The gentle exercise is suitable for all pregnant women, from 12 weeks of pregnancy onwards, and can be continued up to the baby's birthdate. They also have Mother & Baby exercise classes. Please call for more information.

6) The Mother & Child Centre Tel: 6-836 0063 Tanglin Mall 3rd Level, Website:http://www.motherchildcentre.com/, Email: [email protected]
They hold Yoga and other exercise classes for pre-natal & postnatal mothers.Yoga is beneficial in the preparation for labour and birth. It helps to develop a calm and focussed concentration that aids relaxation as well as co-ordinating with the breathing techniques used in our Antenatal Classes. Classes are small, which gives the teacher the opportunity to talk through problems and discomforts, and adapt the class accordingly. Practice breathing, relaxation and positions for a natural delivery each week. Check with them on schedules.
maybe my bb is taller...ha..anyway, don't think your bb CRL deviated very much from standard.

As long as our bb size grow for each checkup I think our weight gain of 2kg (1st trimester) should not be a concern...my g/f put on about 8kg-10kg during her pregnancy and her bb still weighs a whopping 3.2kg! she is small frame like me 43kg before pregnancy...

which floor is summit shoes?? thanks
Hi Christine,

For maternity wears, u can try the below shops @ Suntec. I have already spent alot from the below shops

Thyme Maternity
Clothing quite nice but price not cheap. Most of the clothings are import from Canada. Can try. Serive not bad, give u alot of advise. Need to spend up to $200 in order to become their member. Once u r member, u will be entitle to 10% discount.

Spring Maternity
Clothing very nice & its a local design. Price much more cheaper. Alof of choices. Services very good! Need to spend up to $250 in order to become their member. Once u r member, u will be entitle to 10% discount.

Cloud 9
Clothing quite nice. Its a local design as well. Service quite good. Good until the staff there keep recommend their clothings to u. Hahaha...
Need to spend up to $200 in order to become their member. Once u r member, u will be entitle to 10% discount.

There are alot of maternity clothing at Suntec. Happy Shopping!
Hi Stileto,

The summit shoes is at Level 3. Its quite near to all the maternity shops. U have to turn to the right hand corner if u were to see those maternity shops. The shoes there not bad, I saw 1 pair which i quite like it but they dun have my size....too bad! U can go there & take a look.

I went there bcox ixora has mentioned to me b4 so since im there shopping for maternity clothing. I went there to take a look. Happy shopping.
one thing abt shoes , better to buy those slip ons . coz when we are bigger , our feet will also expand- water retention etc. so to make sure ur shoes can last u till end of pregnancy, betta to buy those slip ons .
Hi Caicai,

I agreed, slip on shoes are always a better choice then those cover shoes. I bought mine two pairs (White & black) from Charles & keith @ Suntect. Both are slip on as well.
Hi stileto,
Dlim has ans u liao.. I'll try to find the unit no. fr my plastic bag.. will update u again.. it's a malaysian brand.. sometimes i'll go JB & buy.. cheaper there.. haha.. but now too lazy so only pop by when i'm in suntec..

hi Dlim,
how many maternity clothes did u get? hv u become their member? i bought 1 top fr Cloud 9 which i like very much.. it cost me $45, i feel abit heartpain.. ask me to spend $200.. i muz think twice.. kekeke.. am waiting 4 my frens to pass me some of their maternity wear.. hope can save, only buy a few nice ones from these shops to pamper myself.. haha..
Hi Ixora,

Im the member for Thyme Maternity & Cloud9 now. I really spent alot juz within 1 day..hahahah...No one pass down the Maternity clothing to me so i have no choice but to buy new one. My hubby bought some from Spring & I bought some from Thyme & Cloud9. Not able to join "Spring" membership cox we have spent too much on the other two so we doesnt want to spend so much juz to join their member. My advise is always to shop finish all the shops b4 u decide which shop to buy. Cox my 1st stop is at Thyme so I bought quite alot there & my last stop is Spring...hahahaha...

Yes agreed, Maternity clothing r not cheap. Is even more exp then our normal clothings. If u wanna buy jeans, I would recommend u to buy from Spring. Their cutting & design is much more nicer compare to the rest & also cheaper. I guess i shall stop buying for the time being. Spent too much liao..
Hi jmonster

maybe coz' u're underweight so putting on 4kg may be fine for u. altho the bks i've read did say that for 1st trimester, weight gain should be 2 kg if u're about 14 weeks. mayb u can chk with your gynae but i really think it should be fine. so don't worry!
hi mummies

btw, just to share with u - make sure the shoes u buy are not too slippery, esp. during rainy days. have to get shoes with fatter heels.

i m wearing a pair that has pretty low heels (the heels are pretty narrow) n my gynae's nurse told me not to wear it coz' it's slippery, esp. on wet surface. she said buy those with thicker heels, more support.

and my colleague also told me not to buy too many pairs of shoes now coz' our feet will expand with time.
Hi mummy,
anyone interested to buy meternity clothing at mother care? my friend have given me her membership nos and can entitled to 10 or 20 % discount on items nt under sales
hi jmonster,
i think is ok to gain weight lei.. was told nt to gain more than 2 kg per mth as it may be difficult to lose weight when u wanted to after birth

hi jmonster,
the other time u said u ate alot, become very fat.. i really thot "very fat".. now i knw u were actually underwt.. so i think put on 4kg for u it's fine..

hi Dlim,
yup thinking a getting a pair of jeans fr Spring.. find their designs nicer..
