(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

77Fiona, will explore the website...thks.

Jesmine, ha! gynae said 80%... will cfm again in the next routine check-up.
Hi wawapiggyling/DW/Saffy,

Ya, my MS and vomit seems to worsen since week 8 too....Its like instead of getting better, it has become worse. I am feeling so down. Really wonder when I will stop vomiting. If week 14 still having MS, that means I still have to wait for another 1 mth or more before I see some lights.

Does it really helps to drink chicken essence cos I am feeling extremely tired too since I knew I was preggie. Even if I sleep more than 12hrs per day on weekend, I will still feel very tired. If chicken essence helps, I think I will start drinking.
oh ice queen...
bear with it, i can understand how u feel..i have flew my friends aeroplanes so many times and turned down so many appts cos i wasn't feeling well... weekends are best to remain at home with the availiability of toilets and dustbins at close proximity...
my gynae say ok to chicken essence but the smell may be a bit strong for some of us, esp those still having quite bad MS..... i personally tried a few times but gave up cos drink already also go to waste..... let's hope it will be better soon..
hi ice queen,
i'm in my 13th wk.. oso not feeling better.. on & off.. this morning was still fine, eating alot.. now have sudden onset of giddyness.. hv been depending on medicated oil.. addicted liao..
i dunno if chicken essence helps.. i hv been wanting to take cos very fatigue too.. but the thot of the smell makes me sick..
guess all of us hv to HANG IN THERE!! Will pray for all of us to get better soob..
hi ice queen,
i'm in my 13th wk.. oso not feeling better.. on & off.. this morning was still fine, eating alot.. now have sudden onset of giddyness.. hv been depending on medicated oil.. addicted liao..
i dunno if chicken essence helps.. i hv been wanting to take cos very fatigue too.. but the thot of the smell makes me sick..
guess all of us hv to HANG IN THERE!! Will pray for all of us to get better soon..
hi gals , just puke all of my lunch out ,throat is very sore . I really hate MS .
tot it is supp to ease by now , i am aredi in my 11th week.
tks wawapiggyling,
i'm feeling better now.. took some sour plum.. hope the nauseousness will go away soon.. dinner time later will b a headache again.. poor us.. nx time our children better behave themselves..
Every time I whine to my gynae, she tries to reassure me that bad MS means the baby is very healthy!
She gave me some medication called Metoclopramide, and I find that it helps a LOT! If you ladies are comfortable with taking drugs (It is one of the "safe" medicine to take during pregnancy) maybe can ask your gynae to prescribe for you? At least you will be able to eat something, so at least you don't suffer from empty stomach (which makes things even worse! vicious cycle).
Hi michele,
today 12 weeks went for my first visit. take 3 type of medical plus scan, urine, and consulation lei.. total abt 240 like dat lei... nurse ask me to do for a blood test on 18 oct i think is the triple blood test which cost abt 160plus like dat.. then dis mth i will spend abt 400 plus 500 lei.. so heartpain de..
today do the nt scan baby was ok.. measure at CRL 57.9. dun need to do any other test but once again hope the blood test result will be ok.. keke..

today go to Dr Ho clinic, very comfortable seeing him.. will continue to see him.. but spend 200 plus lei.. sign
hi all

for those who feel naseous, how abt trying honey with lemon juice? my chinese sinseh told me to make warm honey drink and just add abit of lemon juice. just get a fresh lemon and cut it into 2 and squeeze the lemon juice out. i just use abit then store the rest in a cup and keep it in the fridge. don't use too much lemon juice coz' it may be too acidic. i did that whenever i feel naseous and it helps but i had a tendency to add more lemon juice than i should coz' i like it sour! = o P but have stopped now and switch to drinking ribena. coz' drinking plain water also makes me naseous so i've switched to making my own ribena drink. but i bought ribena light so that it won't be too sweet.

hope the above suggestions will help!
fen, i think the rate is quite normal lah... as long as baby is healthy, it will be money well spent. my next visit, i'll be doing the triple blood test too but if i remember correctly, i'll be paying close to $300 for the test @ RH.

seems like quite a few of optional tests to do and i'm thinking of skipping some but hubby wants to go ahead with the tests so that we set our hearts at ease. so let's see how it goes. my next appt with OB is on 26th Oct. I hate needles and hate to draw blood (dun think anyone will enjoy that experience) so i'm really quite frightened.
at drs clinic yesterday :
12weeks bb measuring at 58mm. heartbeat 147bpm. oscar scan looks fine. waiting for blood test results by tomorrow.
Doc only prescibe Prenatal Pills @$38 and Omega Soft gel for me at my 12weeks. she din gimme anymore Folic pills leh.. so was wondering shd i buy more since my current ones are finishing soon.

Lately, i will keep yawning and feeling sleepy on way home at7-8pm.. but when i hit the bed at 12am, i can't sleep ASAP.. though my eyes feel heavy.

I also went and cut hair last week.. me not pantang abt it. anyway, how can don't cut our hair, will look like siao char bor with split ends
thanks for explaining wat nookies is. haha!

yeah.. hubby and I do our 'eca' once a week..can only do on 1 position . haha.. pity hubby coz i think my drive is going downhill

but hubby still got reservation.. as he is afraid will hurt the baby etc..
Hi blueroti,

I am doing the lemon honey and ribena light drink too....ya, I find that it helps me to curb the nauseaness slightly. Just slightly though. Usu drink it in the weekends when I am at home though. At work quite difficult.

Not only the drive, but if I'm not feeling slightly nauseous, then it's because I'm too tired during bedtime. But for some reason if I wake up in the middle of the night, I will feel quite horny :p Hubby just think it's a dream.

I think once you can start taking the prenatal pills, it's ok to not take extra folic acid since the pills already have a lot of that. Any extra will just come out in your pee!

Anyone here already know the sex of their baby? I'll be going for my 16th week scan in two weeks time... hope baby is co-operative.
hi ,
frm what i understand fm my gynae -triple blood test accuracy = 70% , NT = 80%
if u got good results for NT , why waste the blood + $ to do triple leh ?
hi fen,
agree with michele so long bb is healthy, it's worth the money.. somemore the rate is quite std..

hi blueroti,
tks for the suggestion, i tried lemon juice b4, can help curb nauseousness.. but like ice queen, i only do it at home..

hi JL,
i juz came back fr my visit.. in my 13th wk, finished my folic acid aldy.. my gynae told me no need to take anymore cos the bb' neural tube aldy formed in 1st Tri, we dun require folic acid liao.. now juz take multivit..
so dun think u need to buy somemore.. or u wanna cfm with your doc again?
Hi ixorz and michele,
i also feel dat the amt is ok but must start to save more money and cut less on unnecessary wan.. keke..
me also find ribena ok.. whenever i feel like drinking something cold i will drink it..
Ya ixora,
u are right.. after yesterday appt gynae also nv give me any more folic acid liao.. gynae give me caluim pill, vitamine and omeg dun noe what la.. still havent start to eat yet tot of eating after my folic acid finish.. abt one week pill onli
i think my NT results quite good leh... but OB suggested to do triple blood test so do lor. NT more accurate meh? just by looking at the thickness can be more accurate than blood test? doesn't sound convincing..

i also just went to cut hair y'day. my hair is naturally thick so if i dun go for my regular trims, will look like crazy woman like JL mentioned.

yes, we definitely have to save money now lor. i feel heart pain some times when i buy things for myself.

so dun need the folic acid anymore? i was prescribed folic acid @ my last visit with the OB (12 weeks) so must eat or dun eat?
Hi michele...
i just visited gyna at my 12th week and unlike the others, my gynae still prescribed me only folic and multivaitmins leh.. the nxt visit will be 16th week liao
Hi Saffy

Am in 13+ weeks now... during the NT scan (part of Oscar test) we were able to see the bb's birdie liao. In fact, gynae was already able to see it with normal ultrascan at Week 12 (we made a friendly bet last week - I said 'Girl' and he felt otherwise). So today he proved me right.
Try drinking warm milk before sleeping. Might help u sleep beta. Anyway, my gynae always reminds me to sleep early cos during my scans, he'll complian abt insufficient water in the sac. Bb needs this water in our womb to move abt else the movement will be restricted. And thus, difficult turning to the engaged position.

Don't be so pang-tang else u'll restrict urself to tones of things. Bu zhi zhe wu chui :p

Re : MS
For those experiencing bad ms, don't despair. U'll get over it soon. By 2nd trimester, u'll be able to kill 2 3 tigers :p
Hi Michele / Absolut_Vodka,

With regards to the Yoga class, i have no idea on the cost yet.

I'm going down to True Yoga at Ocean Tower tomorrow, Sat around 3pm.

You want to join me? If you are keen, do write to me by email to [email protected]

We can arrange to meet at a place.

As far as I know, there are 2 packages/lessons:
a) lesson for once a week
b) lessons for twice a week

depending on individual

2 days for Pre-natal class: Tuesday (timing unsure) and Saturday @ 3pm

mum wannabe
gosh... yr gynae able to spot the gender so early! lucky you!! but then some may mistook the umblical cord as the 'birdie'

me & hubby initially hopping for a girl. but now.. i sorta changed mind.. thinking that a boy can perhaps shut up my IL's relatives to try for 2nd BB coz this baby is gonna be the only grandchild to carry on their surname. anyway most impt is bb is healthy can oredi.

we oredi tot of a girl's name but dunno why so difficult to come up with boy's name
hi mum wannabe and JL,

I think it is rather easy to tell at early stage if you are carrying a boy. Their little birdie are pretty obvious

JL, I agree with you girls name are easier. I have thought of a girl name when I was carrying my first born but didnt get to use it since he turns out to be a boy.

Hubby and I wished for our first born to be a girl because they tends to be more caring towards siblings. Well no chance already, but still hope this one turn out to a girl.
Wow, 12 weeks in really early! Your baby must be 'really' co-operative :p

I secretly wish for a girl just so I can dress her up in pretty clothes... but I find that first-born girls tend to be bullies and very domineering towards their younger siblings?

JL : I am quite surprised that at this day and age there are people around who zhong4 nan2 qing1 nu3, and prefer boys just so they can carry the family name!
Hi Mummies to be

My BB expected due date is around third week of April 2007. Just wondering as a lot of people advise not to colour your hair or rebond during pregnancy. What about perming the hair? My hair getting abit out of shape from the last wear-off perm so really hope to go for a perm.

Am in my 12th week already but still got the nausea feeling. Luckily never really vomit. Hopefully, this nausea feeling will go off soon. Have been having poor appetite and my weight is going down. Hiazzz only 41.6kg now.

Gynae say will do the blood test for me next month...there goes another $300plus...being pregnant is certainly an expensive process.
hi ixora15, ice queen

i brought 1 small bottle of ribena light to the office. i poured the ribena from the big bottle into a mineral bottle n brought it to the office. so everytime i want to drink it, i will just pour some into a cup n add hot water.
i couldn't stand the taste of water and only drank 2 cups a day n was pretty heaty then. gynae also told me to drink more water. so ribena light is the best solution. try not to get too dehydrated.
You motivated me to drink more water!!! Didn't know that it'll affect the water sac...I don't usually drink alot....

just kpoh and unimportant observation..."the May07 thread has more postings than us Apr07 MTB!!!" hahahaha...
hi JL/Michelle Chua,

my colleague (who's a mother of 4) told me that we still can take folic acid till 20th week, thereafter we will stop taking. but better confirm with gynae.

hi SpringDance,
talking abt hair, think we hv the same problem though mine is not perm hair.. my hair started to curl and colour gone. tot cant really do rebonding & colouring. but my hairstylist said i can do colour but only highlight and it must be started 1 inch away from the roots. Rebonding is ok & also must start 1inch away from roots but she said the best thing is dun do... but for safety's sake, i cut my long hair....
in fact i try nt to listen to all this things too much.. but whenever i see my colleague they will say dis and dat.. then i listen liao also scare.. now i am trying to tell myself is ok to cut hair... my hair alot of split end liao..

hi saffy,
in fact the sex of baby is ok with me and my hubby.. but i think for the older wan they will prefer a baby boy then gal.. i think is normal la.. COS STILL THE SAME OLD THING CARRY THEIR SURNAME MA. this is what i think...

Hi all Mummy,
my NT scan was ok lei..baby measure at 1.5mm which is ok for week 13.. but the nurse also ask me to do the blood test lei.. she say to further confirm that baby is ok.. then we say ok lor.. i think my hubby also need to do the test lei.. any idea how long the blood test will take??
Hi Ma22,

Finally i found a mother of 3, just like me. My due date is 27 Apr. Are you showing much earlier this time? I have lost my waist line, previously i could hide my pregnancy to 5 mths, wonder how long i hide this? I have been feeling this wiggling feeling at my abdominal, not sure if it is the baby? Can u feel the baby yet?
hi all mummies

in case anyone is keen - i did my scan at TMC y'day and i signed up for the 1st born incentive prog. before that so that i can get discount for the scan. think it's 5%. it also offers discount for professional medical services (provided your gynae is on the panel that's listed), TMC hospital charges eg. $80 off hospital bill for 2-bedder, and member rates for seminars etc. there's also discount for health screening and duno what else.

but u've to pay $128 for memebership. there's discount if u use citibank card, according to my colleague. my colleague is the one who told me it's worth it if u're using TMC services.
oh hahaha silly me.

my gynae only gave my obimin multivit and folic acid, how come some of you popping so many types? my gynae jus ask me to eat fish 3x a week. is that enough?
hi all

need your advice.

i juz started having abit "pinkish"/"brownish" discharge - it's like what u get when your mens is ending. it's been like dat for the last 4 days except y'day when there was a tiny strand of red blood in the discharge. but it only happened once a day so not sure if I should be very concerned? is it coz' i walked about too much?

i asked my gynae y'day n he said juz monitor n have a good rest. but m getting worried coz i juz went tot he toilet and my discharge is abit "light brownish".
blueroti, i had that when i was in my 6th week. my dr gave me hormone jabs, duphaston to support pregnancy. dun worry, rest well, lie down when you can, dun carry heavy stuff. dr ordered bedrest as well, but with a 17mth old it's impossible.
hi blueroti,

i experienced that during my HK trip end of Aug. went to see doc immediately, she is it's not spotting. & she just said me not to walk ard, dun carry heavy things (this is the time u can order ur hubby doing all the chores, just like me.. hahaha), lie down & rest more. According to the doctor, it's infection, so later she gave me antibiotics & the discharge was gone.

hi stiletoand valc,
ya i think is the neck la for the NT scan is 1.5MM and CRL is 57.9mm at abt week 13..
isizz too small??

in my 13 weeks tummy already showing le.. then waist line still can see la but tighter liao.. so sad..

my breast getting bigger and bigger rather uncomfortable, any mummy experience dis also??
