(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Dragon gal,
I'm seeing Dr Sim Lim Ngor at TCM. She is not as popular as other gynaes. Gynae chose for me the Oscar+Scan@20week. And the package (routine checkup 11 visits) was optional but i took it thinking it's cheaper since each visit to gynae was about $100. Thinking back now, i might at most see her for another 7/8 visits till delivery, so actually not much savings huh!! :<

Hi jmonster

I am also seeing Dr K T Tan, she is recommended by my colleague. I took up the premier package so I see her at the private suite...waiting time is short and the nurses are very friendly too.
hi Hopper,

oh, so Dr KT Tan is a 'SHE'? i thought it's a 'HE'...

hmmm, u see her at private suite... but then i asked the nurse over the phone to change my appt date &amp; gynae to KT Tan, she told me 'he' dun hv a room at the private suite and 'he' always at Clinic B leh..but i still can sign up the Premier Pkg lah.

Could there be many KT TANs at KKH? *scratching head*
Hi jmonster

Yup, the gynae I am seeing is a female gynae.
She has her own room in the pte suite, but she only sees patients on Tue &amp; Wed in pte suite..tat's what I was told by a nurse..But the 1st time I saw her was at Clinic B too.

you never know, the last trimester I see gynae like every 3 days cos of problems. So if never sign package, then i think 1 visit i pay close to $200 I go broke.

re: $450 to claim from CPF.

think the nurse at your gynae will tell you to keep and give you brochure on what to do. then give birth that time you claim both the $450 for antenatal and think up to $1500 from medisave.

My boy dun sleep in cot anymore, then he like to sleep with me. I bought a mattress for him. put next to my bed. Night time i lie with him to sleep then go back to my bed. Some nighs he sleep totally on his mattress but some night half way thru the night he climb up my bed and sleep with me.. I also headache. I thinking of buying a toddler bed. butthen scared he fall down from it.


I have added you in msn. My msn is [email protected]
by the way the routine checkup package is very simple consists only - consultation,vitamins,scan,urine test. Anything above have to pay...oh so we can claim $450 &amp; $1500, that's good!
Hi ValC,

I was also thinking about sleeping arrangement. My boy is currently sleeping on his mattress in his own room. Thought of letting the baby share room with older brother but worried that he/she will wake him up during night feeds. So now considering whether to convert one of the remaining 2 rooms which is our study room and maid's room to baby room or let the baby sleep in our room.

Hi Wenthena,

I tried to let my boy sleep on his bed (got him single bed because todder bed difficult to find right mattress), even got him a bedguard, but the naughty boy climb over it. We are thinking of trying to place mattress on the floor next to bed, so thatthe impact won't be strong if he roll off his bed, not sure if it work.
Hi everyone,

Has anyone started your search for hospital? when is a appropriate time to start the search and go for hospital tour?
hi mummies,
i had my NT scan &amp; bld tests last Fri.. gynae will review results with me this Fri.. hope all will be fine.. btw, got to see my bb at wk 12.. amazed that all 4 limbs are formed and so thrilled to see bb actively moving.. this is a great sense of joy.. i got 3D pic of the little one.. so cute..

Anyway, juz want to touch abit on eating raw food.. it's not really abt eating raw food in moderation cos if that particular portion is contaminated with bacteria, the risk of affecting the fetus is there.. that's y gynaes and books advise avoid raw food cos of the risk of taking in bacteria like listeria, salmonella etc which can cause food poisoning and harm our bb..
Sorry I may sound dampening, maybe cos of my biology background.. other foodstuff I agree can take in moderation but for raw food, better to avoid.. my 2 cents worth.. it's still up to individual..
i agree wif u... i still eat a lot of rubbish(e.g. maggi mee, ice-cream, egg mayo) but i avoided sashimi, half cooked cockles and poached eggs thru'out my 1st preggie... difficult it may sound but i guess no choice... its better to be safe than sorry right??

mummies, i'm approaching my 12th week this week... i feel less tired and more active now... hopefully this can last cos the last few weeks i was perpetually tired and sleepy even in day time!! so taking care of my toddler is a big challenge... kekekeke...

valc, my son still sleeping wif us on the big bed leh... so far he din give me much problem... but dunno if tummy bigger need to shift him to mattress anot leh... but all along he slept wif us, i feel bad if he has to sleep alone on the mattress leh... most prob we'll monitor n c how loh...

pageup, how u manage to train your son to sleep alone in his bedroom?? i wish my son could do tt too leh...
pageup, how old is your son? so cute, crawl up and sleep with you. my son only knows how to make noise when his pacifier falls out to disturb my sleep. he's 17mths
is it true that dfs doesn't give free samples to try? wast hinking of getting the clarins one to try. seems popular. i used to use avent in my 1st preg. was cheap only $20something. but light so uses up qt easily. i bought 1 mustela to try this time. when shld i start using? they usu recommend immediately of course cos they want you to buy more but our tummies are barely even showing - so not stretching yet.
i have been using since i started when i am abt 11 weeks.. now still using. small little tummy start showing up.. haha.. prevention is better than cure... so i just use it nw lor.. to start myself from regret in future lor.. i gt one sample which no one nave start asking from me yet.. if u wan i can pass to u if u happen to be at hougang or toa payoh

me also somex eat maggie mee lei.. but the power nv use all lor.. just cut down on the power and i think should be fine.. eat in modern should be ok i think
Hi Wenthena,
ok will chat whenever possible lor.. keke

i am abt 13 or 14 weeks like dat le.. i also feel that i gt more energy to do wat i wan but still like to sleep alot.. keke...
hi sweatcorn,

We started to let our boy sleep alone from the first day he came home from hospital, so he is quite use to it. We made this decision after witnessing a few friends having difficulties moving their elder ones to their own room to make way for their younger siblings.

Hi ValC, it is Wenthena's boy who crawl up to the bed lah. My boy also only know how to make noise with his eyes still close when his pacifier fell off in the middle of the night.
We got a set of baby monitor when he was younger so that we know he woke up in the middle of the night, but now at 16 months, he cries loud enough to be even heard by the neighbors.

Hi cocoa,

Many hospitals organized tours for mummies who are at least 6 months pregnant. You may want to call up to ask.
By the way, most of the hospitals will give out free goodie bag during hospital tours. Nice!
pageup, u trained from 1st day... no wonder... my son slept in cot in his first mth after tt sleep wif us until now loh... think i'll be one of those parents hving hard time to shoo him to his own room next time... kekekeke...

fen, mi oso eating in moderation... but i put all the powder inside else no taste, not nice leh... kekekeke...
Hi all mommies
can i check with you if anyone is still experiencing morning sickness?
i'm going into 12th week and still feel sick from MS..
the weekend was fine but coming back to office really makes me feel sick...
i realise that i try to divert my attention from the MS by keeping myself occupied with simple household chores or other tasks at home...and that works well
but in office, i usually wait for the time to come to rush to washroom...
anyone has any suggestion? i can't walk ard in office cos that wld seem wierd, and sitting down makes me feel sick.. =(
hi mummies,

went for an appt with my new gynae just now at 11.50am. now back to office to rush work. sianz!!

my routine test results are ok and the new gynae just saw me for 7mins!! wah piangz, the speed she talked was faster than my BB heartbeats. but overall she's nice.

just now i heard the heartbeat le... like horse galloping.. very fast... (^o^)/ lolz...

same like you, I will be seeing KT Tan at the private suite on 20/11/06 liao.

I double checked with the nurse that if i take up the Premier Pkg (@KKH), $620 (Snr Consultant's rate) will be deducted straight away from my Medisave.

Then on 28th week, I need to prepare cash for ard $1200 ~ $1500 for booking of room &amp; doctor.

cos I will be taking B1 ward so the average bill is about $2880 &amp; after claiming $1250 from Medisave, still need to pay ard $1630 in cash.

If I dun want to take the pkg (i.e. everytime I pay thru cash for consultantion fees, tests, medicines, etc), I can claim $1700 from Medisave instead of $1250.

so depends on what indicidual wants.

Can I reserve the sampl from you if no one has already done so? I go to toa payoh everyday tuesday and friday cos i taking diploma at the hdb hub there. Otherwise i stay at serangoon.. very near hougang too. I will ask my fren to check to dfs price.... dunno whether cheaper or not.. then let everyone know
Hi sweetcorn,
cannot put whole pack la.. too salty liao.. last x early stage i suffer more, my hubby mad wan cook two pack but onli put one pack somex put campbell soup more tasteless lor.. i complain to him nw at least he put more abit but nt whole packet lei...

baby love,
hw u liao?? hw ur trip to the doctor last weekend ok ma? me visiting Dr ho on coming thurs very scare.. hope my NT scan will be ok
re: raw food/diseases

I cannot agree wih ixora more. Raw food in itself is not the harmful thing for a growing fetus. It is only if that particular portion of raw food that you happen to be consuming that may be swarming with microorganisms too small for the human eye to detect that is dangerous. Although many other pregnant women around the world may be doing simple everyday things that our gynaes HERE stop us from doing, they may have done it for generations and have developed an immunity to it.

Recently, my gynae asked me to stay away from cats. Especially the droppings cos the toxoplasma spores(??) can be airborne if disturbed. But I have one fren who has been keeping cats since she was a little girl and she's pregnant now. Her gynae tested her blood and found that she has certain immunity from the toxoplasma that cats dropping carry so she can continue what she is doing safely. But for me, I have not been in close contact with cats b4 so chances of me having that immunity is low.. So for now, better safe than sorry.

I hope i dun offend anyone but sometimes it is better to err on the side of caution when it comes to something so precious to us like our babies.

My visit to dr ho was ok. He advised me to go for the amnio test. I hv been scheduled for the test on 27 oct morning.

His clinic is still under renovations so i think the nurses will redirect u to his make-shift clinic nearby. hee hee
Hi baby love,
under renovation ar? then hw? first x there lei.. dun even know can get to find that place anot.. hope to give u good news and waiting for ur good news also ok.. keke.. take care
hi wenthena,

my BIL (he's a doctor) also asked me to stay out of cats cos cats carry some virus (or gems? cant remember what that is) and it's harmful to BB.

hi baby love,

dun worry, i heard some mothers who went thru the amnio tests and the results were ok for them. cheers!

Dun worry, u just go to his clinic. The nurse will bring u to his make-shift clinic nearby.

When u go to hs clinic, from the lift, u turn left and walk straight to the end and turn left.


Thanks! I also hope to hear gd news from the test.

Baby Love, can u enlighten me y ur gynae ask u to do do amino test ? Tot only above 35 then it's recommended ? I'm very scared leh. Visiting gynae on 13 Oct, sicali I'm scheduled for amino test earlier than u leh. Hahahahahaha. We keep each other informed on the status ah.

Guess, I'm the super bor-chap preggie mom. Can this ear in that ear out kind of person :p No worries abt the raw food issue cos diff ppl believe in diff things. Just listen to ur gynae's advice cos they r the expert. Keep smiling mommies - gd for ur baby :p

Cos my resuts for NT scan is not gd..bb's nuchal fold is thicker than normal range, which is an indication bb might hv possibilty of having down syndrome. So he asked me to do the oscar test, which is a more detailed ultra sound scan to measure bb n they will do blood test for me. After that they will analyse the combined results of the ultra sound scan &amp; my blood test results to see whether i am at a high risk of having ds bb or not. The results of the oscar test is not so ideal, i'm at quite a high risk it seems. So gynae recommend me to go for the amnio test, which is 99% accurate in picking out any abnormalities in bb. So i will go for it so that i hv a clearer picture of what is happening.

Actually you dont hv to worry so much..just follow your gynae's advices and you will be fine.

Hi Wawapiggyling

my gynae told me that it doesn't mean that once we hit the end of the 1st trimester, the symptoms will disappear overnite...it's a gradual process.

as for me, i usually feel more sick during the weekends and my chinese sinseh said it's coz i'm hard at work so i tend not to notice the MS. but on weekends, my body just relaxed so I get more sick then!

Hi all mummies

yeah, think we should eat everything in moderation! i ate almost 1 whole rock melon last nite n had chinese medicine after that n had stomach ache the whole nite!!! in the end, i had a nitemare! have told myself will never eat anything in excessive amount, again!
hi mummies,

i'm esting ice cream now.. heee.. feel so happy..
agree it would be fine as long as we eat things in moderation, everything shld be ok.

i m going to KKH tmr again for the fetal screening test for Down Syndrome.. sigh tmr gotta spend another $250 again. hope the result better be alright.
hi mummies,

read something abt the cat disease thingy Wenthena mentioned,. here quoting some paragraphs frm the book.

"only cats carry a disease that can harm fetus.

if u hv lived with cats for a while, the chances are pretty good that u've already contracted the disease toxoplasmosis &amp; hv developed an immunity to it. the rates of infection are higher among pple who hv cats, as well as among those who frequently eat raw meat or drink unpasteurized milk, both of which can also habour and transmit the infection.

most pple who are infected do notice mild malise, slight fever &amp; swollen glands 2 or 3 wks after disposure.

its optional to test it if u are infected. the risk of a fetus becoming infected occurs in the 1st trimester is relatively small (<15%) but the risk of serious damage to the fetus is high.

in 2nd trimester, the likelihood of infection is a little higher, but the damage somewhat smaller. in the last trimester, the baby is most likely to be infected but the damage is the smallest.

recent advances hv made it possible to test fetal blood and/or amnio fliud to learn whether or not the fetus itself has actually become infected. if no infection is detected, the fetus is probably fine.

if the BB is infected &amp; the mum wishes to continue her pregnancy, its recommended tat she be treated with special antibiotics, possibly for several mths &amp; it greatly reduces the risk of a baby being born with severe problems. treating baby immediately after birth can also reduce complications and may improve the prognosis of such children.

if u hv tested prenatally &amp; not immuned or if u're not sure u were immuned or not, u shld take the precautions:

1. if ur cats hv not tested by a veterinarian to see if they hv an acgtive infection, board them at a kennel or ask a friend to care for them for at least 6 wks. if they are free frm infection, keep them that way by not allowing them to eat raw meat, roam outdoors, hunt mice or birds (which i think 'sporean' cats hardly do excepts for street cats) or fraternize with other cats.

2. use disposable gloves if u must handle the rubbish bin &amp; wash ur hands after u finished, as well as when u touch the cats.

3. wear gloves when gardening. dun garden in soil in which cats may hv deposited feces

4. wash fruits &amp; vege, rinse thoroughly and/or peel or cook them

5. dun eat raw or undercooked meat or unpasteurized milk.

6. wash hands thoroughly after handling raw meats."

hope this info helps.

my hb becomes a little paranoid towards cats after i told him about this. LOLzzz
Wenthena and Jmonster,
huh, cats are so dangerous to unborn bb!!! I have been stroking my SIL's cat every weekends since pregnant. Hope i didn't catch any bacteria! Now, I'll avoid him...Should I do test to check that I am ok?? I didn't develop any symptoms "mild malise, slight fever &amp; swollen glands 2 or 3 wks after disposure."

dun be paranoid.. tho the book says so, but i guess it depends ba, hmm, think next time u just avoid it loh...

there are many cats at the void deck area at my blk, sometimes they walk pass me, i also dun hv the syntoms. but will try to avoid them loh

hmm, maybe u can tell ur gynae nxt visit.
Hallo all!

I am currently in my 13th week as well and my EDD is sometime late March or early April.

For those concerned about the cats, you should be safe unless you actually take care of one and change the litter box. The parasite is only found in cats faeces, but also in many things like unwashed fruit and vegetables (I think the parasite lives in soil).

Oh yes, another silly question. Pregnant women have been told to avoid pineapple like poison, but anyone knows the reason why? I love pineapples
Mum wannabe

I cant remember how much i spent on the NT scan..i thk maybe $50 or $80 but for each gynae visit i pay abt $100+.

Oscar test is $320.
hi stileto,

Don't worry about the household cats, unless they go around digging soil, hunting and eating longkang rats, it is quite unlikely for them to accquire toxoplasmosis. As for HDB void decks cats, you will be safe as long as you avoid getting contact with their poo poo.

My brother has a cat and I have a dog. I mingled with this 2 animals throughout my pregnancy and my boy turned out ok

Hi Saffy,

According to old folks, fruits that contain high amount of enzymes such as pineapples and papaya got embryocidal effect, so advise us not to eat it. Scary huh? However, the angmoh trained doctors think it is ok to eat. One of my colleague who is 7 months pregnant eat pineapple every other day, she seems ok.
Baby Love,
Oic. Don't worry, with all the combine mommies &amp; babies luck in this thread, the result will just turn out fine :p

This silly tot just came to me. Not sure will gynae allow me to skip NT &amp; Oscar, straight away do amnio test o not. Hahahaha, can safe $ mah. Else if NT $80, Oscar $300+ &amp; Amino $1000+. OMG, this amt can buy lots of milk powder &amp; diapers leh.

Aiyoeh, fruits + chinese medicine ? No wonder, u have stomachache lah. Pls don't go to that extend. Take care of urself ya.

I'm also a pineapple lover. Will usually order the ripe ripe Sarawak pineapple, topped wif sour plum powder. Bagus !

Preggie shd avoid pineapple becos it's too "lai" (sharp in hokkien). Too much of this will cause ur bb to have weak legs / "neng-ka" (in hokkien). This is wat i heard.

Once a while indulge in 1 o 2 pcs is ok but not daily pls.
Hi Ma22,
me got spotting when i was abt 8 weeks during Dat x i eat watermelon alot and was told dat it was too liang that y the spotting came.. so nw i try to avoid fruit like watermelon, pineapple no no to me, papaya i nv like to eat it so still ok
Baby love,
just to check wif u cos i will be going to see dr ho on coming thurs do i need to tell him i wanna do the NT scan or he will just do it for me since i am already in my 13 wekks liao?
thanks for the information
hi saffy,
i think is not good to eat pineapple during early stage of pregang but during the 2nd trimster i think should be ok but eat in moderation lor.. dun eat too much

I thk u can ask dr ho if you want, abt the NT scan..but i thk he will do it for u even if u dun request? Anyway, dont worry..the nurse or doc will advise you accordingly.


Thanks! In my opinion, I agree with you. Since the results of the NT scan &amp; oscar is not 99% accurate, why waste $ right? I will go for the amnio test straight away if I can choose again, without going for the oscar test.
Amnio test involve some risk(though low) hence it is not a compulsory test till u reach 35 and above. Oscar test does not involve any risk. I will not opt for Amnio test cos dont want to take unneccessarily risk. My first pregnancy shows a ratio of 1:45000 that my bb might have ds. Hence doc say it is then not neccessary to do any further test nor oscar test. I did the triple test only. Just my cts worth ladies.
Thanks to all who replied! I used to not believe that pineapples were bad, but I've had personal experience whereby I had really bad menstrual cramps due to eating too much pineapple. But as ma22 and fen have mentioned, I guess in moderation is ok.

Just sidenote: one of my colleagues said that fresh pineapples have this enzyme that mimics prostaglandins (the hormone that induces labour) hence the cramping feeling. But then again, sperm contain lots of prostaglandins and goes straight to "there", does that mean no nookie until pregnancy over?? :D Just an interesting thought to share with you ladies.
SAffy, Ma22,

I didn't eat pineapples for the whole of first pregnancy. then when i wanted to give birth liao, doctor ask me to stimulate nipples and eat pineapples. hehe. I didn't do the nippe thingie but i ate a lot of pineapples 3 days b4 my induction. and when i went in really i already having contractions on my own even without the induction drug.

And as for the 'nookie' maybe it did contribute too. cause the night b4 the birth me and hb couldn't get to sleep. therefore we....
Hahahahahhahahahahahaha, let's all the d nookie b4 delivery (applicable to natural birth only ya). C-sect no diff leh.

I guess it gives the extra push you need in terms of prostalgladin. heheh so ard EDD we should all nookie all night and eat pineapple and drink pineapples juice. hehehe Bulk purchase for pineapples for the month of april next year anyone??

oh mummies,

any mummies feel baby kick yet?> I have been feeling a series of fluttering in my lower tummy. But not sure could it be?? Last preg ard 18weeks I felt baby move this time i liek not so sure. hiaz.
