(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Hi wawapiggyling,
be more positive.. maybe it will end soon.. maybe u wanna go buy those sour candy to eat??? somex when i feel like vomit i eat Dat or even i vomit i eat dat too.. its sour and it help.. u noe those candy that can weight wan.. mini toon selling @ 1.50 for 100 grams.. or 7 eleven also have.. but selling @ 2.. maybe u wan to go try dis method.. hope it helps for u lor..

hi twinkle,

dun worry, it will stop later. just try to keep yourself positive and do some light exercise e.g. strolling in the park, etc or take some sour plum like fen suggested.. sometimes i will take orange juice when i feel like not eating
hi twinkle,

Just take it easi, it will end soon.
I started having MS in 6 week. That whole week is bad, i feel nausea the whole day for the whole week. But my MS is alot better now. I realise i always feel sick when i have an empty stomache. So i try to snack alot.
Be positive!
Sorry to disturb.

Wondering any mummies keen in getting home made beansprout pillow? My mum had some leftovers after making for my baby so she intend to make it and sell it off.

Interested, please kindly PM me. Thank you.

you asked me b4 which ultrasound machine my gynae used right? his is a philips IU22 soemthing like that. then he used 4D for some pics and his machine the image is very clear and it doesn't jump like those older models. So it is like watching a video that does not skip.
hope it helps.

think the back pain may also be due to pregnancy hormones that are causing the spine to curve more and or joints to loosen. I hardly gained any weight although my tummy is showing but my back is hurting.

Last thursday I went for gynae check up and am at 11w5d. So now officially in 2nd trimester. My baby is 54.4mm CRL. smaller than expected this time.
Then the ultrasound like picked up some 'dark patches' doctor suspect is blood. Ask me if i have spotting but i don't have. For the past week b4 go for check I been having contactions, just like my first pregnancy so now on ventolin. So sad. 2nd pregnancy is as problematic as my first.
Now somemore told to carry my 17mth old son less. Goodness.. If i dun get a grip on myself think i going to have pre natal depression.

Thanks for letting me vent..
Hi wenthena,

thanks for sharing the 4D ultrascan. It is really cool! Your doctor really got all the high tech ultrasound machine. I think he got the interest in these high tech machines since he is the doctor who bring in the first ultrasound machine into singapore

My gynae used an ancient machine which we have to depend on our imagination to tell where are head, body and limbs.

I know it is not easy but try not to think of the pregnancy problems. Leave the worrying to your gynae, afterall, they are the only ones who knows what to do when there is problem.
these are also what my mum always tell me because I tends to worry a lot too, especially everytime I go to see my gynae, that horrible scene of D&C when I had miscarriage 2 years ago just came to my mind.

As for your son, just give him a hug instead of carrying him lor.
Fen and Wenthena,
have you done your Oscar test?? I'm taking the test on coming friday..

My problem of frequent urination and insomnia has improved!!! Pimples also improved....I am going into week 12 and will be doing Oscar test on 29/09/06...looking forward to see bb again!

This time i am scheduled for a different test leh.. Very funny. Last checkup I got a nuchal translucency test. the next checkup, I scheduled for triple testing.. Testing for maternal serum screening for down's syndrome and open neural tube defect and HIV. weird hor? And b4 the test must fast the night b4.
Hi stileto,
is oscar test a must? i am nt so sure lei.. i will be visiting my gynae for the very first x on oct 5.. past few checkup i went to the normal clinic to scan and see my baby development onli..
Cos my in-law keep saying there is no need to go to the gynae so soon.. haiz.. i also dun noe lei.. Hope baby will be fine
Hi stileto,
I also tink my Frequent urination also improved... But pimples i am glad is nt a big issue to me.. Nt much also.. But dun noe y appetite become worst.. last 2 days merlion Wat i eat after dinner.. hope is onli for dat 2 days maybe cos i eat too full le..

I can onli see my baby in other 2 weeks x.. Me also Looking forward lor.. keke
hi Stileto,
Me too, going into my 12th wk.. doing the test on Fri as well.. hope my bb is fine..

my MS siao siao one, most of the time ok but it can juz come and i'll feel terrible.. hate it.. hope it will go away soon after 1st trimester..
Can I join in too? This is my 1st pregnancy & I'm into my 11th wks. Just like most mummies to be, I'm very worried abt a lot of things & MS quite bad too. Infact, I think MS getting worse. Hopefully will go away soon. I experience backache as early as into my 4-5th wk, which I find it so unbelievable! By right shldn't be so early.
Hi all

this is also my 1st pregnancy and my baby is due in mid April.

btw, i've 1 qn - all along i assume 1st trimester means the 1st 12 weeks but i read a book and it says 1st trimester lasts for 14 wks. so, which is correct?
Hi Fen
thanks for the suggestion. I have tried that and also sour plums.. but i have on occassions even vomitted out the sour plums... and the last weekend had been awful. appointments cancelled cos i was too sick to go out.. whole day sleep and watch tv and dustbin by my side.

Hi twinkle..
yes we all know how bad it is to go through MS but we all have to endure.... social life affected, daily habits affected, and it leaves us lethargic all day long... which is pretty much like a sickness to me as it goes on.

HI wenthena
thanks for sharing the video, it's very interesting and your baby looks big... moves a lot, very active =)

initially I also dun want to visit doctor so early. Save money mah. I missed period for 3 mth then went to see gynae thinking I saved up on 3 mths liao.. Then went liao how I know he say I only 5w3d preggie. Menses irregular la ever since stopped breastfeeding. hiaz. You still young right?? so chances of somethign go wrong very slim!


think the 12- 14 weeks thingie is depend on how you count. If you go gynae use ultrasound, they count from the day of conception. If you count like most books from the last menstrual period then will have 2 weeks extra which you are not pregnant yet
hope it helps clear up doubts.


hee.. everytime want to do something wrong like drink coffee think of the video will stop myself. think of how baby already so human.


Sometimes I wish I can really leave it all to my gynae
dun get me wrong.. he very experienced and he handle a lot of my complications very well and he not kan jiong like new doctor. but then i paranoid. super lor. liek scared he missed something. scared i do something wrong that could have been avoided. scared of every single thing lor. then there's the issue of my son now. I scared he will not accept the new sibling. and neighbours start to tell him he going to be pushed aside once new baby is born. They all feel it is funny but i don't think so. hiaz. I think i got to take it easy lah. Stress will not get me anywhere. hehe but venting does make me feel better. paisyayou have to read all these when it is not your problem.
Hi Stileto

I went for my oscar test on fri morning. It was quite fast, whole process lasted abt 20mins (for ultrasound scan + blood test). I did an ultrasound scan and they took more detailed measurements of bb. After that I went to do a blood test. After the blood test is done, you can go off already.

No worries.

Hi Wenthena
so what is the exact no. of weeks we count? do we count 12 weeks (age of the fetus) or do we count 14 wks (from date of conception) to be the end of the first trimester? if we take 14, means i will have another 1 mth of MS to endure!! and that isn't good news to me... =(
i do agree that each of us have our own set of worries to worry upon, that's y the forum is here for us to vent it out.. but i think at the same time, it also serves as a consolation to other mum-to-be that they are not worrying in isolation.. cos i believe the rest of us will also tend to worry a lot but learn to let go and not worry so much. and you can give assurance to your son that he will not be left out, and perhaps give him a sense of ownership by telling him that the baby to come belongs to him. His own brother or sister that he can help look after or play with when the baby arrives. i think that will be very exciting for a kid. =)
Hi hi to all!

I'm new to this thread and have been reading about all your comments. So exciting!

My 1st BB going on to 9 weeks and EDD same as cocoa, 30th April 2007.

Nausea seems to be getting worse in intensity and vomitted the 1st time ytd evening. Hope this does not become a frequent episode... sigh

Tummy showing, back ache, quite depressing...
hi cherryteq,
Welcome!! Who/which gynae r u seeing?

Can understand how u feel.. I hate that nauseous feeling.. and I miss alot of food very much.. used to like fried carrot cake (black), now the garlic smell makes me sick..
My tummy also showing, I'm quite skinny so not quite used to that bulge but it's great feeling knowing the little one is growing inside.. hee..
hope your MS won't get worse..
hi wenthena

thanks very much for the reply!
and yes, i'm also counting down to the end of my 1st trimester - can't wait for that naseous feeling to go away! n my appetite is not great too - i tend to have zero appetite for dinner. but still force myself to eat sth for sake of baby.

Hi cherryteq,

my tummy is also bulging so all my skirts are too tight, save for 2. so now, i've been surviving on 2 skirts for the whole week! think it's too early to buy maternity skirts. i was pretty unhappy in the beginning coz' wasn't used to feeling tired n naseous the whole time. everyone says the symptoms'll disappear by the 2nd trimester altho my gynae said it'll not be immediate = OP so guess just gotta hang in there!
hey..LYMing..i'm seeing prof YCWong from NUH..how about you?
realised not many people go NUH for gynae..if you are looking for gynae at NUH..Prof YC wong is very good..
I'm seeing Dr Adelina Wong at TMC.

Ya, now I regret wearing tight fit/just nice bottoms and baby tees before I was pregnant cos it meant that most if not all of them dun fit now! Can't breathe in them!

Just went to buy 2 larger skirts and a bottom for the working week, hopefully no one will notice. As for tops, I have to dig up some longer ones to wear for the time being cos not sure how much my bulge will change. Funny books say "you'll start to show in the 4th mth" I'm like 2 mths ahead.

Hate the nausea cos I love food but now I'm going for soupy noodles most of the time. And I can't stand fish now, used to love fish.
Hi scoobydoo & cherryteq

i am seeing prof K. Singh - is prof Wong a lady gynae

i heard many people going to TMC - so i am thinking should i continue with my current gynae

scoobydoo - you are rite i dont see many pple going nuh

i have skin irritation before i conceive - seeing NSC before i go back for my check up i realised i am expecting now gynae said cannot use any med - then 2nd time i ask him he said ok to use (so i use) now i regret coz he said must chx with the doc prescribed the med

so not sure to continue seeing him anot
Hi LYMing,

This Prof K Singh is fr NUH? Were u being referred when u looked for gynae? If u r really not comfortable with him, then maybe u cld change..

Everyone different leh.. Like for me first pregnancy I puke from starting all the way til I deliver. Any sign of dehydration and I have to go on drip. This pregnancy, the morning sickness has eased up completely since 2 weeks ago. I am now 12w post conception
I cannot count by LMP since my LMP would be 3 months different from my conception date.
but if I am like the rest of you then i guess we would say it as 14 weeks ba.

When people say 1st trimester the MS ease up I dun think it happens overnight. It is a gradual thing. As with all things to do with hormones, it doesn't work like a switch. The theory is that as soon as your placenta is fully functional, the load for producing the hormones will lessen on your body as the placenta takes over. So less hormonal production, the less queasy we'll feel.


no prob! think how also eat a little. cos when the tummy got nothing inside to digest, will be more acidic. the more acidic the more nauseous. I go thru too long never eat will vomit out green tummy juice.. very painful for the throat and disgusting. hehe.. think of it this way, it is more pleasing to vomit a cup of milk then acidic bile juice.
hi, im new here. this is my 1st pregnancy and im 12weeks plus preggy.
i'v done the oscar blood test last thursday only after the ultrasound when my doc said tat my baby had higer risk than normal of getting down sydrm. the result shows baby ok... wat a relief!
btw, any good stretch marks cream/lotion to recommend?
Hu wenethena,
Ya me still very young.. now onli 23 year old.. next year when my baby is born i will be 24 yr old liao.. Haha.. my in law and hubby feel that is nt necessary to go to the gynae so soon.. But will be visiting the gynae for the first x on early week of oct. as advice by baby_love to do the UT scan lor.. keke....No doubt i am young, i still face back ache even starting from now..
i somex feel very bad as to drink cold drinks all the x.. now controlling.. maybe start off with orange juices lor..
Hi luvicecream,

You mentioned your doc says your bb at higer risk of getting down sydrm, why so? I am at my 9th week now and I think my doc will ask me if I want take the Oscar test at my next visit. Wonder if he will ask me to take the test.
Hi fen,
U r indeed very young.. if I dun rem wrongly, u r in your 12th wk now? So u dun intend to go for the so-called OSCAR test? Cos my gynae was telling me the most appropriate time to scan for down syndrome is in wk 12.. but think early wk of oct shld be fine too..
Young mums r good.. hv more energy to run ard with them..
Hi luvicecream,
Read from mag pure Vit E or cocoa butter cream works to prevent stretch marks.
I'm trying Vit E body butter from Body Shop, dunno will work or not. There are more expensive versions out there, so it's up to you.
Hi luvicecream,

U can try Clarins stretch mark oil. This is very popular among pregnant ladies. I just bought one & that cost $78. Although its abit exp but it is very effective. I was recommened by my friend. This oil has some kind of smell...for me, im ok with it & the smell is quite relaxing. Maybe u want to go to Clarins counter & give it a try.
Hi ixora,

Sigh...Not yet...
Am very lazy to shop last wkend but I will be going to suntec this wkend & shop for flat shoes. Wat abt u?
Me not yet too.. also felt lazy to shop.. now like to stay at home and rest during wkends.. feel more comfy and safer if I need to puke.. kekeke..
Hi ixora15,

Yes...especially if u not feeling well. Its better to stay at home & rest well. Only go out when u feel better else also no mood to shop. I very mafan one...i must find the shoes i like then i will buy. Cannot be too aunty type of shoe & must have alittle of high heel else i find that Im wearing slipper to work...
hi mummies,

few days din log in.. so tired over the weekend. now everyday sleep at 10.30pm..

btw, i m using stretch mark cream from Natural Source. $53.60 per tube if i m not wrong.. think member got 30% discount on the birthday month. i got mine from fren, she helped me to get 1 at $39 after the dicount. quite effective and got a bit of ginger smell.. after applying, your skin looks moist and smooth. (^-^)/

i apply everyday since the day i knew i got BB. they said early preventation is better, but i think now its not too late for other mummies.

and then i bought another pair of matt gold coloured sandals from OG last Saturday @$32 from the brand 'Lucieano', quite comfortable. some more it has a bit of 'heels' abt 0.5 inch, if u call that 'heels' :p
re: stretch mark

Don't think it really work. My friend who applied since knw pregnant, but at 3rd trimester all the strech mark came out. Heard depend on individual skin. If want to know you will get it or not, asked ur own mum, if she got it means most probably will get it too. For myself, during my first pregnancy my stretch mark only came out when I was 8 mths preggie ..sooo sad.
Hi Cheeryteq / luvicecream,

Saw your earlier message, I was told by my gynae from Mt E not to apply any lotion that contains cocoa-butter.

Can't really remember what's the reason.

Perhaps you can check with you gynae before getting any.

hi cmy,

my mum had lots of stretchmarks but i don't have any. However, I got ugly cellulites so that isn't much better.. hahaha

Just reach 12 weeks today but according to my gynae, we will only enter second trimester when we are at 14 weeks.
MS seems to be worsen so much that I have lost close to 2kg. I can only hope this is the worst and things will get better soon.

Also feel very tired. When taking train to work every morning, I just wish for some kind souls to offer me their seats but as expected, people just doze off the moment they see the 'quite obvious pregnant' me. Aiyah!

Hi ladies,

Anybody start looking for confinement ladies yet? I wonder if it is still early to start looking now
last wknd, dine in Hawker center...while wiping my mouth feeling some flow out from my nose. thot is running nose...after wiping...is nose bleed. so pai say...used 3 pieces of tissue papers to stop the flow. call my gynae...said is norm.

page up, i was thinking to hire confinement lady too. read from some promo...if booked early hv further rebate. do u know the price range? i was thinking to cater confinement foods outside on wkdays to avoid too oily stain in my kitchen. cook oni in wknd...not sure the charges.
Hi ixora15,
Ya me now is in my 12 weeks if base on the way i count.. but if base on my doctor i am onli 11 weeks.. will be going Mt Alveria early next mth... then see wat the gynae told me lor.. if my baby is fine.. & doctor advise dun need then i wun go for the oscar test lor.. gt to depend on the situation by then
hi luvicecream,
i also just brought one on weekend. usually price is $78 but i gt metro card gt additional 10% discount lei.. for those who wan to buy. i can try to buy for u all.. by the way i gt one small sample which i get from the sales gal, whoever interested and stay near hougang or toa payoh can meet me and i pass it to u all lor.. But i need to find la.. forget where i put liao

hi ixora,
is better to apply now early stage whereby there is still not yet stretch marks lei.. if gt stretch marks liao then very hard to lose the marks liao le..
