(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

jmonster, ur backache due to preg? seems bad huh? did u consult ur gynae? any wrong posture u hv used when sitting, standing & walking?? can't imagine the pain when reach 3rd trimester.

ya, the pain was due to preg. not sure y happened. this morning seems alright when i wake up, but when i reach office, the pain sometimes serious sometimes ok. maybe it was due to my sitting & standing postures
hv u start gaining weight? tummy can be seem? or else hw the backache come from? coz till today, i hv not gain weight and tummy as usual. if realli that bad, consult ur gynae check if any pain killer can help.
ya i gained 3kg for the 1st few weeks, my fren said i was too fast to gain weight but no choice leh, i feel hungry all the times, that's where the weights come... and colleagues told me they can see my tummy liao
Hello ladies,

Have been reading the threads here very often.

Hi augleo, im going for my triple blood test this coming sat too & im so worry. I have been thinking is my bb healthy & so on. Sometimes, it really make me so stress...

Hi jomonster,
Same as u, i have already put on 2.5kg now & im coming to 12 weeks. I have put on weight on my waist & tummy & most of my working clothing i cant fit in anymore. My tummy is slowly getting bigger & bigger. Wanna start to buy some maternity wear but worry is too early. So sianz... Feel like im dun have any sense for dressing now adays. Anyone of you already start buying maternity wear when coming near to 12 weeks?

Me too have been drinking everday until I went to the gynae and the nurses brewing a pot of green tea and say very nice but they treat me to it after birth of baby.. So I went to ask my gynae and he say it slows the growth of baby. I was like ahhh!!! Now then say... hehe.


heh I mixing cold water with outside water to make my water slightly cooler and not freezign cold like out of the fridge. Hope it is better than totally cold. hiaz. so many restrictions hor?

j monster,

me too coffeelover. In fact I just went to Satrbucks too after my last gynae appt. I ordered a Sunrise ice blended. Then my 16mth old finished it!! Thank goodness he was busy exploring the place b4 he drink it so by the time he drink it, it is not cold anymore. hahah otherwise go home cough cough.


Dun stress. I still puking. Actually I have been feeling better but then here and there still actually throw up food. It will pass ok?? hang in there dearie! My first pregnancy i lost 5kg for 1st trimester. Now this one I gained about 2kg initially and now lost back 3kg.. for 1st trimester, baby have yolk sac to eat so no need our food intake much. 2nd tri onwards, the placenta fully formed liao then will need us to eat more. but when placenta fully formed, the production of hormones that we produced so much and made us sick is going to be taken over by the placenta theerefore we will all start to eat more really soon without the nausea!!

i put on 3kg during my 8th wk, can imagine what i will become at later stage... but good thing is now i still can wear my working clothes last time. hv not reached the stage of wearing any maternity wear. some more my SILs will pass me theirs maternity wears, so save up a bit. even for BB clothes (be it for boy or for girl), they will also pass me theirs...so SAVE SAVE SAVE

but i hv bought a few baby doll dress frm HK, not just for pregnancy but also good for cover up stomach after gave birth.

tried the coffee powder from starbucks yesterday, taste no good but still drink-able lah. now i noticed tat i seldom hv the urge for coffee ever since i tried to cut down the consumption liao.. but everyday drink milo & milk very sian... urrgghh, sometimes feel like having teh-O :p
wenthena, your 16mth can drink the sunrise drink? wow!! mine will prob make a huge mess of himself with the drink.
Hi violetmum

The oscar test is quite expensive..it costs $320!

I also worry abt the result.. gynae advised me to go for oscar test since the nuchal test result is on the high side.

I didnt hv to do this test for my 1st preg..so it is a bit worrying for me.

Hopefully everything is gonna be alright. I'm going for the test this fri morning.. will update you on what to expect.
I've been experiencing backaches on and off too. I think this is quite common and there is nothing much we can do about it. Maybe you can try to put some cushions to provide more support when you're seated. Try not to carry heavy things if you can.
Dlim, this Saturday...so good. no blood test can be done on Saturday for my gynae. oni on wkday. yours on 23rd Sep...by then my turn to do the triple blood test u aldy kno ur result. can't stop worrying. u know...there is lots of "what if" sigh... mother to be!
hi, Baby love
me too also experience back ache lei.. i also put cushion to make me feel better...

we same boat la.. many ppl lose weight but i gain weight lei.. so scare on hw i can lose weight after birth lei.. me gain nearly 2kg in one mth... gt to control control and control liao.. nw trying to eat less wif more meal.. hope it will nt make me gain so much weight lor..
hi jmonster,

the backpain is mostly due to softening of the ligament plus your posture. After entering 2nd trimester, you may want to try doing some light exercise such as swimming, aquaaerobic for preggie mums or yoga. It may helps to relieve those pains.

I intend to sign up for yoga class once my gynae confirm my pregnancy is stablised.I did yoga during my last pregnancy, and I didn't have any problem with body ache or pains. I'm not sure if it helps but I did have easier delivery as compare to many of my friends.

Hi violetmum,

same here, i stopped vomitting for a while but it came back with a vegence on friday night. It was so bad that I decided to skip dinner. My appetite hasn't been good since then, my mum even commented I look pale.
Really look forward to 2nd trimester and end of morning sickness. At the meantime, I will try to eat nutrious food when possible lor

Hi Dlim,

I have started to wear maternity clothes since week 9. My tummy start to show early for this pregnancy and I thought no point spending additional $$ buying bigger size clothes which I can only wear for at the most 1 month.
Hi wenthena,
no choice lei.. nw we not onli need to take care of ourself but also the baby inside us.. so is better to do all the dos and dons lor then to regret in the future
Hi Augleo, yup agreed with u. My mind is all "what if" until im so tired & stress out. Guess we really worry too much & i heard it will affect the bb as well. But what can we do, as a mom, we will sure worry alot of things for my bb.
So the waiting of result has to be 2 weeks? Oh No...Cant image how am i going to do during the 2 weeks time.

Hi jmonster, I feel hungry very easily & end up I eat alot during my 3 meals. I do no have any MS. Wat abt u? Oh..u so lucky..yr SIL can pass u their maternity wears + BB clothing. I still need to ask ard to see who can pass me cox im the only daughter & my husband is the elderst. Sign..I have also been looking ard for baby doll dress but only saw a few. Maybe when I have time, i will drop by those maternity wear & take a look at their clothing.
j monster,

I also so sian of milo and milk.. but it is good for at night when hunger pangs are so bad and so tired to cook anything. Just gulp down 1 cup and go to sleep.

got straw ma. he drink from straw. eh by the way you know where to get the magmag cup straw or not? now they have a new range that don't fit the old range... so sian got to spend $ again.


I also backache but only when i lie down to sleep then i feel the pressure at the waist there.

Yes, me too.. u know what i do? I put 2 pieces of water cushions on my bed (one under my back, one under my butt)and i sleep on them. It really helps! I dont feel the pressure at the waist or back throughout the night.

Maybe you can try it too? I feel the water cushions takes the presure off the back and waist.. but i'm not sure it is good to sleep like that or not.. hahaha
hi Dlim,

ya lucky for me. for the maternity + BB clothings, some of them hv not been worn before. so i can take loh but my SILs are quite big size not sure i can fit in well in the clothes or not.

if not, i still hv to buy some. btw, there's a shop at Raffles Place, Arcade 2nd floor, selling maternity clothes, looks nice & think not so ex. u can take a look at their clothes if u go there.

i also eat a lot a lot.. no MS as well. just feel super tired & back pain these few days
hi hopper,
I went to the Spring Maternity at Suntec.. IMF right? But not crowded.. the mall is very quiet..

If I'm not wrong, there is one in Plaza Sin and one in Century Sq (Small section at level 2 'exclusively hers')..

Hi jmonster,
I read that the backpain is most likely due to the loosening of joints/ligaments by our actively producing hormones.. so it's quite common.. mine has worn out.. but chk with your gynae if very painful and disturbing..

Btw, me too.. been eating well most of the time but last night puked my dinner out, triggered by neighbour's cooking smell.. terrible..
thanks for the info on back pain. will bring my cushion tmr. i knew preggy women tend to hv back pain, but din expect it to come so fast... sigh

i got a book titled 'things u shld know abt pregnancy', think gotta go back and read what to expect later ;P
Hi jmonster,

I am also suffering from backache. I asked my gynae and she said it's becos of our standing or sitting position. Now i'm trying to sit straight in the office but it doesn't seem to help. Just wondering if the backache might be caused by wearing heels also?
hi Violetmum,

i think so. once i know i m pregnant, i stopped wearing heels immediately. if u r still wearing, i think u better change to flats or maybe 1-inch heels loh. from wat i know, no good wearing from now till we give birth
Hi jmonster,

Thanks. I think I need to go shopping for shoes this weekend becos all my working shoes are high heels. hmm...seems like I am going to spend a lot of money even before baby is born. After shoes, I think the next few weeks got to shop for maternity clothes too even though now the tummy is not showing yet.
hi mummies... been out of office for a week... been trying to read all the prev posts...

tummy showing,
sad thing is my tummy is very very obvious liao n i can't fit into my working wear liao... now rearranging my wardrobe to put in my prev maternity clothes... so sad... feels so fat...

for those mummies hving their no 2/3, is your tummy showing yet?? wen, u can no need ans cos i know u still as skinny!! so envious!!!
i'm having no 2 and it's showing earlier than 1st preg. it's normal cos 1st preg uterus is firm and taut, after 1st preg it's not so anymore. even my gynae said so.

wenthena, i think taka shld have whole range of pigeon stuff.
baby love,

What is nuchal test? Isn't it included in Oscar test? What is expected of Oscar test - blood test and abdominal ultrasound of bb's neck thickness??
hi swweatcorn,

I am expecting no.2 too. I start wore maternity pants when 2.5 mths preggie. First pregnancy was about 4 mths plus. Some other relatives even commented I am fat rather than pregnant... hmmm very sad.

Nuchal test is only with ultrasound scan. It is included in the oscar test. for oscars, they will do the ultrasound first, then do blood work to check the maternal serum free beta HCG and PAPP-A. after that they feed the data into a computer and the computer tells you 1 in how many chance you have a down's baby. usually 1 in 300 and above is a good number. but below 300, they may order more tests like an amnio. hope it helps!


My tummy have started rounding out liao lah..
kekek next time we meet up you see. this monday you going?
hi violetmum,

no need to buy too many pairs. for my case, i only bought 2 pairs & i think its sufficient, 1 in white & the other 1 in dark blue cos easy to mix & match.

btw, my SIL still wearing the flats though her gal already 1 yr old cos need to carry her gal. so i think i will only be able to wear back the heels when the BB is able to walk stabily.
Hi jmonster,

Wow..so good..at least u can really save alot of maternity & BB clothings. Guess...i will need to spend quite alot on maternity wears.

Oh thanks for the infor. I will go down to raffles & take a look. Btw, there are quite a no of maternity shops @ suntec. I have list out a few & u can try there also & heard some of their clothings are very nice.

Spring Maternity @ #03-021B/021C
Perfect Mum @ #03-019
Thyme Maternity @ #02-009
Mom Essentials @ #03-K03
Mothercare @ #02-003/007

I also have been looking ard for flat shoes but none of them i like it. Its either to casual or some look like slipper. Im looking for alittle bit of high heels...not too high..may half or one inch cox still need to match the office clothing so if too flat like not really match leh. I tried Isetan Scotts but i dun see any i like & right now, Im still wearing my high heel shoes to work. I know its not good but how will it affect us? I will try to shop again this fri & coming wkend. Any ideal where can find nice flat shoes?
wen, your tummy showing liao?? no lah i bet it will not be as bad as mine... sigh... this monday i still cannot confirm leh... dunno can finish my work in time anot... sian...
hi Dlim,

i agree flat shoes are not nice but high heels are add strain to our back and calves area.
You may want to check out URS, there are having buy 2 pairs at 15% discount, 4 pairs at 20% discount sale.
Hi page up,

Thanks so much for your infor...its really a good deal. 2 pairs at 15% discount, then i can buy 2 different colours. I went to Charles & Kieth last sat & it was having last 2 days sales. It was so pack that i have no mood to look at their shoes.

Thanks again ya..
it seems all M2B tummy hv shown. wondering if no weight gain n no tummy shown yet, baby growing healthy? 3 wks more to see my baby from ultrasound. a long wait. sometimes, wonder if there is a home base eqpt can know baby doing fine in my tummy.
Yes, wenthena is right abt the difference btw nuchal test and oscar test. Oscar test is a more detailed test to test for abnormalities like down syndrome. It involves ultra sound scanning and blood tests. If the results for oscar test is no gd,I guess i'll be sent for amnio tests, which i hope will never happen. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi cocoa,
My EDD is 29Apr. Initially Dr told me is 4May. But after the second scan, he told me the more accurate EDD is 29apr. So which gynae are u seeing?
hi cocoa,
Congrats!! Welcome to the thread.. 1st bb?

hi Dlim,
I personally like shoes from summit, there's one at Suntec.. the brand is fr Malaysia.. I find they hv nice flats/small heels kind.. I bought one pair, quite comfortable..
I like VNC & Mondoe shoes as well.. reasonably priced too..
hi mummies,

i m at home... last nite down with flu & sore throat now better but giddiness hit me... sigh, want to sleep but cld not fall sleep. sian manz!

i fell down before with the VNC shoes & C&K shoes. dare not wear their shoes again..
Hi ixora15,

Oh..thanks for the infor. I will go suntec & take look at the summit shoes since i will be going down there to shop for maternity wears as well. At least i can shop at one place for all my items.

Hi jmonster,
U fell down once wearing the VNC shoes? Have to becareful...some shoes base are very slippery. Normall I will go & add a shoe base or i buy those stick on type which is selling at most shoe depts or bata shop. U r sick...do take care of yourself. No wonder I dont see u replying here. Have a good rest ya!
Hi jmonster,
do rest well.. I'm very sleepy at work...

agree some shoe base hv no friction.. muz be careful now when we walk..

Hi Dlim,
U r welcome.. yup now I find suntec a gd place for pregnant women.. got a few maternity shops plus my all-time fav Summit shoes..
hi everyone,
can i ask if there shd be any cause for worry if i dun wakes up in the nite to pee so much. i used to wake up at least once. but has stopped recently.

my next gynae visit is on 30 Sep. So not sure if i shd bring my appmt earlier?
hi fong,
do u drink water b4 bedtime? Peeing often is quite common.. I wake up at least 4X in the nite..
Would u b able to call up your gynae and ask?

Recently I can't help but drinking cold drinks.. make me feel better... at least not so nauseous and bloated.. hope won't affect bb..
