(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hi ixora15, i din particular drink more water or any lesser. thus really causes me to wonder why? shall call up and ask. thks for the advise

Hi Fong
i have been drinking less and less water since i found out im pregnant cos water makes me feel bloated and uncomfortable.....
i used to sleep thru the night but recently woke up just once to pee or not at all during the night...
could be becos i drink lesser water now or could also be just individual's reaction to the pregnancy.
dont worry so much.... wait for the rest of the ladies in this forum to tel;l u of their experiences or u can ask ur doc to clear your doubts.
hi fong,

i think shld be alright, at earlier stage of pregnancy, i can wake up 4-5 times every nights. but now i only wake up once or twice...
hi mummies, tks for the kind advise. i guess i am just being paranoid. cant help but to worry how is the development of the baby since only visit the gynae once a mth.
my gynae visits are 1ce in 2 weeks. but as pregnancy progresses then 1ce a mth. when in 3rd tri then more frequent again.
hi augelo, as long as the bean sprout shell becomes crisp. that shd be okay. when i was making that pillow for my nephew, i remember putting those shells under the strong sun for at least 4 days. dun be surprise when u see small crawlies out from the shell when its under the hot sun
hi, yah this is my first bb. my gynae is Dr Fong Yang at Paragon. I don't really wake up at nite to go to the loo. Mayb just once every nite,but if it is a rainy day den i will wake up mre often.
btw...wld like to chck wif u ladies..roughly how muc does your gynae chrg for every chckup?
Hi Augelo,

My mil made one for my son too. Quite tedious process. My mum got to go to the wet market at towards the end of their business day to collect the remaining bean sprout shells, after which, wash a few time and remove the unwanted bean sprouts. I then took the whole bag of shell to my in laws place where they put under the sun at their condo's swimming pool for almost a week until they become crisp like what fong mention.

I think once in a while, some girls in this forum organize bp for thse bean sprout shell pillow, you may want to check it out.

Hi cocoa,

My gynae charge me $120 for first visit and $50-$60 for subsequent visits. The ranges of gynae fees shouldn't vary too much in singapore.

Hi Fong,

Don't worry, every pregnancy is different, it doesn't matter if you don't have some of those symptoms mention in the books

I remember I used to wake up quite often at night when I was carrying my boy, For this time, I can sleep throughout the night.
small crawlies? still safe for baby? now start to hv good terms with those wet mkt uncle n aunties... see whether they can offer me those unwanted blackie.
hi mummies, you are having backahe problem, you might want to try prenatal massage but will suggest you concult with your gynae if your condition is ok for the massage expecially for mummies at 1st trimester. Besides, try to avoid cold drink and so called "cold" fruits/food like melon, papaya and etc which might increase the backache. just share with you..
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cmy</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Hii HC</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garfield0407</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geyser</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dragon Gal</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessie</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CelC</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dlim</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Mary Yang</TD><TD>GLENEAGLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stileto</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine Lee Sammi</TD><TD>4-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenthena</TD><TD>4-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Michele Chua</TD><TD>5-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR YG Tan</TD><TD>RAFFLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy Ng</TD><TD>5-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopper</TD><TD>6-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR KT Tan</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fen</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy 17</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow7</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Suresh Nair</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Love</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JL (Mindy)</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jolyn (Fong Fonf)</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy (alcin)</TD><TD>10-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mum wannabe</TD><TD>10-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Dr Henry Cheng</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Page Up</TD><TD>11-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR LS Lien</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fiona</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ixora15</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Yong T T</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggymum</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pine3</TD><TD>17-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kenneth E Lee</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jmonster</TD><TD>17-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angela Lee</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR PS Lui</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kai Ling</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scoobydoo</TD><TD>21-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR YC Wong</TD><TD>NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweatcorn</TD><TD>21-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eunice</TD><TD>27-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ice Queen</TD><TD>29-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cocoa</TD><TD>30-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Fong Yang</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Mommies

Just updated the table.. did i miss anyone out? Pls give me your details if you want to be included in the list.

hi augelo, dun worry. its definitely save once u sun it thoroughly....i shd really start my bean sprout project real soon!
I would like to join in this thread. Been to the gynae today and am 12 weeks 2 days preg. Gynae is Dr Tanny Chan from Gleaneagles. EDD is 06 april 2007.
Hi Mummies...

I would like to join the thread too.. think mine ard 8+wks.. (nvr really keep track) and its my 1st BB.. My gynae is the same as fong fong, Dr Woo.. Btw, still thinking whether to go for Raffles or TMC.. Mmmmm....

any good recommendation?
HI Ladies

What do you all usually eat for bfast, lunch and dinner now?

I think I need to make some lifestyle changes and keep to a healthier diet. Esp now that my appetite is regaining :=) Hope to get some advice from you. Thanks!
Hi mum wannabe,

For me i still eat as per normal. I just avoid those "cooling" stuff and unhealthy stuff such as instant noodles and preserved food.
hi mummies,

today so quiet, not many pple posting in here..
sigh, the backache came back again, plus nose block &amp; tiredness. hope i dun hv to work from now onwards.

hi mum wannabe,
i eat alots and almost eat anythings just avoid some 'cooling' stuff.

b'fast = 1 glass of Anmum b4 heading to office, then reach office take de-caff coffee, fried bee hoon, home made soya bean milk.

snacks b4 lunch = crackers, whatever things i could find on my desk

lunch = rice, vege, meat, or noodles sometimes plus barley

tea break = 2slices of bread with cheese plus milo

b4 i go home = some snacks again i.e. plain crackers

home = usual home cooked dinner + fruits, snacks &amp; 1 glass of Anmum b4 i sleep

that's all.. i eat alot hor?! :p

ya you eat alot compare to me..ha..anyway got appetite so just eat to your fill...so nice got home-cooked food!...last 2 days i was eating cup noodle for dinner (!!!) cos' hb was out of town...guilty guilty...

i think Raffles is very expensive...
jmonster, your menu looks like it comes from a pregnancy book on diet. if you keep up, your bb will be the healthiest of all. hats off to you. as for me, i've bn eating junk.

my 3rd visit to gynae - bb measuring 30.9mm at 10weeks. oscar is 2 wks time.

enquired on 3D scan - was told shld do at 36 weeks!
so no nice video to show and keep.
ya.. u really eat alot lei..
hw many kg have u gain so far? i have been gaining weight and tot i must keep myself down to all those food..
i eat bee hoon in the morning.. somex mcd $2 breakfast or even BK $2 breakfast.. drink normlly i nv drink de.. plain water lor..
lunch feel like eating wat then eat wat... onli eat crackers onli when i feel like eating or hungry..
dinner normally my in law will cook and usually onli.. but i tink i gain abt 3kg liao

It's good to have such good appetite. Me really envy u. For me, I vomit almost after each meal but its sort of become a norm for me liao..


Raffles is charging ard $5k for single bedded, assisted and plus epidural. Izzit normal?
Wah jmonster,

I really envy you. I think if I get half the amount of what you are eating into my stomach, I am very happy already. For lunch and dinner, usally I can only swallow half a bowl of rice or noodles. If I try to eat more than that, will be 'merlion' again. I still haven't gain back the 2kg that I have lost so far.

Something to share with all the mummies. Last night I went to City Hall and Suntec area to shop for flat shoes. They have quite nice shoes and most shops having 10-40% discount, probably becos of the IMF. If you intend to get flat shoes, should quickly go down to have a look.
hi stileto/ValC/fen &amp; Pricillia/Violetmum,

the menu not from any pregnancy book, this is wat i normally eat even b4 i got BB.

not that i m eating healtily, the choices for lunch at my office are limited cos my office is located along Thomson Rd &amp; i normally lazy to venture out. so juz take whatever it's sold at the canteen loh.

some more i m not a titbits person, rarely eat junks even b4 pregnant. only have Twisties &amp; chips once awhile. some more hb prevent me from eating ice-cream, junks, cup noodles, etc..

sometimes need to beg him to let me hv a sip of the cup noodles soup leh. life is terrible only without ice cream LOLZ

for the Anmum, hb forced me to drink hahaha... anyway i like milk too lah.. hv not weighted myself since few weeks back, think now shld hv gained 3-4kg bah, but then still cant see my stomach though already 10W4D
dear all..

haha.. me opposite.. can see tummy since 5wks but no weight gain..

And i cant dont take cold drinks cos i feel very deprive and as for Anmum, it juz cant stay in my stomach for long.. sigh!!
Hello everyone,

COngratulations on your pregnancies! I hope to be able to join you all in your journey. My EDD is 3rd April 07. This is my 3rd pregnancy; I have a 21 month old (v active and talkative!) and one angel baby lost in May 06.

This pregnancy has been difficult. Because of my m/c in May, I kept thinking i was going to lose this one too. I was spotting from 7-11 weeks and had to rest in bed. Also had progesterone shots 2X a week. Now backside open flowers already... But it was all worth it. Had OSCAR done in Wed and all is ok. Baby's also growing very well. I pray that we'll all have healthy and happy pregnancies and lovely lovely babies. Sorry for the long post...

Hope to get to know you all better!
2nd trimester loh!!

so envy you.. my MS just began to make a turn for the worse... though i can still eat my meals, but the nausea will still kick in at different times of the day. and i must say you have a very healthy diet.. me eat a few fast food meals per week...

when i went to visit my gynae the last time, my weight dropped and i asked her why did my weight drop while my tummy become so bloated? she says it's the air inside, and i realise it's true, no matter how much air inside my tummy to make it bloated, my weight won't increase cos it is still air afterall, keke.

Hi jade,
welcome to this thread and sorry to hear abt the previous lost and congrats to the current pregnancy! glad to hear baby is well. =)
so that's the reason..... Me didnt asked much abt it the during my 1st visit to the gynae cos really don't know what to ask.

Suppose to go for the 2nd appointment yesterday but doc got to rush for 2 deliveries. Me sort of worry now cos he is kind of having too many patients liao... Mmmmmm.....

Hi jade,
It's tough for you to go thru all these but i should say u r really brave..
Wow jmonster, good for you!

Envy all who can hv home-cooked food.

HI Jayde, me too had previous m/c (in fact 2) so I'm paranoid this time. Been seeing gynae almost every 1-2 weeks. So far so good. Nxt week will cross over to 2nd trimester.

HI violetmum, ey i was at Suntec yest evening too :=) shopping for maternity clothes. Bought a few from Perfect Mum.
Hi everyone,

i just went for my chckup yest...now 8 and a half weeks. My gynae did a scan and the bb is ok. But till now i have yet to do any test, isit normal? My gynae didnt even take my weight. He just ask me to continue taking the hormone pills(as i has cramps in the 1st few weeks) and ask me to go back 3 weeks later.

Well, i also quite paranoid. Keep thinking if the bb is ok or not. So many thgs to worry abt when we r pregnant...if nex time our kids not filial they really deserve a tight slap! hahah
Hi gals,

Anyone here has MS till week 12? I m in week 10 but MS still as bad.. hope my MS will subside soon. Any experiences to share abt MS?
Hi jmonster,
i was weight abt 58kg on week 8 and nw abt 12 weeks my weight have go up to 60.6kg le.. feel myself so fat.. hope i will have slight MS like the rest so that i will nt feel myself so fat..
haha... u all must be thinking that i am mad..
hi twinkle,

I am into my week 9 and I am still having bad MS too....in fact I just had my dinner at 6.30pm and after that I vomit all my dinner out. I felt so terrible. Wonder when I will stop vomitting.

Hi Fen,

I think I wish I have no MS but grow fat. Its an easier option.
Hi ice Queen,
haha.. maybe i am one of those who are really very scare of being fat... i normally have ms onli after dinner so i try to eat little during dinner and go out for supper onli if i am hungry lor.. the rest of the meal i ok lei..
hi fen,

b4 pregnant, i was 44kg, just weighted myself &amp; i am 47kg now... ;)

even i told pple i've gained weight, they dont believe :p
Hi all
im at week 10 now but MS is getting worse!
previously it's only nausea but i still have appetite for meals.. for thepast few days, even my appetite has deteriorated.. i wonder if the MS will ever stop.

since you have such a balanced meal and have appetite for it, a healthy weight gain shld be fine.. =)

ice queen
yes i do agree with you that weight gain is an easier option than MS. let's lok towards that.. although i dunno when MS will end....

Tks for sharing your experiences abt MS. Appreciated. My MS started at week 5 and till now I still have it with me. Its so bad that I was on MC for 2 weeks. Got some spotting and keep vomiting. No energy to even go to work... Now into 10 weeks I really hope this will stop, cos I dont knw how long I can hang on to this, cos it is really very miserable having MS... gals who has MS will agree with I think...

i am different compare to u.. i eat and nw fat.. my colleague all can see that i have gain weight.. some ask me am i pregnant or fat.. sian
since today is the first day of 2nd trimster i am so happy.. nw hoping my baby will be healthy
