(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

i've read a synopsis of the new book before (on her website) but i've no idea that it's out in singapore already! shall hit the bookstores on sat to get a copy!!! as for kaizer's birthday, i think i'll just have a small celebration in school like last year. he still can't take diary products so it shall have to be an agar agar cake again. i've already told him that he gets to pick the design this year. and he wants to give out markers in his goodie bag to his classmates.

i take quaker oats everyday too. 5-6 heaped tablespoons either for my morning snack or afternoon teabreak. i want to know how your disneyland trip turns out. i'll be going to japan in aug since husband has a conference. but haven't decided if i'll bring kaizer to disneyland (most prob not bringing titus for the trip) because the itinerary hasn't been planned yet. heard from a colleague that all the rides are in japanese. but he did say that the queues are very orderly (even if they are long).

it's been out since...three days ago. I was so tempted to buy. Times has a 10% discount (so it's about $25+). Let me know if you can get a better price.

I'm thinking of getting the agar agar cake as well...does it have a lot of food colouring or just the top layer? Is it sweet? Does it taste nice?

the hk shows in disneyland are in cantonese with subtitles. but it's still weird. haha

if you go tokyo, let me know how it goes!
just emailed you a borders coupon with 20% off fiction titles. i have the borders preferred card, so should be able to save extra 10%.

the agar agar tastes very sweet, like an agar agar is supposed to taste, hahaa. every layer is coloured like those nine layered cake. personally, i like jellies and agar agar so i think the cake tasted nice.

thanks for the heads up...

I wonder if I have time to go to borders...hmm...
Hi hi! It's been awhile since I dropped in. Hope everone's great! Tired looking after the 2 boys but it has been fun. I'm still fully bf and Maverick is reaching 1 yr old soon... Times really flies. Hope we could catch up soon.
catherine: so envious ... think i have to stop at 9 months liao ... little milk left =(

cai cai, i almost stopping soon ... quite difficult for me to pump in office now, more meetings and more visitors ...

sw: have u move to ur new place? the market going to be ard till 31 Jan next yr ... so happy cuz I can still got o my regular butcher and chicken seller.
cat , so envious too . i wld love to bf as long as i can , but even 6mths seems like an impossible mission to me . sigh .

diane , u are doing very well already . i guess i can only console myself by cp zoe's amt of bm intake is definitely beyond that of zac's .

re:tokyo disneyland trip .
i went there during my uni days . i was not an adventurous person to begin wif , so the rides i took were all kiddy ones . like peterpan / little world /haunted house etc , Qs were orderly too . that time , i took a lot of pics at those mickeymouse house and there were parade shows too. but i find disneyland paris more interesting and romantic ( maybe coz i went wif hubby )

actually even if they dun understand the language , i think they can enjoy the ride itself . coz as long as it is cartoon , zac also watches it despite it is a Malay channel one ??!!

who has the contact for the dentist? Read here and there that there's some public one meant for children...any idea?

Thanks in advance!
Hi hi Dee

I think you are referring to this?

School Dental Service
Level 4, Health Promotion Board
3 Second Hospital Avenue

Call 64353782 for an appointment.
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
if u hv the Borders discount mailer again, can email to me? thks.

when u use avent manual pump, do u encounter squeeky sound?

Hair Loss:
this time, almost 1 month earlier than previous

hope it won't last long.

thanks for the info!

when? I haven't called, have you?

I'm still losing lots of hair...hahah
Hope it won't last long for you...
School Dental Svc:
needs to book at least 1 month notice.
JK was there around mid Nov 09.

compare with Kid's dentist S$70 for consultation the School Dental Svc is so much cheaper = S$9

Is FRIDAY again!
Have a great weekend ahead
Sorry to interupt but I have a few packets of Pulmicort for nebuliser to let go. Expiry in May 2011. PM me if interested to get. Thanks!
i thot is time to change the accessories, changed and still hv the disturbing sound.
is disturbing esp. pump around 4am

our kids coming to 3YO. so fast hor

u believe in 三岁定八十???

thot of for a change order agar2 instead of cake for JK but not cheap.
mini.$40 + $5 dlvy.
+ the size is so big, how to finish???

what does the chinese mean? I can read it but it doesn't make sense. hehe.

I thought I'd order too...but the delivery and all not convenient for me, so maybe next year. This year we'll have cupcakes.

Can you believe it'll be in one week!!
ur hb shld able to tell u more of 岁定八十.
in short, change all the bad habits b4 kid reach 3YO

Yes, till coming Sunday we have 3 b.day kids:
Kieran, Jayden and Gladys.
HAPPY 3rd Birthday!!!
Did you check out the agar prices with James Chan & wife? I recalled ordering from them during my boy's 1st birthday and there was no delivery fee...not sure now changed already or not though...
then you shd juz get a cake
much cheaper and can get smaller size ones. coz kids still young.. doubt they will be bothered if they are eating cake or agar.
thanks for the school dental service number. i think i shall try to book a slot for kaizer sometime soon.

sorry, didn't check this apr thread last week. but borders had storewide buy 3 get 30% off last weekend. did you manage to go down? avent manual pump i only get squeaky sound within the first 2 months of using a new pump (i changed 4 in the course of the past 3 years), otherwise there won't be a squeaky sound once it's seasoned. problem usually lies with the diaphragm. try replacing that? you have two agar agar suppliers' contacts? i only know abt james chan. can you send me the contacts of the other one? i also want to compare prices. but i'll definately get an agar agar cake even if it's $40-50 because kaizer's still unable to take dairy products.
for dental sch service:

the lil' kid in the cubicle next to us was screaming his lungs, refusing to let dentist check coz its like those polyclinic type
thankfully D was not affected and managed to get his checked but took me sometime to get him to open his mouth by dangling his fav bluberries infront of him!!

but worth it to pay only $9
I should really call the dentist...haha.


I can check but I have a feeling he wouldn't know what it means.


I checked with James Chan and he quoted me $45+5 for the Mickey Mouse "cake".


I have a very strong feeling that Jesse will be one of those who'll scream the house down...and it'll be a wasted trip... but we'll try anyway.
Eh...I've called the School Dental Service twice. Both times on hold and then both times got cut off. Is that normal? Should I just keep trying?
I just realised Enfagrow increased their price again and in new packaging- Orange!

i bot 1 tin at $57.90 fm neighbourhood prov and i rmbr only paying $52+ 2mths back (1 big tin can last me quite long)

and i realised Enfagrow is for up to 3yr 11mth when i called up MeadJohnson.. luckily i nvr change to Enfakid as they state 3-6yr on the tin. i complained to them thats its so misleading!
keep trying.. they cld be busy so many parents trying to book.

Jesse hv not seen a dentist before? then read up more books abt going to dentist to mentally prepare him.

D had to lie on top of me on his 1st visit to ToofDoctor which is so expensive - $50!!

thanks for replying so quickly. I'm used to being on hold, but not usual for the call to keep dropping... will keep trying as long as my phone holds up!

He gets the idea of what is going to happen and what he's supposed to do but...
Leo / Dee / SW
I think James Chan probably increase the price with the rising popularity amongst forum mothers over the years.. but I must say their agar2 taste good (provided again no drop in the standards with more businesses!) :p

Re: Dental School Service
By the way, I understand from mummies who managed to get thru the line & book that the available appointment they are given can be like half a year later...Zzzz.
last yr, i booked JK's appt thru email.
they responded on the same day.

will send the other contact to u.
noted on avent manual pump
James Chan agar agar indeed not cheap. Ordered 1 for Jayden & Jaelyn Bday.. taste quite nice & not too sweet as what I expect. Here's the agar agar


Here's another contact just in case someone looking for agar agar - [email protected]

yup, I bought from Popular and Daiso (he loses them all the time). Can even buy the plastic craft type where you can change the "blades" to cut out patterns. But he still can't do it, btw...he can't hold the paper and cut it at the same time...I have to hold the paper for him.

...still waiting for them to reply...
it's that time of the year again and I have people asking me what to buy for Jesse's birthday. And this year, I am stumped. What does a three yr old need/want?
I got a reply from the dental service. If you're thinking of emailing for appt, this is the info they require:

1. Name of the child (as in Birth Cert/NRIC/Passport)
2. Birth Cert /NRIC/FIN /PR no

3. Date of Birth

4. Citizenship

5. Race

6. Contact no (Home or Mobile)

Also, the next available appt is from mid June onwards.

Just FYI.

I'm sure Jesse wants a drum set! But NO! He already have car and bicycle...don't think he'll be interested in golf yet...though he watches it on tv from time to time. haha

I've come to the conclusion that it might probably just be books.

i brot K to the dental school in Jan. made the appoitment in Dec. she was in and out in less than 30mins. we were 1 of the first 3 patients aft they re-open from lunch. she was Quite ok with the whole trip, her teeth was super white n nice after that! payment only $9 for citizen, so quite worthwhile. came home with a toothbrush and stickers for her experience.

James agar, we ordered last year too. was thinking of ordering again but see first, still have a mth to go still.
past few days.. D now refuse to co-sleep with us on our bed. and now willing to sleep on the floor.
so strange.. we din even talk or train him to sleep on the floor.

problem is we hv not bought a proper di-lam (mattress) for him as we scared he may just change his mind. so he currently using playpen matt

any recommendations for a di-lam? wonder shd i get those 3 fold type of matt?

D still the same lor.. talks alot and now a bully in CC *sigh*

i dunno why whenever he plays with friends or cousins.. he would refuse to share his toys and tenancy to snatch toys away. we tried all means.. soft, hard, fierce approach in teaching, educating him.. but no use. he always say that he would share.. but nvr get to do it
