(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

if ur kid know how to cycle, how do u introduce the brake to them?

Is really out of my mind to 'teach" him use brakes, till Yest. he cycled down slope while watching the cute puppies ends up...fall down loh

lucky didn't get hurt, he gets up and cont' watching those puppies.


so far, no one has asked him to change, so we won't.
think his basic features are still similar, just more mature looking now...

don't know leh...maybe Jesse doesn't cycle so quickly (cautious sort) so he has been able to brake in time...so far. Most of the time though, he uses his feet to brake...when he uses hand brake, it tends to stop very abruptly which is dangerous also.
Our kids are really cute at this age! I've got a funny one too!

MIL: Cait, do you love MaMa?
Cait: Yes, I love MaMa!
MIL: How much?

my brother said EXACTLY that to my mom moons ago!

Jesse says funny things too...but off hand, I can't think of any.
Oh wait...a quick check with my "records"...

While on holiday and after J ate a lot of keropok and is beginning to get a sore throat...

HB: Jesse you're a little hoarse
J: ??? (looks at HB quizzically) Dada, I am a little boy.
HB: Yes, but you're a little hoarse (points to the throat)
J: (pauses, confused) Okay, I have a little horse but I'm a little boy. (He's really insistent about that
cai: it IS funny =)

Another one of V's "speech"

V: Mummy, your tummy fat fat
Me : *sob sob sob*
V: But mummy, your face not fat fat
Me: !!! *but happier than just now lah*
Bunnie, your V really know how to make u feel "not so bad!"

They are really v funny. We shd compile all the funny things our kids say!

D...ur bro also v funny!
Gladys got a good one too.

You gals know Tigger and Pooh right? Well, 1 episode is abt all of Darby's friends have tails, whereas she doesn't. So she was upset and tries to improvise a tail onto herself.

Gladys: "Mummy, why Darby so sad?"
Me: "Coz Darby's friends all got tails but she doesn't. So she's very sad."
Gladys: "Why she got no tail?"
Me: "Coz she's a human so she has not tail. See, mummy and Gladys no tails also mah."
Gladys: "Then how come Daddy got tail?"

Wah lao, I peng man!! Had to call my hb immediately to share the joke! The tail she referred to was actually the ku-ku la!
hello mummies! Long time no post... Just wanted to share a piece of good news with all of you...
I'm preggie with #2 le. Was abit of surprise cos unplanned but still happie to receive this Tigerrr bundle of joy.
my husband asked kaizer the same "how much you love xxx" question before. apparently, he loves me and titus and husband 20 cents!!!!

congrats =)
gene, ur gladys :D so funni .
hey kate , congrats to ur 2nd bundle of joy , when u due ? u managed to get ur own place aredi ?how is lele ?
Thanks for the well-wishes, sandwich and caicai

Caicai: me due sep9. Own place will only come by end of next year earliest. As of now Lele seems receptive of becoming a big gorgor and he prefers baby brother to sister. Hope this enthusiasm lasts... haha...
Maybe it's the age but he loves being refered to as a big boy more than ever.
hi Kate,
congrats n take care

i hv question AGAIN:
* Step 4 FM only can wait till kid reached 4YO huh?

* if ur kid drinking fresh milk, do u warm the milk?
Sandwich, Cindy,
I remb i asked ash this question when he was much younger and he also replied, 'twenty cents'. But when i asked cher this same question, she replied, 'i love mommy more than daddy'. poor hubby, must b so upset cos cher is his baobei.


i dont warm d fresh milk.

congrats. Hmmm.. Due sept.. Meaning when I saw u at the playgrd u oredi expecting
u look good, no sign of tireness!!

on step 4. Dat day we went buy FM jboy ownself chose the purple color (step 4). We juz buy.. Anyway, guess at tis age, it does not really matter.. Haven try tho.
i tot 3 yo hv to change FM stage oredi? but thats for Enfa series.

i also do not warm up fresh milk

i think its beta not to give stage 4 now. i read thats its ok to drink lower stage but not higher stage thats not for their age
I asked Gladys all the time how much she loves me. She said, "Soooooo much!" With her eyes closed and a big wide smile. That just melts my heart. Then when I asked her how much she loves daddy. She said, "Little bit only." Whahaha.. I win!!! Kidding la. But think it's coz I'm the sole care giver as a sahm, that's why she's naturally more attached to me.

I think for Mamilgold, step 4 is for 3 years old and above so I may consider switching when she hits 3yo.
Anyway, for fresh milk, she only drinks the Meiji chocolate milk, cold, straight fm the fridge. I know it's not as healthy as the plain fresh milk but I'm happy if she's drinking so no complains.


Sanrio/Cindy/Whoever's keen
How abt lunch at IMM any of these days? I'm free from 11.40am to abt 2.10pm when Gladys' at school. So I can enjoy lunch these days.
mummies thks for sharing the step4.
Step 3 - state 1yo to 3yo.
JK still 3YO aft this yr b.day.

fresh milk:
sanrio & gene,
cold from fridge oki for the little tummy huh?
oki, shall try again coz JK doesn't like drink either too hot or cold. so MA FAN!!!

my hb oso say y must ZUN ZUN wait till 3 YO??? can give earlier right?

yes, ever heard my PD mentioned about changing FM b4.

to me, step 4 FM is cheaper than step3...if "permit" will change accordingly
Leo, sanrio, coolD, gene: Thanks for well-wishes!

CoolD: ya, when u saw me I was already preggie, but I only found out last week:p
I reallie must thank my luckie stars cos both this and 1st prenancy I had no symptoms (MS etc) so I only realised might be preg when my menses missed for more than a week.
at least JK drink fm cup.
D only drinks strawberry/chocolate Meji milk fm cup

otherwise white milk = bottle.
I fed jboy cold fresh milk few times oso.. Usually it's wkend n we r out whole day so his day feed is fresh milk instead of FM. Tink tis age, shld be ok for their tummy. If jk dun like too cold, maybe can thaw awhile Dan give bah..
Congrats Kate! Hope you will stay MS free!

Wanna meet for lunch must do by this week! Cos Cait will be starting school 8 Feb...and it's the same timing as Gladys but her school is all the way at Vivo. Unless you can meet for lunch at Vivo...then we can have lunch anytime!
leo, i thk diff fm ,diff age grp.zac stil drinking 3,i tot ö changing step 4.but he xtremely fussy. I bot step 3 honey coz on promo,he drank 1 sip n dun wan è whole botle. Guess if u wan change,u nid gradual switch.tey hv sensitive tastebuds
Actually our kids are old enough to drink fresh milk rite? I read that we don't need to give them FM after they turn 1 and they can get their nutrients from the food they eat.
this page of postings consists of few GREETINGS

* X'mas 2009
* New Year 2010
* CNY + Val.D

2 more days to welcome year of Tiger

mummies going back to hometown celebrate CNY, have an enjoyable trip.
since 2007, u solely use manual pump?
if yes, ur yield is v.good!!!
Giving YK few scoops of FM in a week, esp. when my ss dropped sharply.
yah i've been using my avent manual in the day time + latching on at night ... coming to three years already! i've bought 4 avent manual pumps so far. wear and tear so replace.

actually i tried electric pumps before but didn't like them. the first pump i used was a medela mini electric from the hospital. found it too noisy and clumsy. sometime in 2008 i tried the avent uno but found it too heavy for pumping on the go after a month. sometime in 2010 i tried the medela harmony but found that it's not as comfortable to pump as avent. so i'm back to avent manual now.

my yield is alright. just have to keep stimulating then will get enough BM. i'm sure you can do it too =)
when i read your blog.. i always very impressed on how your can pump on the go

wanna check.. do you still need to e-file your income tax? its the 1st time i been SAHM for >1 yr.. so need to know
IRAS has long forgotten about me...don't need to e-file, they even stopped sending me letters to tell me I don't need to file. If you're curious, you can always log in to check.

Just came back from FP Finest at Marine Parade...

- M.Poko diapers on sale ($21+) for the few who still use...

- Unity (inside FP) sells pedialyte freezer pops for children who need to be rehydrated...(I remember a mom asked last year - "where to buy".)

- At the baby food section, I saw a few packets of "Rafferty's Garden" puree for 4+ months (for those with little ones...at least it's available in SG now! $2.75)

Happy New Year!
i rmbr the last e-filing i need to indicate "0" income and no more submission needed after then.

thks for the info...will go n see the RG's puree.
M.Poko at Tamp. FP is selling S$21.25/pkt.

comparing to JK, YK doesn't seems a good sucker. hahaha! need to pump out to fasten the feeding time. chores waiting for me....
JK's time, i used pigeon maunal pump, now avent pump. nvr try elec. one b4. dunno how good or faster...manual pump can "train" my hand's muscles
D and Leo
thanks.. i'm filng 0 income for the 1st time
and think our hubby can get higher wife relief for this year rite

i tot JK is not wearing diaper to sleep anymore? hiaz.. i still too lazy to get D off diaper at night! he can stay 90% dry when he wakes up and only 1 or 2 days in a weeks that he will wake up with wet diaper.
JK still wearing diaper for nights.
those dry diapers will re-use. kekeke! initially we throw away the "clean" diaper but now, will re-use.
how to reuse? use it again for next night? or for nap?

btw, no point in wearing training pants to sleep rite? will still wet the bed?
For those interested

Chingay Parade float:

27 Feb 10 (Sat)
Chingay Fiesta @ Tampines
(Tampines GRC)
Tel: Tampines North CC @ 6785 7166
Time: 6pm to 10.30pm
Venue: Field Opposite Tampines One
Route Details: Tampines Central 4 - Tampines Central 1 - Tampines Ave 4 - Tampines Ave 5 - Tampines St 83 (Blk 855) - Tampines Ave 3 (Between Blk 830 & Lighthouse Church) - Tampines Ave 4 - Tampines Ave 1 - Tampines Ave 2 (Blk 210D) - Tampines Ave 9 (opp Blk 493C & beside Victory Church) - Tampines Ave 7 - Tampines Central 3 - TAmpines Central 1 - Tampines Ave 4 - Tampines Central 4
hi leo , my yield also dropped .
i used to use avent manual pump , but i think my hands will ache if i use that . coz every time i pump , i will nid 30min to 45 min to squueze the miserly amt

2 wks ago, i hv blisters on my thumbs. now seems numb = better?
there is 1 night, i dragged upto 9 hours. bad for output.
still latching ur little princess?
4 months = supply shld b stable?
mummies: long time no see =)

Cai: jia you ba ... my ss also dropping now esp i sick. but trying to continue to at least 9 months (so fair to each kid :p) ...

Sw: i like avent manual but i think a bit small for me, each time my nipple end up v sore (can bleed that type)... so stuck to my medela pisa. today got to use avent manaul cuz i forgot to bring the motor to work. lucky for me i place the avent manaul spare at my mum's place ...

i kena stomach bug from V, so my tummy rumbling away ... no mood to do anything =(

ok back to work *wave*

are you going to get J.Picoult's new book? Was very tempted to buy it just now...

it's that time of the year again...are any of you going to celebrate your child's birthday?

Even with only one child, I think we won't really be celebrating this year. Did think of just buying a cake of sorts and bringing it to his Sunday School class. heh.
Beta to see the dcotor...get rid of the virus quickly in case it turns for the worse. Take care ya..

Am planning a small party with some close friends with kids for my boi since coincidentally, his birthday falls on a sat...can also serve as a opportunity for once a blue moon gathering.
diane , take care wor , dun pass the bug to ur lil boy .

i hv been drinking oats everyday for my miserly supply , sigh sigh sigh . thinking of milk , makes me blue .

as usual , i not planning any party for my boy , it is juz too troublesome .

Most prob , a stay at hotel again ? with cake...

anyway , will be bringing him to disneyland tokyo in May, that will burn a hole , so conserving my bullets .


papaya fish soup? (not that I know anything about it

Eh, let me know how Tokyo Disneyland turns out in terms of 1) cost, 2) queues, 3) rides (eligibility for rides and etc

We also thought of bringing Jesse there but...it seems like there's all that height/age restriction, we thought maybe next year...see how.
And my friends keep telling me have to queue a long time...and I hate queuing with J. So, write back on your experience!
