(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

which days did you book for the siloso beach resort? my stay's from 20 may to 23 may.

if hers is very mild, then maybe it's not allergen-triggered but just due to extremely dry skin. your PD should be prescribing topical steriods (like betamethasone, elomet etc), so use these till the spots get better. once the eczema is managable, just moisturize a lot after bath (brands of moisturizers that you can try in order of my personal preference are california baby, physiogel, earth's best, cetaphil). bathe with a very mild cleanser (i use this brand "soft touch minus" from a dermatologist clinic in redhill. but you can try cetaphil, california bb etc, as long as the bottle says it's suitable for eczema will do). if eczema flares up, or is too red and uncomfortable, then skip the soap altogether just bathe will clean clear lukewarm water will do. don't use water that's too hot as that will aggravate the condition.

just in case her case is allergen-triggered, some of the stuff that you can help her to avoid for the time being, until you next consult your PD, are cow's milk, nuts, egg, dust mites, animal fur.

hhmm... thanks sandwich.. i do hv california bb moisturizer.. than candula .. or something like tat.. i will go back read if eczema kids can use.. i jst bot cetaphil.. bath like nv bath leh.. so sad.. used to play bubbles in bath.. now.. bubbleless.. i brot her to KK leh actualli.. the doc say cos i hv sensitive skin n nose so it's very norm my child like tat.. i was like so sad..

rina: ya.. ok.. i will go look around n see.. thanks
mine's this weekend.
I'll let you know how it goes...Jesse wants to go NOW, otherwise, I'd have waited till 22nd may.

I think the hotel rate is okay lah...w/o Jesse I wanted to be in town and if it rains at least there's food.

It's a good thing both HB and I are quite chin-chai about food.

Was thinking about Marina Mandarin also...but then...no novelty. haha.

forgot to answer your question..travel crib?

Well, not that I want to be fussy, but hotel cribs are really dirty especially if they use playpens instead of cribs. We suspect Jesse's recent spade of skin problems have to do with our last stay.

Plus, they are always slow in supplying to the room.

Also, just received this from Siloso Beach:
*Kindly note that no additional bedding will be provided for your child.

So it's not like it'll be provided (or for free).

Plus, like Michele, we're also thinking of letting Jesse try sleeping over at his grandma's because he always says he wants to do so. They say they don't mind but don't have crib...so...
don't be sad. most babies/toddlers will grow out of their childhood eczema, unless they're unlucky like me. very mild cleanser is like that one, no bubbles and very little smell. but don't worry, they'll keep the bb clean.

this weekend? good, good i wait for your review then.

the hotel's website looks nice. i'm not super particular abt my food too; am also drawn by the set lunches/dinner that are offered! i think your husband is too pampered by your nice cooking already, that's why he complains abt hotel food =)

d and springdance,
you've both gone for your photoshoots already? share the pics here when you've received them!

yes, I will...for both.

well, not that it'll bother you but they're not providing a crib for my baby! Haha. Okay, not that it bothers me either now. Ha!
15 yrs sound a long way ahead , i am not thinking so far ahead.

but he is quite funny , i was talking to my hubby and commenting that he is no longer a baby coz his sibling is coming . then he parroted me and said "我不是baby" .
Oh...Jesse's still my baby...and he loves to be my baby...and he snuggles so fine... when I say, "come here baby and give mama a hug", he crumble into my arms, lift his head up and give me a kiss too. Haha. Ya right.

eh, S/w,

So the photographer has sent me an email for the pte blog, I click on it and then wat happens??? I don't see a thing except for the "homepage".
nowadays if i asked jboy if he is a baby or boy, he will says 'boy boy'
Sometimes he playful, will go dig out his pacifier (dat he hide somewhere) and ask me wash and says 'boy boy is baby now, want tutu'. Or after bath, sometimes he will purposely says 'boy boy baby', asking me to wrap him in towel and carry him on bed . haha. i tink he associate some actions to dat of a baby.
the link for the private blog will have two options. you're supposed to find a button that allows you to view the blog as a "guest".

you mean only he knows where the pacifier is hidden? hahaa, so funny if one day you stumble upon the secret hiding place. kaizer once hid my POSB ATM card for a couple of weeks in a tidy crack between the wall and a small cupboard at my mum's place. only he can squeeze into that small cupboard. after i've requested the bank for an additional card, kaizer magically made the old card appear again!

hmm...okay, I signed up with my google a/c...nothing except the T&Cs and her son's photo.

but I see the same thing when I click on "guest".

I guess the photos aren't there yet?
why don't you forward me the email with th link so that i can help you to see if it's the same format as the one she sent to me previously?
coold, jboy still taking tutu ah ?
my son also likes to hide his toys and then he had poor memory and began whining abt where is his toy ... little rascal type !
kelley , abt eczema , my son also has it .
but we hv to live wif it , juz take care not to introduce strong shampoo/body foam . he has been using cetaphil since young , so he doesnt smell nice like a baby shd smell . as for bubbles , there is alwys the BUBBLE gun , if she cannot shower wif bubble , u use the bubble gun to create bubble effect lor !!!! hopefully they will grow out of it one day like wat s/w says.
hey diane

good idea! i'll be happy to get some dresses for my girl! my hubby always complains that i'm always putting her in tees and shorts! hahahahaha
think i'm unconsciously trying to make a tom boy out of her! juz like how i was as a kid!
cai, her first patch of eczema came out with bubble juice..haiz.. well doc did tell me shampoo is ok wor.. well i will go back for review at KK n see wat happens.
jboy not so creative in hiding leh. his 'hiding place' is at most e cot bag dat i hang on his bed, below his pillow, or he stuffs them inside his pillow case or bloster case. Sometimes, can be in more obvious place like my bedside drawer :p

no more tutu le. oni dat day he dunno where dug out e tutu and ask me wash, says he is baby lo. Dan i wash liao give him, he happily bite n suck it for awhile, dan oso throw aside liao. haha.
D: Sandwich is the one who recommended quincy so i goggled it. based on the map, it's just in front of the elizabeth. I had gone to elizabeth a few times for drinks before never for a stay before. I used to work in front office for another hotel too! (while waiting for A level results and uni acceptance)

anyway, I WAN TO SCREAM I AM SO STRESSED UP !!!!!!!!!!!!
so u totally kept his tutu away? my jboy very strange, he juz 1 nite decided he dun wan tutu liao, n took it out when I stuffed it in. He did that a few nites, so i let him be. I juz left the tutu at the bedside area, till it juz 'disappear' one day. I dunno izit my hubby kept it or jboy kept it.
i put mac's chilli sauce twice and he licked it away .
so i put chili padi on his tutu

diane , why u so stressed up , if so tough , take MC n rest at home . dun be an angry mama
caicai: MC or leave i also cannot afford to take now ... just too many things going on at the same time ... partly cuz not good sleep ... cuz V already fell off the bed twice last nite ... she is already sleeping 2/3 of the bed! think also after her fall yesterday she's having not so good dreams ... just have to comfort her lor.
caicai: ask him to donate tutu to babies! chilli won't work ... not sure if u rem this ... last time sally hansen came up with this product to stop people to bite nails, basically it's a bitter coating ... but after a while it doesn't work cuz get used to the taste mah ... the best method to stop an adult or kids of a certain age from biting nails, it's very simple - manicure :p it works 100% of the times i recommend to my gfs ... even my ugly manicure they also happy so much that they stop biting within that week itself ... tutu ... we dealing with kiddos, so i guess peer pressure lor ...
sw gave a very detailed explanation. is ashlyn's case a sudden one? heat/perspiration can trigger ezcema too. dressed her in thin cotton loose clothings. other than those topical cream, if d flare up is bad n itchy, a dose of antihistamine like zrytec wld help too. for many allergy sufferers, food is a main source tat trigger d allergies. the main ones are diary, nuts, eggs and wheat.
remb to alwy use mild and fragrance free products on them.
diane , i ask him to donate to his didi/meimei, he refused to even acknowledge its presence .
when asked if he wants a didi/meimei , he alwys gv a firm "dun wan " .

sanrio , zac also drinking zrytec but for his nose allergy.
V fell off the bed , u din put bed railings or u relegate her to sleeping on the floor , we slept on the floor wif my son . his is on a supersingle mattress and ours a queen mattress , coz he likes to roll about on his bed
sanrio and other mummies,
any of your kids ever had a nosebleed before? mine just had one this morning. from right nose only. amount of blood filled up one tissue. i sent him to school anyway, and the teacher taking temp rattled off a list of reasons why he could have a nosebleed. i hope it's not related to his allergic reaction yesterday - cos he came home from school with swollen eyes (can see my blog)
sanrio, noted..

sandwich, jst to check with u.. now the doc gave a elmet cream. something like tat.. so drying we can moisturize it after they heal rite? (like no open wound). then i mst go check if my CB candula cream can put on her.. cos it smells like lavender leh..
.. last nite when ash slept.. i kept staring at her little hand.. i cried.. so sad.. i feel like a terrible mother after wat the bloody doc say at KK.
sandwich: do u thnk it's cos of her milk? i did change her milk powder a few months ago leh.. could it be?? my irritating MIL keep bugging me to change now.. i so fed up!
Jesse's nose bled last week or so...don't know why but I think it's because HB gave him too much meds. haha. Anyway, it didn't bother him...though he cried and dirtied his sheets and crib and pjs...quite a bit of blood.
won't be milk powder unless you changed her from a non-diary to diary powder recently. you know what, i suspect hers might be due to weather and environmental factors. skin might be too dry. don't cry and don't feel terrible lah. whenever i feel down, i think about all the other special needs children around and i feel thankful that i have a healthy boy. though he's allergic to many things, came home with swollen eyes yesterday, and woke up with a nose bleed today, but at least he can talk and walk and eat and jump ... cheer up =)

dirtied his sheets and crib and pjs is a lot worse than my one piece of tissue. kaizer's relatively unfazed by the incident, maybe because the last time he saw a lot of blood on clive owen on 8 days, i explained to him that the man was dirty, needed to bathe and needed to throw his clothes into the washing machine - instead of, this man was just involved in a shootout. and this morning, kaizer told me the bloody tissue was "dirty", instead of freaking out or anything. okay, i am also thankful that for my case he only dirtied the sleeves of his long sleeved (luckily it was dark green) t-shirt and nothing else. i fed him his antihistamine - zaditen - last night, but i strongly doubt it's due to the med.

Jesse wasn't really fazed by the blood, I mean, it was dark and he couldn't see it. But he cried because he was trying to nap and I guess the flow of blood disturbed him. When we went in and turned on the lights, he saw the blood but didn't care two hoots except that he was comfortable ( this was when he was already sick). In the end, I just picked him up, told him to lie down on the daybed and told him to hold a tissue to his nose while I changed his sheets and all.

I nose bled a lot as a kid so it doesn't bother me...I don't know why it happens but it does and one day it just stops (I was probably 11 by then).

I also fell off the bed a lot as a kid and it never woke me up! I did that until I was at least nine.

Maybe Kaizer picked at his nose or something...it should be okay.
cooldaughter: oic.. than when u switch to soya n than back.. did the allergy come back?

sandwich: don't know leh.. cos i recently change her to pediasure complete.. n than i brot her to sentosa on 1 april 2009 for a beach session.. i thnk is the heat n dry skin.. so breaking out now..
can't help to cry cos MIL keep saying this n tat.. irritating.. like i want MY OWN DAUGHTER to be like tat..

it's not your fault. Other ppl's comments can sometimes be very insensitive.

pediasure is supposed to be one of the "safest" milks in the market. But you could switch back to previous formula and see if it helps. till now, Jesse is still on Isomil 2 Advance because he can't take anything else except pediasure, but he doesn't need the extra calories from pediasure.

also switch to cetaphil type soap for now lor...Jesse uses that for washing hands.

He also had a spade of skin problems but it's clearing. Hope your girl gets better.
perhaps you hv to start cleaning those stuff that your girl used or touched.. wash all her bedsheet/toys etc.. cld be dirt or dust that she is sensitive too lor

did kaizer sleep in air con? he could be heaty or the air is too dry. got use humidifier?
no, we tried abit, no more reaction than we juz cont with the cow's milk fm than on.

Ignore other pple's comment la, especially those thoughtless ones .. you know your own kids best
D: thanks.. tat is what i tot so.. changed her to cetaphil already.. i hope so too.. it's sprouting to her face.. tiny spots..

Min: i probably will loh..

Cooldaughter: hhmmm.. jst to shut my MIL i tell her we change to soy milk..

btw.. after we apply the elmet cream, can we put moisturizer on top cos it's so dry?

Hi Sotong Kelley, wat happen to ur little gal? Hope she's fine & pls dun blame urself for being a bad mummy...no mummy on Earth wants their little angel to suffer so dun be hard on yourself.

I'm not sure if you have tried this cream - QV cream. It was recommended by my paed. QV cream moisture our little angels skin. Perhaps you can try but i an't guarantee if it works on ur gal but I've been using when my little gal was young.
