(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Great! Too bad I missed the class with the teacher-parent session cos was in HK. But i know my frens in class have feedback to them too! Hope they will do something abt it!


actually i think they're profit-driven so they juz want to pack as many kids as possible into the class. and basically, certain teachers are more popular than others so the classes will be bigger. but it's really not conducive for learning.
starting kidsloft this mnth end, when the new term begins, planning to take the 1pm class. coz 3pm is K's nap time. if i signup for that class, my hubby sure will scold.
same thing happens in GUG, but our class usually ard 11-12pax. since we( K & Van) stop this term,think the class is smaller now
hey mick
actually i wanted the 1pm slot but the teacher said no more vacancies! 3pm is also nap time for my girl. i guess if u look at tecaher-student ratio, JG is 1 teacher: 5 kids. GUG has 2 teachers?
OH DEAR!! Me & blur hubby bought all Y teat cos it's said leak-proof (don't make sense to buy not leak-proof oone meh) we changed all the S teat to Y teat alr!!! He's been using it since the full month shower...oh dear...think tom I need to go buy teat M!!

I did ask the pigeon salesperson but she like not happy to entertain me...8-(
few of my friends hv oredi write several email and feedback but JG refused to change class size. 1 teacher to 5 students is too much.
imagine 1 or 2 kids turn cranky then disrupt the rest.

at GUG wth 9 kids on weekday class is oredi very headache liao when we have 2 boys whom keep running ard the class and disturbing teacher's teaching material
hi min
so other parents have given feedback and they still refused to budge. guess probably coz' they know that their teachers are good enuff to ensure the kids will stick to their classes. usually, 1 of the teachers will go out with the kid if she/he starts crying and try to help to comfort them. so think they're quite good in that area. i juz feel that the kids don't get too much indiv attention wh r necessary in their learning. and the classroom is pretty cramped n warm coz' there're too many parents and kids.
S/W: I added u...

Re: Pigeon teat
Should I rush down to Robinson & get the M teat instead?? Blur mummy! Should have ask around b4 I buy....
maybe continue use Y lor. as long as lil' M does not fuss over it. then change to M after that.

perhaps you can buy M size now in case its not suited for him.

btw, how come u upgrade the teat so fast? think D only progressed to the next size when he was 3 months plus
Cos hubby commented that Maverick taking too long to finish ebm...30mins for 120ml, sometimes fell asleep...so upgrade...so far no prob with teat Y except sometimes, he chokes...think I go Robinson today & get teat M to try...

I think teat M is a bit big for Maverick cos M is recommend for 3-6mth baby leh.Do u direct latch little M? If yes, somex when using teat to drink EBM, they also can take that long to finish milk.

Ya, I think I used S for the longest time...and Jesse drank quite a lot. Though 120ml for two month old sounds a lot...I think Jesse was only doing 80ml that time.
caicai: eh not cut into half. I just make a slit/ like a hole in the pacifier. so it looks like normal just that not as nice to suck (lao hong). V took almost 2 weeks to get rid of the habit, but towards the second week, she was more cranky at sleeping time tt's all. Perhaps intro her to something new :p my new helper come liao just last nite ... V already like her so much that this morning ask aunty sit next to her and dun wan mummy liao ... duh ... i have been replaced so fast!

CAtherine, I sent out the parcel today liao. When I have time I will count the $$ then let u know.

Blue: u no i got strangers who tell me that she looks exactly like the hubby. I'm like ... allo? she got my skin color, my hair, my looks except for thye eyes and she looks like him ?>????
hahahaha diane, this is so funni! yah i agree with u that baby v looks like u except for the eyes. but she looks like some cute korean baby!
hi how r u ppl?
long time no see?
pl give me some time to warm up k?

augleo aka "apr07mum administrator"
quick! provide a quick update of some latest info...

given birth liao? maverick is a nice name...somehow it gives me an impression of an adventurer/hero.
i oso very blur with the Y teat..until now i still dunno when to give to bb...avent is more straight forward..size 1/2/3/4..the variable one is for thicker fluid or for bigger bbs when they can swallow faster, i think.
But when i gave bb the Y teat (not avent), seems very difficult for her to suck.
anyway she's doing very badly with the bottles..prefers to latch on. Till now, at 7 mths, she will just take at most 40ml if given the bottle. And we spoon feed her water, cos she doesnt want to drink from the bottle.

sometimes i really feel that i'm just spending my life feeding/cleaning the kiddos...

how's everyone?
hippo still very slow in speech. And getting very stubborn. will cry and throw tantrums every now and then. terrible two...
Went to Robinson to get Pigeon teat M & L *kiasu*

I alr threw away all the teat S....*blur mummy* *feel like head knocking the wall*

Changed all teat to M...so far, he doesn't choke anymore...*good sign*

Think my #2 gained too much weight (from hospital discharge 3.1kg to now @ 5th week, 5kg plus)....donno whether we overfed him but he really cried until the roof comes down if we dun give him ebm/fm

He cries after every 1.5hours when we fed him 80ml...so we increased to 100ml then to 120ml & tries to stretch his feeding interval but distracting him but...*sigh* increased to 120ml every 3hours....
seem like lil' M is a milk terror.. perhaps yr EBM is easily digestible?
anyway my D was on 2 hr milk interval when he was an infant
min: we tried using mamil gold fm...also same amount & time interval....latch on even worst...30mins to 1hr onli
Traz!!!!! how are you??? long time no see!!! any new pics of ur 3 kiddos?

updates ah ... currently, sandwich, vodka, caicai and myself are preggie (sorry if I missed out anyone else) ... i think giving birth order is me (Jul) Vodka (Aug) Sandwich (Sep) Cai cai (Oct).

catherine and kris have given birth liao. tt's all i know :p
cat: it's ok lah ... my gf baby from 2.XX kg to 6 kg by the 6th week, all bf-ing. So i guess for m#2 it should be ok also ... as long as PD never say anything bad rt? they are also self-regulating, perhaps M#2 is going through a growth spurt?
Hello Traz,

how was hippo's birthday?

erm...nothing has changed for me...everything status quo.

Jesse has his moods lor more or less still quite kuai, I think he also no change (maybe just taller), but even teeth also still stuck at 16, if I'm not wrong. Talks non-stop but still can't jump. I like it this way.

He is getting a little more clingy though, yesterday my friends want to carry him, he don't want. He wanted to get out of Gelare and my friend was bringing her daughter for a walk, he didn't want to follow. Last time, I think he'd just walk away...
diane , dun say i scare u .
i heard fm my fren , she told me abt her maid , who actually used black magic to make her 'likeable'
i think bb at 3 wks normally will hv growth spurt!

i just brought my boy on a impromptu trip to sentosa. tot of bringing him to JB gardens but see sun so hot then change to Vivo city..
i bot $3 monorail ticket for a roundabout trip ard Sentosa. alight awhile to see the merlion then went back coz my son see fountain almost wana jump inside!

Jesse's ped used to say, "babies are always on a growth spurt!" But I think the extra spurts are at 3, 6, 9, 12 weeks etc.

Wah...Min, that's like a smash-and-grab in Sentosa! haha.
caicai: i know haha ... i seen such black magic shows since i was a kiddo! i rem one particular show, the maid was from thailand ... and then black magic was used ... then dunno why, but chase chase the maid into thailand jungle and of cuz got murder etc etc ... it was also reported in newspapers mah .. they used their menstrual blood to cook food to "better" their relationships. That's why i cook the food at home =)

i also heard of such blackmagic but only within a certain nationality lah ...
that explains why when i asked my fren what is the reason she likes her new maid , she also cannot answer me then ...
so u better be wary when V gets too near her . juz be careful
caicai: but sometimes this kind of things is ren yuan mah ... which is why u can get along with some pple and not others ... as long as not anything out of the ordinary should be ok lah ...

last time my guy friend tell me his dad's mistress - ugly like hell but the father so smitten by her ... so he thinks black magic was used but cannot prove it ...

so far this new maid quite pleasant lah ... i can see why she's likeable - she's fast, pro active and responsive. dun act blur also. my gal prob sees her as someone new to sakar to (or something to irritate mummy with) so like tt lor ... my gal's routine v standard one .. wake up 1) want mama 2) i remove diaper for her and i go pee 3) within 5 min need to go pee, so daddy bring and daddy bathe her now 4) then mummy shower and get ready her breakfast for CC 5) then mummy tries to dress her and daddy go and shower. 6) then we close the windows and grab the bags and try to get her to wear her shoes while daddy beautify himself 7) lock doors and zoom off to CC/ work

and this new maid have everything she needs, so far so good, dun need to buy new stuff for her!
coold u are back , can i check with u abt "balukus"

zac got one around 3 weeks back , we dun dare to rub on it coz whenever we touched the bump , he will say "pain pain" , so on off we juz put jambak when he falls asleep . but hor , the baluku still there leh , how long does a baluku last ??? i asked pd , she said the fall shd be quite bad , he fell flat on his face on the floor coz he tried to make a dash to eat his food.
diane , the way u wrote abt ur hubby , "beautify himself " so funni :D

it is good to hv a good helper , if they are sincerely nice lah .

i am also quite scare, wif #2 coming , i hv no choice but to employ one too .
Hope i am bless enuff to get a good help
so your maid is taking over your morning routine now? V's school doesn't provide breakfast? our school breakfast is fixed at 8.30am - 9.00am, but i'll usually feed a banana or raisins or biscuits on the cab ride to school.

my routine is pretty similar to you too ... (1) mama wakes up at 7.15 and goes bathe (2) kaizer and papa wake each other up while mama is bathing (3) papa goes bathe and gets dressed (4) mama brushes kaizer's teeth and feeds him a bit of water (5) papa changes kaizer's pampers/clothes while mama gets dressed for work (6) all leave home together at 8.00am
nice to see you on the thread. are you the only one here with three kids? on the sep 09 thread that i'm on, there's a mummy expecting her #4, and another who's expecting her #6!!
haha .. u asking e mummy of baluku king !! actally, there's a clear cream dat we used, very gd for baluku. 2nite i go back chk e name n post again. Rmbr, dun rub leh, may get worst. But than, i dun rmbr e ku last so long leh .. 3 wks is quite a long time.
sandwich: not really, except she does V's hair now in the morning (V used to go to school messy hair cuz i can't be bothered!) everything else we do, but taking medicine is easier cuz now she got audience :p

caicai: i know, in the end i went to look for a transfer maid. If u wan i can pass u the contacts, the agent is recommended my gf ... u can go view the maids, the agents are quite ok (3 bros) but v stressful esp if they are shouting at the maids (one of them was shouting at the maid when we were interviewing our maid). The first maid called in for interview she was v hesitant for caring for new baby, in fact she looked shocked when asked, so the agent sent her outside. told her u dun wan just say so, then this was the second maid we interviewed was a lot more positive. It also helped that my gf help me to interview her, cuz she has employed a few maids over the years ... her longest serving maid was with her for 7 years!
some one asked abt zoo ?
30% off admission tickets* @ Night Safari for NTUC Members who flash their membership cards at the Ticketing Counter on 16 May 2009.

Be spotted by the Class 95 DJs, and get a goodie bag plus a $20 Ulu Ulu Safari Restaurant Voucher!
ME !! ME !! But i want to go day zoo, i dun wan nite safari :p Btw, tink nite safari having some 15 anniversary event .. tix is at $15 till end May. No need NTUC member.

wow $15 damn cheap leh .
zoo dun hv , many mummies here are zoo frens .
hiak hiak , if i spot any zoo deals , i tell u lor
