(2007/04) April 2007 MTB


found it. If bday falls on 26 May, it's free entry

I think the gel coold is referring to is Hirudriod Gel (not cream). Don't need to rub, just apply. Available at Watsons and Guardian. I use it on Jesse all the time, most effective when the bump is fresh and just keep applying and there won't be a bump or redness.
argh, the photobooks that i ordered for my mum and mil can't arrive on time for this weekend's mother's day. placed my order last weekend, but just checked the order status, and they're estimated to arrive mid next week. think i'll have to get something else for them this weekend.
its touch and go trip. $3 ticket allow multiple trips on the rail so not so bad. at least now i know another convienence way to go Sentosa

how abt develop 4r photo frame first?
50% OFF Maternity Fashion & Essentials
1 to 10 May 2009

Mothercare wishes you Happy Mother's Day!

Venue: All Mothercare outlets except Mothercare Marina Square and Metro Paragon
Time: 10.00am to 10.00pm
Tel: 6513 3200
caicai: i replied u again HAHAHAHAH today i on MC and just finished clearing some work mails (u can't believe some of them). anyway going to nap a little then go and pick up my gal liao.
Pretty Bunnie: Thanks! Received the parcel...but the baby rompers too small liao 8-(( cos my #2 really milk monster...he now 5kg plus...hitting 6kg soon @ 5th week...
Mrs Lai,

you just went to Beaufort, right?

Is it tod friendly? Any playroom, children's pool etc?

It's not very near the beach, right?

The rooms look nicer and cheaper than Rasa but at least we know Rasa has facilities for the kid.
D; no playroom, no children pool. only 1 pool with a shallow end for the kids.

it's near to the beach actually. just a short walk but not as near as rasa. it's v near to the dolphine thingy and the bus interchange, although yellow bus goes directly to beaufort. also, it;s near to the tram stops. we normally just cut across from the pool and walk down the stairs to the beach. if walk from the main entrance then it;s far from everything except maybe the ficus tree (which we never visit).

truthfully, the rooms is 10 times better than rasa rooms. i went to rasa when V was less than 1 for a meeting and it was horrid. full of mosquitoes, the tiolet stank of the sewer, the room is danky smelling cuz of the dampness (from the carpet). the only saving grace for that place is the sliver shell cafe :p but u pay me to go rasa I also won;t go. I;m that particular about the rooms. beaufort is well maintained, although not as kid friendly as rasa, and that's a huge plus point to me. note ah, i stay at standard rooms, i got no marnee to upgrade to suites =)
D and S/w
now i know why you all like Sandra Boynton books.
I bought the Going to Bed book many months ago and finally decided to open up to read to D

and this boy loves it! keep asking me to read it 4 times!! he was so cute.. when we were at the last page.. he pointed at the boat and asked me "Where where where"?? supposedly asking where are all the animals (they hv all gone to bed)!
glad you like Sandra Boynton, Jesse has been listening to her books (Personal Penguin, etc) since he was 4 months old. I didn't know how to talk to a baby so I just read to him.

Can also try Margaret Wise Brown of Big Red Barn and Goodnight Moon fame. (Always makes me read it several times, he has memorized the book.) I bought the books on recommendation even though I personally didn't like them...but what do you know! Jesse does...so I guess we have different "literary tastes"!

Another author I've been recommended but haven't tried is Jan Brett. Again, I've checked it out online but don't like it. Jesse has plenty of books so I feel like buying (I think we should be moving on at some point), he also likes all sorts of chapalang books (I buy at supermarkets!)...lastly, we don't seem to have as much time to read together as before...His current favourite is the pop-up version of We're Going on A Bear Hunt.

Happy Reading!

Jesse loves all his Boynton books, can't think of any one that he doesn't like.

Mrs Lai,

thanks for the review. So it's as we thought...well, up to HB to decide then.
Suite at Rasa very boh hua compared to Beaufort so...
d and mrs lai,
for may's hotel stay, i booked siloso beach resort's roof garden suite. decided that i want to go back to sentosa one more time since we didnt get the try the monorail or the other sentosa attrations in april. for june's hotel stay, we're considering the quincy! they're package comes with set lunches/dinner.

i think kaizer learnt all his 1,2,3s from her books. now he can count up to twenty, but the stretch from 13 to 19 is just "teen, teen, teen, teen", hahaa!
I was just looking at Siloso Beach resort, at $350 for Friday night and $400 for Sat night (for Roof Garden Suite), The Sentosa still seems to have more "value" (one bedroom suite).

However, again, Siloso Beach seems to be more child-friendly. What a dilemma! And to think I want to go there in two weeks!
wow you planning local hotel stay every month?
i also told hubby that i'm itching for another hotel stay also.
think we will stick back to Fairmont/Swiss

my D can only count to 12. will go and get the Boynton's 123 book!
mummies, i just discovered this factory outlet shop for kiddos at HV! and i spent $100!!!!! i bought 1 pair of geox shoes for $45 5 pair of socks (high socks) for $12 (or $10) 1 long denim skirt and erm i cannot rem wat ... think 7 rompers for $21? and oh yes hair clips! 3 pairs for $10 ... i got one cuz i wanted to see how they do it :p

pedipeds they also have but $78 or $79 ... way out of my budget ....

V can barely count up to 10!
You got Amex card (that comes with Feed Card).
then they hv promo $170 ++ with b'fast.

otherwise local rates is abt $220 i think.. must call and ask them
hey diane
where is the factory outlet? i was at holland v just a few weeks ago and was looking for the export shop that used to be next to the coffee bean but it's gone!
keke... claire counts to 15 and starts counting backwards!

last night was the 1st time we slept w/o her... my parents offered to babysit her for the night so we can get some rest... going to get her soon!

And hey, <font color="red">Happy Mothers' Day</font> to everyone here!
min: ooo ok thanks . no i swore never to hold an amex card ever in my life again!

micK; still alive, just feelng super burnt out.

blue: it's on the third floor hv shopping centre, very near to the staircase ... fairy something. the shop next to coffee bean long time no more liao =( i got very very good hand towels from that place for 50 cents before! thankfully i bought like 10 that time! it even have that gymboree dress i wanted the last tme but the sizing all too small for V =( they have such cute carters pjs too for gals but again TOO SMALL FOR V!! arghhhhh tip: buy more can quietly ask if can given any further discount :p
the counting books that we're reading from her are "one, two, three" and "hippos go beserk!". she has another counting book "doggies"

yah planning to stay monthly till it's close to delivery date for #2. cos a bit troublesome to travel in these times.

are the rompers from carters or brandless types? HV is nearby, i think i could prob go take a look over the weekend.

counting backwards is a feat! hahaa, i can't do my A-Zs in reverse order properly. hope claire took well to her night away from you!

thanks for the lovely sms. happy mother's day to you and all the mummies on our thread!
yes, i think she is quite comfortable with my parents so we are going to try this arrangement every weekend... by the time i deliver, she would have stayed there more than 10 times so hopefully there won't be any issues (other than me bringing home a new bb!)
sandwich: not carters but i cannot rem what brand? u can take a look. if urs is gal, they got lovely pink ones. the boys one .. so so ... mostly whites .. they also got sell 3 piece gal rompers ( 2 rompers and 1 pants) for same price, but i cheap skate, will prob buy the pants seperately. they have some carter's stuff also ... u can always ask the shop lady where are the stuff ... they got quite a wide range of stuff, from carters, to baby gap, to gymboree, and next.
sandwich: forgot to answer u on 1 bit ... V's cc do provide breakfast, but V will have her morning pre -breakfast with her usual kakis ... then follow by breakfast ... then lunch ... tea sometimes she misses, depending wat time she gets pick up. she is also v famous in her school for asking double portions of food. she will ask for more after she finishes her food. tt's the reason why she skips milk in school lah .. so weekdays is really 1 feed before bed and 1 week when she wakes ... weekends i sometimes forget to feed her lunch :p so end up she will take 4 to 5 feeds ...
sandiwch: u tempt me ... maybe i'll consider quincy / the elizabeth for a stay before the hubby goes for reservist/ i give birth ... haiz ...

I booked siloso beach resort.

Bought the Phil and Teds traveller (crib) for Jesse as he keeps wanting to go...so HB says book one night, don't like it's okay. So I just did it!

Let's see who'll review it first.
Mrs Lai, s/w

this Quincy hotel, issit new? Is it the former Elizabeth hotel? Can't place it...and I used to work at Elizabeth (school holiday job)!


I went to read up more and was sold at the "All-inclusive" part.
Thanks for recommending...will go in Aug - w/o Jesse ;)
talking abt Ammex card ,
if u all are fans of chatterbox . buy 1 chix rice , get 1 free (AMMEX holder)

not that i am a fan of chatterbox ... i think their standard has dropped
D, what is the hotel food is not nice?? keke... then not worthwhile to be 'all-inclusive' oredi! my hb hates hotel breakfasts... so i always have to look for 'room only' offers! :p
so lucky to get time off away fm C.. but she did ask to be latched at night? or totally weaned off fm the breast oredi?

i know why you swore off Amex.. coz i wanna strangle their customer service also!! made many blunders in our card! if not for the Feed @Raffles card.. i would not hv get it
min, she doesn't need to latch on to sleep nowadays... only latch on when she wants to 'manja' me... i keep telling her 'mummy no milk oredi' (but she insists otherwise lah)!
hello mummies,

long time no see. i need help.

ashlyn on sat hv been diagnose with eczema. very mild one cos it's not sprouting at her joint areas but all over the hands n legs n body.

can i ask what kind of wash do u all use for eczema kids?

sandwich: can i ask do u limit wat he eats.. will eating make the eczema even more?

sorry for questions.
