(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Kelley , u see lah , her smelly pillow mite be the culprit , hiak hiak hiak.
gals are alwys vain !i agree with u , when it comes to face , we cannot take chances

If that is the case , ur qn = u asking if there are mummies who registered their kids for class es that going to take place 2 yrs later ?
a tad too far for me .

some people sent their children to pre-nursery. I'm still thinking about it...if yes, some schools already started enrollment!

But I think michelle also talks about the really popular schools with a few years WL!

Well, even though I'm thinking about it (or understand what's going), I haven't done anything about it
pre-nursery...hmm..don't know want to send or not. I still want to keep my baby at home!

Oh, PreN usually 2 or 2.5 hours. N then 3 hours and up.
actually i m confused by all these 'nursery' term oso. In jboy's current school, his class now is call 'playgroup'. Nex yr, he will be in 'N1 = nursery 1', and than follow up 'N2 = nursery 2'. And i tink it stops there. So when they are 5 yrs old, they shld go to 'Kindergarten'??

from what I understand it's

2yo - playgroup
3yo - N1 or Pre-nursery (just different name)
4yo - N2 or nursery
5yo - K1 or Kindergarten 1
6yo - K2 or Kindergarten 2

From MOE's pov, only N2, K1, K2 are recognised. The PreN or N1 is the iffy one...parents send cos...other parents send or they don't know what to do with their child or they are working etc etc


That said, compulsory education only starts at Pri 1. But a child in SG can be home-schooled from Pri 1 - 6 as long as parents meet MOE requirements.
D , all these terms so confusing .
anyway , my mother is keeping my sonny at home until further notice , she is not going to send him off to sch . no plans at all .
and talking abt WL for popular nursery , issi really necessary .

I think primary schs are important , but NURSERY/ kindergarten , issi really impt
WL stands for woodlands?

i hv not source for Pre-N for D also actually abit panicky coz i tot its norm for kids to go Pre N and all the banners ard my place for registration are also up for kids born in 2007. i scared my son will hv no place in sch!
haha.. thanks .. for a moment i was wondering why woodlands so popular for Nursery!

the CC here at bishan oredi are on WL for a few.

i think primary school is very impt. coz by the time they reach sec school, its solely dependent n themselves. primary school = good foundation lah.

some kindy have affiliate to primary school.

anyway,this is my thots nia. dun slam me
i dunno leh . . i see my nephew who stays in Pasir ris travelling all the way to TK Pri sch, i always asked my SIL why not juz a sch in Pasir ris. I mean, of coz not any sch la, but as long environment ok, teachers ok, i thot it's fine. She told me now i say tis, when it's jboy's turn, maybe i will change my view. haha, i still waiting to see if she is rite. For now, when I see pri sch building in my area, i very high. Now at least got 2 pri sch walking dist fm my hse liao :p

Juz for my benefit .. which pri sch consider 'good sch' in the hougang/sengkang/punggol area huh? anyone knw?
Oh, Meetoh. I knw where it is, but not very near to me. nan chiau is in sengkang rite?

caicai, r in within e xx km fm Nan chiau? got priority rite?

** hehe, pri sch is like 5 yrs later. abit too early to discuss actually. Me fm pre-nursery deviate till pri sch :p
coold , coz i made a statement saying pri sch more impt .

aiyah i think my house <2km but more than 1 km .
sure no chance ... so hor , muz move house

my boy wld nid to register for P1 next yr. at 1st i still sit bk n relax n do nothing till my frd reminded me volunteer, alumni etc mus join 2 yrs in advance of his enrolment. so i hv 'shortlisted' 2 schools for him n done n necessary. sound v ks hoh :p
sanrio , ur area got good sch ? i think the population in sengkang / ponggol alot of young families , so the places in 'good' sch are very hot . i think piggy year is baby boom yr , so lagi limited seats avail.

btw , i see alot of preggys around on trains etc . think cow also popular yr
no, dun get me wrong. wat i meant is, if u so happen oredi stay near a gd sch, i tink every effort shld be made to try n get into it. But if the sch is far, but it's like 'good', i may not consider it at all. coz i still feel dat distance and location is very impt. juz my NOW opinion la, like my SIL said, maybe my turn comes, i will become KS oso :p
hello mummies,
i had my detailed scan today. bb is 21 weeks+ and weighs 387g! i think i'll keep the gender a secret first from you gals first, just for fun, heehee!

i remembered that for kaizer's case, his eczema didn't really move, but just got worse and worse and worse for many months before it finally abated. maybe like D says, ashlyn's case could be a non-eczema induced rash. anyway, avoiding the sun (in singapore) is not very realistic lah. just be more careful in the choice of clothes if you're afraid that the sun will aggravate the condition. dress her in cool cotton clothing so that she'll sweat slightly less when she's in the sun.
no worries :p there ar gd schs at bt timah area, near my place but not w'in 2km. yes i heard of parents who stay in eg: tampines but enrol their kid in a popular pri sch in tpy as parent is ex-student. i probably b like ur sil :p
s/w... why so secretive?!?

wah... so fast think of pri sch oredi?? scary leh! like that i better go join the alumni of my sch too. speaking of volunteering, place also not guaranteed - very 'bo hua'! my neighbour volunteered 3 years but the son still didn't get a place (coz still need to ballot!)

my scan @ 28 weeks - i put on less than 4kg so far and bb is 1261g (heavier than C when she was 28 weeks). another 12 weeks to go!

hang in there! Last trimester!!

homeschool...always have vacancy. haha.


even after Jesse recovered from his rash, we brought him swimming and it flared up again. If you're really concerned about appearance, abstain for a while lor... chlorine is drying.
sending ash to the pri sch in TPY?
i hope D will hv a chance to go as we stay quite near but i think may not be that easy

tell us your gender leh!!!

your helper is making you lose weight huh? don't get so stressed up by he! quick go and change helper!
i think i din put on much weight until wk 36 onwards as D was the one gaining weight then i start putting on after that then D did not put on so gotta induce him out
sanrio and me came fm that sch.. think its was quite good during our era but i dunno abt now.

Tao Nan also quite a popular sch. but then when comes to registering.. think any school near us will be fine lah! coz hubby and i not those academic driven type
yes i remb we ar fr same pri sch. will b under 2A, high chance. but is far fr my place. m oso tinkg of pei hwa presb at bt timah. c how lah next yr.

Jesse looks so handsome. nice fotos!

if rash is bad, avoid swimming for a while. chlorine is drying for d skin. i still brg kids for swim cos they love. but we prefer early morning or like 5pm wen d sun is less strong. sun/heat/pespiration definitely wld cause ezcema to get worst. in our so hot n humid country, no choice cant avoid sun totally. try avoid exposure during too hot hours n hv to manage d skin condition.
decided this time round not to even let my parents know about baby #2's gender, cos i want to keep it a surprise then it's more fun when they find out in sept. okay lah, see how long of a secret i can keep this, so fun hahaa. for pregnancy #1, i managed to keep the gender a secret from all my friends till after delivery. but my family found out a bit sooner cos husband blurted it out! at the moment, only kaizer, husband and myself know. we picked kaizer's brains to think of a name for #2, some of the names we read out he will tell us yes, some of the names he will tell us no. and oh, i've put on more weight than i estimated. now gained 8kg+ at 21 weeks. but still feel healthy and not too whale-ish yet.

D knows my gender, cos i'm a female mah!

the shots turned out well! i like the goldfish pic cos jesse looks serious and naughty at the same time when he's going about his task. he didn't manage to scoop up the goldfish, did he? you look very nice in your family shot and couple shot with D! i think you even look kinda coy with half of your hair covering up your face, hahaa ...

primary school,
i hope kaizer can get into the primary school downstairs (fairfield methodist). firstly, cos it's just across the road and secondly - okay i'll sound very shallow here - the uniform is very nice! doubt anyone of you is using uniform as a criteria for your choice of school!
sanrio, min, coold

Thanks for your compliments


haha...I like the "coy" shot because he looks up to mischief!

Actually he caught them a few times but my HB scolded him and told him can only pat otherwise the fish will die. He lifted one partially out of the tank!
D: thanks..

Sanrio: i was asking cos at weekend.. when go mum's place.. she will see swimming pool n ask me bring her down.. haiz.. can't be avoiding my mum's place rite?
Re: About Primary Schools
I think it's getting very competitive and "scary" in Singapore.

Guess my boy will probably be able to get into a normal neighbourhood primary school only in future. Reason?

1. Both me &amp; hubby are from neighbourhood school, so cannot join Alumni of Famous schools
2. We are very average family (not wealthy), so can't donate big bucks to get a place in famous school.
3. Doing volunteer work.. we are kinda lazy to do it..plus I heard there is NO GUARANTEE to get a place even if you put in hours of volunteer work.

Oh well....:p
