(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

nope, we don't own any air-con in our current lao-pok-pok flat. haven't decided if i'll install one in the new house, cos my husband is afraid of the cold.

apply elomet first, then moisturize on top <u> after</u> elomet has been absorbed into the skin.

ash has nose bleed very often n d amt is 'quite a lot'. what to do: look down, apply cold compress/pressure on nose bridge. for ash is due to highly sensitive airway. if they sneeze or rub their nose a lot, d thin blood capillaries in the nose wld tear n cause bleeding.

elomet is quite a gd cream for ezcema but it does contain cortisteroid. is effective to treat those weepy rash n itch. apply very thinly n only when necessary. if ezcema is better, u can switch to hydrochloride cream which has much lower cortisteroid content. can get over d pharmacy counter, need a pharmacist but dun nid prescription. now that ash skin has improved as he grows older, i prefer a cream w much lower steroid content. as steroid tends to thin d skin n make it more sensitive. but w weepy n itchy rash, elomet is gd. if ashlyn skin is dry, u nid to moisturise v diligently esp af shower. gd ones are like Physiogel n A-derma.
as for diary allergy, is it becos u switch to a growing up fm w higher protien content. i was told some kids are very allergic to such cow milk protein on top of d lactose. my boy is one of them.
but cant conclude unless u do some monitoring...
dun b hard on urself. which mummy want their kid to suffer, try to ignore their comments. i pass my 'allergy' genes to ash n his is quite bad. i just hv to manage it loh. pediasure has very high cow milk protein content.
Hi there mummies,
missed chatting with you all here. How's everyone? Belated congrats to Catherine on your bb #2!
I'm sorry to read about your gal's problem. I tend to agree with gacc that it could be the heat. My boy's also scratching his skin raw from the heat. Hopefully the problem will clear up soon. As for your mil, try to hang in there, 1 ear in 1 ear out to keep your sanity.
S/W, read your blog. Hope K's better now.
sandwich: thanks..i thnk cos mine is gal gal.. so very worried..

sanrio: thanks.. where can i get physiogel ah? i tot of using CB cream the candula one.. in their eczema range.. my MIL is the one tat tell me abt is it cos of me changing milk powder.. bt the milk has been changed for months.. i tot it might be cos the sun n sea water too harsh for her skin cos i brot her to sentosa on 1 may and she stayed in sun for afew hrs...
kelley , think u juz use whatever the doc prescribed first to treat the affected area until the situation improves .
yup cld b d heat n d perspiration. if is acute ezcema, yes use d cream doc gave n moisturise if dry. she shd b ok. physiogel can get fr pharmacy. cb cream is not bad, quite mild thou n gd for minor irritation.
may not b food allergy unless she show more obvious reactions.
hi hi. how ar u coping w 2? is a little tough n quite tiring to take care of 1 todd n bb but it wld get beta. soon they wld b playing, laughing together. take care n dun get too stressed up.
kelley: i have 1 brand new bottle of phsiogel body soap (?) at home :p u come sat i show u everything lah ... i got physiogel the alst time cuz my skin v dry but i am ok to use the CB pregnancy wash so i never use it.

u come and i show u my entire range and see wat u want lah .. only no CB aloe vera cream hor ...
now my boy also just develop sensitive airways. will get cough attack all a sudden. and he inherited fm me!! coz i got sensitive nose..

i feel bad abt it.. so now just have to live with it and make sure his condition don't get worsen. and hv to make sure my room is mopped everyday
sanrio: ok.. thank u.. i tell u i very kiasu.. went to get the physiogel already..hehehe..

bunnie: wah.. whole range ah.. if i can make it on sat.. cos i jst heard from my sis she going for Csection on sat.. than nobody at my mum house.. i will call u again.. thanks wor..
Keira is also coughing suddenly too, scared he develop asthma
morning all!
my husband "tattooed" kaizer with a black pen last night. kaizer's been bugging us to draw stars on his palms since his teacher drew two stars on his palms last week. yesterday when i was bathing, the two boys were very quiet. when i came up, i found three stars on kaizer's right palm, some illegible things on the left palm that looks like a flower, a cat on left arm, a bird on right arm, two hippos on the legs. i was quite shocked when i saw everything! i have two very cheeky boys at home!
micK , coughing doesnt necessary means asthma.
i heard fm my pd there is an increase no. of kids down wif bronchitis wor ... see ur doc first !

s/w , tot kaizer's skin is quite sensitive . i find those washable markers --- UNWASHABLE on skin
, was thinking if the chemicals mite be harmful on their delicate skin , so whenever my son beautifys his art work on his limbs , i will scrub him real hard to remove the marks .btw , i noticed u hv put on weight fm ur latest pics :p , hv u gone for ur detailed scan ?
skin around the joints quite sensitive and prone to eczema. but skin on arms and legs are okay, so no problem if he wants to disfigure himself with pen marks there! anyway, must allow him to have some toddler fun despite the eczema! husband used a normal ballpoint pen. very easy to wash the marks off with soap and water. hoohoo, i think i've gained 5kg+, within my 12kg expectation for the entire pregnancy. detailed scan's tomorrow morning.
what you mean by she also got other stuff?

think if you and WS got no asthma then high chance K won't get asthma.

thats wat my PD told me lah. but i bot the inhaler from her.. wow very chim to use.. hope i hv no chance to use it on D. otherwise i freak out.

pls keep us posted on yr gender! i guess no.2 be a girl!!
s/w , muz kip us informed leh !! so exciting...
boy or gal u dun mind rite ??? wld u consider #3 ?heeheee

micK , why keira's immunity drop when she is in her sch ? did u feedback to the sch , is it keeping up to hygiene standards ? like cleaning of toys etc thoroughly ???
actually the school is quite thorough in cleaning. juz poor K immune system very low. ws brot her to see TCM, TCM said the same. so nomore cold stuff for hr.

we dun have but scared lor she develop one

poor D, my paed said ard 2yrs, our kiddo will fall sick easily coz this is abt the time, they develop their own immune system, all these while is from ours.
if tcm can help , then let them slowly tiao her system back to normal lor .
dun think kids get asthma easily unless inherited fm genes .
i am surprised that K can take the med quite well. or isst she has been on so many types of med. "ma mu "liao ?
i so agree abt 2 yrs old and falling sick.
like suddenly this yr D visited PD many times.. ironically not for jabs like last yr but for his cough consultation!

until the counter nurse is so familar with D and always call him a terror coz he likes to run around the clinic!
min , u tried tcm ? maybe it helps D too .
i guess wif 2 yrs old , they are more mobile , so their social circle actually 'expanded' as cp to when they were younger n less exposed . m/o , most of them are attending schs now , so higher risk of getting the germs/viruses . part n parcel of growing up . they will onli get stronger as they build up on immunity.
bot him once to EYS and given 5 days of powdered medicine. tot of going tcm again later.

i'm lucky my D accepts TCM medicine! hope i don't jinx myself by posting this!
Min, Kaexin,
my boy has been on frequent nebuliser n switched to inhaler since quite young. i feel sad to c him suffer. he wld often cough till puke. beside keeping d environment clean, i got to watch his diet too due to his allergies. both me n hb dun hv asthma but due to ash highly sensitive airway, he has asthmatic symptoms. like if he jump or laugh too much, he wld start to cough non-stop n wheeze. i hope 1 day he dun hv to depend on medication so much n wld outgrow all these. i but i find watching his diet helps a lot in controlling his symptoms. pple w sensitive airway tend to develop phelgm, mucus n cough easily so i try to avoid food tat cause irritation to his airway.

wah, D can take EYS powder. tats gd. i m taking it n i find it yee..... but i see gd benefits so i continue. i brought ash to EYS before n he simply cant take d powder.
Hiaz .. tink it's e 'vomit' season. Jboy oso having viral fever. Puke a few times, and the worst of he puke milk in e car. You can imagine e smell.

Anyone know how to get rid of the smell???
you got remove the seat covering liao to wash ??
last time she did this i had to carry her carseat wit her inside, my bags all the way upstairs to wash all of them

car not so eazy to get rid of the smell. last time i used pandan leave and parked under the hot sun! :p
no seat cover .. he vomitted on e leather seat. oredi wipe n clean liao, but smell still there. Yday googled it says use lemon n baking soda. Now beta, but still got smell. Hiaz ..
PD also told me not to let D scream or laugh too long.
last wk.. he was playing with my MIL and keep laughing non-stop.. shortly starting coughing fit for few hr till he sleep for the night.

yes, my weird son can take EYS powder.. i also wanna puke when i smell it. he can even take the bottle of powdered medicine and pour into his mouth on his own. its only plain water that is like poison to him

btw, do you still give chicken and egg to Ash? some chinese doc say cannot give and i also don't dare to give strawberries
i read somewhere abt using unused teabag (anytg like lipton teabag is fine) to 'absorb' d unpleasant smell. can try. if i had durian in my fridge, i wld put a few teabags n i think it work.

if ash is fine (not coughing), i do give him strawberries but only a few. oranges, grapes, banana etc irritate his airway so we avoid. yes i cut down chicken but he loves. he hardly takes eggs. there are many other thgs he cant eat as he has food allergies eg: diary, nuts, choc, sweets. gd tat he is not fussy n he takes rice, meat, vege well so he dun go hungry n is not under-nourished.
PD say gotta trial and error on food and fruits.
he once took chocolate fondue and he was ok leh.

then once he ate papaya n dragon fruit which i bought fm food court, he started coughing. so makes me quite confused too.

maybe i will let him take a some blue and strawberries to try out first.. poor boy, think he misses he fav fruits!
now D is in the saying "NO" phase.
driving me nuts!! everything i asked/offered.. he will reply No!

and esp now i'm toilet training him!! really make me pek chek! wander when he will stop his phase!
sanrio, sandwich and kelley: if u wan phsyiogel I can get i think 10% or 20% discount from NUH pharamacy, so let me know.

Coold: normally fridge, I stuff in baking soda to absorb the smell. u can try sprinkly baking soda on the puke area and then vacuum it off, i think i read it somewhere.

caicai: washable markers, i beliueve only in crayola! i have a few other brands of washable markers and they don;t work at all!!!

my gf recommended me to let V take cactus juice (some MLM product) with royal jelly. so i tot no harm trying :p since only 1 tsp a day (v exp though) and I;ll be taking cuz baby weight gain a bit slow and I'm losing weight :p
this week is allergies week for us! met my mum for dinner at west mall food court today. he was eating meatballs and rice pretty well, then took three spoonfuls of some soup, coughed and puked entire dinner out. i think the soup could have contained egg/condensed milk. but he was ok after puking. drank his usual 300ml and went to bed.

min and sanrio,
kaizer loves strawberries and we allow him to eat up to 10 at one go. grapes and bananas are favs too. the only fruit that always causes him to puke is orange (we tried 2-3 times), so that has to stop. chicken is like the mainstay of 80% of his meals.
sounds like he can't take citrus!

my hb also says use pandan leaves (a whole bunch) and leave car in sun. That's what he did lah.

s/w: can i jst ask u.. kids with eczema. should they avoid sun and sun altogether? or it's ok? i was applying cream for ash yesterday n realise her eczema is spots and they are moving up her face.. alot on her arms n body.. not much on legs already..

you sure it's eczema? How come it'll "move" one? I thought it's a fixed area that's affected or just one that spreads...not migrate. But then, I'm not a doc nor have experience with it...just curious.
d: cos the doc at KK say so.. we applying the elomet cream leh.. one day.. one doc say it's allergy.. one doc say it's eczema, one doc say it's HFMD (when she don't hv fever).. can u imagine how blur i am!

than wait a while and see how lor...Jesse had some rash also (previously) I was quite sure it was not HFMD cos no ulcers in mouth and no fever. But it kept increasing on his hands and feet. Until it was quite a bit, I brought him to Dr (in the morning) because I wanted to know if it was contagious (meeting other kids). Dr says no HFMD but probably viral so contagious, stay at home. In the afternoon (after his nap), there were more spots and he was very irritated (itchy and painful). Went to the same clinic, different dr, Dr suspect scabies so ask me to treat for it. After second round of treatment, it's been better...

I'm not saying your child has scabies lah but I'm just saying, some times when it's too early, it's hard for Drs to diagnose also...they are all guessing only. A lot of times it's up to us parents to give enough relevant info to Dr for them to make a good guess. *sigh* You see why I don't go to Drs much...except to get prescription! haha.

Hang in there, do what you can. But if it's moving...I don't know if it's eczema. If she doesn't have ulcers and if it's moving to every other part of her body, it's not HFMD. It could just be a viral rash. So far, most of Jesse's viral rash don't come with fever. If it gets worse, see Dr again...can go polyclinic and get physiogel at the same time!
Sounds like the virus flu is peaking during this period...so many kids are sick. My colleague's young boy also been having cough for a week and now is getting the cold as well.

Cough can take very long to recover...tthat time my boy developed into bronchitis...think you must really must ban K from cold drinks and fruits (especially citrus one) liao..

Jordan might have caught the flu bug in Vietnam? You on leave these few days to take care of him?

Sooo long neber hear from you. How's your no. 2 princess? As for Ashlyn, I guess you could monitor for one or two more days after using the cream and see how..if still no improvement maybe need to consult another doctor.
i guess kelley's more kancheong over her gals coz they nid to grow up meimei .

if it worries u so much , go seek another doc's opinion . is she using clean pillow cases ? last time my sonny hv sensitive skin when he was infant , so the pd recommended us to change pillow n bed sheets often n use HOT water ... maybe it is this simple thing ? my fren's dotter skin allergy was apparently caused by her inherited genes + the dogs in the house. maybe for ash , she was playing on the sand at beach etc , so something mite hv trigger her allergy . ( coz ppl bring dogs to beaches too )
my son's skin not good quality too , his baluku takes ages to heal . so maybe ash also nids more time to recover fm her allergy leh . juz apply whatever ur first doc gives u first n monitor n use non harsh products on her ,now
sorry hor...I not the vain sort and it's a good thing I have boy :p

anyway, antihistamine like zyrtec helps Jesse and helps in the elimination process of finding out what's wrong. Try for 3 days and see.
thanx for the tips on clearing e puke smell. I will try tealeaves tonight. I dun like pandan leaves smell leh .. wait i clear e puke, hv to clear e leaves smell nex :p

dun tink its vietnam. he was ok after we come bac on 05 May. He oni started having fever on 11 May. I still work .. IL taking care of him now. No more fever these 2 days liao, but I jus keep him away fm sch la, juz in case.

D: i gues so.. i hv appointment at KK so i thnk i can still tahan.. bt i hv changed all those bath n cream for eczema...

SD: hello.. yes.. so long nv see u.. #2 is reali noti!! knows how to snatch things at this age

cai: of cos.. cos its moving up her face! sob sob.. i tot might be becos of heat n sand.. well monitoring loh.. haiz.. of cos must mei mei.. i worry ma.. mummy already so ugly mst make gals pretty! hahah ash has this smelly pillow i change cover every day.. tat is abt it.. i thnk it's time i wash her blanket.. hehe
