(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

fun leh, i did several of them
yalor, michelle.. thanks leh.. gog to play at this website liao. so cute.. hhehe.. :p

hi jo,
bo bian lor.. but thanks for the offer leh.. :p hehe.. me thinking buy those normal ballons can liao.. haha.. :p
Keira looks like you! That's sooo cute! She looks like such a happy baby.


We celebrated Jesse's birthday with just the extended family yesterday (PIL and siblings and their family).

Jesse HATED it.
Now we know he's plenty like us and we won't do it again until he tells me, "mummy can I have a birthday party?"
Last weekend i made a boo boo..

a daddy was carrying a toddler.. the toddler saw my boy and pointed at him and say "baby"..
so being friendly, i told my boy to say 'hi' to 'gor gor'

the father face juz turn away leh.. then he walked past me.. then i realise that the toddler is actually a Girl with short hair and blue dress. coz the father carry her so i did not see her bottom part of the body.

sigh.. so embarrasing.. no wonder he looks so angry
the daddy could have politely tell you that the roddler is a girl.

cool D,
whahaha...jordan's hair is so "durian like"
so cute!
haha .. his crazy daddy's work lor.. probably inspire by e game, Rockband we were playing over e wkend. No wonder 2 of them inside e toilet so quiet u know :p

Nevamind la .. u not intentional oso
I also ever saw a bb in the lift, smaller size dan jboy so was saying, 'hello didi'. . .dan asked e mama how many mths she says 14mths??!! Paiseh :p but e lucky part is, she din ask me back jboy how many mths .. hehe.
MK: We reached there on the dot lor. Left home at 1040 only reach one hour later wah biang. Lele enjoyed the lesson very much tho!
How about Keira? She enjoyed?
MK: Glad to hear that

Lele enjoyed very much too! He was squealing and talking and smiling all the time. But after lesson he knocked out in pram within 5 mins!
Next week I will try to be early so can let Lele and Keira take a pic together!
keira so cute in the pool.

Mrs lai,
u ordered cake frm ecreative for ur bdae party rite? is the cake gd? in the end, i tink i will have a bdae party for kelly. many ppl say 1 yr old bdae cannot dun do.
Kris: i also don't hv big bday.. will hv a mini one jst for immediate family members nia.. than will cook mee sua for lunar bday (which is over liao).. bad mummy..haiz..
you are not a bad mummy, dont keep saying you are bad. Most of the things u did are of Ashlyn's interest. So where got bad?
nice mag cover of keira. both very very nice. really envy her nice hair leh..

so far ash did not show any obvious 'allergy' to chicken. but as he has sensiitve airway, i dun feed him much chicken. he prefers beef n pork but he loves my home oven roasted chicken wings. when shd we go kaikai agn? so long din c kaizer

infantcare, u can request tat on d day they cook chicken, they prepare pork or somtg else for kaizer. ash's cc has a list pinned up at their dining area tat so n so cant eat tis n tat. so d cook aunty wld prepare somtg else if tat day menu ash or other kids cant take.
hi mummies,
tdy cher n me 'tao nan' to my mum place agn. they are doing final hacking of floor n laying of tiles to d outside lift area. next mth we wld hv our 'personal' lift right outside my doorstep. yippee, finally done. d lift upgrading work started wen i was preg w cher till now........
not bad lah, u got so much things to do, sometimes forget mah.

send keira to swimming classes, mayb next time is a olympic swimmer. heehee.
wow sanrio,
ash must be sooo lucky to have such a great cook as the mother. chicken wings, wah drooling.

my house also lift upgrading, but then I already have lift at my level
mummies: The cake is from ecreative, chocolate sponge with chocolate mousse/ fudge filling. It's more exp, but i had guests raving about the cake. I already serve very BIG slices already still cannot finish! partly my own fault, cuz I had so many eclairs, profiteroles (?) and other sweet stuff around. Tomm I will lug to my mum's place for us to finish (bigger family mah). The next day was my niece's birthday celebration, so it was a wild wild wet thingy - the kids were half naked and screaming and running around. My gal can only watch but next year, it will be her turn to scream the house down!

the mag cover very funny haha ... v nice! My fav is the teengirl, motor mania and the hip hop one ... damn funny!

MicK: The True Love one u must find one more incriminating photo, like the one Kaizer was stealing my gal's first kiss!

When I go home tonite, will post some pics from the party - i think at most 4 to 5 only!
mrs lai,
i dun have mah, if u can find, mag it and showed us the proof, then u can get sandwich to take responsible ! whahahaha

i still waiting for some1 to choose the moron
Tonight Ch5 7.30pm MY PERFECT CHILD
season finale!

today, JK gets his 1st pneumococcal (prevenar) jab = S$150 inclusive consultation.
PD said might hv fever n rashes.
2 months later will hv 2nd jab.
will u letting Gladys take the chix pox jab?
the 2nd prevenar jab date will b close to the MMR jab.
augleo , where JK took his jab ? coz i asked GP n pd , the cheapest is $168 for a gp leh ..
btw , i do not hv the tune wif me now , i try to scan by tmr :p if my scatterbrain remembers .

All the coverlook so cute...
No time do mine today...


Your jab is so cheap... S$150 inclusive consultation? Where u went? I juz went to the
clinic Michk went.. although the consulation is much more cheaper to my previous PD
but after consulation + pneumococcal already cost us $215.

Jayden has finished all the 3 pneumococcal jabs. PD also said he will have slight fever but
till now, so far so good.*touchwood* His next jab will be chix pox & MMR.

DR Dorothy very friendly hor. But Im quite surprised when i saw her cox she is quite
big size & dun look like a doctor to me leh... but overall she is a very good doctor...

Really? She never mentioned to me leh. The nurse only said consultation is $40. If really
no charge then would be best lor...

i noticed that as well, subsequent the #2 one, no more consultan jab liao.
at my very 1st visit, K fell from sofa.. so i kanchiong brot her there.
i also suprised she BIG sizeways actually she got short, shorter than me
but she ok lah.
