(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Spring: U no the Dr Fong thread says he wearing Bell & Ross watch worth 15K? I asked him, do u own a bell & ross watch. He looked surprised and went "no". THen i told him, do you know u are very popular in the forum - ur thread has the highest postings of 8K plus. The other doctors only 1 or 2 K? He said "no lah! tell them i dun own a bell & Ross watch! too big for me!" then on a hindsight he asked" so what else do they gossip about us?" *rofl*

Aprilmum/ Augleo
were 'shopping' at Cold Storage with Ixora.
AFter that, we part our ways. Joanie is tired.

I find the babies at the gathering all very well behaved! I can't imagine if my girl is there. Havoc.
hi mummies,
thank u Peg & Mrs Lai.
here's a preview of cher's b'day invitation card n b'day dress. i hope 1 month's time (celebrating on actual day, 26 apr), she can still fit into d dress. i let her tried it on tdy, fit just nice, a bit allowance only. i din buy bigger cos tot 'leng leng' like not so nice leh.. look like is gg to b a '1 time dress' agn :p. i like d dress very much, w soft laces/frills at neck, armhole n skirt. cher is 'ai mei'. she likes d dress too n kip admiring herself/dress. wen i took it off fr her, she cried.. i din check how much, saw n like it so much n buy :p it cost me half a hundred but din tell hb. too bad no adult size, else i m gg to wear d same as her, keke.., crazy me.. jus recover fr shock :p

ydy i brought cher to taka. i was wearing a mini skort n top. 1 modern/friendly aunty (look 50++ yrs old w big big chanel sunglasses) came to me.
aunty: is tat ur daughter, she is so lovely
me: yes, thank u
aunty: u married young?
me: i m not young, i hv another 3yrs+ boy
aunty: 'smile' i thought u look like a teenager to me
me: 'smile'. tks. bye bye

i almost fainted. din she c my wrinkles? almost wan to joke w her n ask her to remove her sunglasses. shd i take it a compliment or perhaps she tot tat i m a 'young unwed mum', haha..
Mrs Lai
I dunno how to describe .. it's like those how many in 1 kind, can mix, blend etc .. Blending is wif those helicopter blade kind??!! haha. .. i hope u know wat i m toking abt :p
Cher looks really lovely in dat white dress. And hor, even young unwed mama also means u look young mah .. so it's still a compliment

U know, b4 i preggie, i was also always mistaken to be much younger, maybe coz I small built. But ever since I gave birth, no more le :S
next time bring Nicole along...only met her once

after lunch, straight home le.
coz morning (reach @8.30am) after Zoo trip...JK n me tired le

me not young le can't afford to tong for so long...kekekekekekeke!
cool: U can look on the box then, it should describe to u what to be used for grinding grains.

is yours the braun multi-processor?
How long did it take before you can look after your baby again? I have think cos hubby got limited leave...If I do on Friday, then Sat & Sun enough time to recover?

i'm very happy without a maid. My most recent SP bill came went down to 76.68! To be fair...the average of last and this month is about 166 lah. haha.
I hope next month go down some more but...doubt it since it's been soooo hot and we turn on a/c in the apt (living room) a lot!

You do look young and slim. ;) It's a compliment...it's those aunties who (when I was 9) say my mother looks like my sister...like come. on!

Sadly, Jesse is very fixed in his timing one...he must have swallowed a clock at birth! And he won't nap anyway else except his crib.

bring your baby..then I won't feel so left out. haha. Mine's like super grouchy all the time.

Nicole quite well behaved lah.. i met her once in GUG lesson! she's quite ok..


ya.. but JK seems like still very active le!! hahahaha.. anyway, ya, you looks a bit tired just now
Anyway, still better than the EXpo's meet up day.. your eyes like panda!! hehe ..
havefaith, any particular theme you're looking at for the balloons? i can sell u with helium & streamers, no problem.

pisces_gal, let me see which balloons i have then let you know. do you have a theme for the party party?

beyond, i booked a very properous no. for the bungalow! haha... yes, i also went there just to take a look so i can visualize the decor for the party!
Ok, next time I shall bring her along.

Augleo, JK very smiley. are you always keeping yourself happy and smiling during pregnancy?

the dress is very nice. Where you got it?
Me oso back, jo still din wanna sleep on the way home althou cld see she was tired.. finally juz slept after patting.. really playful..

Nice meeting some new faces.. Jessesmon and Irin.. think we all had a gd time chatting.. we actually talked abt our labour/delivery stories again.. haha
keke...you should bring Keira to the mirror. Maybe she will be amuse herself. Baby likes seeing reflection from mirror. No?

I booked the bungalow late. The units that I always booked were not available. So have to make do with another. I booked 2 units.
Yah Sanrio,
Cher looks so sweet in that dress! And yes, take it as a compliment fr that aunty!

Happy Birthday to Gladys!
MUMMIES I GOT NO HELIUM TANK TOMM! the guy say i never called to confirm, when i said already want mah! apparently still must call 3 days in advance to pre-warn him to prepare =(
I was induced, so basically it was ok for me on labour day, except for dat hour when I was waiting for the epidural. My nitemare was the following day!
she likes to high 5 herself on the mirror nia

u want me to scan for u or not ? let me noe, can do it on monday for u

mrs lai,
then how??? u got try others? ?
Mrs Lai,
think Leo has sufficient helium for afew balloons. You might want ask her?

next time I bring nicole along.

babies like playing with their own reflections.
my girl will laugh just by playing with "the other her" in the mirror.
i've given another contact to Mrs Lai le...hope she can get it tomr. same place where i rent my helium tank.
mine...think oni left for 10+ balloons only dun think enuff for her party
HAha...A Year Ago (28th Mar)....

I was already 3.5CM dilated and it was the last gyn check up and we were all hoping that Jesse would stay in there for at least 10 more days or more...

Throughout the following day, I experienced contractions intermittently...I remember my on-mc husband and I had a big lunch but every 20 - 30 mins I had to pause for a while...

The stroller we ordered finally arrived when we got back from lunch and since HB only had the use of one arm, I had to fix up the stroller...still having contractions (btw, all that time I just thought they were braxton hicks)

After that, HB took a nap while I surfed the Internet. Then I realise that contractions were getting stronger and more frequent.

Called the Dr at 4:45 (office close at 5pm) and told her about contractions. Since I didn't think they were real, she said, then stay at home, have dinner etc etc.

I went to take a shower to get my mind off things but still cannot...tried to take a nap...at 6+pm waters broke...called the silly emergency number but only had a call back at 7:40pm. Left for the hospital and silly receptionist was on her break and insist that I fill up some form that I had already done 3 times! And she went for her break...

8:30pm I was finally given a room...was forced to give them a urine sample...told them I couldn't, yadada...they told me, "well then, you better get yourself on the bed cos you sure aren't giving birth in the bathroom.

Managed to change and flop my sorry behind on the bed at 8:40pm...Jesse was out at 8:48pm, 29th March...They were still trying to get some stupid IV on me etc etc...*rolleyes* Told HB to quickly go get me the pte room and it took him over an hour cos I still wasn't registered yet and thus, baby can't be registered and so they can't give us the single room...but we did get the last single room available

At the end of it, I was always very glad we had a big lunch and bought a box of Krispy Kreme and other junk...cos that's what we ate the next few days...

That's my story :p Tomorrow busy...got wedding to attend.
so post now.
I took care of my son immediately after the lasik cos my son is hospitalise at that time... no problem at all.

My unit is single digit. If i didn't guess wrongly, it is next to your properous number... hee hee

Wow, you still book 2 units. U have many guests? Mine around 100 pax.

Tomorrow I will be busy and will not have the chance to log in here. So wanna wish JK <font color="0077aa">Happy 1st Birthday</font>.
Mrs Lai,

Do u have alot of balloons? If not, try go to Party City @ Holland V.
They can do it on the spot &amp; their charges - $1.5~$1.80 /per latex balloons &amp; $5 ~$5.50 / per foil balloons.

Else try call this no - Bt. batok tel: 65671079. They charge $60 for 100 pcs of 12" balloons.
Think they ok for last min request.. that time I call one day in advance for enquiry, they still accept.

<font color="purple">"Happy Birthday to JK"!</font>

Same as Darbebe, juz in case I dun have time to log in tmr

Enjoy yr wkend mummies....time to go back..byee
Dlim": tt's the guy lor ;(

Party City says all their tank already fully rented out. I also cannot think of another nearby location.
i called Party Shops at middle road (formerly at concourse) . they supply prefilled helium baloons at $1.00/each or if above 10 $0.90/each. tel : 6291 3130.

BTW how much does it cost to rent a helium tank ?
took 2 units but only 1 unit for the party. The other unit is for my parents + pil to rest, to have peace in case the crowd get too noisy for them.
i try n find .. no hv, will SOS on Mon.

My boring labour story
Was due on 18 May, but no sign, no sound, no pix. So 21 may 1am, went supper at bedok 85 mkt, dan went 'chk in' hosp. Next morn 10am, on drip n waited n waited. Nothing much till contraction pain at abt 2pm. asked for epidural and waited abt 1 hr, so 1 hr unforgetable pain. After epidural, shiok, nothing much again. Juz lay waiting at the delivery suite, sleeping, watching tv n replyig lotsa sms asking why haven pop .. haha. Finally 10pm, gynae came n say can try push, which i did. But whole day no food where got strength. Anyway, still push wif all my mights n jboy finally kena vacumn out at 11pm, after tearing me into pieces .. haha.

Next day &amp; whole of following week was the nitemare.
Mrs Lai
About Dr Fong, though he’s such a popular gynae, I think he’s still quite humble…He knows about the forum thread long ago I think, but he can’t be bothered or no time to look at it lar…when I ask him on certain things about pregnancy is true or not because some mothers in the forum say so, he will comment “Dun believe everything you readm a lot are just hearsay only…not true at all….” Hahaha…

Think one of his greatest joy is to be able to see the babies he delivered grow up healthily….he must be really overjoyed to see Vanessa.

As for the BALLOONS, how about try this one? www.balloonsrus.sg .... Hope you can successfully find your tank for tomorrow...

Sweet-looking card…you spent quite a lot of time doing it? I like the dress too…

You should graciously accept the compliments from that aunty… it’s true that slim &amp; petite ladies like you generally look younger.
just recall that I din reply you. No, im not very good in using the photoshop thus the long hours I took to acheive the end result. Not very perfect, actually.

<font color="ff0000"> Happy 1st Birthday to Jesse &amp; JK!</font>
ok my plan now - 1) wait for ballonrus to call me. If cannot, tomm early morning I cheong to Party City HV to get them pump up. I just hope can fit all into my boot!

ok baby crying her eyes out ... fussy away ;P earlier she was enjoying the rain and the breeze - she push my sliding glass door apart and park herself there while the wind was blowing strongly. After that, her clothes all damp ;P
my preg was quite blessed one = always thks JK for well-behaved during his "stay" with me

my colleagues oni know i m preg when i m 7mth preg. coz i still can cheong here n there like them.

the only sad part is the pile "visited" me when i'm 9mth preg!!!!

poo everyday still hv it lei, thot i can siam ...who know!

all bb hv their cheery side jus that they only show to their daddy n mummy

dlim n darbebe,
JK thks aunties b.day wishes

Happy Birthday to U
Happy Birthady to U
Happy Birthday to Gladys, JK &amp; Jesse
Happy Birthday to U...

is fr chatea de sabe (oops dress in rm now, wrong spelling i tink :p). bought it abt 2-3m back..

tks for compliment, bu hao yi shi :p actually i really not young liao ;p

tks. spent quite a bit of time doing it as can only do when cher nap, n nite tx af kids zzzz.
