(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hi jessemom n mummies,
my birth story very standard one. show, contractions, hospital/labour ward. but 2nd tx mum so i tot i more steady. i insisted no epidural, no jab. only laughing gas n breathing techniques. even did my prenatal yoga in labour ward upon gyane check n approval. but contractions got intense yet cervix dilation very slow. shagged so gave in to epidural in d end. fell asleep n 1 hr+ later, fully dilated. gyane came, 2 pushes, bb out. chey... shd hv opt for epidural early morning when i wen in then dun hv to tong d pain until evening tx...

finally got chance to be online...
hope not too late still, happi bday to JK, Jesse & Glayds

u still look gd for mother of 2

why u bu hao yi shi ???
Dats wat my Sil told me too .. dats why e moment i feel some pain, i asked for epidural. Even than, i had to endure 1 hr of waiting. I told myself next bb, e moment i admit myself, first thing ask for epidural :p my threshold for pain is super low.

Hapi bday 2 u, hapi bday 2 u, hapi bday to U .. u, hapy bday 2 u .. !!

Lotsa luvs, jordanBoy

Hi Ixora, Shirley, Traz, Augleo, Darbebe & the other mummy that I didn't get the nick.

Nice meeting you gals today! You all made me feel so welcome even as an 'intruder'. hehe! Hope to see you all around again.

came into the thread then I realised it's you cos just now abit confusing at Swensons. Your boy's so smiley.
Happy birthday to JK, Gladys & jesse!

Sanrio.. i told you before you look very young!

anyone added aspargus to porridge? can we juz steam the whole thing then blend it?
Jesse - which hospital did you use ? So disappointing.

Mummies - anyone of u using lactose free milk for your babies? which brand did you use?
Happy Birthday to Prince JK!

Augleo/ Dlim/ Ixora/ Cool Daughter/ Michelle/ Min
Thanks! I didn't celebrate anything today though. Just brought her out walk walk. Didn't even take any photos. Sighz..
Today, at noon, I was thinking a year ago, that was the time they pushed me into the OT. Minutes later, Gladys was out. So I was like kissing and hugging her and singing 'Happy Birthday' to her. Time flies!
Last night at 2am, I was thinking a year ago, how I got a shock when I had 'the show' and soon after, my water bag burst. I didn't go to the hospital until 8+am when I experience contractions so I quickly showered and packed my bag. By the time I arrived at the hospital, I can't even walk coz it was damn painful lor. Shit, I was scheduled for caesarean on 4th April mah (same bday as hb). So I got to experience 'real motherhood' aka contractions. But epidural is really a life saver!
BbG was exactly 3 weeks early. Her EDD was 18th April.

BbC looks so sweet in that dress!
Thanks for your sweet birthday song for the bbs.

Which hospital did you give birth at? I was at Mt A and it's almost the same thing. I was 'park' at a double-bedded room from 1pm (after ops) till about 3pm then they push me to an available single room. Guess must wait for patients to 'check out' first.
Happy Birthday to Jesse!

Cool Daughter
Thanks for your sweet birthday song!
BbJ like your back up dancer leh. So cute!
Umbrealla Stroller
The other day I think someone was asking right?
So any suggestion of which brand/ model to get? I was thinking of getting one coz the present one damn heavy to bring it out myself if I wanna take public transport. Also, Techno XT a bit warm leh. BbG always perspire like mad after she woke up in the stroller. I think umbrella stroller is mostly made of mesh material so must be cooler lor. But then most models can't recline one leh. How ah?
Thank you for the birthday wishes

It's been one year...wow!

Hehe...don't worry, didn't give birth in Spore, so you would be so sway kenna the same hospital :p

I had also thought I might get epidural but who knows there wasn't time for anything...not even gas. But then now that I think about it, it could possibly mean that if there's a next time, I might do w/o anything again. But I'm still keeping my options open...as they say, they won't give out awards at the ward :p

Umbrella Stroller,
If we were to get one, we'd probably get the volo (mcclaren)...but I might also try the $12 type before that. haha. Right now he has the Quest and it's quite okay except it might be warm unlike the meshed volo. He also has something else in the car, I can't remember the brand...caprila? But currently the little spoilt boy refuses to be in the stroller for more than 5 mins so we hardly ever use it.

How you get your babies to kuai kuai sit in stroller ah? It's probably a from birth thing hor?

who was your dr and wat was the worse part of the whole procedure?
happy birthday to the march babies here!

birth story
my little princess didn't want to come out on her EDD and my 'kiasee' DR insisted on inducing so 4 days after the EDD, i admitted into the hospital @ 7am for him to break waterbag and inject pitocin but he only appeared @ 9am+.

used the laughing gas as pain relief coz i'm worried about the side effects of epidural - my funny hb actually took a few deep breaths then started giggling hysterically for a few min (until the nurses came running in and he tried so hard to stop).

contractions started to get worse at 5pm+ but DR too busy to appear! so after tahaning for almost 10hrs, i asked for epidural (waste money!)... on the hindsight, i should have 'demanded' for DR to come since i was probably ready to birth! anyway, princess was delivered @ 7.30pm, just when the DR 'threatened' to do an emergency c-sec on me!
<font color="0000ff">Dear Jian Kai, Jesse, Hippo and beautiful Gladys (hope U dun mind it's a little late) PLUS all March babies</font>

<font color="0000ff">Here’s wishing U all the great things in life</font>
<font color="0000ff">May everyday brings you little things that make you smile</font>
<font color="0000ff">Happy Birthday!
all lovely mummies,
thks for all ur b.day wishes to JK

later 3pm+ will hv a mini celebration.
last yr this hour, me finished my b.fast laying on bed watching HBO on ESH bed.
hb now busy figuring out the contraction m/c.
till now i still dunno hw to use the laughing gas. oni ard 11am then i know the correct way of using...hahaha!
if not, really waste of monies!!!!

coolD n sanrio,
thks for the b.day song for JK.
**muak muak** to Jordon = from auntie Leo

ur hb so cartoon.
my hb was busy setting up the tripod, angle the video cam...end up nurse came in n no pix or filming until seeing baby.

nice meeting u n ur princess

yest. saw u twice @Swensens enrance...thot is u (coz ever visited ur blog) but pai say to approach. hope next time can chat more n hope hv chance to meet ur prince n princess (R&amp;R) at the same time

haha! JK does cry for hugz n attention too
Yup I would expect it’s not easy for you to find time to do the invite…every weekend when I have to take care of baby as MIL goes back home, I have practically no time to do anything, even read newspaper…..

I got the Combi Ricco stroller for Jonas….the back is made of mesh fabric or air-through seat….full canopy with top window, 170degree full recline seat….the handle is reversible….think it’s not bad…only setback is some mothers will think it’s probably too small for their babies and also too light-weighted.

Mrs Lai
Dun think you may be reading this…but sincerely hope all goes well for Vanessa’s party today.

Look forward to see the photos.

Wishing baby Xyrus a wonderful birthday celebration at NSRCC this evening. Do share the birthday pics with us.
last yr May some of us busy with bb full mth celebration, some doing confinement....

this yr, wanna to celebrate Mother Day together?
1 wk earlier, hw abt 3rd May?
**Catch** .. will pass ur kiss to jboy

I also kena 'threaten' emergency C-section dan gave birth 1. Was tinking, WAT, after lying here 12hrs, w/o food etc, now than say wanna Csection?? hehe.. .mayb gynae used tis method to make the mummy really push !!
my birth story:
Gotta induce my boy on 5 Apr, 2 wks b4 EDD as his weight was stagnant fm wk 36 onwards which is not a good sign.

Went to Dr Khi clinic @TMC at 9am. Insert pill and also inserted her finger inside such that i got a bit of blood or show and with 1 cm dilation. lie and rest awhile

11am- went to TPY for Sizzler buffet lunch bcoz i know that gonna be my last feast before i deliver. meantime starting to hv light menses or show

2pm- went back to clinic.. Doc declared that i can be sent down to delivery ward with 2.5cm dilation. We were not prepared as hospital bag is at home *yay*

3pm-4pm- Dr break water bag.. contraction came. used gas but no effect. Nurse say to breath in before contractions come. but i duno how to predict. Tahan for 1 hr then scolded by hubby and surrender for Epi

5pm- Epi is god-send and i even scolded Dr for taking his time to come for my Epi. but still need to use gas as my son's heart beat was weakening.

5-8pm- watch TV and relax

8pm- Dr say almost time but need midwife to rehearse with me on pushing technique. who knows, while practice pushing.. i cld almost push my boy out. so nurse panic as she did not expect a first time mother to do it so fast .. quickily ask Dr to come over

8.15pm- Dr came and ask if i want my boy to come out at 8.16 or 8.18 pm. i chose the latter. Felt so constipated at that time so i 'lun' for 3more min.

8.18- with 2 pushes and help fm hubby for supporting my back .. my boy- Dillion was out and brought to my chest!
hi mummies,
haven't logged in here for the longest longest time. everyone's having fun with their bb's 1st b-day parties? i'm not having one for kaizer since i'm working crazy hours in the office now. but we've had two really mini b-day sessions with him so far for fun, with ultra mini cakes, hahaaa. posted the pics on his blog on http://kaizerwong.blogspot.com he was very cute, trying to pick his own cake =)

did ash have chix allergy? tried chix on kaizer for the first time today (took abt 5 spoons of chix porridge) and he scratched his legs till they bled while he was taking his afternoon nap. think i'll try again maybe at 1.5yrs old. the problem is that the infant care centres that i'm considering all serve chix abt twice a week. i'm sending him to an infant care centre in may 08 after all. me and husband decided that we wanted to move home to dover so that going to work is more convenient.
halo mummies

Happy Birthday to all the babies who have celebrated their 1st birthdays! Well done mummies! = 0 )

anyway, in case any mummy is interested, i finally found the party shops that used to be in concourse! there're 3 of them located opposite St Anthony's Convent (near victoria st and middle road). i ordered all my helium filled balloons from there but think it's quite ex. It's about $8 per balloon and think party city is charging about $6 or $7. decided to order the balloons there coz' i'll be collecting my girl's birthday cake from the same area so didn't want to rush around on the day itself.
happy birthday to the babies who have just celebrate their birthdays.. *hugz*

hope im not too late though.. me still planning bbC one... really no time on the web.. but no bian, have to quickly order the caterer liao.. hehe.. will be ordering from Angeli..

btw those foil ballons must use the helium gas to pump up eh? sob, dun have helium gas.. think have to give up my hello kitty ballons as well liao.. tmr gog to SKP buy those party products liao.. chiam.. all last mintue.. sigh..
mummies: I survived baby's 1st birthday party! she's very happy to be dressed up - in fact she never complain! she managed to last till almost the end of the party then i sent her home to sleep.

I had a 3.5kg cake, but it's way too much after the buffet. I still have 1/2 the cake left, despite persuading some folks to bring some cake back.

sorry, as for the pics, not much. cuz 1) the hubby's friend I asked to help take photos, came 1 hour late 2) hubby only took some pics of himself and baby and some other thingies. I only had 2 pics of her and me! I cannot tell u how freaking PISSED i am. Next year, I am going to engage a pro.
Gene: hope this is not too late... SORRY for scaring you with the constipation story I heard... Really didn`t mean to scare you

Shirley: Ning going for trial class tomorrow what time? hope to see you there! If lele is luckie, he will get to take pic w 2 meinu, Ning and Keira!

MK: It was a pity we didn`t take any pics last sun. let`s take some tomorrow. wait for me ah:p

Jesse: Initially Lele also did not like the stroller. cldn`t stay in for more than 5 mins. We only started letting lele use after ... 3months (?) so at first I also thought he didn`t like it cos did not use from birth.
So I used the sling and he loved it.
Maybe he din like the stroller cos lack of security?
So if I go out in pub transport w him, will use a sling. Only when go out w whole fam in fam car, then we will use stroller, to put him in while we eat, for example.
When he fussed to come out of stroller, we will try to distract him first by playing w him, talking w him, give him toy etc. If all else fails and he cries loudly (sometimes because the stroller too hot!) we will carry him out.
But gradually we realise he can stay in stroller for longer and longer periods of time.
Now he will stay inside for sleeping n sightseeing. But when the stroller is not moving, he will ask to come out and we will carry him out.
bought my son for pneu-2nd jab. sigh.. its strange that he has not been gaining much weight. and is only 8.8kg, 73.5 cm long. but i tot he is getting much heavier and eating quite alot.
think he is really a jiat liao bee!
Mrs Lai,
glad to hear from u again after the party...kekekekekeke!
shall wait for the cake n ur princess pix

**can meet on Sunday (4th May?)

ur mee sua seem so healthy, dunno y the meesua i cooked always look sticky soup base (add alots of water le)

foil balloons can use cup n sticks to hold the balloons too but u will hear from the seller is not nice lah...helium gas is the best.
cup n stick selling S$0.10 each.

Helium gas:
the 2 foil balloons still floating in my house = 7 days le. of coz the balloons dun look fullness but still floating

HOT weather:
mummies, rmbr to feed ur children more fluid. the wather is so hot n humid.

Quail egg info:
mummies, izzit true that the report of 1 quail egg = 10 eggs cholesterol is incorrect?
When ur bb celebrating bday? Wanna share tank? I collection my helium tank on saturday so u can bring balloons over to my place.
oh really eh? how much? cos i only bought 2 foil balloons so far.. haha.. :p wehre is your blk huh? cos me just move to BB.. hehe.. my gals celebration is 12th april, actual day.. u leh??
Min: I had about 40 pax adults and maybe 10 pax children - if you count 100g per pax, it should be 4.5 kg! I still have 1/2 of the cake left!

Aug: it's not good for me that time - I have to work weekdays 7:30am to 7:30pm and Sat 7:30am to 3pm during that period (26th April to 10th May) So I will give it a miss. I need to rest to maintain my sanity. I also told my maid in advance during that period she can't have her off day, cuz I will be too tired on Sunday to look after my gal.

Today we reused the helium foil balloons for my niece birthday, so it was very "worth" it since double usage for the same price! hehehe! Hope my SIL kept the balloons though! Today the kids really had FUN once the water pistols came out. I think the adults (the MEN) had fun pouring buckets of water on each other and spraying one another silly. My hubby was one side doing dunno wat :p
few days back i sold a tin of Dumex mamil stage 2 to a mum in this forum
i was surprised that her 3yo girl is stil taking stage 2.

According to the mum.. stage 2 has got more DHA etc so its ok to let them cont'd on stage 2 and this has been verified by the customer service staff @ Dumex

Interesting hor.. i'm also thinking if i shd switch to stage 3 of Enfagrow as its so much cheaper. but i think stage 3 may not have all the good stuff in stage2
Happy Birthday to all MARCH bbs here!!


nice to meet you too! hope got chance to see your twin boy boy next time


Ning suppose to go for the Friday(28/March) trial lesson, but i was not feeling well and got one big ulcer in my mouth!! Didn't really sleep/eat well for 2 days. So, my hb asked to postpone the trial lesson. Furthermore, the day before, news kept showing the MouthFoot disease in channel 8 news. Ended up, i called and cancelled the trial lesson. May let her tries another time.

Ya, hope she has a chance to take some pics with handsome Lele one day!! and also pretty Keira mei mei in the lesson!
Min, i confirmed that with 2 pedia, they told me that stage 2 milk (regardless of the brand) has more dha, there is no hurry to move to stage 3. I have to finish a few cans of milk since I stock it up when the prices were low.
So, don't be in a hurry to switch.

Aprilmum- yah be careful with trial classes and make sure you check the cleanliness of the place. footmouth disease is rampant.
Hi Mummies,

Can i know where u order rice wine? how much per bottle?

My sister due on June and she looking for rice wine but can seem to find any...
Michele/ Dreamygal
I remembered you gals went Krabi recently right? Can recommend which hotel is nice? I plan to go sometime mid April.
Alamak! My bb's celebration is on 6th April, 7th April must return the tank le. Unless you blow up the balloon by 7th April but doubt can last until bbC's birthday party...

My MIL makes rice wine. Not bad quite a lot of pple get from her... interested let me know.
Gene : I stayed in Sofitel krabi. The hotel is super nice and customer service is superb. What's your email address? I send you the photo of the hotel room tonight when i went back.

I didn't do anything for my girl on her lunar bdae. Feel so bad... My FIL is hospitalised and we had a hectic weekend.
Mrs Lai
Happy for U that bbV’s birthday was successful…. So where did you get the helium gas eventually?

Huh …so much cake left…your guests dun like to eat cake &amp; sweet stuff? Or the cake didn’t taste nice? So what are you gonna do with so much leftover cake? Can’t possibly eat for breakfast everyday… :p

My boy also skinny type...dunnoe why...whereas, my cousin's gal is so chubby....haizz...kinda worry that he being a boy, his size is lesser than a gal...

wolf whistles @ bb Keira . heheheh, still can pose for camera by the swimming pool . michelle , she resembles u hor .
