(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

cai2 n dlim,
JK took his jab @Tampines St.81 BB n Child clinic.
yes, they charging S$150 per jab n total i paid S$150 so consider inclusive of consultation ba.

hw r u?
yes, so fast 1 yr le

augleo.. me ok...
bz with recruitment. and really totally no time for forums..

yes! my boy just turned 11 months yesterday! :D
and your JK is already 1yr old!! :D:D
how fast!!
receipt shown GST $9.81 = S$150 inclusive of GST.

hw ur new hse n vicinity?
u still seeing Dr Loke? or changed PD le?
the mag covers look v interesting! All the babies really look like models! ahahha. i shall go to the website later too!

happy birthday to all the march babies! sure hope they enjoyed their first b'day bash!

mrs lai...your vanessa is not slow, neither is my advanced lah. i am sure V can do things C can't and vice versa...but eventually, all of them can do everything! :D

havent really come to the forum for awhile cos went hol last week!
Hi Mummies,

Had the birthday celebration for Xyrus last saturday. Just check out of the chalet today morning. Enjoyed the party. Will share the pics once I get it from photographer.

RE: Cake
I had around 100 guests and the 3.5kg cake was just nice.
hilo april mummies.
sorry to intrude.. just looking for Dlim

lady, need ur response on BJG trial .. check back on march thread. and let me know ur preference.. asap?
juz to share:
i added cheese to the porridge today. i added few mintues b4 i turn off the fire. and i think its makes the porridge taste nice.

kiera is really cute! i like the motor mania pix!
all the other babies look so cute too! i'll try to do some cover shots for my girl too when i'm on leave next week!

mrs lai
i'm very impressed with the cake you baked for vanessa! saw it on your blog! it looks yummy too!!!
Hi AUgleo-- happy belated birthday to JK!!

Hi Gene- Belated greetings to bb Gladys!!

Who else did I miss?

And the pictures of all the babies on mag covers are soooo cute..

me not planning for party celebrations-- will have a quiet day with b-day cake .. just bbJ, daddy and mummy only.
But Sofitel is 5 star hotel hor. How much did you pay per room per night?
My email is [email protected].

Hahaha. So funny. No wonder that father is angry. I ganna so many times also. But not really that kind of angry la. That man really 'small gas' leh.

The last time I brought her to the GP, I was told to bring her for the jab at 13 mths. So will wait for awhile first lor. Still got the 'birthday' mood la. Hee. Then this Friday her daddy's bday. Then next week going Krabi. Can't imagine if she gets cranky. I hope JK responds well to the jab.
I think I'll give her the chix pox jab too. But still considering. Coz I hope she don't ganna. Coz I've yet to get it and I don't want her to have it and then pass to me mah.

Mrs Chia
Didn't hear from you for some time. How have you been? How's your lasik?
hey gene,
lasik went well but I cldn;t open my eyes afterwards.. not that I'm in pain but just that I wld be tearing terribly. Now my eyes are still adjusting.. cos I did monovision and my degrees very high for both eyes. It's supposed to improve and I can see better now than the day after.

So actually just in case.. for mummies thinking of doing lasik, better make sure somebody can take care of baby... cos I was knocked out by the tranquiliser they gave me for the op... slept thru the night.
i need help!
i decided not to order from Mong coz gotta self-collect. now decided to get fm e-creative

can tell me what type of filing and sponge is recommended?
Cindy/ Sanrio,
both ur gal so sweet .. 1 rosy cheek & the other wif a little cute tongue sticking out, cute

Btw, jboy is sick. Running nose & coughing whole nite. Brot him to doc. this morning & juz rch ofc. So sleepy **panda eyes**
Jesse just doesn't like being fussed over and carried and not being put down to roam about. We also took away his play mat and toys to make space for the guests and that took him off guard as well.

All the mag pics are so cute

I still have half my 1.5 KG cake in the fridge...and both hubby and baby can't eat cream or chocolate! But sayang to throw away also...what to do?
bb sick parents also tired .. Did doc. says why diarrheoa? Anyway, doc says recently alot of HFM cases, so need to beware.

Btw, any mummies gave their bb flu vaccine?
coold, his tummy also got alot of wind . doc asked us to monitor if ok , no nid to give soya supplement .
the pd was making a joke out of my boy . she said , u are a boy now , but u look like a baby !
coz my son BOTAK mah . kekeke , he is 10.5kg , stagnant
my jboy oso quite botak .. hb like leh, he says like dat cuter. Anyway, tis morn at clinic measure jboy is 9.43kg & 78cm tall.

Do u give him fei zai shui?
although botak is cute , but when u see babies wif hair . u will hope to see how he is like wif hair lah . sob sob ...
Jessemum: I see... Maybe he was just overwhelmed w the attention and buzz. Afterall, it's his first big party! I won't know how Lele will react to a big party tho... hee hee...

One of the main reasons why we decided not to have one for him is because we wanna have a homey thing w fam, where the focus will be on him.

My hub and I also quite lazie w planning so we figure that w a party of guests to attend to, we will be so busy that no time for our little Bday star!

Gene : I paid about $140 per night. I purchased this Accor advantage card (cost $280) whereby they gave me 2 complimentary night stay in their hotel anywhere in asia pacific. So effectively, each night is about $140. And the card entitle us to dine at 50% discount in all the restaurants in the hotel. Quite worth it.

Actually, you can go to this link to see the pictures -

I stayed in 2 hotels. Of course Sofitel is the nicer one... I believe you will be able to tell which is Sofitel.
caicai, cooldaughter,
my girl, girl leh.. oso 'botak'. evywhere i go, pple ask, 'u shave her hair ah'? gd tat she got 'girl look' but still got mistaken as boy somtx thou i dress her in pink.
wen my boy was a bb, he was being mistaken as a girl many many tx :p
i was just wondering , how many botaks in this forum ?
zac,ashlyn , cherelle , jordan . any more khakis ?
JK was a botak graduate , now he has plenty of hair liao .
mrs lai , nice cake .hope u can create something like this after ur wilton class . :p
heeheee beyond , i hvnt met ur sonny before .
me jus back from dental visit.
jus scaling n cost me S$70!!!!
as a SAHM can't claim...sob sob.

Mrs Lai,
i like the cake design, hw much u pay?

no lei, JK hv little hair too n still can see his scalp

i was thinking to shave him again....mummies, any suggestions?

The dental cost of S$70 is the market rate already. Some places cost S$80 per visit leh
. Which dentist did u go? Good or not? I may have to go for mine soon
