(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

dreamygal, *pat pat* Hope Glynnis recover fast then mama will be more "fang xin".

Jmon, Ashton so fast sprouting his 7th tooth? My girl only sprouting her 1st tooth.

kelley , jia you . my MS also kicks in during week 5 , but it only gets worse and worse .
i vomit regularly 3 times a day ( morning before i brush teeth / morning b4 lunch / 1 hr after lunch ) if i hv tea break , i will also merlion .
heng , dinner dun hv MS . else i bcm skinny monkey . but it will go off when it is time lah .
i tried all sorts of remedies , medication , no use wan ....
michelle, my girl's tooth is not visible yet, can only feel it. Getting 'sharper' day by day.

Its getting more painful when she bites.
Darbebe : Ya loh... Painful... But hor... I like it when she bites me leh. Crazy right??

<font color="0000ff">Anyone use vick on their baby before? My colleague recommend. </font>
Aston's no. 7 tooth on the way liao.. the rest all pop up. now cleaning his mouth must be v careful, he's v notti, will play with me and pretend to bite my finger.

he's developed with tooth, but other things, he's slow leh. manage to sit on his own w/o help but not steady yet, then cannot crawl v well leh. he likes to turn 360degree. but cannot moving forwards.
my little princess also bo gay leh!

SSO Babies Prom
i bought tickets for next friday, 12noon session. wondering if anyone else going? we can have lunch together after the performance?
Jmon : At least he wouldn't move around too much, if not, it will be very tiring for you since you preggie.

My girl is like having an auto-rebounce system. Her butt cannot touch flat surface. Super tiring.
I used another brand .. it's call Sniffles or Snuffles. I bot from the pharmacy. Nicer smelling than Vicks & it's meant to be for baby.

bbJ is still sick too. Running nose & now with teething, he is super cranky. Last nite cried from 4am till abt 6am. I am soooo tired
I used Vicks on my gal when she was having block nose and cough. Rub it on her chest, back of neck and on her back. I also rub it on both her sole and cover it with socks immediately. Very effective.

he's super active when he's being carried. turn here and there to look at surroundings. v kaypoh... always smile at strangers.
hi mummies,
anyone is going to the thermos warehouse sale to buy the Thermos SHuttle Chef? heard lotsa of raves about it and wanting to go get 1. how much is it during the warehouse sale?
thank you, Augleo. did you own 1 as well? i really wanted to get 1 so that i can bring bb porridge out w/o being too cold.

ok. so its worth to make a trip there tomorrow.
speaking of thermal pots for porridge, thanks for highlighting the Taka sale. I went and bought the Zojirushi pot on offer.

Fong and Augleo,
what's so special about the Thermos shuttle chef? $75 quite ex right, considering it's on sale some more.
fongfong , i think the shuttle chef abit too big to bring out eh . must buy those smaller types .
cherryteq , u are welcome :D i kpoh
oh dear, tks for highlighting caicai. i tot it can work like a foodjar when i want to bring 2 portion of meal out, then at least the food will be kept warm

yes. i used Vicks before when Ning was sick last time. It recom. by the PD in Rivervale plaza, SK... Just apply a small amount before sleep.
u can go there n check out thermal mug. if u are looking for 1 to bring out porridge for ur little one.
yes, i do own 1 shuttle chef. bot it last yr. i find it very useful.
save lots of time n efforts.
hapi shopping! do update more when u back from the sale

during isetan thermos sale, this shuttle chef pot was selling @S$122.
wat so special? coz it can "cook" by itself. heehee! some call it = magic pot.
Fongfong , i own the Thermos foodjar , we bot at Isetan Thermos Sale . which i think pretty cheap then . coz i missed the previous BP on thermos
quite compact lah... my foodjar not as nice looking as Tiger / Zojirushi type though
Fongfong , i own the Thermos foodjar , we bot at Isetan Thermos Sale . which i think pretty cheap then . coz i missed the previous BP on thermos
quite compact lah... my foodjar not as nice looking as Tiger / Zojirushi type though
bububear: u trying to find out the gender of her bb now is it?? why u keep asking abt potatoes??

Lynn: at least u can still drink milk leh.. i water also difficult.. wah.. haiz..
Aprilmum: ni hao ma... hw is ur preggy coming along?? hw many months liao..kekeke.. got MS or nt??

Augleo: must include u.. who always pop in n out..
ya lah...JK busy his activities (banging his chair, biting his books, pulling himself up, throwing his toys = n wait for his "maid" to pick them for him) beside me while i m typing. heehee!

me ah.. hehehe.. so far so good le.. this round really less MS.. not like my first preg. think maybe my body got thru before, so this round treat me better
.. my first preg., very very jia lat.. from beginning until 6 months plus!! this preg. really much much better


join us lah..

think we both totally "opposite" le.. ai yah, *touchwood* first.. my first preg. very jia lat.. now your 2nd preg. very jia lat.
Augleo: where is JK playing?? Sitting on high chair ah

Aprilmum: mayb this is a boy.. they say feel diff from first might be diff gender from first bb!!! jmon one is the same leh.. mayb she got boy again.. is me diff from u.. my first one quite ok.. only MS at nite for first few months.. this one.. wah.. everything also cannot.. vinegar chips can..cold drinks can..hahah

Bb first bday.. I will do cupcake cake for my beloved bb!!! with nt so sweet ice-ing so she can eat!!kekekeke.. ai xing cake..

i plan to have family potrait & DIY a photo album for her. from birth to 1 year old.

as well as birthday party tt invite friends, family, etc.
i read ur post...i feel so warm in my heart.

can i hv 1 of ur ai...xin cake?

JK plays on bumper mat.

where u intend to hv the b.day party?
Augleo & rest of mummies,

Today some1 sent us some new 2008 calanders & first thing I did was to turn to see bb first bday falls on which day of the week. Previous year, normally I will chk CNY & my own bday. haha.
I'm not sure Taka sale still on or not. I bought mine last Sat. Zojirushi, Tiger and Thermos all got sale items.

Ah the magic pot. My mum has 1 bought from OG. Maybe not as stylo as Shuttle Chef, but it cuts down on cooking time alot.
hw ur trip? or rather the concert? enjoy?
any pix to share?

ya, yest rec'd a 2008 table calender too.
but din check JK's lunar b.day date yet.
Mrs Lai: is it?? are all princesses invited?? kekeke

KSS: since we are ur friends.. so we are invited la..

Augleo: when i get my house i invite u over we make for them loh!!kekek

Trip's gd, concert is great too (haha, my 'idol' mah, so sure bias 1:p). Best part is the food of coz
Din take alot of pix coz been there b4 le. But HB took some at the concert .. I am eyes glued to him kind, no take pix . hehe.
