(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

some time back , some mummy i dunno issi min posted something abt a nasal spray for babies which can be used by adults .wat name is that ?
morning all!

wow liew, know wat? I brought my girl to PD yesterday again.

Her fever finally subsided and then comes the rashes all over her. Super cranky the night before.

PD says not allergy but fake measles and will subside within few days. She has to take medicine again. My poor girl girl! haiz
think ur girl ganna viral infection (airborne). coz after these rashes, she is recovering. dun worry.
Thanks augleo / cherryteq + Darbebe
hehehe , i will go and buy .
darbebe , tot bb V also kena fake measles before ( coz the other time Mrs Lai said chix pox , then , pd changed his mind said fake measles ...)
just monitor the fever coz i think the rashes r not as bad as fever complications . knowing babies , they sure get cranky coz they dunno how to vent their fustrations except crying lor
Augleo and Darbebe,
It's safe for baby. The last time my boy had flu and blocked nose, pd prescribed this spray for him. Very good to clear blocked nose, but pd's instructions were to use only 3 times a day. My hubby and I both tried also, it's not irritating to the nose, unlike when normal water gets into the nose.
Mrs Lai: wah.. ur description very good lei.. nope.. I slp at 10p.m. with my gal.. see I seldom post at nite anymore!!!

Cherryteq: no leh.. seldom update liao loh.. I also always read pples blog kekke..fun way of seeing hw their bb grow!!!

Darbebe: *pat pat* ni jing xia le!!

Michelle: last nite not sleepy ah..
No way cos I'm the one in charge. Running a course. Plus so "lucky" 8th Dec using another troublesome venue. Have to be there to jaga and make sure everything runs smoothly.
Sad hor?
I really kowtow to your productive milk factory. My jaws dropped open when I saw the milk bags and the 200-300 bags to last Kelly till 10 mths... *clap clap clap*
kris, the puking video is ultra funny!! hahaa ...
by the way, i thought frozen milk have to be consumed within about 3 months if they're being placed in a common freezer? did you buy an seperate milk freezer? otherwise how to last till 10mths without the milk "expiring"?
Pisces Gal
Oh you not joining the gathering next Sat? Got something on?

I think btw Gym & TT, Gym should be better. But my boy didnt like all of them lar.

Is Glynnis feeling better?

Actually weve been chatting so long but we never meet b4 lei so next sat is actually our 1st time.

Cut short hair ah? Copy me izzit. :p

<font color="0000ff">Re: Baby Teething</font>
I think my boy is finally starting to grow his first tooth but his milk intake these few days like reduce a lot and he refuse to eat cereal an cant finish his porridge (usually he loves porridge!) any recommendations on how to make him feel better and increase his appetite?
i bot a chest freezer, can last 6mths, else my freezer n even my neighbours cant put in le, nw i still have 3 containers of BM at my neighbour place.
Springdance: never hor!!! U so stylo.. I become auntie liao.. bb appetite will come back once tooth is out.. try making the milk nt so hot for bb.. they will drink more.. I read from a book..

Kris: how come ur milk so much??? My next bb.. I wana breast feed also.. teach me hw ur ss can maintain so high even though u so skinny
kris , can share wif me what is your secret for having so much milk huh ?
u express thruout or u latch on in the beginning ?
pls teach me leh , coz i really sucks in milk supply and i was really depressed by it
Yah Kris,
me envy leh, got so much milk... mine was so pathetic despite fenugreek, milk and fish.. sad..
anyway, glad u enjoyed your trip..

Me going Bintan tmr.. celeb hb's bday as well.. hope bb Jo will enjoy too..

take care.. think probably preggie plus Ashton to look after so v v tired.. rest as much as u can..
Kris: can I label u the skinny cow??keekeek MOOOOOOOO!!!!

Lynn: no wonder.. good life kekekek.. hw is bb?? U got any sickness?

Ixora: enjoy!!!
Springdance : Not yet. This morning her fever is up again. These few days i just don't feel like doing anything. Like a zombie. Very very stress...

Kris : I have not transferred. So sorry. I will try to remember tonight. Or will you be meeting Hapy soon, i ask her to help me pay cash to you first?
no MS so far. but appetite not as good as when i was preggy with Ashton lor.

my appetite siao siao one.

wah u also gd life eh... going bintan! me long time nv travel liao. Ashton is easy to take care, think the 2nd makes me feel more tired than the 1st one.
Oh... Glynnis got 4 teeth showing le... all still short short at the gum, but when she bites my fingers, pain sia...
Thanks for your nice compliments but the truth is I not stylo at all! In fact, I find myself feel and look shag all the time.

By the way, wanted to tell you..since you preggie now do remember to drink more milk...coz your body calcium level may not be strongly built up yet from your last pregnancy and now you having a second one ..will lose even more calcium.

Oh dear....are you still on leave? If you are not, why not take a few more days off to take care of and be with Glynnis... In addition, maybe need to see the PD again to get other type of medicine? Maybe the current ones not so effective.

Really appreciate for the link on teething... by the way, you'll be joining next sat x'mas gathering?

Got eat alot of bread everyday like last time? kekek
nope, I cant as I will be away with my cadets in KOTA Tinggi. Bringing my bb along for the trip, but very scare she cant adapt to new environment. Btw, has any mummy here bring their bb overseas b4? How to deal with their drinking water? Will bb get diarrhea?
Min, dun worry u are not alone. My gal 7mth also still bo gay.

How oftern do u latch ur bb? How come u can express out soo much milk?! Envy leh! Now, i got to take fenugreek supplement, but it still doesnt seem to help leh. Any BM secret to share??
Jmon : Your Ashton got so many teeth le!! Hee... SO fast. Mine still short short one at the gum... But so happy to finally see them starting to sprout out. Haa...

Springdance : I took half day yesterday. Can't take today le. Got a lot of things in office. Very sianz... Don't have the mood the work. Recently also no mood to really come in and chat. Now boss not around, so come in to de-stress a bit.
Lynn: so good.. my appetite is good.. but MS so bad.. duh.. = to eat nothing..ur ashton teeth so fast.. my gal still boh gay..

Springdance: I tried but cant leh.. even water go in.. feel like coming out.. how??? Haiz
Kelley : My colleagues just ordered the Red raspberry tea from MIM. Was told that it helps in curbing MS.

This is the wite-out. But i personally have not try lah. So can't comment if its good or not.

<font color="0000ff">Red raspberry leaf tea has been used for thousands of years and has earned the reputation of being the "supreme" herb for pregnant women. It can relieve almost any discomfort of pregnancy from morning sickness to leg cramps. It has also been shown to strengthen & tone the uterine wall and help to make delivery easier and speedier by helping the uterus contract more efficiently and helps expel the placenta after.

Raspberry leaf has a rich concentration of vitamin C, E, A & the B complexes. It also contains calcium & iron in one of its most absorbable forms. These are all nutrients which are very important during pregnancy.

Historically women have taken raspberry leaf tea throughout their pregnancies up to and including childbirth. You may choose to drink our Mothers' Nutritious Tea 4 Two during your pregnancy but add more red raspberry leaves to your Tea 4 Two Herb Blend in your final month of pregnancy. This would be great for drinking during labour & right after.

To make a tea, pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of herb and steep for ten minutes. Strain.

During the first trimesters, drink 1 cup per day. During second trimester, drink 2 to 3 cups per day. In the final trimester, drink 4 to 5 cups per day. Using a teaball would be useful. You can also drink it HOT or chilled.

Please store the dried tea in an airtight container in the freezer to keep the herbs dry and fresh.

1 packet of Raspberry Leaf Tea is 50g.</font>
You in-charge of NPCC or NCC? Bring baby to Kota Tinggi sounds a very daring move to me... todate I still dun dare to bring baby out alone..not to mention go overseas some more.

In that case, do try your best to concentrate & quick quick finish up your work..so that you can go off on the dot back hm to see baby. If you can finish your stuff by end of today, maybe can discuss with you boss to "let you off" tomorrow?

Hmm...Another way is to take calcium tablets? Can buy from gynae.
I m in charge of SJAB. Can't help it leh, wanted to cancel the trip due to manpower shortage but P doesnt allow, so no choice lo. Got the bring bb with me as she is still on BM. Haiz..hubby also object to it but then no choice. Now I am afraid she is not use to the water there. How I wish I can bring one tank of water over.

Dreamygal: thanks.. nw I feel like going to buy from them.. do they hv a shop??

Cai: 2 weeks ago I hv liao this week is 7 weeks.. I had them when I was 5!!!

Springdance: oh.. ok.. I will ask gynae.. thanks
