(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

update me hor....hopefully still hv good buy on wknd.

hapi shopping :0

good to hear ur princess is gtg beta.

yes, still feeding JK cereal.
esp. if we were outside for whole day.
@home will b alternate day on cereal.
currently he is on 2 solid full meals + 1 snack n 4 milk feeds.

i m ok if she eats other thing. imagine she cleaned the living room half way and sneak into kitchen to eat my boy's FM with her dirty hands leh. aiyo....

its not me dont feed her enough lor. u know i stay with ILs rite? mil is the most TROUBLESOME person in the hse, she is controlling maid not me. anyway sent her back liao. waiting for agency to call me today
Im not in accounts. There is this audit from OEM on our processes and operation. So everyone is so kan cheong about it. Cannot "fail" this audit otherwise, can close shop le.
Lynn: oic.. expected la.. MIL.. hope u hv a good maid coming... who doesn't eat milk powder!!kekkeke

Darbebe: the plain cheerios can give.. the big yellow box rite?? cos march mummies are giving their bb that..
Augleo, thanks.

Need help, is giving cereal a must for our bb?
I hav stop giving her cereal for about 1 week now and realise its so much easier for her when pooing. Dont have to gek till face red red and still little or nothing come out.

My sis told me the plain cheerios can. She actually said its better than the gerber puffs cos no sugar. but i still prefer to give my girl gerber puffs cos i like to eat it too! ahhahahaa

I like Aaron too!!! But u definitely like him more than me cos u flew all the way to HK! He was here last sept..did u go?

I prefer Maids from Phil compared to Indon cos at least they can speak English. But getting a good maid really depends on luck.

I was reading your blog about your maid...u really darn funny!Couldn't help laughing! Gosh!

The baking shop that you are refering to is Poon Huat ya? Sigh....my enthusiasm also soooo short lived! after my cupcake class, i bot so much stuff...now never even bake or decorate!!
now i feel like eating lots of things leh..

the Ramen shop at Central shopping mall, coffee club prawn spagetti, Xiao Long Bao, tom yam soup, River Valley Lor Mee, Tonkichi jap food,etc how ah? jia lat me
Cindy: hahaha.. u 3 mins hot woman!!!...

Darbebe: no leh.. bt ur bb mst hv tried textured food then easier for them to gum themself leh..
cindy, I also like the gerber puffs. hhee..I will eat some myself too. Then husb will say Im vying food with my girl. haha

Kelley, ok. Test water this weekend see if she likes. Din bought it specially for her but for my parents to try.
Jmon, this is the time to indulge yourself. After these 9 months, no more chance liao. Unless you want 3rd one. hehehe....
Enjoy your shopping!

Kelley, the vinegar chips are from where? You ate it the other time too.
<font color="ff0066"> Huggies Ultra / Little Tikes Xylophone Redemption</font>

Just FYI.

NTUC promotion $12.70 ended on 28th November 2008. current pricing @ NTUC and Shop & Save is $13.80 for 34pcs pack.

Aprisin say they have LOTS of stock, dun need to call and reserve, just go down before 7th December 2008.


okieI shall be waiting for you to create new account in Dec

What about Soya Bean milk? Buy the high calcium type from supermarkets.

Besides that, can still eat fish also good for your health mah.eat with abit of chilli lar so more tasty.

After 1st trimester your appetite should get better.dun need worry too much my dear gal.

Thanks for sharinghmmm2 solids = 2 feeds of porridge correct?

Apparently my boy not interested in rice cereal liaothinking of buying multi-grained cereal yesterday but not sure his body will have any allergic reaction or not lei.

OICcoz me never in manufacturing industry b4only banking & service.hence to me, audit is for accounts.me mountain tortise.hahahah!

Gene / Kelley
We must take a photo together next week...coz we the short haired mummies. :p
ya, previously i was in banking....during the good time : 6 mths bouns.
aerospace = 4.5mths
shiok shiok....
Darbebe: u try.. I bot some yellow round container banana star puff for my gal.. she dont like leh.. she like to hold it onlythe vinegar chips from OG!! Hahah.. reali big pack!!!

Springdance: got drink..nt often.. water intake very little.. hhmmm cant take chilli.. tat day take nasi lemak.. vomit..haiz i don't 1 2 take pic... very ugly..
i nvr buy cheerios before so can anyone tell me if we need to break it up then feed BB or can let them hold on their own juz like Baby bites?
Hehe, din expect to still see Sengseng fanz ard coz he is so 80s :p ya, I went for his Sept concert in SG. Than he mentioned this Nov HK concert la, so make me start planning.

Be your maid ah .. wait u come hm see me carry my bbJ behind, hair messy messy, mop ur floor & wiping my perspiration at the same time !!
Ya lor...I think i'm a 3 min person! hahaha

u r making me hungry!

okies...going to Marina to see Barney! byeee!
Ya lor! didnt know there are aaron's fans here! ahha. 80s? no lah....90s rite? i only started liking him in mid 90s!
Well, try your best to make a habit to drink at least one glass of Tau Ni (hi-calcium type one!) every day lar.

Sounds like your MS quite badchilli also cant take eh .you already very slim liao, if continue eat so little scarly you become skin & bones leimaybe can try eating soup or porridge stuff for your meals...easier to swallow.

Last time I ever in banking line now with a local non-profit company only got the standard 13th monthsignzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Cindy, Michele,
no go kaikai tdy? me kind of lazy to get out of hse tdy, mayb later jus go imm.

last fri there was barney show at marina, did u watch? it was a pte event but ash came n i let him watch at L2 (opposite d stage). he likes. cher din really appreciate, she fell aslp :p
<font color="0000ff">sanrio</font>

u miss my morning post is it?

shall we go ahead for Xmas exchange gift for elder kids? coz so far only 2 of us interested
Re: baking
Can I join in the fun too? Have always been intersted but alot of excuses... :p

Ya better not be ard when doing reno. Dun care it's move furniture or building stuff. Keep clear...
i also went down to Jasons to take photo of cheerios
but its the one on the right? so big pack? so juz treat it as snack for BB?
hapybaby: how to know when huggies got such redemption? =(

Spring: at least u still got 13th month- mine don't even have that! and we are always the bottom feeders - if top never eat all, whatever is left trickles down to us. Even our clerks are better off than us cuz they got union.

CoolD and Cindy: hehehe i am so happy - got aaron and seng seng fans ... finally someone got "same tastes" as me hahahahaha

cherryteq: hahaha good good more mums to enjoy baking together!
Springdance: ya loh.. reali got to cut down on oily stuff and got to eat smaller and more meals.. mah fun.. I try ba.. if nt 2molo I go get calcium pills from doc.

Cherryteq: I dont thnk I will be there to monitor.. only b home after work.. jst to see hw is the work.. then will complain of any faults..
<font color="ff0066"> MrsLai</font>

some mummies actually knew of this redemption way way before so started accumulating the bar code fr the packaging le.

deadline is 7th Dec so for us NOW, if wanna get the xylo den gotta buy 4 packs 1 shot to redeem bah. =)

but i dunno yet, still considering which brand to stock in bulk.

Not necessary to get the bumper la. for me i didnt get any for my C. i just put the soft book toy lor. my SIL also said not necessary. but anyway, decision is up to u.
hapy: they dun have website - so i can never keep track of what to redeem. I have the comfort dry and dunno wat ... ultra i may not have, so i guess i can skip :p

this is so ultra stressful hahaha
Mrs Lai,
Yeah I can learn from the mummy gurus here.

Heh I like aaron now, more manly.
my idol was/is andy lau. Somehow aaron and andy age very well...
