(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Lynn: how can u say only bbq?? scarly ur bbq got lobsters, prawn, stingy ray..crab and stuff.. wah.. all good food leh..

darbebe: me will get keys in december liao.. bt after reno hopefully can move in before CNY.. if nt before bb bday..then got oven can bake!!kekeke.. so fun!!

Cooldaughter: who was ur idol??
sotong kelley,
u sure can reno and move in b4 CNY. CNY on early Feb leh, isnt it rush for u? some moe u need to shop for furniture leh.
Kelley, 1 of the old wivies tale is that cannot have reno during preggy wor. But if you are not a believer, then its fine.

You must be happy right, no need stay with MIL liao. More privacy, more freedom.
me not craving on shell seafood, so it's ok. anyway, hb will ban me from eating it. so whether good food or not, me not excited leh.. but of cos excited abt A's bday lah
Lynn: how can u say only bbq?? scarly ur bbq got lobsters, prawn, stingy ray..crab and stuff.. wah.. all good food leh..

darbebe: me will get keys in december liao.. bt after reno hopefully can move in before CNY.. if nt before bb bday..then got oven can bake!!kekeke.. so fun!!

Cooldaughter: who was ur idol??
im so hapi 2dae, kelly manage to sit up on her own

i tink junk food promote ss coz i junk all the way from preggie till now
hope u can another skinny cow for ur 2nd one.

i dun latch. only pump out coz i cant imagine got to feed on demand for the 1st few weeks, i will die manz.

finalli u decided on bintan, hope u have a gd trip.

no secret leh, i juz eat as per normal, the funnies thing is i dun drink milk, i dun like fish. i down so much soft drink, chocolate n chips since preggie. btw so u have msn? got something to share wif u regarding your trip.

i've uploaded all the pics already. but it's in a very messy fashion, heehee will do up the blog properly when i come back from dinner. was a very fun playdate today!
mayb u can try calling few departmental stores n find out more.
usually, LUCKY BB has yr end sale. u can try to call too. LUCKY BB carry few brands.

1 of my frez back from Thermos sale, was told super crowded. almost 1/2 lots of the free gifts giving away le.

think i've no chance to get the free gift le coz hb can go on wknd.

when A is 1yr old, u r hw many mth preg? @3rd trimester? must reduce heavy chores lei....u asked me to bake with u...izzit wan me to do clean up as well? kekekekeke!
Short hair will auntie meh? I think I look a little younger than when I had long hair leh. Easier to maintain too thus less messy.

I also brought Gladys to Malacca last month but for 1 day only coz Im afraid she cant get used to it so just test water first.

Wah, Ashton got 7 teeth already? Gladys has 6 and I thought shes fast already! She just turned 8 months on Wednesday.

When I brought Gladys to Malacca last month, I brought water from home and also a small electric kettle to boil water for her. I was afraid the water and kettle in hotel not clean. I damn Kiasu one. But then also becoz its only 1 day so not too bad.

Wah, you really crazy leh. Like your bb bite you ah? Very painful leh. My gal bit me so hard the skin tore! *sob* and I gave her a tiny slap on her face to tell her not to do it again.

I gave up cleaning Gladys teeth liao. Shell either bite me or shut her mouth tight. How?

Long time no see!

Today I went to Jurong East with my parents for lunch and I found a baking shop leh. Full of baking stuff and accessories and I immediately went in to check out if theyve any courses I could sign up for. Only $10 per session and you get a $10 voucher which you can redeem for their products. Im gonna check it out but hope my enthusiasm does not die so fast. This shop is just below Tumbletots.
kelley , u better stay away during reno time lor .
last time my ma was preggy wif me , she went to hammer something , den i got a mole on my face

she was soooo guilty
re:water overseas trip
i went Bintan for 1 day . i brot like 3x 1.5 litres of Singapore tap water over (the softdrink pet bottles ) + 1 travel kettle to boil the water coz i am like Gene ( dun trust the hygiene of the hotel's kettle
overseas water , i use to boil and sterilize . ALL water drank by my sonny is from Spore .
But i brot too much, hehehe , threw away 1 bottle :p in the end coz too heavy load
cool: I ALSO LIKE AARON *swoon* you are so lucky !!!!!!!

Aug: in planning stages ... tell you more when i can really sit down and map out everything

I also got my thermal poit from OG ... cheap cheap $49 ... so i buang or scratch not heart pain hehehe

Gene: why not have baking classes hehehe i can share some recipes with u and u can share with me what u learn!
<font color="0000ff">Sanrio/ Pageup/ Traz / Sweatcorn/ Bububear /bblove</font>

Xmas exchange gift for elder kids

Any more mummies wanna join?

For mummies who like to participate, please add on the following list
1.) EE, 7 yrs boy
2.) Sanrio, 3yrs boy

<font color="0000ff">sanrio</font>

So far, only 2 of us interested, shall we go ahead?
Let me know as Im going to buy xmas gifts tonight
A got so many teeth, kelly still bo gay. it was so amazing coz we put her on the bed, den next moment, she was sittin up playing on her own, i tot my eyes something wrong.

hw come G teeth come out so fast de, last month i saw her onli 2 leh.
Lynn: tats why I say hope.. not much reno to do for the house.. jst need to do some built in furniture, lightings and of cos furniture!!

Darbebe: they say move furniture also cant be around.. as long as when they do it.. I not around.. should be ok ba.. when I had ashlyn.. I shopped for new wardrobe n bed.. when they deliver.. I hide or get out of the house..

Kris: congrats.. ur gal so fast.. mine still flipping..hahah.. r u sure junk food can promote ss??? *scratch head*

Augleo: when she one.. i at the last month of 2nd tri..kekeke.. I due in julybake easy wat.. unless u wana come mess my place la.. then of cos u clean!!.. by then..i hv maid liao.. let the maid do the washing.. hahaha

Gene: my short hair will pong pong leh.. my hair very thick.. later at gathering u see.. baking class on weekends?? I also interested leh.. but in jurong.. and I m only in the west in weekends!!!

Caicai: mole I also hv.. I got tons leh reno, hammering is get a dent in somewhere on face.. I heard la.. bt.. I try to be away.. dont thnk they do reno.. I be around.. cos I still working..kekeke.. then will ask them to nt do on weekend.. cos I need to rest!! Wah empress!!!

Michelle: u going cupcake deco class on Sunday rite?? With who??
if i rembr correctly, u movin to punggol issit?

hahaha, i dunno whether junk food is coinsident or wat, but i noe fish n milk not necessary promote ss.

kelley, mrs lai, augleo, gene,
i love to bake but since preggie, dun bake le n gave away most of my stuffs coz hse too small, if u all baking, i can go kaypo kaypo
morning mummies n bb

darbebe, wru? usually u are the 1st one here to send your GOOD MORNING?
ur bb ok?

u are another mummy dun need to sleep huh?

FYI: bububear n bblove unable to join us on 8th Dec.

heehee! since hv maid then we can mess up huh?
Kris: me ah.. hvn't start baking yet.. nope.. i moving next door to my MIL.. serangoon.. still near ah.. u can come if i hv mini gathering..kekeke

Augleo: u wish ah.. so u going to be more messy than ur JK ah..hahah
augleo u are also pretty free for a sahm leh , i seldom see ixora / kris / aprilmum log in to forum . muahahaha

btw , any one been to cambodia before huh ? i going wif my frens in March , looking for driver contact
Mrs Lai
He's my idol since sec sch days, Sec 2 I tink. haha. Nowadays seldom follow his song le lah, but I tink this is probably 1 of his last concert le, so went to watch. Veri nice concert :D
me at home today...

later to do some damage alone... kekekeke...
who's interested?

i die die must clean his teeth cos i scare later he will hv decay.

is it girls more advance than boys? A only manage to sit on his own lately. as for crawling, no sign yet. but he always moving backwards.
cooldaughter: dui ni ai ai ai bu wan!!!

Maids: anybody can let me know maids from where are better?? cos going to employ one soon...
i heard gers are faster, but A is crawling backwards, veri soon he can crawl front le.

phili are better in english but more vain, indon cant speak n understand english well but are more tame, got to depend on which type u prefer.
all maids are the same. depends on individual luck to get the so-called good one. it's not necessary maids from certain countries are better maids lor
Kris: is it?? hhmmm.. can work and good can liao..

Lynn: i scared after so many maid story.. ur maid from where?? ya loh.. i thnk luck very important too..kekek
hello everyone!

a mad rush morning! phew! *sweat*
1stly, I forgot to set my alarm clock last night hence work up late. (see how muddle head I am)

2ndlym once reach office, need to do some preparation cos of audit this morning.

Only just managed to warm my bums and seat.
That happens to be the ONLY song 1 of my fren (who went wif me to concert) know, but too bad, he din sing it. haha.

Maids :
I had both Indo & PH maids b4. In the end for my case, I tink SIN maid (aka mummy) is the best

Really, it's abt luck lah. I had seen gd maids but me really no life for it.
Augleo, the rashes seems alot better this morning. Will give her another dose of medicine then stop.

Re maid:
We ever engaged a maid who is a relative of another friend's maid. Then come here 6 months, tell us she misses home and want to quit. What to do.
Lynn: why ah.. wat happen to this maid?? quick tell me before u go shopping..

cooldaughter: hahah.. that is the song i know too..kekekee...hhmm.. u want to be my maid also ah..hahah

thanks for the infor! will call LB up later...

anyone has info of wat to prepare for c-section delivery?
cos my cousin may have to go thru, and she's asking me wat to prepare...
BUT.. totally no idea...


Yours at least got 6mths. My 2nd maid from PH, came 1 mth, tell me hm sick want to go back. All she does was call hm & her parents sent her $$ le. You know, she is those who drives in PH, hse got computer etc etc kind. Hiaz, dunno cum here for wat. That's y , it's really all abt luck coz her bio-data will not show her pix taken wif her cars :s
i tot i said here liao. she 'eat' my boy's milk powder and caught by hb lor. she made other mistakes also lah

tahan her 5mths so ended up decided to send her back.
<font color="0000ff">Jmonster</font>
Cheese can also give you calciumso plus another cup of milk, can take it as two feeds of calcium per day hehehhe!

Now year end liaoyour work more relaxed? On your SP lar.. then we can chat like last time. :p

<font color="0000ff">Kelley</font>
Seems like you really enjoy vinegar chipsis it Lays brand? Today is TGIFappointment with your fren as usual?

<font color="0000ff">Darbebe</font>
Hmm.You in Accounts dept? Need to do audit.

<font color="0000ff">Claire</font>
You mean StJohn? Me abit not sure about abbreviations for uniformed groupheheh.

By the way, I just realised that for ladies who take on uniformed jobs like civil defence & police, they are all very slim and pleasant looking. I guess its important for them to maintain and up-keep a certain standard of image since they represent a national force.

<font color="0000ff">Augleo</font>
Check with you horsince JK eating porridge nowdo you still give him cereal everyday?
think i hv to create another SP a/c liao. keep forgetting my ID and passwords LOLZzz

this yr year end not really free leh cos all the submission time delay liao. hopefully wont b tat busy in Dec lor.

Lynn: but if she ok with other stuff.. let her eat loh..hahahah.. u nv feed her la.. i got pea memory.. u forgot too...

Springdance: yeah!!! mayb loh.. cos i didn't eat with them yesterday.. cos i feel sick..hw r u??? i can't eat anything.. help!! scared later this bb nt healthy.. *touch wood*!!!! i hvn't start on milk yet leh.. the smell of it.. AAWWWHHHH>>>>
