(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

i saw $199 per pax promo, got travel in Oct, Nov or Jan - Mar, 4 to go, which mth shld we go ah?

Mrs Lai,
r u feedin the brown rice cereal frm healthy times? i cant decide between healthy times, heinz or nestle. wat do u tink?

pls hor...dun give me challenge. JK no passport yet. quick, gimme a date.
bTW, the S$199 promo is cruise to nowhere huh?
b4 preg, i was on StarCruise-Virgo...cruise to nowhere...aiyoh! end of the trip....headache leh.
my previous 2trips got embarking.
mrs lai
how come must add water then add FM. cannot straight away add FM?

i'm also deciding which cereal to get coz i finish the HEinz 4-6 mth cereal. so duno shd get other Heinz cereal.
i think i will write off Nestle coz too sweet.

mummies.. any idea if rest of Heinz cereal is sweet anot?
yesterday i try out the instructions given by Nestle cereal..
add 6 tablespoons of cereal with 130ml water (suppose to be 150ml but will be watery).
I finish the whole bowl and i must say its very sweet lor.. and felt bloated after eating.
so i wonder if my boy can take it anot
hi mummies

i m also feeding healthy times organic cereal to my girl. but i m kiasu lah - i actually add in a bit of water and boil for mayb 10-20 seconds juz to make sure it is liquid enuff. once done, pour into bowl then add milk. anyway, u can find healthy times in ntuc too...i bot mine from the organic shop in tanglin mall tho. n thot that's the only place to get it. but think only at certain ntucs eg. amk hub ntuc
the price i got for the blender the price don't seems very good ler.. bestD and Hnorman about the same price too.. might as well get it outside.. i try to look around for a better price will let u gals know..

I am more than willing to let u carry ernest.. but beware hor. he is now 9.6kg.

but the way.. Ernest got two little cute teeth at the botton..gave him baby biscult to munch on.. he enjoy it so much
Eh Kelley
Juz a guess... you the mummy with red top and long hair in the photos posted by sandwich?

Re: Brown Rice
Besides buying organic brown rice to sun & grind & then slow-cook for baby to eat, any more easier way out to make porridge for baby? :p
Min: cuz if i just add milk, the cereal like cannot mush up ... so i usu add hot water, stir a bit into paste then i add BM. Usu also, cuz if i add hot water, then add my BM from the fridge, the temp of the cereal just nice, no need to heat up the BM.
<font color="ff0066"> kris</font>

friso and nestle sweet leh.

why dun u try Heinz rice cereal first (the type serene and myself bought) den swop to brown rice if kelly takes the rice cereal well?
a naked photo of my 2.56kg boy, fresh out of oven. this one cover his face so not so expose! haha

now u feel betta oredi?

wanna ask if we can feed BB jarred food like Heinz puree apple and treat it as a meal when we are out?
or we have to bring cereal out and feed them?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mummies!!!</font>

Look like you all have an enjoyable afternoon yesterday. So envy envy...

<font color="ff0000">Augleo</font> : Me where got 'jiao xiao ling long'?? Haiyo... Don't make the other mummies laugh leh... But hor, i still can't help it but wanna give you a kiss... MUACK!!!

<font color="0000ff">Kelley</font> : you bought alot of things hor. So good... Me also bought 3 dresses for my girl yesterday... Hee...

And why did you take picture of Sanrio's breast??? Haiyo... I wanna see leh... Hee...

When is the next gathering huh?? I go take leave...

So tomorrow who's going for the Kinder class? Michelle or EE??

Carol : Okok... Me want. I will go and charge my camera's battery now... Hee...

Gene : I was laughing all the way when i read your story. Is Mediacorp hiring?? Haa...
This afternoon i was at my mum's place. I went to the kitchen to get Glynnis's milk and when i came back, i found her standing up in her playpen. So dangerous.

Hi mummies,
I'm also giving my boy Healthy Times Organic Brown Rice cereal.. real easy to prepare- I'd put in about 2 tablespoon of cereal and pour in BM, mix it up and it's ready for bb to eat. I make it quite watery tho cos want bb to get used to it. And so far he seems alright with it.
wow! congratulations! another milestone for you.

can i check which of you mummies are using the pureen bottle shaped like avent bottle and teat?
Carol: noted.. thanks

Springdance: nope.. me in black.. you can try going Eu Yan San to buy those grinded brown rice.. but still hv to cook.

Min: its www.scrapblog.com

Dreamygal: bot a lot ah.. tell u worst.. different outlet sell diff things.. hahaha.. eeehhh.. cos her gal was sleeping.. than she got tutu mouth.. so I see so cute want to take pic.. then she was lying in her mums arms ah.. so got her breasts loh.. u beta becareful hor
Hi Kris,
ok, just did $12 trasnfer to your acct
14 Oct 2007 07:21 AM Singapore
To Account POSB Savings
035-39592-0 Kris Princesskris
Amount S$12.00
Transaction Reference 1394774289

Looking forward to seeing all the mummies again!
gene, your story is so funny! i showed it to kaizer's dad too ...

cindy, yah he took a lot of pics with the gals. i'm going to post the pics on his blog soon.

dreamygal, you can put a mattress at the base of glynnis' playpen so that even when she falls over she won't be hitting the floor directly. i think it's good to let her continue practicing. cos after this, she'll learn abt bending her knees and then can take baby steps with some adult assistance.
Hi ladies,
Wow, from the pics can see that u ladies r having a great time @ the gathering. Too bad I can't join in the fun. This period is really madness for me. Luckily next week is PSLE marking days. So can relax a bit hee...

Gene, u r very creative. Your story is really v funny & it really makes the pics interesting.

Carol, ur Ernest naked pic is really v cute. He's really muscular!

sandwich, I visited your blog. Wow, Kaizer can really crawl v fast. Mine still can't move an inch yet although he tries to move forward. Kaizer is really an adorable & handsome baby boy. :)

Cindy, your gal is really pretty! She's such a happy baby. I like her lovely smile. So sweet!

Baby cereal,
My boy is taking Heinz baby rice cereal now. He loves it. It's not sweet & actually quite bland but dunno why he loves it so much. When I add in his milk, he doesn't like the taste so much. I wonder why. I tried to give him commercial puree from Gerber (like applesauce, peach, sweet potato) but he hated them! Wonder if he's a fussy eater :p
Aiyayayaguess wrongly huh.

Okie okie let me guess again, you are the one with brown base and white dots on your top?

Kelley C
Oh I know I know.kekek the blank tank top? Woahyou sure one is slim babe!

Augleo seems to like using the phrase jiao xiao ling long on a few mummies (she use the same comments on me) except for herself. :p

But I must admit I am one shortie lar I guess you should be taller than muah.

You a teacher ah... nowadays very "siong" to be one.. got a few friends also teacher say their work stressed.
springdance: u mean skinny ah.. hahaha.. thanks wor.. confirm meet 2molo for lunch!! hahah.. i mst wear something more fattening..kekek
i fed Heinz jarred puree apple to my son coz we were out for a function since morning. Realise its quite sweet after feeding him half a jar.
think next time must bring cereal out for him liao
my maid has bn snacking on our tidbits. alot! she eats the ikan bilis with nuts, she even eats the japanese crackers with nuts in my parents' bedroom!
Vlac: wah ... did u give her permission to snack????

mummies: please share your photos today ... i left my camera at my mum's house today =( if the mummies dunno who i am, i'm the one who looks like a tai tai's maid today hahahaha
Augleo & hubby plus JK, Blublubear & Bryan, Carol & Earnest, Gene & Gladys, Cindy & hubby plus Caitlyne, MichelleK & hubby, Keira, Mrs Lai & hubby plus Vanessa:

So nice meeting some of u today again....Pity Malcolm today is in "stoned" mode so not much of a "social-ing" mode. KO b4 photo taking somemore...*sigh*
no leh. not specifically. but we have offered her some of the food we buy before. and she will accept. but those nuts we din offer her. but those ikan bilis is wat we have to go with rice lah... so it's a grey area. but she's damn greedy lah. my mum say whole her mouth keep moving and munching.
Hi Mummies
Nice meeting u ladies & the babies at Kindermusik
It was a fun session, tho' it's kinda tiring. Now my arms are aching over the 'fly'thingy :p
hello all,

nice meetin all of u this morning.
i admit it was FUN but very TIRING !

i got home and took a nap 1st b4 my gal did !
lol.... now the house very quiet. all 2 adults, my husb, my parents and Keira all KO liao.
i woke up coz the washer sounded all done
is 9.6kg a little overweight? i guess you one of those lucky mummies dunnit to worry of bbies feeding. so lucky. i envy you.
how was the class today?? is it suitable for our age bb???

Mrs Lai: u let ur princess wear so pretty today ah..

so cute.. got small gym ball..

catherine more of entertaining bb with pacifier is it?? hahahha

so cute.. tell me exactly what you all did!! so interested to bring my gal to go for the class..
Hello Mommies...
Ya, I had fun too! Caitlyn slept for awhile after the class...and I could enjoy my lunch! hahaha!

I can email you some nice pix of Keira! But the file is going to be vvv big!

I think the class is good for babies to socialise with one another. But the things we do...I find that we can also do at home with our babies - just play their CDs and dance along with them! Of cos it will be more fun if u go to the class since can do together with the other parents. And at least they have some organised schedule. I'm neutral to the class - Can and can don't go.
thanks, if nt too much trouble!
u knoe it din even occur to us to bring camera this morning... sigh!! some parents we are!

you know wat will be good? put the photos on facebook and tag names to the faces. so we know who is who.
