(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Augleo: diff bb drink diff amt leh.. mine consider small eater..

cherry: the cheong choon bb store rite?? i always patronize there also..kekeke.. go apply the card.. only $10... i also hv loh..kekekek

Michele: mine was 6 pack at $18.50 leh...


I just bot pigeon wet wipes 2 weeks ago at Isetan. Only $18.85 for 6 packs and they come in a bag! Also selling @ KP. Think should still be on sale now! Later if I'm at Marina Sq, I check for you? Then let u know when we meet.
Kelley , why dun u buy the angel wipes that Taro mentioned . cheaper leh .
i used Watsons kodomo wipes $1.95 for 70pcs and just switch to NTUC baby wipes 200pcs for $3.90
augleo , my bb z not yet 6 mths wor ... although he is 6mths old today ( based on chinese lunar mth)
he is a greedy baby , if dun gv milk at nite , he will scream and cry . my parents will heartpain , so they fed him . bo pian , if dun give him milk , he cannot grow fat . he was considered a heavy weight at birth , now shrunk liao .
cheong choon bb store? never heard of it leh. I was refering to the store selling lots of common household brands of toiletries and more.

Ya I think this time I'm determined to apply for the KP card.

wish there is a bb food store selling everything suitable for bb to eat. then apply membership and get discounts every day
tm n city hall MRT hv lift hor?

aiyoh, this is my 1st time going out alone w/JK n stroller. gan cheong!
Re: Pigeon Wipes
Have to clarify here.
Kelley bought 6 packs @ $18.50
The store I was refering to is 3 packs @ $8.80 so 6 packs = $17.60.
90cents cheaper only la
"gugu line"
mummies, my kaemon also have gugu line on his hair... apparently that line is always there...
and from far, u can actually imagine a love shape on his head!! haa...

hey mummies, is your bb drinking well?
my kaemon is nt drinking well these few days after his jab.

usual will hit abt 150ml, but now, sometimes 100ml, 75ml....
once / twice per day.
EE : I missed your message yesterday... I'm not blackmailing you lah. I will blackmail my girl... Haa...

Ok lah... I'll post a photo of my naked girl lah.


Thx hoh! Wanna give u a big muak. Muak muak muak hehehe

Wow! U galgal so heavy 3.395, my poor gal got only 2.56KK..haiz

Now, waiting for YX one
dreamy , glynnis is by natural birth or c ? she is pretty BIG for a girl
my bb 3.35 , i hv to opt for emergency c
hey hey,
we still have got another 5 sets of goodies bags to give away to parents who join us for lunch, do PM me by MOnday, 11:59pm should you want to join

Please make payment of $12 per adult to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 by Monday, 11:59pm. tx tx.

<font color="ff0000">RE: MAY Family GATHERING</font>
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + HB + bb - Paid
2. Mrs Chia + bb
3. Dreamygal + Baby Glynnis + HB
here's a pic of the enlarged growth chart from the bb health boook. horizontal line is age by month. vertical line is weight in kg.
the 1st line is 3%,
2nd is 10%
3rd is 25%
4th is 50%
5th is 75%
6th is 90%
7th is 97%
my girl 3.365kg was delivered natural assisted by vacuum. my son also 3.46kg delivered natural assisted by vacuum. mebbe that's y vacuum.

my girl dun like the exersaucer. dunno y leh. last time my son spent alot of time in there. and she dun really like the bumbo either. where else can i put her if i dun want to keep carrying her? my feet got alot of calluses already. here's a pic of her in the exersaucer. doesn't she look like boy? and my son looks like a girl.

ok to be fair here's a better shot.

ur next will be a boy loh *winks*

my gal oso look like a boy v much.

3.375 at birth, same as DreamyGal, natural w/o epi.
at least yours will still take the spoon. mine is totally hates the spoon. can't get anything in there with the spoon. i have to feed her milk in sleep. and it's bn like this since 5weeks.
how come my next will be boy? btw there will be no next. hehe my 1st was not ez to feed, this one is nitemare, i dunno wat 3rd will be. so i dun want a 3rd liao.
Is ok lah, Glynnis still consider naked loh, even cant see the 3 points.hehehe

My gal is on 10 percentile

I just bought 8 pack of Pureen Dry5 diapers (2xM84, 6xL72) & 8 pack of Pureen baby wipes (8x100)

Guess how much I paid? Diapers $5 per pack & Pureen baby wipes 2 pack @ $3, total paid only $52. hehehe
But hoh, of coz cheap things not perfect lah, got defects, ie return fr customer due to poor packaging..

cuz my friends say..

for her case, #1 is boy LOOK like gal, den her #2 is gal..

so.. for ur #2 lool like boy, next is boy loh..

my boy is on 25th percentile....

trying to give him brown rice cereal, but dun think he likes le.....

mummies, any recommendation on cereals??
heard frisocrem is quite sweet... any other recommendation?
yes i tried cereal like since even b4 4mths. she really dun like. i put cornstarch powder into her milk loh. syrnge feed... i tried wen she was younger but she also dun like.
hmm.... hopefully she'll get better when she knows how to take those rusks....

btw, how much is she drinking now?

my boy is taking +/- 120-150ml per feed per 4 hour. sometimes 3hours. depends on his mood...
Hihi ladies,

Just came back from long long lunch. Went shopping.

Caicai : Mine is assisted natural delivery.

ValC/hapybaby : Mine also boyish... If next one is really a boy, then i can choose whether to stop le. If its a girl again, i'll be very tempted to try for boy.

Cool_daughter : Since EE happy, then can liao loh... Or else she 'gan cheong' her tiffany will blame her mah... At least now got someone to accompany her.

Hmmm... 3395 leh... Anyone wanna buy 4D??

I tried Nestle brown rice yesterday for my self and gorgor, OMG the taste is terrible sweet~~~~
I got one big box of samples fr my friend, dont know should let my bb eat or not?
EE/ciarie : I heard Nestle & Frisocream very sweet, better don't give baby. I am worried they will develop sweet tooth.

Yah, I easy type one, as long is naked will do.
But hoh, I know u purposely to choose the one right? Covered all the three points!

BTW, do you know is Michelle still wanna attend the kindermuzik or not?

BB will develop sweet tooth? True or not? Last time I gave my eldest son Nestle cereal but touch wood so far he got no sweet tooth.
If dont give, what I gonna to do with the samples? Shall I throw?
why my boy has to delivered by c ? Poor me .
so painful .
when i bring him out ( in a sleeveless pale yellow romper , an aunty asked if he is a gal )
Taro : EE sure happy... Can see little birdie... Haa...

EE : I don't take naked picture of her leh... That's the best that i have... Haa... As for Kindermusik, let me sms her. Let you know later.
Ya. It's amazing how babies grow.

Dreamygal / EE,
bo bian. Must make EE happy. Hee hee. I have one more power one but hor.. think YX's daddy will kill me ah. Post a tiny tiny one here. Wont know it's YX la. kekeke


Ok, passed! Better than Glynnis one, at least can see the most important point, but not that clear hoh
Here u go..MUAK! hehehe
EE : Still complaining its not clear ya... THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT!!! Haa... You very notti hor...

Anyway, Michelle returned my call. She said she will let you know tonight if she still wants kindermusik. She will call you.

Taro : You har... Jia lat lah... The 2nd photo even tough small hor, birdie very clear leh... Your hubby sure hammer you if he knows... Haa... And this photo hor, i see YX little round tummy le...
EE / dreamygal

exactly... this is wat i heard abt frisocrem and nestle is super sweet....

now headache, dunno which cereal to give.

my mum told me to buy nestum.... those for bbs one. bt cant find it @ cold storge...

have to look ard during weekends.

ur lao gong so good.... still bathe bb.

my lao gong... haiz....

sometimes ask him to change pampers, he will give lots excuse to siam... *FAINT*

bbs naked:
aiyo... mummies... later my eyes "sei bug ziam" ah... haaa....
Ciarie : I fed Glynnis with EYS brown rice. I tried it when Glynnis can't finish. Not sweet at all. You wanna try? But the bad part is you have to bring it over the stove lah...
anyone tried dumex cereal ? i bot it coz my son drinking mamil gold , so i bot same brand. but hvnt let him try yet coz he hvnt reach 6mths .too bad i dun hv his bath pic wif me now. expose 1 dot , can ?muahahaa
