(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

all you the mummies look like you had a lot of fun at the kindermusik class! prob more so than the bbies!

fransea, thanx for the compliment. he's quite a handful to cope with most of the time.

cindy, i saw the cutie munchkin spoon that caitlyn was using today. i bought the same dinosaur one for kaizer, hopefully he'll be a neat eater like caitlyn, though i'm not very optimistic abt that, haha!
today after the trial class me bought Healthy Times Oatmeal for JK.
think there will b another meet-up on coming Friday. do join if u are free.

think u are asking the next meet-up date, mayb u can get more updates from MichK.

so far me using QIAO XIAO LING LONG on u n dreamygal lei.

but after comparing, guess u are still rank #1 of this title.
for all viewing pleasure.
total 87 pix (alots hor


do u manage to get any things from Tanglin Mall?
i shld hv ask hb to hold ur camera too, sorry...next time remind me hor but no gurantee on his skills

do check out my web photo album, hope u can find nice pix for Gladys's blog.

gimme a Hi-5

ha! i can see ur hb enjoys more than bbM.

thks for sharing the offer from Taka, find the food jar price kindda steep tat make me give a miss to this sharing. hope u hv a fruitful trip.
me was @ M.square. 20% + 30% for nursery items

hw much vouchers did u managed to get?

while feeding JK porridge, saw ur hb preparing to feed Zac. then me go n kapo...wide neck bottle seems easy for bb to hold lei. me using conventional Pigeon bottles - last mth JK starts using L size teat...hw abt Zac? all ur bottles are wide neck?

me spent those vouchers on the spot...but when reaching the exist then realize still hv items to buy...end up home with S$5 voucher. this offer is attractive to me, wat do u think?
seems like u all having fun.. too bad got apptment today. haiz.. i guess my gal would love it too.. since she love music so much n jumping aruond..hahah..

good nite mummies..
Michelle: keep seeing ur HB bz taking pic with HP..hahah..

seems like quite alot of fun hor... is the class package expensive huh??
coz husb super forgetful, din realise need to brg camera!!!

quite fun lah. but SUPER TIRING!!
i actually fell asleep when i got home ?

trial class is $20+, forgotten liao, pay then forgotten ! must ask the rest
Michelle: i know it's abt $20++ but i mean the whole package did u see?? u all only attend one theme of the class...hahaha... shld be la.. i saw..if nt he keep snapping with HP.. seems like ur HB also hving fun..

yak 2molo.;.i go koonz liao.. had a tiring weekend..hahaha.. suppose to rest.. but after since got bb.. weekend even more tiring.. wrinkles coming out!!!
wow u all seemed to hv lotsa fun!! good good..

Augleo, Kris,
i went to M sq JL this afternoon, i bot Zojirushi Lunch jar 1.5ml @ $51 with 20% + 30% voucher..
I din see 0.9L food jar.. hmmm.. nvm..
Kelley : The trial class is $25.50 but because i organise the class, they actually let Glynnis go free. So i split the savings and therefore each of us pay $23.37.

Catherine : We were actually classmate in Mrs Wong's class.

Tomorrow and Tuesday i will be on course, sianz... That means can't surf net liao...
Thanks for the compliments on Caitlyn. Your sin also very cute and handsome! Eyes so BIG...ehehehe.

Wah...u really bot so many things! Lucky girl! Got outfit for beach some more! Yes...hope to see u again soon and yes...i will be at the x'mas gathering.

So how?? Have you tried using the spoon yet? Kaizer eating better with it?? I didnt know u were looking for it. I saw it as Robinsons when we were shopping together on Fri!
my food jar only 300mls/0.3L. from thermos. tangs n taka got. think was $39. but I think it will be a long while b4 we use it.
Hi ValC,

I like it cos the handle v long and the spoon is quite small - a very good size for baby's mouth. And its cute yet practical!
Gladys and me had a great time! I think she really enjoyed herself today. I'm so glad. After having lunch, we went to my mum's place. Did some marketing and KO until dinner time.

I didn't get anything at Tanglin Mall la. So expensive, the things there. I only got a box of the organic cereal for Gladys.

Ya lor, I always have problems taking photo coz I'm always alone with bb. So next time you must ask your hubby volunteer to be my photographer la. We friend friend mah, right. Heehee.. Btw, thanks alot to Caicai and hubby in helping me take photos today.

Thanks for helping me get the Tiger water flask. I'll pay you when I see you on Saturday k.

Pls lor, you're not alone k. Like you've seen my hubby participating in any of the outings/ events meh. Sighz.
mrs lai
how r ur blocked ducts? i'm going to cut down my pumping from 4x to 3x. afraid it will increase the incidence of block ducts. i'm also qt prone. ashley turns 6mths today. it's the day I marked to slowly wean her off bmilk. kind of apprehensive. as u know, once it stops u can't turn it back on. wat if she rejects FM or the frozen milk. wat if she doesn't put on enough weight? as it is she takes so little n such a struggle to feed.
tis food jar veri gd de, can cook porridge w/o electricity, juz put rice n boiling water in. will turn into porridge after 1hr.

tanglin mall got loyz of shop sellin nice dress for ger ger. last wk i went got discount.

was tellin augleo i got the food jar at $39 - 10%, wanted to ask u but my hp died
its damn cheap coz UP is $100+.

im oso cutting down gradually nw, when kelly reach 6mths, my pump interval will b 7hrly. every 2 wks i stretch by 30mins. hopin to wean off when shes 7 or 8 mths old.
Dreamygal: I see.. okok

Cindy: good.. hahaha.. lucky.. I seldom buy things for my gal.. most of her clothes and toys are NOT bot by me.. like ur gal got many prezzie everytime..hahahahwhen u leaving for boston? I LOVE UR GAL.. exchange ..hahahaha hey talking about spoon.. the travel spoon I bot for my gal very good leh.. size also ok..

Gene: last outing at bishan you went alone also ah.. u brot her alone to kindermusik too??
Agreed that the parents seems to have more fun than the bb...wahahah..but damn tired after the session. My hubby complained he yao suan bei tong...hubby also KO after reaching home...poor me still need to mark exam papers until 11pm...so today flu & whole body aching...

Kris: What's the brand of food jar?? Where u buy?? Still got promo?
hi augleo ,
i went JL , tried to buy the babysafe pillow --- they dun hv it wor . wasted trip
but i bot some chapalang stuff and i didnt hv the 30% voucher . coz our insurance agent gv me a 50 voucher , so i used it lor . if use voucher , cannot be entitled to the 30% disc . which i think damn wu hua ...
and i tried to buy the L size teats --> no stock !
he using a mixture of M and L size . sometimes he sucked too hard , until the whole teat came off , was thinking pigeon not good leh . but i aredi bot 3 x 300ml bottles liao , so stick to it lor .

nice meeting all the mummies , though hv no time to catch up during lunch.

to gene - u are welcome , hope my photoskills not that terok .

to dreamy, a BIG thank you for org the class .
the pic u posted above , only 11 babies leh ... Bryan not inside .
i dun care...give me that 0.9l food jar.
u sms me price was so expensive. dun care dun care!!! i want that food jar. will collect from u on Saturday.

** when u are busy in Changi, i will sneak into ur hse n get it. wahahahahahaha!
too bad i missed the offer

thks for ur efforts

do u plan to let Glynnis to sign up any package?
Zac sucks till whole teat came off? so power!
JK tried Avent teats but he doesn't seem like it. so we stick on to Pigeon.
i bot 1 big bottle yet to use coz now JK starts eating solid n replace to 2 scoops of powder for each feed after solid.

din manage to take a pix when u carry JK.
any photo to share?
augleo , my camera died liao . so dun hv any pics of JK leh .
next time must grab him again . hahaha .
michelleK , really 11 babies hor . who have the 12 babies pic huh ?
Next time you can try mixing cereal with the jarred puree baby foods and milk. I tried this on my baby. Can add more taste variety for my baby. Need to do this for my boy coz he seemed to get tired of eating the same plain cereal after continuously eating for a few days. Hehehe

Errmm so I guess me really is the shortest ya thats why #1. :p

Anyway I see the photo of dreamygal, I think confirm me shorter than her lar.. have to face the fact. Hahahaha!

So where is this Friday meetup? By the way, well me meeting again this Sat at Flora Road.

Next time you go for gathering on weekends, you pull your husband ears make sure he die die come along with you to share the LOAD.
<font color="ff0066"> kris</font>

org retail $100+ meh?

i tink the SA said $69 leh. and dun make AugLeo gian lah, its teochew porridge, not congee hahaha.

promotion still on, so go Taka grab bah, ladies!

Me not fussy one lei, although Im easy one but hoh, Im think u not clear about the definition of NAKED
NAKED = completely unclothed
See example of YX, Glynnis still acceptable, although she didnt show all the 3 points but can tell she is naked. wahaha


Yes yes, I getting more & more happyKKK..

Anymore BBs Naked Photo to share


Im using Avent & Pureen wide neck bottle, both look quite similar.
I have stock up 4 small & 8 big bottles of Pureen bought at $1.50 and $2.00 each.
Let me know if u interested, I dont mind to let go at the same price.

How I wish to joint in the fun

Oh yah, I let Tiffany tried Heinz plain rice cereal last weekend, manage to let her take same but she seen like not very interested, I think coz of asteless ba.

Nestle cereal
Any mummies interested, Im giving away 1 big box of Nestle cereal sample
yes...will see u again on coming Saturday.
can ur bb

that handsome little boy with lots of hair.
as for rank#1, mayb i've not seen enuff mummies yet. will update u when u drop from rank#1

as for coming Friday meet-up, u can check out for from MichK. she is clearing her ML n she will JIO mummies to meet.

dun thk hv the 12bb photo coz bububear was b.feeding Bryan when we hv the group photo.
the food jar u bot so gd?! can cook porridge? one step less..

i bot this.. actually my fren is using it for her bb and she said quite alright.. so i follow..
paging miss cindy: u bot a jumperoo for ur gal?? how was it.. give me some comments.. mayb want to get one for my gal.. can sit until what age huh??
Good day to you.
Wa saw all your pics really looks fun, both the outing and the class. Wish I can join you all the next time.

All the bbs wearing so handsome and pretty clothes! Can share where you all buy clothes for boys? Hubby and I are having difficulty finding clothes for our boy leh, I'm so sad cannot spend money...
ur story so funny but quite true, haha.. wen wan to go kaikai agn?

u clearing leave? so evy fri can go shopping :p

wen ar u leaving for boston?
no lah, no $$$ TO GO SHOPPING EVERY WEEK..
but i am sick now leh. hope ccan receover Quick quick coz otherwise hv to spend my day at home to recover !
so the thermal pot is can cook porridge ... Oops.
then ur pot will b safe in ur hse.

i've that but now i need a thermal food mug for me to bring out prepared porridge for JK.

1 hour then the porridge will b ready, abit long.
mine (THERMOS) needs 15mins.
me still waiting for THERMOS annual sales again. bought it last Dec.
Keke Actually think JK is more cute & handsome siahbah bah type if I remember correctly, he won the Most Handsome baby in April gathering rite? Feel that my sonny abit on the skinny & weak look.

This sat you will see more patterns of mummies... :p

You not feeling well? Flu virus? By the way, realise these few days you not log in to Skype you clearing Annual Leaves?

Hmm you got buy any Tiffany for Tiffany? (Juz trying to be funny :p)

I saw on Womens Weekly magazine today theres this baby rattle from Tiffany & Co costing $430 bucks!
the boy's expression so funny..

today i let my gal tried porridge with carrots, she doesn't like.. took abit but whined & whined.. in the end, gave her milk and she is asleep now..
