(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Is it?
U got to prove us on next gathering.
YX cant escaped! hahaha
Mrs Chia, Cindy, Sandwich...who else with the camera?
pls send pix to [email protected]
think less than 3 pix (hv me n JK) ba....thks in advance.

today meet up:
10 mummies:
Catherine, Michele, Michelle, Gene, Kelley, bububear, Mrs Chia, Cindy, Sanrio & me

6 bb
1 toddler

as usual, JK sleeps during photo session.

Kris n Min...thot u joining?
if JK using pink color hanky, ppl will still cfm...BOY hor.
JK must b blaming me, y let me use pinky hanky.

i've been trying to take JK's naked pix. esp after bath...let him on tummy n take pix but unsuccessful leh.

yes, i think YX's papa will "kill" u.
Ooh so many naked bb photos,very cute!

It's ok. You're not the only one. I also use bright pink hanky on my boy. Dun care la, 1 packet so many pink ones, dun use wasted leh. The mummy also dun need so many la...
Cherryteq : Quick!! Upload yours.

Cai cai : Address for Kindermusik -
Tanglin Mall Studio
163 Tanglin Road
#03-11B Tanglin Mall
Singapore 247933
this coming Sunday - 14th Oct
Time: 11am
Address: Tanglin Mall Studio
163 Tanglin Road
#03-11B Tanglin Mall
Singapore 247933
mummy hv to bring along sock.

1. dreamygal
2. bububear
3. catherine
4. the mrs lai
5. caicai
6. carol
7. michellek or EE (pending confirmation)
8. kate
9. CoolDaughter
10. Gene
11. Augleo
12. Cindy

Let reach there by 10.45am. I will send reminder sms tomorrow.
thks... m looking forward to meet all on Sunday.
hopefully JK won't b cranky coz 10am to 12pm is his nap time n we gonna to wake him n do so much "exercise".
erm...let c, in this list me yet met coolD.

i wanna to carry LeLe n take a pix.

me oso dun understand, ur bbZ look so boy still hv ppl ask BOY or Girl.
mayb ppl jus wanna 2make sure n dun wan to offend us.
cool daughter : Yap.

Carol : I want to carry Ernest!!! Hee...

Ladies : I wouldn't be logging in so often on weekends. If need to find me, pls contact me via HP. My HP is 97493054.
on 8 Sep, me carried Ernest but me was in sitting position

today, when i carry JK for photo taking me aldy need support.
guess Ernest aldy 10kg ba. wat do u think? heehee!

u another QIAO XIAO LING LONG, want to challenge n carry Ernest huh. c how long u can tahan.

yes, looking forward to meet u.
Nice meeting mummies today...

Augleo: u miss out sandwich la.. terrible u.. what is gene's real name and sanrio's real name huh.. i reali getting old..hahha.. my pea is shrinking!!
Dear Kelley
Gene is Gene la. Aiyo, we talk so much today and you still don't know my name!!

Anyway, I enjoyed lunch today although Gladys is still quite a 'crying piglet'. I'll try to upload the pix soon!
michelle, kelley, catherine and bububear: thanks for helping me with my barang barang today!

sanrio: thanks for letting kaizer nap on cherelle's lovely stroller.

was nice meeting up with all of you today =)
He happens to switch job and 1 month plus lobo. He purposely arrange to quit prior to my maternity leave. hee hee. So throughout the confinement, we stayed at my mum's place together.

Eeeks! What do you have in mind? Got to hug YX tight tight le

Augleo / Cherryteq,
pink Hello kitty too
Btw, I had a nice time lunching with you gals. Special thanks to Michelle and Kelley for helping me with my 'stroller turned trolley'.

I hope you bought a lot of nice clothes for your gal.

This time round, we didn't get to talk much hor, since we're sitting at opposite ends of the table.
Wah, thank you. Your skill good la. Coz I'm hardly photogenic. Later I check again coz just now I just briefly glance through only. Now I'm still waiting to upload the photos. I hate leh. Must wait damn long. From just now, only 34%.
hi Gene, Michele, Michelle, Cindy, Kelley, Catherine, Blublubear, Mrs Chia, Sandwich, Augleo,
nice mtg evy1 tdy. me n cherelle enjoyed ourselves. i dun hv many fotos.. tink i took 1 foto w gene n bb. 1 foto w cindy n bb, can email to me pls: [email protected]

pai seh i was rushing off, else we can go shopping 2geter.. next tx okie. but tis tx i really came n 'din fly aeroplane' :p

nice chating w u. u got any gd buy at marina? did u manage to take a 'tu tu chui' pic of sleeping cherelle? can email to me. tks

wah, caitlyn is very huggable. keke.. i almost brought ur winter clothes back hm..

kaizer n cherelle gd frd liao.. u're most welcome

a big thank you for helping me to carry cherelle n taking lots of nice pics for all of us

Mrs Chia,
ur boy is so sweet, kip kissing mummy. tdy u din wear matching clothes w him :p

hope we can mt up agn soon

Kaizer: Cherelle, I heard your stroller is really comfy. I wanna try leh.
Cherelle: Nope, unless you smell my feet.


Kaizer: I'm a man! I won't do it!
Cherelle: Then go away! Shooo..

Anyhow, Kaizer managed to get Cherelle off the stroller and was taking a nap when..


Gladys: Ok, no one's watching. I'm gonna teach Kaizer a lesson.


Gladys: *slap slap* You're still napping!


Gladys: Still ignore me, wait I call my gang.


Kaizer: Go away! *Kicking Gladys' butt.*
Gladys: *sob sob* Kaizer never give me face one. *Cherelle came to the rescue.*


Jeremy 'ying shiong jiu mei'. The hero came to the rescue! Kaizer outnumbered liao.
its jeremy not JK !!!
kekekeke.... but very nice still

yalor, took so many pics, but at least captured 1 with pretty caithlyn... NICE !

i like the one caithlyn solo with her lips covered with the puree, macam applied lipstick!
Wow.. u all fast hand fast leg leh I so lazy.. do it soon k??? kekekee..

Gene: sorry la.. I thnk laugh too much until forgot ur name..hahahah.. yes.. buy until my pocket got hole.. hahah. Almost to $100..kekeke ur story with pic funny la.. hahha

Sandwich: no need to thank la.. we didnt help much

Sanrio: hv.. the pic with ur breasts..hahahah..i put on the flickr page u go there grab ok??
din come in for 2 days so many posts liao..

I cant help laughed at EE's request for naked bb pics.. and not contented somemore... hahaha.. so funny!

Gene, Sanrio
me oso dare not chk out fo BP, no income too.. sometimes feel abit sian.. buy things muz consider..

Re: Today's gathering
Glad that u all had a gd time.. the babies had fun too.. so cute the pics!
i was supposed to bring Jo for rotavirus immun so din mention i cld join.. but in the end the dr had emergency to attend so my apptm cancelled.. me lazy oso lah, din feel like going out.. i'm getting very tired these days.. jo keeps making noise in the nites asking for pacifier.. dunno how long is this going to last..
Nice meeting all the mommies today! Shall we meet again next week?? I know MickhK and Sandwich can (every fri off rite??) ya??

u super funny...i almost died laughing at your story!

Augleo...i'm trying to upload the pix now. But dun think have any of your pix leh!

Sanrio...heehe...it's ok...u could have taken the clothes back and wash for me! so did u buy anything from Taka?

Wah..u spent so much ah?

Realise your Kaizer took a lot of pix with the girls ahhh! Wah, even hanky panky with my Caitlyn in the nursery!

Thanks for helping me take so many pix!

AshBuBear, Catherine, MichK and Kelly...
Next time bring your bbs ok?
sorry not able to meet up coz i oredi plan to meet my colleague for a farewell dinner in evening at citylink. so i can't stay at raffles city for the whole day

btw, my msn is [email protected]
pls add me thanks!
Cindy: i would love to meet again 2... the next time i can bring her is on weekends leh.. weekdays i seldom.. will u still be arond on xmas gathering/??
Cindy: aiot ah.. lucky i seldom buy. let me tell u what i got

1. 2 pairs of leggins.. (reali cute)
2. 1 quuodroy brown skirt (reali cute)
3. one t shirt to match the skirt
4. 2 sets of t-shirts n shorts...

kekekee.. so next time can bring her go beach with me..
yes, we were sitting 1 end each.

mayb tomr we can chat more during lunch....if we are having lunch after the trial class.
if not, next time ba.

bububear is not Ashbubear.
Ashbubear = Traz = Tracy
bububear = Sharon = mummy u met yesterday

anyway, these 2 mummies both hv 2 boys.
mummies attending trial class tomr:
JL having sales AGAIN.
20% on nursery items
think spend >S$10 u will get 30% off.

can go either JL @Orchard or M.Square.
izzit JL@ M.Square more nursery items?
mummies: if u want to try cereal, can try healthy times organic brown rice cereal. not sweet and preparation easy - just add a bit of hot water, stir into paste, then add enuff BM or FM to make it to the right consistency and feed. no need to cook ;P
