(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

dreamygal: is there a website for this class? i also interested.. by this time slot can't.. cos i strictly let my gal slp from 12 - 2pm..hahaha.. after than i bring her out..kekek

mummies: just v upset, cuz tt's the second dog we lost this yr. the other one, my baobei, so died earlier this year. They are about 13 to 15 years old.

my own 2 dogs are 1 and 2 and I also v sianz if anything happen to them. all in all, since I can remember the dogs, 10 of them have died liao ... 1 more old dog at home, and 1 semi old dog at FIL house and 2 young ones with me.

I'll try to rem Sunday class. please sms me at nine six eight eight one nine two two if you dun see me!
springdance: cos i love pao shen!! hahaha.. so mayb she like daddy loh.. cos my MIL make.. she don't drink.. in the end i drink..
Kris : I am thinking of enrolling my girl for a music class, either gymboree or kindermusik. So you feel that they are too young for this now?

Nvm, i will go and have a feel this weekend. If my sentiment is like yours, then maybe i will enroll her later. At least i know how the class
will be run.

Oh, and for the May family gathering, i need to let you know if i want the baby massage right? And if i can only reach later in the afternoon, can i don't take lunch and just go for the massage? Need to pay for the massage?
ya lor , dreamygal u working still can generate so much milk . i can miserably squeeze 1 bottle 1 day , pathetic leh .
gv up aredi . just now i went for body checkup and shunpian ask if got any magic pill to take to increase . nothing ...
mrs lai , dun b so sad , life goes on ... concentrate on the remaining dogs .
<font color="0000ff">Kelley</font> : As per your request - http://www.kindermusik.com.sg/

But i called and asked before. Their trial classes are all fully booked. So need to be in waiting list.

<font color="119911">Mrs Lai</font> : I will sms all of you on Sat night. Haa...

I am very scared leh. My Shih Tzu is 11 years now and my adopted pom should be 8 years.

<font color="ff6000">Springdance</font> : Ya. Working. I didn't manage to hook a golden tortoise leh... Haa... I pumped 4 times a day - 6am, 12noon, 6.30pm and 11.30pm... Tired... But i try to plan the time for expression in a way where it will not hinder the amount of time i can spend to bond with Glynnis.
Thx dreamygal

Hope all the mummies and bbs enjoy the class. Can share with me after attended the class?

Pls transfer $23.37 to POSB saving 009-70605-4
i feel kindermusik is too young, im tryin out gymboree next mth. dunno hw issit.

the massage is free but only if u go for lunch can join
Mrs Lai
Dun be upset. I can understand your pain but than, remember what Ella sing in her "Qiangqiang" song, your doggie did not die, they just move to heaven to stay
Last time my dog died, I dreamt that she grew wings & became an angel .. than, maybe she really did

Talking about Ella song qiangqiang made me remember my father dog, a female rottweiler. She died in last yr if I not remember wrongly.
My heat still pain till now.
She is my sister, we treat her like our own family members.
She made my life wonderful.
My sister, I wont forget you in my life time.
Felt like crying now.
Hi Gene,
Thanxs for the info. Kekeke, I like banana shake, that's y I added FM.

Hi Darbebe, can share where to get the free eye screening? I want to bring my boy oso? Where to get more details? Thanxs in advance.
Glynnis can sit very steady leh. nice nice.
is she wearing same color shirt with her daddy?

nice clip.
Hello Mummies
Thank you for all your feedback. Both my husband and I have not been sleeping well since then...my husband tried to make a positioner for him not he does not like it and keep screaming.... We hardly sleep now

Hi Dreamygirl
wow yr baby can sit already...so fast.mine can't even flip back.....
hi EA,
no choice, both of u got to JaGar ur bb now. take turn ba. did u consult PD?

my 6mth 1 wk JK oso can't flip back yet.
Hi Augleo
No need to see PD...bb turns cold but after he woke up his warm return. now both my hb and myself like panda....

did you baby crys when he sleeps?
cry b4 sleep. it really depend. sometimes, not all one in a day.
daytimes, b4 nap if he is not really to sleep n i placed him in the cot he will scream loh but now gtg beta.
night, after last feed usually he will sleep after burping.

my bb used to make lots of noise during his sleep, now getting beta. but these few nites he is unwell, me n hubby awake almost every hour.
my bb crys b4 he sleeps and in his sleep...not sure if he has nightmare.
he does not drink much milk, he only drinks a little and refuse to drink further. he wakes up almost every hour in the middle of the night. so far the most he drinks is 140ml
very skinny.
dun worry abt his weight if PD din comments any negative remarks.
not drinking, could it b too much distraction?
tried few methods?
PD only says he should put on more weight...
he is less than 6 kg now..
I have tried many ways in feeding him...but he just refuses. How much is your bb drinking now?
erm...dun ask ba.

me slightly luckier than u, but u dun give up oki. mayb when ur bb starts solid he will slowly gain ideal weight.

there are few mummies having same probl like ur = on milk strike but when their bb on solid...getting beta.
EE, no worries lah, i have no issues with claire being lightweight. as long as she's healthy i'm very happy already.

ok, friday we meet @ cityhall MRT station first. Let's make it 12.45pm.
hi mummies..
which type of Banana do we buy for BB?
i gave so many things for my boy to eat then i realise i din try Banana.
but NTUC only sell Del monte leh.. don't tell me must go market?

so meet up at Cityhall? aiyo.. back to my workplace when i'm on leave
ok.. will confirm later if i'm goin
today i SAHM with my son. aiyo, he can drive me crazy leh.
when he needs to take nap, he get very cranky.. then will scream and cry.
I pek chek then i let him cry for a while then carried him.
how come wanna sleep still got so much energy to scream!!!!

now i know why u all say pang sai also no time.
when i bath i must still leave the door open and talk and sing to my son (he is in the playpen) *faint*
hi ea,
my gal still drinking 150ml per feed lei.. but she is also fat fat lei. dun wan to eat solid food lei. haiz... gt to force feed her every x..
re:solid food

anyone gt any solution to let my gal enjoy solid food ma?
she doesnt wan to be spoon feed.. she wan to be bottle feed. anyway to solve? thanks
i also SAHM today, did a few things with my gal.
so furny, share with you gals this pic.
yes, ppl will stare when u do this.
my gal also drinking 150ml/every 4 hours. ttl: 600ml
and she is still having a bit reflux !
but think she is ard 8kg bah, when i bring to Paed, he said since still growing, no worries
hello fen
how many months is your gal? When I saw the guideline on those fm tin, it state that bb at this stage shld drink 240ml....and he is drinking much lesser
at least your gal is fat fat...mine so skinny
congrats on glynis milestone and also the hairclip too

she looks pretty sia ! whistle2
ya, same color top somemore
hi dreamy , ur glynnis so steady liao . can sit so nicely .envy envy
mic, ur keira also very cute . but i think she looks abit smaller size as compared to last gathering leh , drop weight meh ?
Bo bian coz I wanna go out also mah. So no matter how troublesome also have to 'slog' to get outta house. Otherwise, my face will turn yellow.

Ok, we shall meet at City Hall MRT at 12.45pm.

Your bb so cute! Can sit trolley already. I've not tried yet leh. Don't know she steady boh.
Hi mummies,

very buzy nowadays...can anyone provide an ans to my qns below?

wats the diff bet maxi cosi priori XP and SPS? wats e pricing like?
wats the diff bet maclaren techno classic and techno classic?
wats the pricing like?

Meeting on fri
very gian to go but cant leh..

wait for me! Will let u know on fri whether i'll be joining in the May mummies' gathering...then my march bb will be the da4 ge1 da4 there liao! hahaha
hi mummies..
MIA for a long time.. dream gal , please do let me know if u got the transfer.. sorry too so long to do it.

Ernest seems to be on milk strike too. There was this documentary on sun on babies, saying that babies around 5-6 mths, their taste bud will change. Hence if there is a drop in the amt that they drink, it may indicate that they are actually giving sign that they are ready for semi solid food. very excited in doing so.

going to get myself a blender before intro I intro the food.. save a lot of trouble.. The previous boy that my mum take care of, the mum taught my mum to use the blender to mash up the food, like pumpkin. It was so easy to use. the end result of the food will be a bit like the bottle food that u buy off the shelf.

Going for his jab tomorrow. Notice that there is yellowish stuff coming out from his left ear.. Any other babies having that problem? Me scared that he is having ear infection. My mum told me that he was scratching that ear for the past few days

Sooth the baby.
I sing to my boy when he gets upset. works very well for him. will try to put up clips on that.. coz seems very funny. as when he cry, he will stop crying when he hear my singing. But he will start crying once i stop. So the whole scenario looks rather cute.

the blender i am talking about

Can blend ice too!!
Wei, you forgot about Augleo's bb meh? He's 2 days older hor. Then if I'm going, my bb will be da jie da liao. Haha..
the guideline on the tin is qt hard to follow for alot of bbies. mine doesn't even take half of that amount. my older son at 6mths cld drink only up to 160mls and i thought that was an achievement for him already. my daughter now at 6mths can only drink max 125mls most other times 0mls - 90mls. yes even 0mls. i'm bn struggling with feeding her since 5weeks old. but now i've sort of caught her pattern to feed her in her sleep so it's slightly easier on me. used to go abit crazy. now i jus let it go when she doesn't want to drink.

the braun handheld blender is v good. the basic 450W one is more than enough. does a good job blending food into a fine puree.
EA, ValC is right ... the guidelines are may not conform to reality as the milk companies are profit-motivated. of course they want parents to feed their bbies as much milk as possible so that they'll be able to make more money.

JK oso coming, so hippo still da ge da?

my fren say the guideline frm the FM tin not zun4 de. juz wan parents to feed more FM.
