(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Darbebe: ur bb so good ah.. any remedy? My gal going for last jab and I so scared she get fever.. did u give her anything special before her jab?

Gene: i can help u.. hahaha.. cos i don't thnk i wana bring my gal out.. with or w/o noise my bb is cranky w/o yao lan..hahah..

My Glynnis is 7.3kg now. Tomorrow she is officially reach the 6mths mark...
GOOD MORNING all mummies,

if me going to M.Sq on 12 Oct will take train.
me oso thot of asking "help" when i reach eascaltor.

so, u finished all the 4 peaches. must b yummy.

good, Glynnis can sit liao.

me yet try barley water for JK.

Jason n Cold Storage...not near my place.
just look out for Japaneses sweet potato? FP oso hv ...mayb i can buy n try. i saw during my last visit FP but dun dare to try, coz the flesh is red in color not sure bb can eat.
Dreamygal, dinning outside is tough right? 2 weeks ago, brought my girl out for our wedding anniversary. She also not very well behaved. Had to rush through the dinner. Somemore, poo during the dinner. haha..

kelley, i let her drank twice of 'yang shen cha' on friday. Dont know is it due to this that she did not develop fever this time. You might want to try for your girl.
So what kind of solids have you started for Glynnis? She still drinking BM only or mixture of FM & BM?

Hmm..Think your gal might be teething that's why got fever..

Augleo / Gene
You ladies ever try using the sarong sling to bring baby go out before? Till now my sarong sling still sitting new and unused in the plastic cover. :p
hehe... seems like everybody hates MS's nursing room! i thought MS coffee club is good coz even at lunch time, its not crowded!

how about we meet at cityhall then? the nursing rooms @ raffles city is quite nice? then also don't need to navigate the underpass to MS. there's quite a few eateries @ b1 of raffles city now that we can meet at
Darbebe : I always bring her out for dinner. You will be able to handle better as you try more. Saturday she screamed at the top of her voice and i have to rush through dinner and carry her outside. Now we are so used to people looking at us le. Haa...

Springdance : She is still on full BM. Have started her on avocado, sweet potato, brown rice cereal. Yesterday tried porridge for the 1st time. sometime this week, i will try apple. Yesterday my MIL wanted to give her birdnest... *faint*... Can give birdnest or not huh??
Darbebe: what is yang shen cha???

Springdance: u waiting for what ah.. why never bring?? I bring saraong, stroller together.. cos they cant sit in it for long.. the bigger ur bb.. the more they dont like the sarong..i realize.. so beta start soon!

I can offer help that day.. anyone needs? If nt u all meet at MRT then all go together??
My bb also dun like e sling. Luckily i brot him there when I want to buy the sling so can try. The moment I put him in, he screamed !! Even those baby carrier, I tried putting him in, facing me, he also screamed. Face out, mian2 qiang3 he still can tahan awhile, like 1/2 hr.
my bb is the opposite. she loves the sling! whenever she's fussy, i'll take out the sling. once she sees it, she'll calm down coz she knows i'm going to put her in the sling - which means either 1) we're going out 2) she gets to fall asleep with me around.
hou4 bu4 dan1 xing2 ...

my other dog which had to go for a op to renmove a growth in this throat died this morning - he was suffering and the vet gave him 2 or 3 more days only ... so he was put to sleep. Just v sad lor.

now asking my mum if can take in my FIL's dog for time being, but if he can settle down, we may just take him permanently, cuz anyway the MIL dun like that dog and I doubt the new maid will love him as much as L.

my own dog going for op this morning, so hopefully everything goes well ...
Mrs Lai
I hope your dog will recover soon

Your bb so smart, can recognise the sling. Me till now still trying to find an item that can calm my bb when he cries. Tried some toys but dun always work.

Any mummies has any 'mi mi wu qi' to share?
My bao bei gal went for 2nd dose of Rotavirus last sat, her weight at 5 mths is 5.7kg and height 60cm.

I brought her to see diff PD, same clinic diff PD, this time is wife, used to be the hb.
Both PD said not to worry since weight & height gain on 10 percentile. But still worries me.
Silly I, thinking of getting diff advice fr diff PD, may help in my gal development.

My bb sitter used to give my gal Bao Shen Cha b4 she went for injection, u may want to try it out.
i feel abit lost on giving bb Jo semi-solids.. she got sick of brown rice, gv her Heinz rice cereal, tried a few days but she doesn't seem to like it..she only likes apple..

i want to try cooking porridge with potato using slow cooker.. how much rice & water to put ah?? me seem like a lousy mother, can't cook..
glad that it's peaceful at home now..

pat pat u too, can understand how u feel.. u & mil still not talking to each other?
oh kelley, erm...you know, yang2 shen1 pian4 ( can get from medical hall)? I pour hot water over it and let it cool/warm before I give my girl. After that I flush it with some more water and let my girl has it the 2nd time, some hours later.

pai sey, im bad at describing things. hope you can get what i meant. heez
Mrs Lai: so sad poor dog..

Cool daughter: I guess it takes time mst keep moving around.. bb sit in sling with u not moving around.. they also dont like.. try again when bb enof sleep n enof feed..kekeke.. it might jst work.. haha.. my gal only succeeded after afew attempts also.. now she cant kangaroo carry liao.. trying hip carry.. but like fail leh.. bb like falling out..hahah

Ee: ur bb not born in april ah.. how come only jst turn 5 months??? Hhmmm how to make pao shen cha?
Mrs Lai : So sad. My 2 dogs are both old le. Actually i am quite scared. I do not dare to think of what will happen when that day comes.
Darbebe: I got it.. where got bad description.. tried before.. my gal will bian her face.. too bitter for her..hahah

My bb born in 25 Apr, more accuracy is 5mths 1wk and 5 days old. Me lazy to count mah.

Heard fr bb sitter, she will put bao shen into rice water for few minutes (water took fr rice cooker, when the rice is about ready cook, similar to porridge water).
She will feed directly or mix with FM.
Kelley, my girl very tam1 jia4. Anything, whether bitter ( yang shen cha), tasteless etc, she will eat.

I ate alot of sweet things during pregnancy, hopefully she wont develop a sweet tooth like me.
My mom also said the same thing leiwahahahask me can give birdnest to my boy or not har not sure whether can or not but that time preggie can hear people say too much bird nest can cause phlegmso I guess to be safe, better not give at this tender age yet ba.

Are you a SAHM? Taking care of your gal all alone? Not easy eh.

Kelley / Cool_D
Not that I waiting for Ji Shi to use my sarong slingis that I never practise and use on baby when hes newbornnow he older liao want to stretch here & therehe dun like to stay in the sling lei I tried the sling about few weeks ago on him.. he started to complain & cry the after one minute hes inside.

Mrs Lai
All the best for your doggies op today by the way, how old is your dog already?

You take care yahdun be too upset about your other dog. At least he no need to suffer anymore and is happily in another world.
That's what I thot also. Since we din start from newborn so bb already not used to the 'restricted' feel. I tried at abt 3mths bb oredi dun like le. Now I more or less give up liao, juz put him on strollers when we go out.
Hi dreamygal

I thinking to go KL this weekend, if possible can open up my slot to others mummies who are interested or not?

If I miss out this holiday Ill not able to take anymore leave during this year, coz company will not allowed me to take year end leave, super peak period.

Paiseh, really sorry about it.
mrs lai , sory to hear abt ur dog .
this is part and parcel of life , i guess .
they do grow old and die , just hope that they are not tortured by their illness ba . for owners , as long as we hv tried our best to gv them the due medical care , i guess there is pretty much nothing we can do ...
EE: Than 25 of this month should be turning 6 months liao rite?? Thanks for info on pao shen cha..

Darbebe: how much pao shen u use? My MIL made.. she put like 6 pieces with like only 2 table spoon of water for my gal to drink.. then sometimes she will purse her mouth or give u the I want to vomit face..

Springdance: hhmm.m. mst walk around.. my gal cant sit inside for long too..hahha.a. dont know.. mayb shift here n there abit.. mayb that position too uncomfy for bb..
EE, don't worry lah... my gal @ 5th mth was only 5.6kg, even lighter than ur bb! she'll be going for the 6mth vaccination tomorrow and she's not even 6kg (exactly 6mths old tomorrow)
Kelley, I put 2 pieces of the yang shen pian with about 10-20 ml of water.

Side track...is bao shen and yang shen the same? im not very good with all this.

Yah, she will turning to 6 mths old soon.
Yippee! Can let her try semi-solid food liao.


Sorry huh, can't hold I want to say yeh!
Finally Tiffany got partner.
Thx, I felt easier now.

I very bad hoh? U dont angry, ok?
Anyway, your bbC still bigger than mine, my bbT weight taken at about 5-1/2mths.

Like last time I said no one can beat my gal, she is the smallest.
Hi EE : Ok. I'll see if there are mummies who are interested.

Kindermusik : 1 more slot. Anyone interested?

Springdance : How i wish i can be a SAHM. Maybe end of year i will resign bah.
Kelley/ Augleo/ Michele
Ok hor, so we shall meet at City Hall MRT first k.

Just bring bb out la. I'm sure we can all help one another with the bbs.
'Yang Shen Cha' - ginseng tea

I did use both the sling and carrier. But long period of time, will have backache leh. Coz don't forget got to bring a big bag with bb's barang also. So I'll use pram lor. More convenient when going shopping or having lunch/ dinner. Like Kelley, I'll also bring along the sling. Just in case she turns cranky and I have to carry her. That's why always got so many things to bring along per outing.

I don't mind Raffles City either. Shall we meet first then decide?

Cool Daughter
My mi mi wu qi is a pacifier and 'chow chow' pillow.

The class is this Sunday.
@Tanglin Mall
this coming Sunday - 14th Oct
Time: 11am
mummy hv to bring along sock.

1. dreamygal
2. ee
3. catherine
4. the mrs lai
5. caicai
6. carol
7. michellek
8. kate
9. CoolDaughter
10. Gene
11. Augleo
12. Cindy
oh...caicai, guess u missed dreamygal's post.
mummy needs to wear sock during the class, bb if u worry ur bb get cold then wear ba.

if u ask me y mummy need to wear socks ma? heehee! i guess they dun1 their flooring sticky ba. ppl like me got sweaty feet (but not stink hor) wahahahaha!

The class in on 14 October 11am. Venue is Tanglin Mall Kindermusik studio.

Kris : Can share with us if the class is fun??

I'm looking forward to attend the class with Glynnis. I will be bringing camera that day. Doubt we can take photos inside the class, but we can always take group photo before class, during break and after... Hee...
hi mummies,
im closing the registration this Friday as need to order food n prepare the goodies bags le. FYI, i managed to get 1 more sponsor

Re: Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + JK + HB
2. Mrs Chia + bbJ
3. Dreamygal + Baby Glynnis + HB
4. michellek + husb + bb keira

Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:
heya, im not able to join the class.

It clashes with my cousin wedding.. Im going to his house to kaypo and for the buffet. Sad..

but nevertheless, mummies & babies, hope you all enjoy yourselves. Hopefully, there are other classes for my girl and me to join.
<font color="ff0000">bububear</font> : Since you have explicitely expressed your interest numerous times, you take the last slot lah, ok? Can you arrange with EE to transfer $23.37 to her? I see you on Sunday then.

Can you send the following info to my email address - [email protected], i need to let the coordinator know.

<font color="aa00aa">1) Name of baby:
2) Birthday of baby:
3) Name of mummy:
4) Mummy's contact:</font>

<font color="0000ff">Darbebe</font> : Next one i try to arrange gymboree, ok??
augleo, caicai, dreamygal,
their floor is carpeted. sock for adult is due to hygiene n bb no need to wear socks.

Re: Kindermusik
i find the classes not so useful nw as bb is too young to noe wat the class is about but it is a gd time for mummies to gather.

Yup..we sama samajust bring stroller out when we go gai gai but tiring when he fuss to be carried.. then me & my husband will take turns to carry the monster. So normally we try to jio my parents or his parents to go out together.. then got 4persons to take turns!! :p

Only thing is that the $43 spent on the sling wasted in the cupboard for moulds to grow on. Hahah!

Kelley C
Think my boy hates to be restricted he like to kick his legs around. So bundling him in the sling he feel very uncomfortable.

Me as an adult also dun like pao shengdun talk about your baby larheheheh

Pao Sheng and Yang Sheng not the same.Yang Sheng is much more cheaper and liang more as a cooling drink rather than tonic like Pao Sheng.

Oh you working ahthen you still manage to generate so much BM for total BM for baby.. very good leh! You getting how many hours of sleep everyday then?

You steady siahzzThough need to carry so many things, you still diligently go out with baby so oftenif for me, think I cant be bother to go out liaoz. So Ma Fan and heavy
