(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Taro : My glynnis also... She will let all the milk leak out if i insist that she has to keep the teat in her mouth. She will just 'gum' on the teat loh... Feeding water also like that.

Maybe we should organise a cruise outing hor... So many ppl, maybe we can get a special promotion price... Haa...
hellooooo all, MIA too long liao. keke..BOSS on holiday...can come in liao :p

haha so adorable. u gotta to find her under table. i wish my bb c can crawl too like bb j. mine only on walker. super happy roaming ard the house.

steady hmm bb k in the supermarket cool~ maybe should try next time when go marketing.

oso thinking to go holiday either cruise or take plane. think cruise easier, plane i will panic if cranky actually bb c and me wanna to join hb to states early this month but dropped the idea cos not too confident in bb c's super loud cry. saluate to mummies with bb on plane.
me oso thot of going Aust w/JK same worries as u.

during May wanted to go er ren shi jie but cant bear to leave JK. now aldy Oct....sigh.
all go cruise heehee...
wow your bb so smart know how to push away bottle with hand. hahha. i dun have blog. i spend so much time feeding my girl i dun have any spare time left.
we are also planning to go cruise in Nov. is thr any link to look at promotions?

aiyo, i yet to make passport for my son leh.. jiat lart!!
maybe for Xmas gathering.. we can let all our BB mop mich's function room's floor.

think all our hubbies gonna faint when they see their precious doing this..
Re: Cruise
mayb we can organise one in Jan, say Fri - Sun. wanna start a poll to c hw many joinin?

1. Kris + HB + Kelly

my HB chk out the rates, i asked him den update u k
hi mummies ,
passport needs only 3 working days to process .
keke i submit last thur , now my passport is ready for collection .
anyone mummies joinin? we got to confirm lunch by this fri. who trf liaoz ah? din receive PM frm anyone other den augleo.

Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + bbJK + HB
2. Mrs Chia + bbJ
3. Dreamygal + Baby Glynnis + HB
4. michellek + husb + bb keira

Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:
Taro / Augleo
The Filipino PT maid I am having, shes been in Singapore for 10over years. Several years ago she used to work with an Ang Mo family now she has got enough savings and has her own HDB house. She only take up PT cleaning jobs now. Her fee is like $12/hour. Minimum you must book her for 4 hours for each job.

Her contact: Maryanne, mobile: 90039161

ValC/ Taro
My baby also same as yours will not drink milk when hes wide awake.. so we need to catch him when hes sleepy and quickly give him milk. Thats why he only drinks around every 5 hours or so. But cereals can give him anytime when hes awake in between his milk feed.

Good that your hubby helping with the feeds so you can concentrate on pumping.

Kelley C
Oh me thought your Ma in Law buy the pao sheng hehehe

Hey wanna do lunch tomolo (Wed)? SMS me yah.
mayb we can organise one in Jan, say Fri - Sun. wanna start a poll to c hw many joinin?

1. Kris + HB + Kelly
2. Augleo + HB + JK
yeah , michelleK .they quite efficient .coz a stupid passport costs $70 .so exp ....
but i got another qn. does the baby hv to be present when collecting passport huh?
glynnis really daddy's gal huh..kekeke.. we oso find jo gets all the dust on her not very healthy.. i can see her fingers' trails on some long-time-nvr-wipe area.. i bet she muz hv wiped off some dust.. hahaha.. i hv been diligently cleaning some of her fond areas.. gosh, so much work..

EE, the baby mop is quite cute.. really usable? Muz wet the mop right? else, as the baby crawls, the dust fly all over.. hahaha..

yup cant bear to.. bring jo over to play with k better... u took leave yday ah? K seemed thrilled in the trolley.. cute!

Kris, Min, Peg, Augleo, taro,
we r thinkin of bringin jo to cruise in Nov..

we oso dily daly fr july.. wanted to hv coupletime too.. but bu she de.. hahahaha..

so fast?! 3 days done liao?! so efficient!
hope u wont need to q long for collection like us..

long time nvr hear fr u!! how's baby chloe?

i put her on ABC mat, not very far fr the coffee table lah.. i was doing things then went to chk, mat empty.. cldn't see her cos sofa was in the way.. then fd her under table lor.. cldn't help finding her cute so took a pic.. today she almost crawled to kitchen liao.. my hb intends to get a barrier gate liao..

can add your bb's blog to mine?
juz read your post.. bb no need to be present.. but we din apply online.. we brought her dwn to take pic and apply, the officer did some verification liao so collection no need to bring bb.. u double chk again juz in case..
i think my boy absolutely love eating!! he can eat whatever stuffs we give him.
like smashed pumpkin, sweet potato, cereal etc. then he will cry when i stop feeding or wipe his mouth
1-2hr later can stil cry for milk.

juz like his fat parents

guess there be 2 types of BB. one whom hate milk, the other will eat everything under the sky
$70 is CHEAP liao, your know how much is other passport ???

i am not working tomolo n friday, so this week i only work on tues n thurs
oh my gosh ixora, bb joanie is soooooooooo cute in that table pic!

bb kaizer crawls on the floor at home frequently too. we usually put him on his mattress (adult single sized mattress). when we go away for a while, he'll be crawling out to either get to his cd player (which has lots of lights when the music is on)or to get to a nearby box of toys. once we caught him trying to eat the paint off the wall even.

ixora, was it your bb who tried to lick her stroller wheel? bbs do the funniest things sometimes.
valc, are you looking for a bbsitter to be staying at your place full time for 5 days, or do you want to let ashley stay at the bbsitter's place for 5 days?

my current bbsitter is not too bad. she told me that she ever had her previous bb stay with her 24-7 for a short period of time while the mummy took a few days off to study for her exam. want me to help you ask her if she's interested? she's quite good with feeding kaizer. can get him to drink a lot more milk than me and my mum and my mil combined.

if you're interested to find out more abt her, can email me, you have my email add right?
morning mummies ,

i agree with min . some babies eat everything they can grab.
i left a used tissue near my baby and i turned my head away to sms a fren. when i finished my sms , i saw a half sized tissue . i quickly opened my bb's mouth , only to see bits of tissue inside . he looked so pleased with his food ???!!!
Ladies : Message from Carol

Carol suspected that Ernest has contacted Chicken pox but she can only confirm on Thursday. Therefore, she would like to ask if there is any mummy who is willing to stand in for her for the Kindermusik class if her Ernest is really down with Chicken pox.
Springdance: no la.. everything expensive is I buy one loh.. the grandma until now only bot 2 stay at home tshirt.. lets do lunch on Thursday instead can? Already got appointment today liao.. sorry babe.. we reali so wu yuan hahahaa

Msg to Carol: aiyo.. poor thing.. take care...

U don't scold me yah, I cancelled my KL trip ready, coz gor gor year end exam coming soon, need to give him more paper to practice. Therefore if u don't mind i would like to take Carol slot, can or not huh?
Me very troublesome hoh?
EE : She can only confirm on Thurs if she can make it. So if she cannot, you can stand-in?

Kelley : Its the 14 Oct class.

Min/Ixora : Ya. What's the cruise special offer for Nov?
Kris : If you are really organising one for the mummies, i don't mind joining.

mayb we can organise one in Jan, say Fri - Sun. wanna start a poll to c hw many joinin?

1. Kris + HB + Kelly
2. Augleo + HB + JK
3. Dreamygal + HB + baby
Kelley/Cai cai:
Not confirmed that its chicken pox yet. He has some red spot but do not know if it is heat rash or some reaction due to the jab he took yesterday.
AIYOOOO why like that well, this Thursday my office for birthday lunch celebration for a few staff lor.

Oh ya this Friday you taking leave is it? Saw that you joining the mummies lunch gathering.

So I guess next Monday then we meet liaoz you can bor? Chiam!! So difficult to meet you for lunch. :p

That's Glynnis and your doggie rite? My husband's doggie who is staying at my parents in law house, is still wary of baby whenever he comes visit..will smell smell baby's feet as if he's a strange object. Hahahah!
He can smack the bottle off my hands lei. The milk bottle always fly around the house. hahaha.

Xie xie ni de contact

Sure! Would love to add yours to mine.

Augleo, Kris, Ixora, Min,
I also very gian to go cruise.

Perserverance pays
Springdance : Ya. My doggy, bobby. He is staying with my mum now as my mum forbid me to bring him along when i get married, she said its his son wor... He like Glynnis. That day Glynnis pulled his fur and he just let her pull. But i carried Glynnis away and smacked her hand.

For the other dog i have at home (pom pom), he is very snappy towards my hubby. But yesterday when Glynnis pulled his tail, he gave a sharp scream and turned around wanted to bite (he must have thought that its my hubby). But when he saw that its Glynnis, he stopped and turned back to sleep without even moving away. My hubby removed Glynnis immediately.

I am very glad that both doggies like my baby. We are trying hard to teach her that she has to be gentle to small animals. But i think now she is too young to understand. Wanna grab anything she comes in contact with. My poor doggies...
EE : You are wrong. I never shave her loh... Initially we were relunctant to shave as she got so much hair and look nice mah. But by the 4th month, she dropped alot of hair till almost botak loh. During that period, my bed was full of baby and mummy's hair...

I am worried that she will be like mummy... I have very thin hair when i was young...

Glynnis dropped hair until botak? U must be kidding, impossible lei.
U no worry lah, since she got so much hair b4, will definitely grow back one.
My Tiffany also dropped hair but compare with newborn her hair look not diff. Only the mummy dropped hair almost botak now.
Taro/ValC : My naughty Glynnis also. She never keep still when drinking milk... My MIL always complain to me that baby don't drink milk. Her hands always come and push my hand, try to grab the bottle, smack the bottle off. Or she will try to take off mummy's spec, dig my nose, grab my lips... Haiyo... Don't know why she is so so naughty...
To baby Kaizer de ma,

Can I add Kaizer's blog to mine?

From baby YX de ma

<font color="aa00aa">Gene, </font>
Can I add bb Gladys to mine too?

babies are not naughty la. Don worry abt the hair dropping off since that's tai mao. Eventually will all drop off and regrow. I remember my niece has hairs on her body too. Then after a year, all the hairs just drop off le
