(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Good morning mummies


Sorry to made u cry, cheer up ok?

U & I same, dog lover!
U gal really can sit steady, my gal not steady she will sway to left & right, like BU TAO OON.


Rcvd ur trf ready, thx.


How big is ur bb now?
My gal also not even 6kg at 5-1/2 mths, she drinking 60-120ml every 3 hours.
Also very hard to feed her, got to walk here and there, swing her and sing to her, I do anything I can just to let her drink milk. Haiz......


My gal also used to make a lots noise, cry & scream b4 she sleep. Since fr newborn, newborn worst, now stly better. So we have to carry her walk around, swing her and sing to her. Very tiring!
Sometime lose my temper, beat her pat pat.

hello michelle
how many months is your gal?

BB is 5 months 2 weeks old and he weighs last than kg. he is gaining weight but very slowly..my MIL even commented that he seeem to lost weight yesterday..some how feels that she thinks i am torturing him by not feeding him well

ValC, sandwich and Kris
Thanks for letting me know...I keep thinking my bb is drinking so much lesser and making me worry
Augleo : Ya. They are wearing the same design tees. I have one also. We wore it on Saturday...

EA : My girl still can't flip back as well.
Dreamygal: ur bb can sit so well ah!! So fast!! Mine still bu dao weng

Fen: ur bb drinking so much mine sometimes 120ML also cant finish.. she rather eat!!

Carol: how mch is that blender?? Can it whisk egg??

I am very disturbed this morning.. I dont thnk I can even let me gal DONT sleep in yao lan.. this morning.. my gal was awake n drinking milk most of the time when she drink finish her milk in yao lan.. she will fall back sleep cos it is only 8+ in the morning.. this morning she didnt guess what my MIL keep saying.. so early dont wake up.. go back sleep.. she gave her pacifier n keep rocking her to slp.. my gal so wide awake in yao lan.. than I tot to myself.. cant dont slp in yao lan thanks to ah ma if I need to keep rocking at nite thanks to ah ma too.. she can somemore sometimes tell me don't keep rocking.. they will get used to it.. but then this morning tell me too early to get up liao MST FORCE back to sleep.. WTH.. sorry for long post.
dunno lwh havent weigh her lately. bu think got 8kg+ already

she hold on the trolley so tight. din sway lah.. her grip very good leh, always pinching me

but of course din let her sit long lah. thot the photo then carry liao, coz i scare she knock herself as well

she 27 april one
Finally, our name list reach 40 mummies. anymore mummies want to join us?

March/April/May BB's 1st X'mas party
x'mas gathering: 08 Dec 2007 (Saturday)
Venue: The Eden @ Tampines
Time: Lunch
Food IC = Kris
Gifts Xchang = Bububear, MichK + Dreamygal

Please indicate your interest by adding your nick to the list:
1. * michele * & claire
2. Augleo + JK + hb
3. MichK + K
4. aprilmum + Ning
5. Mrs Lai + Vanessa
6. Kelley + Ashlyn
7. Catherine + bb
8. BB love + bb
9. Gene + bb
10. Springdance + bbJ
11. Mrs Chia and Jeremy
12. Cindy + Caitlyn
13. babywiz + Sarah
14. EE + Tiffany + hb + gorgor
15. dreamygal + naughty Glynnis + skinny hubby
16. Darbebe + bb
17. kimsamsoon + baby (isabelle) + hubby (maybe)
18. sweatcorn + baby (shanice) + hubby + elder son (pending confirmation when date is nearer... pai sei)
19. ciarie + bb + hb
20. bububear + bb + gorgor + maid
21. Peg + bb
22. Taro + hubby + bb
23. Kris + HB + bb Kelly
24. Jmon + Ashton + HB + maid (maybe)
25. ixora + Joanie
26. Moxi + HB + bbM
27. Ambery + HB + bb Faith
28. Fransea + HB + bbF
29. Carol + BB Ernest
30. Beyond + HB + Xyrus
31. fen + bb (TBC)
32. Apple red(chyun) +BB + HB
33. sanrio + hb + bbCher + boy
34. twinklegal+Jayden
35. mindy+hb+bb D
36. pageup + Hb + bbT2 + gorgor + maid
37. Pisces Gal + Hb + Bb
38. Snowflakes + Hb + BB Xavier
39. Traz + hb + bb + gorgor
40. J&R + Chanel + HB
This is another one from May thread, we are invited.

pending for Gene n traz to cfm.
any mummies wanna to join?

Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + bbJK + HB
2. Mrs Chia + bbJ
3. Dreamygal + Baby Glynnis + HB
4. michellek + husb + bb keira

Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:
I have a question.

Is it safe for baby to travel by air since they are still so young? Will the air pressure have any adverse effect on them when the air craft takes off??

little keira is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
oh mine.... she looks much more stronger than my little kaemon...

Is her sitting position very steady now??
Kelley C
So you Tan Tio alreadysince baby dun drink the pao sheng, you can enjoy all to yourself. And its FOC.Hahahah

So do you do the feeding of baby at night too?

Glynnis can sit very wellso clever my boy still struggling on his tummy to flip over. :p

I have the same sentiments as Kris on the Kindermusikbaby of 5-6months too young to really appreciate the dancing and singing. Might as well play a CD at home and carry her dance around in the house rather than contribute the $$ to Kindermusik.

Long time no hear from you how are you getting on? Busy with work?

What type of semi-solid did you give your gal? My boy loves cereal time leistarted giving hi cereal when he was 4months Did you let your gal see you all eat at the dining table? My boy very curious about us eating.. so I guess he is happy he gets to eat with a spoon.

My boy drinking only 170ml every 5hours think lesser than yours? Hes 7.15kg at 5months.. how abt yours?

Why dun you start your baby on semi-solids now? My PD says 4months onwards can give cereal already.

Not to worry you still very feminine and sweet lady looking cannot tell at all that you already a mother.

I have a PT maid charging $12/hr shes a Filipino.... your friend interested?
this p/t maid is earning pocket $?
legal anot huh?
hw many hours she works for a day?
on call basis or need any package?
thks thks.
Your darling also like that har. Thought my boy is the only monster here lei. hee hee

I want the PT maid contact. Can ask her to help wash my washroom. Think a year never wash lor. kekeke.

Augleo baby,
posted a lot of love messages for you in msn waiting for you...
Springdance: u funny la.. wat is there to "tan tio".. i buy the pao shen leh..hahahaha

Friday meeting: michelle.. i confirm with u again on thursday itself if we can go RP earlier to shop k?? cos my boss hvn't confirm if i got off!!
Springdance : I am an exclusively pumping member. Haa... I don't latch on le. My hubby has been doing the night feeding so far.
Glynnis so steady can sit le. YX still no signs of flipping lei. Yest saw a boy at NTUC also 6 mths le. two front tooth all grown out and hair is so thick somemore shaved at 4th mth. YX's still so fine and thin despite shaved at full month. Baby's pace of growth is really different from one another hor. A bit upset with my babysitter... don't know what logic she has. She says don let baby sit so early and no need to crawl la. Realised only yest she did not give him tummy time at all. So angry lor.
your bb also feed in sleep?

can bbies tell the difference betw EBM and FM? bmilk is thinner so it moves faster along the teathole. but are their tastebuds already developed to taste the difference? do they prefer FM or EBM? anybody's bottlefed bbies reject FM?
i brought my son when he was 7mths on air travel. he took it qt well - referring to the take off and descent. din scream in pain. but i made sure to give him a bottle or pacifier during then. i remembered when i was 10yrs old travelling for the 1st time i was in alot of pain. can't remember if i was having the flu cos it will def be v painful.
<font color="0000ff">ValC</font> : Thanks for you input on the flight travelling.

I think Hapybaby ever mentioned before that Avy seems to drink more when being fed FM as its sweeter.

<font color="ff0000">Taro</font> : She can sit very well for as long as she wants to now. But still do not know how to get into the sitting position after flipping over. My glynnis hair is also very thin. Sianz...
sorry for not replying earlier to kindermusik slot.. u all enjoy with bbs k!
btw, glad that glynnis can wear clip liao.. u muz b very happy.. and she can sit so steadily! my jo still need support fr hands..
these few days bb jo has been exploring ard using her tummy & limbs.. is this considered crawling? smtimes find her at a corner, smtimes under table... now muz watch her almost every moment when she's awake.. cos smtimes she pulls cables.. shld i get a playpen?
how old's bb Jo now?

yup. Got to feed him in his sleep or when he's drowsy. If not, whole bottle of milk can be untouched and poured away.
ixora: wow.. ur bb very fast ah.. mst becareful loh.. my gal only roll around the house in walker.. bt still rooted to flippin left n right and 360 degrees..
oh man! i thought i was the only one experiencing this. so glad to share experience. any tips for when he jus wakes up from night time sleep? eg i feed her in sleep at 7am. but when i try to feed her at 10am. she jus wun feed cos she's too wide awake. only at 1pm after trying cereal, her bath, my pumping, my lunch then she will feed. and she takes very little - 125mls in a bottle most times can't even finish.

Wow! Ur bbJ got so much hair, so envy me, mine very little hair some more boyish look.

I really like u bbJ & Michelle bbK, can exchange or not?hehehe

Why sometime u find her under table or corner huh? U mean u let bb J play on the floor? Will she knock her head or not? Must be very careful!

I let my bbT sit on bb walker, she can walk around and explore, seen she enjoy it very much

your Joanie super leh!
my keira super duper lazy, flip also on the right side only.sleep also on right side.
hmmm... is she favoring her rite ??

i see newborn flying at 2mths old. dun think have any adverse effect but some babies can cry thru out the flight! i remb flying to SF 3 yrs back, the bb kept crying until i immuned.
today my mum said keira hair too long liao, need hairclip even at home

hahahaha... sure or not u wanna exchange ??
my gal can cry loudly and long time 1 !
ur tifffany seems to b enjoying herslef on the walker

i only let Keira on the bumper mat leh, never let her try on the floor b4.
maybe bcoz my floor nt as clean as yours! u want to come over n give it some polish ?? kekeke
ValC: I thnk drinking prob.. bb will get over it someday..cos my gal also like tat.. she also like ur bb drinking only 120ML sometimes cant finish.. but she eats cereal min 2 times a day to 3 times.. half a bowl of our drinking soup bowl bt at nite when she slp.. she will wake up for night feed.. almost every 4 hrs
ur mil same same as my mil, that time she told me not to spoil her by carrying.. she herself carry & carry.. i find old folks words sometimes contradicting one.. btw, actually walker like not bad oso hor?

she's turning 6 mth this sun..

can see bbT enjoys her ride in the hse.. i still put bb j on ABC mat, she'll crawl out of the mat lor.. that's y she can be found almost everywhere.. this morning, she 'pat pat' the standing fan base.. like playing drum.. dangerous hor? u bot the lucky baby playpen izit?

when bb j started to flip, she oso likes to flip and sleep on her right..
my flr not very clean leh.. as mentioned i din let her try on flr.. she herself crawls out of mat.. now i gotta mop my flr more regular.. she's like the magic wipes, cleaning the flr.. can see hair stuck on her shirt.. mayb i shld bring her to your place to 'mop' ah?! kekeke
re: bringing bb on flight
we thot of bringing bb to Australia leh but scared she'll be discomfy on flight.. disturbing others.. so thinking of alternative, cruise.. shld be ok right?

oh yes, min
tks for adding jo's blog to your dear dillion's.. i hv added his too.. btw, i oso smtimes bath with door opened.. will put bb jo in bumbo juz outside toilet, then i'll entertain her while bathing.. my frens oso do the same thing.. i din knw mothers hv to resort to this..
Ixora : Joanie is so cute. I am imagining you turning your head to take something, turn back and find her missing... Then got to search the house... I like her!!

Kelley : My girl also roaming around the house in her walker. But sometimes when she is blocked by the wall and can't reverse, she will start screaming le...

EE : You sure? I don't think you will bare to let go of your darling girl loh... Mine also not much hair and look like boy. When i went Unity @ AMK Hub on Sat, those sales staff all carry my girl girl and keep calling her boy boy. I don't even bother to correct them loh.
Ixora: yes.. i thnk walker more for lazy parents/caretaker loh.. bt my gal so used to it.. haiz.. it gives us time to even go toilet.. but i scared my gal prefers to be on walker than learning to crawl..
Ixora : Same loh. That day Glynnis was roaming in her walker and put her fingers into the fan. Luckily the fan is not on. I was telling my hubby we need to get fan cover le.

He is also thinking of getting the automatic vacumm cleaner so that he can on it every day. He is scared that his 'bao bei' will crawl on dusty floor loh.

So good, even u mum comment that Keira hair too long, mine haizKK.

U dont think my Tiffany mini size is very guai
she super noisy one, used to made a lot noise & scream every night, very fierce some more.


Yah I bought the little pricess playpen fr NTUC Xtra, $125 with 20% disc, c/w with mattress & mosquito net. I think very worth to buy.


Just joking lah, my bao bei lei, I dream for so long oneKKK

YX usually has one feed around 2-3am. He would not drink no matter how I try anytime before 8.30am. He wakes up at 7am.. will want to sleep around 8.30am. That's the time to feed him. YX also taking around 125ml max now. Sometimes, when he's wide awake, no way can I coax him to drink. So I'll always grab the opportunity to feed him when he's sleepy. Imagine me pouring away 125ml x 3 bottles in a single day when he's on milk strike. He simply refused to down one drop. He rather let them leak out of his mouth when he's tired from struggling. Haha. Wanna see YX's blog? See how he wrestle with his milk. haha. www.babyYX.blogspot.com
You have a blog?

the baby mop is really an innovation lei. We don't need to mop the floor le. hahaha

I'm also quite interested to go for cruise with the family. But worried baby not used to it.
