(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Hi ladies,
Thanks for all your nice compliment of my boy. So far that's my fav. pic of him. Anyway, it's just camera trick lah. Just find the right position and then his eyes will look bigger in photo hee...

JK is getting really adorable n handsome. He can sit quite steady already hor. Mine still can't. Need people to support him. Wow, I really admire you & some of the other mummies. Must really learn from u. Till now I haven't cooked anything for my boy yet. I don't know what and how to cook for him. Only bought those package cereal from supermarket to let my boy try. So far he loves the Heinz rice cereal (for 4th - 6th mth).

Baby's growth:
Actually I shouldn't be too concerned with his weight since he still looks quite ok. The stress comes from well-meaning relatives who keep commenting that he seems to lose weight. He's 7.1kg @ 3mths and now 7.8kg @ 5 mths. So he's not gaining as much as b4 plus his milk intake is decreasing. Then PIL commented that maybe due to too many jabs (5-in-1, prenavar) and keep telling me not to gv him so many jabs. Sigh... that's why I get a bit stressed and worried and start giving him rice cereal. Sigh... If he gains too much weight, I worry that he will bec obese. If not gaining I worry that he's not growing well. Sigh... I guess that's motherhood.

thr will b a lady who will come n teach us hw to do bb massage, we need to bring a mat n massage oil, if need, she sell the oil at $10.90 each, let me noe eali if u need to buy.
I shd be able to join u all on 12 Oct as i hv to babysit my boy but need to see venue. but if eat buffet then i lugi leh.. coz sling baby cannot eat freely. haha

When can we let cereal be a meal on its own for BB? coz currently cereal is juz snack for them right?
can we also give cereal in the evening?
sandwich: my gawd ...

i would have just told them - you want to kill him just say so outright!

perhaps you could arrange a session for them to see your PD, why they CANNOT anyhow feed your son, since he seems to be allergic to a lot of things. They may not listen to you, but given the PD's authority, they might. Of cuz, you must get your hubby to understand the seriousness of the allergies.

It doesn't mean the more they eat, the more immune they get to it. For allergies, the more the eat, the more likely they will suffer. Tell them, people can die from eating peanuts - why? CUZ THEY ARE ALLERGIC TO IT. same goes for mangos, fish, etc etc ...
Same, my gal also 7kg at 6 months. A bit on the tiny side right? But I think should be ok.

The ikan bilis for bb's porridge, is it the small white type of the normal grey type? You use what to grind into powder? My mum bought me a small rice cooker, the type for 1 or 2 pax type, to cook bb's porridge. I haven't try yet. Was thinking one fine day go wet market get fresh treadfin fish. I hate going to wet market.

I substitute 2 cereal feed with milk feed leh. Coz my bb starting to reject milk now. So I dilute the cereal with FM. So far she's ok leh. I usually feed at abt 1pm and 5pm. So that she'll have enough time to digest. Morning, evening and night feed will be FM only and most times, she can't finish her milk.
I just came back from Edelweiss Park. It's near Pasir Ris. Although it's at Flora Road, have to drive in from Miram Way coz the road is not connected due to a construction site in the middle. I'll surely get lost if I drive there myself, lu4 chi1 la. I have to check with hubby if he's free to send me there then I confirm with you k.

Re: Mapril (May and April) Family Gathering
Venue: Edelweiss Park at Flora Road
(Function Rm is in the ClubHouse)
Date: 20 Oct 2007 (Sat)
Time: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Organiser: Kris

1. Augleo + JK + HB
2. Mrs Chia + bbJ
3. Dreamygal + Baby Glynnis + HB
4. michellek + husb + bb keira

Please trf $24 to POSB saving a/c 035-39592-0 and PM me the below:

Nick and Name:
Date trf:

Let you know when i transfer ya.
hehehe.. i have been meetin' amberry & bb Faith 2 wkends in a row. saw them again this afternn at JL
min/gene/dreamygal/michele/ciarie/mrs lai:

thanx for the consolation. i'm not angry with them anymore. all is peaceful at home now. was only super angry on wed and thur cos nobody at home saw my point.

no need to bring them to the PD lah. everyone at home knows abt the concept of allergies and allergens. me and my dad have been having eczema for so many years already. he would have been "schooled" in the subject by his usual skin doc. well, getting perpetual skin problem at my home is just such a common thing that it doesn't bother my mum or anyone else at all (that's the problem!) the sad thing for kaizer is that his eczema is on the face whereas ours are not. so i can only imagine his frustration at the itch, at being unable to relieve the itch, etc.

my husband isn't taking sides on this issue. he of all people, would know the gravity of the issue lah, he's doing his phd at an immunology lab. but because he's also too routinized to it, he thinks i over-reacted on wed/thurs.
mummies, your 20 oct gathering sounds fun. can't join you gals as i'm bringing kaizer for a hari raya gathering.

we've ever bought him for a bb massage class when he was 3 mths plus. class was part of the antenatal package that nuh offered. he kept trying to "escape" from the mat on that day, either because it was too boring for him to be lying still for a long time, or that me/my husband are just lousy at massaging him, hahaa.
yeah got to drive in frm miram way. u confirm le den add ur name k.

so qiao, she went marina sq yest so ask her to go JL check out any gd buy anot

thr is another bigger gatherin in dec, do join us yeah.
Valc: I remember the nurse said to wash thoroughly(cos very salty), can't remember whether need to remove head & spine.

Just weighed my boy 8kg @ 5 months & 2 weeks. He's starting to reject bm...drinking lesser and lesser but I dun wanta start him on semi-solid so early...looks like no choice
yes, this is motherhood.

so many concerns n endless worries.
as for cooking meals for bb, there are other mummies more steady than me; e.g. Mrs Lai

ur in-law not keen to prepare bb food?
there are few mummies feedback their MIL are super initiative....feed bb all sorts of foods that make mummies so worry. if u give "green light" to ur MIL then give her some guidelines ba.

mayb u can try feed bbF some fruits?

me yet start on ikan bilis.
dun think is the white type, as what i know white type is Silver fish (selling in cooked n raw=stink leh). silver fish no need to grind. just cook with the porridge n feed when bb are older.

ikan bilis = grey type, u can ask the Hock Hwa or ZTP when u buy which type is best for bb. The nurse shown the end result was after grinding is in powder form, so i dunno which type of ikan bilis.
i dun hv such grinder yet. lazy me mayb will just boil n use as stock for porridge.
can anot huh?

as for threadfin, ha! tat y tat day i was asking threadfin got BP anot. wahahahahahaha!
u can go FP to buy if u are not gtg from the wet mkt.
threadfins from FP expensive loh, xiao xiao pian aldy cost S$5+.
y dun u ask ur mum buy, if possible buy as whole fish so much cheaper. then u take all the fillets

for me no choice got to buy piece by piece. the wet mkt near my hse is selling S$4 per fillet. can eat 2 meals ba. if JK grows older, mayb just 1 meal.

yet c u name in X'mas gathering. come n join us if u are free on 8th Dec.
the barley water that u feed bbG is which type huh? is prepared by u or ur MIL?
tat day i went to ZTP, seller said not the small type buy the big one. small type will cause phlegm.

beside dreamygal, other mummies starts giving bb barley water?
me yet feed JK ...dunno want to start anot. coz i still think H2O is still the best.
augleo , i fed bb zac barley when he had his sorethroat . he likes the taste and finished it all up .
buy those CHINA barley type , bigger ones .

if u wan abit of taste , gv abit of rock sugar , betta not to add lah.. . in case develop into phelgm .
lunch/high tea 12/10, friday
1) michele
2) catherine
3) gene
4) bububear
5) kris

Any suggestions mummies? How about Marina Square? Plenty of cafe choices there. I like the coffee club coz its usually quite empty.
Sandwich: ur bb so fast can crawl n leaning to sit by himself ah.. I m impress

Augleo: steam the apples and pears can or not..cos I got no blender.. only use sieve.. then mst scrape n sieve by then my hands all red n swollen liao.. I thnk its high time I invest in a steamer n blender

ValC: I read somewhere in the thread that there at 2 types of milk drinkers.. the normal n the sleepy kind.. some bb jst prefer to sleep to drink loh call the lazy feed bb growing active can liao.. u try plain rice cereal first.. mayb suddenly so sweet from banana bb also nt used?? My porridge is reali cook from rice n brown rice that we adults eat.. I nv use brown rice powder unless the porridge too watery or rice cereal too watery

Dreamygal: wat is hexa vaccine??

i should be off that day u all gathering for lunch or high tea.. but i doubt my sleepig beauty will join..kkekee.. can't eat freely and can't go shopping.. i will declare it as a day off for myself.. kekkeek
kelley: can steam ... i read that babies shd have steamed fruits before 6 months old ... anyway i steamed my apples - wanted to get peaches also but cannot find.
my blender oso can't perform good job.
not that fine paste.
most of the time i use sieve. nurse said cheap n good. ha! i agreed.
i grate the apple n pear but din cook them.
1 mummy suggested can use rice cooker, steam with the rice.

china barley, oki noted.
dun think will add sugar. even prepare for hubby oso din put sugar.

hexa vaccine:
me too, want to know wat is that.

Mrs Lai,
any outcome of L's biopsy result?
Help! I'm on cold war with my MIL! Last Fri I came home to find my MIL carrying baby in her bedroom.BIL was also there. I wanted to carry baby and said to her, "let me carry." but she pretented not to hear and just kept attn on baby. So I repeated and she still boh hiu. So I reached out and tried to carry, thinking that it's obvious enough that I want to carry my son in my arms first thing after reaching home fr a day's work.
Guess what? She kept her octopus arms on him!
I got so pissed that I just stomped off into the kitchen to wash up the utensils (bottled and stuff) and made a good commotion out of it out of spite.

Yes, I might have over reacted but this is not the first time she undermine my role as mother...

So we are still not talking to eac other.

I just want to move out n have a home of my own.........
*hug hug*
since last fri, no a word with ur MIL?

ur new hse oni available next yr, so i will suggest u dun "aim" that 1st if not will make u more miserable.

hw abt talk 2ur hubby? can he help "communicate" with ur MIL?
coz if thing get sour, the mood in that hse is bad. not good for ur bb too.

try to cool down...okie?
i know is not easy...but pls try.

** hw abt think this way, she wants u to rest after work?
Today i steam apple and then i smashed it up using Pigeon feeding dish coz the dish have a rough part for me to smash it up

btw, i steam half an apple but how come not much apple water leh. tot of giving the water to my boy.
can i freeze the remaining smashed apple in cube?
can understand yr situation. sometimes my MIL & SIL wil also 'kidnap' my son in their room.
initially i was upset but then i got over it coz it actually leave me free time to wash bottles and do my personal stuffs.

at least when they handover my son, he is oredi asleep.
so try not to let this affect you
the rough part, effective?
me thot of buy this Pigeon feeding dish too, but end up buy combi.
when i grate the apple, lots of juice. use the juice w/o adding water into potato.
ohhh wat happen? ur MIL so possessive ah. the last time i at ur plc, can c dat she dote lele a lot. mayb she juz too like lele le, tell her nicely u wanna cari lele in front of her face, so she cant siam, mayb it might help.
do u know how much rice and water to cook baby's porridge using slow cooker?
tot of trying out on my own since i be home alone with my son
so far this dish quite good. coz 1 side will smash apple then the other side wil prepare cereal.. then can combine together with cereal
hi mummies, hope everyone is having a good weekend!

my 'experiment' over this weekend was to steam sweet potato for claire to try. i mixed it into the brown rice cereal and seems like she is enjoying it coz she finished every bit of it! intend to steam apple next after 'completing this experiment' (after 4 days consecutive of feeding).
hi michele,
today JK 1st time eating sweet potato.
sweet potatoes i bought this morning don't seem "good quality".

do u mean u add sweet potato into the EYS brown rice?

today, sweet potato + porridge
augleo: stage 2. She just flew back to manila yesterday. theyb arrange an oncologist in manila to take over the case. My maid say go back sure a lot of relatives want to help her cuz she got $$ now, then ask her to buy this and that. then when marnee gone, will disappear. so v sad =(

mummies: when making food for babies, please dun add salt or sugar now. it's not good for them to get addicted to the "flavours" now. else next time your kid grow up only drink sweet drinks or like me "ham cong" everything also must add soya sauce ;P
Mrs Lai,
stage 2, needed chemo?
she will prefer to get treatment in Manila.
hope she will b happier in Manila.

bb food:
yes, no "seasoning" for JK
augleo and kris: i vaguely remember that i have a friend's wedding to attend that day. cos i have two friends getting married close to each other around the first two weeks of dec. thought i'll better confirm the wedding dates first before committing my attendance at the bbgathering.

as for this friday's lunch/high tea, i'll love to meet up with you gals. marina sounds great! how abt we eat at waraku?

lunch/high tea 12/10, friday
1) michele
2) catherine
3) gene
4) bububear
5) kris
6) michellek
7) sandwich
augleo: ya chemo, cuz operation to remove tumour is out (only can do for stage 1)

I hope she will be too. Now i fretting over the dog, cuz no one to look after him (now boaridng at kennel).
mummies: for the fri meet-up, I was told the nusring rooms are quite bad (quite a few mummies told me about it), so you should be prepared to bring your own barang.

I can't join cuz I got parties/ wedding dinners this entire weekend.
You also flatter me too but definitely I think you are much better a mother than me coz I cant handle baby alone at home. :p

Got your number tooK we meet for lunch soon.

Why dun you explain to you mum and MIL that the weight growth will slow down at a certain stage when baby is more active? Tell them dun worry my boy still stuck at 7.1kg at 5months300grams growth only from the previous month. Moreover, since he got eczema, must be very very careful on what food to give the baby.
Mrs Lai: thanks for info.

Augleo: hhmm.. I tot of buying a hand held blender my MIL has those big blender.. hhmmm doubt will do a gd job too.. if I cant find a good blender I thnk mayb I might jst stick to sieve.. hahah

Kate: *Kelley pat pat on the back*.. irritating leh.. ur MIL.. whats wrong with u carrying ur bb.. mayb u shld jst ask her nicely.. to avoid any more commotion.

Michele: glad ur experiment was good.. fun hor.. SAHM..

Sandwich: noted..will do it in the office when I m free!!
heylo mummies,

end of weekend. Its Monday tml again. :S

An update from me over the weekend. I have let my girl tried avocado. She seems to like it. Yippee...first time this mummy is making sth for bb. Enjoyed the whole process.

Mrs Lai, thanks for ya post on Avocado. Comes in handy.

PD told me to switch to Stage 2 FM and have gave instructions how to do the change but I can vaguely rem them now. Any advise? thanks
dreamygal, how is ur bb after the jab? Managed to celebrate the Daddy's birthday? heez..

Im just so glad that this time my girl did not develop fever unlike the 2nd jabs. Phew!

Btw, Im bringing my girl for this eye assessment at the PD clinic to check for lazy eye, lazy eye etc.. Its free anyway, and conducted by donno who. Anyone taken ur baby to one?
sanrio, my mum was sudenly talking abt you just now. so i showed her ashrel/cherelle's blog. she loves it! she said that mine's so boring as compared to yours with lotsa animated stuff and music =)
lunch/high tea 12/10, friday
1) michele
2) catherine
3) gene
4) bububear
5) kris
6) michellek
7) sandwich
8) cindy

I dun mind coffee club or waraku...both also can but prefer coffee club. think it's more baby friendly. meet for tea better? if we do lunch...got lunch time crowd, maybe alittle difficult to get a table with so many mommies and babies hor?
i bot Japanese sweet potato. maybe u can look out for it from COld storage or Jasons
and it taste sweet after steaming. very yummy! i added it with FM. my MIL say sweet potato quite filing so can only give it as a snack
Hi Min,
I oso bought the pigeon feeding dish. Do agree that it's quite useful. I just let my boy tried semi solids from Sat & I must say that he's such a glutton.
Cannot wait but to keep leaning forward wanting more. How all mummies, I think he needs to go on diet soon. He's almost 9kg at 6mths.

Btw, I fed him mashed banana with FM. Wonder if that's the right way to do. Banana dun have to blend right? Can expert mummies like Mrs Lai & Gene please advise?
I brought my bb for infant massage when she was 3 weeks old! It was conducted by an ang-moh brought in by my auntie, who's doing childcare. There were other older bbs around and the more mobile they are, the more impossible it is to massage them!

I always thought the white ones are also ikan bilis leh. Silly me.
My mum already helped me buy threadfin from the wet market liao. She even cut into small pieces for me so all I have to do is go pick up from her tomorrow. Must wait for one day I xin1 xue4 lai2 chao2 then I'll try to cook lor. Don't know success or not.
My hubby also ask me buy the whole fish coz more worth it. Then I said, ok lor. Just give me more mai3 cai4 qian2. haha..

Pls don't be upset k. Now I guess you still have to tolerate anyhow since you're sharing the same roof. But on the brighter side, they do really love your bb ya. So cheer up k.

Mrs Lai
Peaches got how many types? I always buy from FairPrice those 4-in-a-pack type. My mum said bb can't eat leh. So I didn't give. I ate all la, v sweet leh.
I ordered the shoe socks too. Btw, Michelle got some extras so you can get from her also leh.

I think sweet potatoes and pumpkins are acceptable by bbs coz of their subtle sweet taste. My bb loves them too but she hates apples and bananas.

Meet Up at Marina Square
The nursing rooms are terrible. Small, bare and smelly. I'm fine, eat anything also can. But I hope we do not have to squeeze with the lunch crowd though. Noisy = bb cranky. Btw, anyone taking MRT coz I may need some help with the pram as the underpass is not pram friendly.

I'm not expert! I'm also learning like the rest of you. I think Mrs Lai is really well-read on feeding bbs. I just anyhow 'harm-tam'. Btw, when i fed bb banana, I just smash and add water only. I thought add FM may taste like milkshake leh.


Augleo : I bought the big barley. Only make once for her when my MIL keeps nagging that she was too heaty. Nothing added, just put the barley till boil. I've managed to take a picture of Glynnis sitting up and playing with her oink oink piggy bank. I'll post the picture up her tonight when i get home.

Augleo/Kelley : Hexa is the 3rd dose of 6-in-1.

Darbebe : My girl got slight fever on Saturday night. She was super cranky when we had our dinner. Did not have a nice dinner. Rushed home after dinner to put on the fever patch for her, measured 37.5 so did not let her take medicine. Luckily i did not book the cable car dinner. If not don't know if we can get out halfway through the course.
