(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

good morning mummies

thks for "participating".

ixora, taro, s/w,
share with all, even my hb will mix up when I show him the pix. if is not nursing pillow, he will make the wrong guess too.

agreed with u, i hv given YK lesser new things + diligent acts but....the nursing pillow is the 1 of few things i bought new for him.

bingo = is YI KAI

Dlim = 1st one to guess right

hw r u? **wink wink**
u din make ur guess leh

thks...will try to bf as long as i can

do u know the TSH in bb's booklet mean what huh?
reading lower better?
hee, the boys' names sound nice. all the best in your breastfeeding journey =)

i purchased two carters blankets from a bulk purchase already. $9 each, how much are they at the sale?

how's the speech therapy going? jonas coping and progressing well?
Thanks for the concern.

Jonas is progressing...but probably still not up to the normal standard of his peers yet. The Pte Occupational therapist we are consulting suggest we bring him for the Speech therapist for review again to check if he can go on with ST and stop OT. Actually, these private therapy sessions are costing us alot of $$$ and hubby think we should stop. On the other hand, the NUH therapist (another one we consulted for 2nd opinions) thinks Jonas is progressing fine although slow, he should be able to catch up on his own (without therapy sessions) sooner or later.
hey dlim, coolD
was out of town, juz came back last nite. yeah, u can still catch the disney performance at vivo but juz can't do the meet and greet thing, take pix etc. my girl wanted to say hi to mickey and co. but couldn't coz no pass. so i bought her 2 mickey umbrellas at the redemption counter instead and brought her outside so that she can play with the brolly.

wah Leo
your 2 darlings look identical!
As mentioned to u, TSH = Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, I read that thyroid hormones can influence some aspects of child development.. too low or too high levels meaning one may hv thyroid disorder condition..
I still dunno what is the norm range for infants but I guess if the PD din highlight anything, it shldn't be of any concern... cos if need be, they'll ask u for a follow-up blood test..

i bot 1 carters blanket 2 yrs ago at that sale, $3 only.. Jo likes it alot till now thou can't cover her much.. thot of buying another 1 but i won't b able to make it this yr round, going for church camp..

glad to hear Jonas is progressing..
michele and ixora,
wah, $3 is really very cheap. hmm, and i thought my $9 was cheap. heee, i shall pretend that i didnt hear from you gals that it's $3!
for jonas' case, don't compare with his peers. just compare him against himself and as long as there's progress you can be happy. he's still a couple of months away from his 3rd birthday. hopefully he can give you a nice surprise then (like maybe sing his own birthday song or something).
things have increased in price so 2 yrs ago $3 doesn't mean it's the same now...


ya, I don't compare to "beat Jesse or myself" over it. Sometimes I compare as a gauge (cos I find it interesting), but generally, the child will just develop at his own pace... some times additional pressure will slow things down further!

By Pri 1 all our children will probably be on equal level so... don't worry.

Was just talking to someone in the "early childhood" field yesterday and he said the important things for our children now (at this age) is learn through play, help them make sense of the world and teach them self-control (emotions, impulses)...and give lots of love and affection
ABCs, 123 and all that can come later...
Hi Leo,
your 2 babies are so cute!
I couldn't tell the difference.

Hi SD,
What the NUH therapist said is good news, isn't it? he doesn't sound overly worried.. anyway, aren't boys usually slower in speech?
oh, the sale starts on Thurs? I thought was fri! I can go on thurs too!

SD, don't worry lah! all kids are on their own time on target! once they start, they don't stop!
leo: ya, i think #2 is v neglected compared to #1 ... i did bring him to take some pics by pros, compared to V :p anyway happy happy can liao ...

hope u are coping well. both kids v ham =) and yes, really like identical twins!
Zillion thanks alot for the encouragements!

Will continue to engage my boy thru play and patiently look forward to him singing his own birthday song.
My mom watched J for me yesterday and when I came home she told me something she found funny...

She said she was playing with J and found that he recognizes all his alphabets...then she told J, "Your mommy only recognise her alphabets at 4 years old and grandma only learn her alphabets at 7 years old. You so smart, two years old know your alphabets already..."

But at the end of the day, my mom's spelling still better than mine. ;) It really doesn't matter, does it.
mummies, i prob won't get a chance to login till 2010 liao...

so here's wishing everyone a very blessed Christmas and a very happy new year ... with lots of kisses & hugs!
what i bought for reference:

1) carter's blanket - S$4
2) (carters, cherokee, circo) rompers & tops - 3 for S$10 etc
3) osh kosh - 2 for S$15 etc
4) carter's 3 piece pajamas set - S$10
5) gerber 2 piece pajamas set - S$7

thanks....I might just go down for the blankies!

Anyway, we're relatively well now
Can probably meet up Tuesday or Wednesday morning if you're available...
ah...well...either day is fine with you? think need to sms mich for a reply.

Went to the sale just now...more stuff for babies (<12months)or older children (>3yrs).
In case anyone was wondering...
Jesse has the build of an "older child" already so you managed to get stuff for him? I'm getting a blanket and some rompers from Michele's loot.

D, Michele and Cindy,
If you're meeting on Tue/Wed, I might be able to make it as long as it's not too far away like Pasir Ris/Changi, haa..
East Coast Park? Think the kids might like Polliwogs. But don't know how crowded that is...

Their "4T" and "5T" (hardly saw any 2T or 3T) are huge. Bought one "4" and one "5" though...and a bunch of 18 months. hahaha... I know. I tell myself he can wear those "NOW". :p

Yes..either day should be fine. I would love to go Polliwogs..havent been yet but I am also wondering abt the crowd...

S/W, is East Coast too far for u?
for s/w's sake, we'll meet somewhere more central but i honestly can't think of a place to go coz it will be crowded everywhere!

Suntec? I can bring you guys into the NUSS guild house for lunch and there's a playroom there (though not many toys!) we can bring along some crayons &amp; coloring pages for their 'entertainment'.
We're passing around a flu bug at home, I can't say it's fun but he seems better at catching this than a ball! Pretty accurate throw too!
