(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

caicai, congrats! the best way to clear blocked ducts and increase supply? <font color="red">KEEP NURSING</font> (but with correct position - otherwise u will end up with sore nipples!)

the more u empty your breast, the more milk ur body will produce!

my bfing bible - http://www.kellymom.com/

you can also try drinking papaya fish soup/nursing tea.

my recipe for papaya fish soup:
- 1 semi-ripe papaya
- fish tail (if u want to eat the meat - panfried to remove fishy smell), otherwise lots of fish bones
- 1 tomato
- 200 - 300g yam
- handful of black beans

Caicai..congrats to your new born bb girl!!
How is zoe now? Zoe hospitalized due to jaundice? Hope she is better now.

Dont be too upset abt the delivery method..at least u have try your best. Hang on for another 12 more days..
congrats! while bb nurse, u massage at d same tx. cher slept quite long hrs during d nite so i did get blocked ducts few times, i hand expressed. it worked much better for me than d pump. i went to d LC at GlenE one time n she taught me d correct ways to massage n hand express. it helps a lot.
to hv more milk ss, remb to drk lots of beverages n soups.
Sincere congrats for the arrival of your princess! Really... I dun think it matters whether Zoe came through C sect or natural as long as she's healthy!

Hang in there for your confinement ya...we all know it can be the most "unbearable" month but it's gonna be over for you in no time. Any plans for 1st month party?


The Drs always say the same things hor...but I agree with everyone else - most important thing is mother and baby are well.

And to think I was just thinking of you two days ago.
Glad you checked in here.
can't advise abt blocked ducts cos i didn't get them before. as for increasing supply, the best way to establish supply now is to relax (stress causes a dip in supply) and latch on as much as possible. if you're expressing out instead of latching on, don't get obsessed/depressed abt the amount that is pumped and continue pumping even if there "seems" to be no milk because you're actually stimulating supply and after a couple of days the milk will start to come in upon repeated stimulation.

drink lots and lots and lots of fluid (can't emphasize this point more). for me, on top of water and juices, i drink close to 1 litre of milk a day to provide enough calcium for myself and to ensure that the BM that i produce is high in fat. never tried papaya soup before, but oatmeal works very well for me in increasing my supply.
don't get too stress on your BM ss.. your lil' zoe is only few weeks old. you will need some time to increase yr ss. i think to yield 20-30ml of BM now is normal. you can't expect so much in such a short time
or supplement with FM.

if zoe don't take to nursing, you can pump every 3-4 hrly.. incl night time.

think Bunnie also swear by Oats.. you can try it out.

today aldy 21 Nov, left 1/4 of ur confinement. hang on!!!

hope Zoe is well by now and u dun hv anymore discomfort on b.feeding. jia u
halo caicai!

as for blocked ducts, I used to put a towel in hot water and massage my boobs with the towel before i pump. it will help to a certain extent but of coz there'll be some stubborn ducts.

Congrats!! Rest urself well and dun be overstress with not enough milk ss. keep pumping and milk will start to flow in no time. Hope lil Zoe is well now. U do take care.
wanna ask where is recommended to buy toddler car seat?
issit Baby Hypermart or Baby Kingdom or anywhere else?
and which brand is recommended?
u finally getting a car ? :p
i think with dec coming up, there shld be sales going on. you can get the carseat anywhere.
you got a model in mind already ?
Caicai: Congrats! I've blocked ducts &amp; poor bm supply during #1. Like what sandwich said...plenty of rest, fluids and RELAX help a lot in the supply. Try to latch bb as often as possible...
dear mummies
thanks for ur encouragement , i am still trying .though my supply still not improving

diane asked me to think oats . i am eating oats before every pump n already asked aunty to add black beans to my papaya fish soup .
i din pump in the middle of the nite though , so hv to get up diligently to pump liao .

rina , are u the next in line to gv birth or augleo ?
yeah.. finally getting a car- Latio, think coming this wkend or next.
so we went Baby Hyperstore. wow so confuse as there are too many models to choose fm.

so dunno issit really cheaper to get fm there or place like Mothercare.

seriously, if you really want to do total pumping, must really be diligent in waking up. think i woke up at 3 and 6am that time

J uses the MaxiCosi Priori XP. We bought it end 2007 for about $400+ at GWC, Mothers Work. At that time, I called up hypermart and kingdom and the price was similar.

I guess if you know what model you want, it's easy to just call up and ask the different shops.

I like what he uses but he'll be outgrowing it soon. So if D (put him in the carseat to test) is at that stage too, I suggest getting a convertible carseat (that can be a booster seat). That time, I just "copied" what other friend's child was using...

Also, I don't know if you're going to allow eating in the car. We used to and sometimes the carseat would be in a mess. So we WISH we had bought a cover (didn't know they exist) so that we could wash regularly. As it is, it's been almost two years and never been washed. But we've also banned eating in the car now.
i am alos using the maxi-cosi, but i think i got it pretty cheap when robinson was having sale. must go to my blog and see how much.

i washed the cover every 6mths but once a month i will take damp cloth to wipe. we dont usually allow eating in the car only drinking. so her carseat actually is wuite a clean
min ,i saw fm today papers,johnlitle hv sale wor. Check it out .
oh,augleo nxt to dlvr? Hope jk is cooperative,u getting cl? Hope not as jialat as mine.

diane i email u my hp lah.u looking 4 me?
lovely pic of zoe. have an wu liao observation ... the post above looks like you're pumping and typing at the same time, cos you use a lot of shortcuts in your text, haha

i am currently using a carseat that's convertible to a booster seat for kaizer. he's less than the weight requirement, but the seat works well still. it only shifts slightly (because he's too light) when husband does sharp turns - which is not very often. we got it at mothercare habourfront. they have a lot of carseats there on display. i have the mothercare card, let me know if you wish to borrow it.
mothercare brand. we intro the car seat when kaizer was abt 2 year plus old. prepared him by letting him sit in it at home first, then watched a couple of car seat commercials on youtube (those with smilely babies on car seats). quite successful, he didn't struggle the first time we put him in the car.
Caicai: U could get it but do go and take a look at actual thing...certain spreeist are not very "accurate" in their ratings...

We took out and wash both car seat covers almost every 2 months...as sometimes Malcolm diapers "run away" and his urine comes out...

Since beginning, we never allow eating/drinking in car so no problem...Plus, my bbs are all "merlions" so can't drink in moving object sure puke later on...

We let both bbs sit in car seat since young...not very smooth lor...they would cry and "complain"...Malcolm was easier...he could be pacify with those children-singing CDs...Maverick...*sign* still need to try...
yo Cath

now wk39.2. comparing w/JK this labor considered "late".
JK born on wk39.2 thot #2 will b earlier than 1st one???
last stretch already ... all the best for a smooth delivery!

catherine and d,
we allow kaizer to snack/drink in the car, and it's very messy. but the father is the one cleaning, so i can't complain that much.

I was okay with eating and drinking until the roach infestation...then it was safer to stop all that cos it's not safe for me to drive and see a roach running across the dash! EEKS!


hang in there...any day now... the peace before the chaos! heh.
Mrs Chia,
yes, still around
looks like Dec le.
now busy watching online HK drama = Gong Xi Ji (5 more episodes to complete
D, even if i din alow my son 2 eat in è car,there r roaches r lurking in my car. Leo ,u cope w jk n no c.l? Sounds tough :p.
jiayou jiayou. Hv a smooth safe dlvy.

we've NEVER had roaches in our car until J came along. Never as in, since I was a child! I was never allowed to eat in the car.

The shop that cleaned our car said for every 1 you see, there are at least 50 inside...

Anyway, if you have, you can buy the cockroach bait from supermarket and put under the seats. Each pack last two weeks, then just change. After a month, it's supposed to clear.
eeeee ,1 represents 50 , goodness!!!
bunnie , i saw taxi uncle putting pandan leaves .
but i suspect it is not a matter of food , imagine we park near a drain , then the roaches find their way up thru aircon vents etc etc ...

anyway roaches SMELL ! yucks . if my hubby sees one , even if he is driving , he will try to KILL it using watever he can get his hands on

usually, if my hb saw one, he'd just kill it with a tissue (and his hands) haha. Cos if I see it, I'll freak out! Very dangerous since I drive more...

Pandan tends to keep the roaches away but it's very temporary esp if there's already a nest in the car.

no other place to park? All near cockroach drain?
