(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

i think pandan leaves is juz a temporary measure coz i tried putting them in my kitchen cupboard, it didn't really work. but my colleagues said it's effective tho.

hi all
thanks for all the input on car seat.
we bot Graco convertible fm MotherCare, harbour front. but hv no chance to let D sit on it yet.

I was at Robinsons just now and saw a convertible carseat and thought of you. Think it was Graco also...$299. or something like that.
i've had an unbelievably unlucky day. too lazy to type out what happened here. those with my blog address can go read the long post there. counting down ... 45 more minutes to the end of the day!
Hi mummies,

Augleo delivered her bb boy on 30 Nov, 3.23kg..
think she'll share the details when she's more settled.. congrats to her!
congrats! post details and pics soon ok! rest well.

oh dear, perhaps some kind soul will return to you.
good luck is coming your way soon
d, min, ixora, michele,
thanks for your thoughts. glad the pouch has already been found =)

congrats! hope you'll sail through this first month w/out much problems.
min, rina, s/w, michele, ixora, EE, Mrs Chia n blueroti + mummies on SMS:
thks for all best wishes

since hb switched on my laptop, get in n hv a quick post

hey! I'm the #16 on April thread to report NB

total 10 boys n 6 girls for yr 2009???
mayb there are more...nb not that i know off

fast glance on ur blog, JIA U!
u always so positive, lady luck will approaching u very soon.

thks for ur offline msn msg, u take care too

in crazy mode now, dunno what i'm doing. like a mad woman now.

summary of my birth story:
11am = routine check at clinic 3cm dilation
1pm = feeling contractions coming
1.30pm = sms hb to b home
(keeps talking to bb, allow me to bath thoro. trying to prepare JK's dinner but failed.)

2.30pm reached ESH, nurse check = ONLY 1cm!!!
i wanted to faint le. I want to go home!!! Don't waste my time on the bed.
Of course not allow....

6pm = as per gynae instruction's nurse bursted my water bag. before bursting the water bag aldy 6cm dilation.

ard 30mins later = bb arrived.

oki, meanwhile all take care and hv a great wknd ahead. will report next wk if possible
halo mummies
in case anyone is going to bring your kiddo to vivo city for the disney meet and greet - all the passes for Dec 4-14 have been redeemed. i thot redemption is for same day performance but it's not. i rushed there today, only to find out all the passes are gone.
Hey Leo
Sorry for the late CONGRATS as I was overseas and only realised now that your little one had arrived last week.

Hope that JK is adjusting well to being a big Bro.


I was still thinking of going down this sat to watch...so fast fully redeemed!
But if Cool_d said still can
watch then not too bad..

U watch from where?
enjoyed ur trip? lots of nice food right???

so far, JK is doing great except sometimes he whine for attention.
at hospital:
his 1st remarks to didi "Gor gor here, dun scare!"
his 1st song to didi = I LOVE U (Barney)

3 of us are adjusting to the additional member, hope it will gets better in no time.
hw abt u?

thks, hope ur mood feeling better now.

the Tampines ind. park w/hse sale on 17-19 Dec. u going again??

Mrs Lai,
photo, hmmm...compare w/JK this time round really no time to take much. will post if hv more time. anyway, didi looks likes gor gor alots.

for all info, didi's name will b YK
in case other mummies are interested to know the w/hse sale: (trying to upload the jpg file but resize few times till big.... here the details)

X'mas clearance sale
BRANDED Baby/Kid's wear
upto 90% off
Date: 17 to 19 Dec
Time: 9am to 8pm
Add: 43 Tampines St. 92
Ooo....JK is sooo sweet to DiDi. Anyway, I always have the impression that JK is quite "mature" in actions for his age and very well-behaved boy.

Yupz...many interesting snacks there...although mostly are fried ones. Weather is cold there, so I guess alright to take more "heaty" stuff. Hehehe.

Will put up the photos in FB when I have the time.
Not sure yet.. I will see how cox need to take leave to go down. U not doing any confinement rite so will u b going down?

No tickets also can watch from the ampy threater? Im planning ard that timing too..
tks, i m ok. JK is such a sweet gorgor.

gd to hear that ur dad is feeling better now. he such a doting grandpa to the 2 lovely boys. titus has grown up so much since we last saw him, so cute.

how ar u n Joanie? havnt heard fr u for a while.
D, if u are up to it by then, we can go for the warehouse sale @ tampines - 'dump' the kids with my parents on fri morning again (unless ur parents will still be around to look after J). keke...

s/w, still looking for blankets? that's where i got my carter ones!

Friday morning, Jesse has a playdate already...my ex-classmate bringing her child over...

I might go Thurs afternoon depending on how tired we are...parents would've left by then.

like the rest, I think it's YK and then JK. Why? Cos first child can be bothered to wash "kiddy" pillowcase, #2 - can't be bothered already. haha. They could be twins though...
i think 2nd picture looks like JK! 1st picture i can't tell, maybe is JK maybe is YK. for all we know, maybe yours is a trick question cos both are the same boy? hahaaa ...

let me guess YK stands for yi kai?
omg Leo,
JK & YK really look alike!!!!!! Cannot stand it, both r so cute!!!
ok guessing time, top pic is JK, bottom pic is YK... hee

i think its JK then YK. but then hor JK's newborn pic don't look like him leh. he really changed alot! yah.. wat is YK full name? Yong Kai?
