(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

not to wori, d fotographer at foto-u are really quite gd. they wld guide u n teach u how to pose n make ur bb/kid smile n laugh. even my hb who 'dislike' takg fotos 'enjoyed' d session. sure to turn out nice. unless bb is super cranky right fr d start then they may suggest u postpone to another day/time.

ya loh...wanted to take pix w/Cher too.
yest, both u n Cher red red de.
Shirley n me oso red...thot of taking grp pix.
too bad...i missed it

good loh...company pass hv 4 entries = jus nice for ur happy family

previously, me oso using comapny pass to visit Zoo. if not, expensive lei
Augleo, my friend's co has free pass to Jur birdpark and zoo too. zoo quite pop, need to queue up. In fact we are "waiting" for the zoo pass. but jur birpark's pass quite ez_ly avail it seems. lemme know if you int.
wow! sound great.
thks thks. will let u know

btw, keep forgetting to tell u...
there is once me n 2 mummies @CP saw ur hb n lele. wonder he rmbr to tell u?
in the nursery room, i was changing JK then i saw lele on the changing top too.......then i whsipered to myself, "look like lele!" then ur hb looked at me, "yah, he is lele!"
Yap, luckily I managed to access the files by plugging the laptop’s hard disk to my PC. Yesterday went to buy the IDE at Sim Lim after Marina Square. Phew.. Did a recovery on the laptop and yet to try it out yet.

BbG can tahan 8 hours from her last feed. So if it’s at 12 midnight, she’ll probably wake at 8am for a feed. Then she’ll sleep again till about 11am. That’s her routine these days but subject to change everytime.
I also like to keep bb awake as long as possible so that she will sleep almost immediately once she touched the bed. Otherwise, she’ll crawl here and there. Aiyo.

Mrs Lai
I also bought table clothe! Then also some packets of balloons. Very cheap leh, 90 cents, got heart shaped and metallic ones. But I won’t be getting helium though. Most probably blow it up myself and hang it around.
Augleo: Yup, my hub told me. He saw Lil Jo (cos she took "sweetheart foto" w lil Lele before) but did not know you. He was so surprised that somebody, whom he did not know, will recognise lele!
It was only when I asked Agnes much later that I knew it waas you! HAHA! I also kept forgetting to tell ya. This thread always have some topics to distract me!
Thanks for remembering Lele even though you only met him twice.
Gene: Wa, bbG is a nightowl! Is your family late-night sleepers too?
But she sure can sleep hor. Lele can tahan 7-8hours before nxt feed but since he sleeps early, that is like 2 am in the morning
Gene: forgot to ask you just now. so since Gladys wakes at 10, does that mean she will skip morning nap and take only afternoon naps, 1 in early and the other in late afternoon?
augleo...I can't count!

I do intend to bring Jesse to the zoo and birdpark when he's older. I'll probably just get the Friends of the Zoo pass. Am thinking of only starting that after he consolidates his naps though...now not enough play time to bring him there and back.

Please share any lobang if you find it.

Kate...Jesse sleeps early too, 7:30 every evening. Used to be 6:30 then it moved back an hour last month. I agree that I love the time alone....many night hubby and I can just go out, which is nice. But like you said, hubby has no time with Jesse except for the morning before he leaves for work. But it's just a temporary thing so we're just enjoying the arrangement for now.

SpringDance, I was just thinking the same thing. I think I WILL play some children's music in the background...just for fun.

Michelle, the agar agar cakes are really pretty. That's another idea for us. Thanks! But I don't know if Jesse can take coconut milk, I know he can't take dairy so I've been thinking about alternatives. Husband did say "nevermind" since it's not likely that Jesse will be able to get much in his mouth...it'll probably just end up on his face, clothes, floor, etc etc.
hi mummies,
lunch recipe for cher tdy. i tasted. so yummy, keke..
- boiled fresh huai2 shan1, organic carrot, red dates n lean pork soup.
- use soup to cook 5grain (grinded) porridge.
- steam threadfin n organic caixin.
- mash n add to porridge
hb said i m pampering her tastebuds, keke... nowadays she dun fancy cereal anymore :p but evytx i c her fin her porridge w a satisfied look, i feel so happy..

ydy hb went to fetch ash fr cc. his cc is at upper bt timah. hb was surprised to c tat it's super 'tight security'. big gate, small gate, doors after doors all locked. (normally is main entrance door locked at all tx only). ash told hb. 'papa, teachers said there is terrorist, bad guy, u know, must b careful'..
Jesse: I won't recommend agar agar for kids at this age. Cuz while they can chew their food, agar agar is slippery and may choke on the pieces. If you want to get agar agar, you should consider for the adults and older kids instead.

Gene: I tot I had some leftover balloons from her party, but if yours is after my gal, I can lend u my foil balloons! (if the kids dun grab all of them home :p)
u read the post? think tomr there is a meet up during lunch. check with michk

join them n meet some of the mummies in SK n PG.
what's huai2 shan1?
Thanks for that recipe, I was just thinking of trying something new for Jesse. Can caixin be mashed? it's the green leafy veg, right?

Looks like I should go to the market soon...haha.

Mrs Lai,
ya...maybe I'll just stick to conventional cake...esp since it's probably true that he wouldn't be able to stuff much in his mouth.
I can just imagine the agar agar slipping off his fingers and then...game over.
Hi Dlim

Sorry!!! saw your msg last nite but stoopid pc hang when i tried to open the excel sheet so couldn't reply.

yes, i'm keen on the GUG class but am not sure now which date is my class coz' was on waiting list.

Mrs Lai

hey where did you get your lasik done? am very tempted! i always have to fumble for my glasses in the middle of the nite when my girl wakes up and starts bawling!
will PM you my girl's details.

btw, i may go robinsons today. they have sales ah? u want to send me your shopping list and address in case i do go? if it's above $150 can get free delivery.
Cher's sleeping time (+ -):
bedtime: 930pm
wake up: 8am
morning nap: 11am to 1pm+
noon nap: 4pm to 530pm+

i find this timing quite comfortable cos i 'train' both my kids to slp ard this time. ash slp ard 9pm n wake up 7-730am.
af bb pass 1 yr old, they may nid only 1 afternoon nap a day (abt 2-3 hrs) only unless they wake up very early or hv a tiring morning filled w activities.
how is it like to have two children? Is it a lot of adjustment?

Sometimes I think about whether we can cope with another one and my husband told me to go and "research" first. haha.
Dlim / Jesse
Actually I think the room will be filled with the noises of the adults chatting or chasing their kiddos…so still not sure whether I should specially go buy a children’s songs CD to play at the party…not cheap rite? Considering I probably may not play the CD for a very long while after this event. :p

You wan to blow balloons on your own? Very tiring lei…Out of breath! You got a manual pump or something?

Mrs Lai
Hmmm…that’s a good idea! And I’ll put the bumbo in front of the TV screen with his fav advertisement…so he’ll look like as if he’s looking straight at the camera and eyes big big also…LOLZZZZ!!!!
Oh, I guess I wouldn't buy a cd just for the party...

And you know, at ICA, the people taking the photos also just use the Bumbo. That's how they took Jesse's photo.

Mrs Lai
Quite funny, I emailed my husband about the agar agar cake and he replied, "are you sure it's not a choking hazard?"
Can tell, I don't really think things through...
caixin (green leafy) i usually quick boil or steam. somtx i throw into blender w beef/pork. or i use kitchen scissors cut cut till very tiny pcs. else chop chop oso can. wen feeding her, if i do c big pcs, wld take it out.
fresh huai2 shan1 is burdock (oops correct spelling??), a kind of root vege like yam.

mrs lai,
cher dun fancy fish compared to beef/pork so i got to 'bury' d taste of fish n made it yummy else wen d porridge turned a bit cold oreadi, she wld give d 'puke' look. but for beef porridge, she can eat very fast. so far, i tried all kind of green vge, she is ok. but i like to buy organic for green vege. d remaining caixin i wld cook for myself n family n d organic ones are really 'sweet' wo d siap siap/bitter/waxy pesticide taste.
Hi Blueroti,

Its all rite.. no worries..

So when can u confirm with me? Cox right now both classes are full & if u cant attend on 16/3, I will have to replace u with Huajing as she is the next on wait list. But then if u cant attend for the class on 16/3, there isnt vacant seat for class on 9/3 too.....
Thanks for the explanation.

For beef porridge, do you use minced beef? What part of the cow is best. Actually, even for pork, what's a good part? What do I tell the "uncle"?

Right now, I mostly feed Jesse root vege like yam/sweet potato, carrots, etc. Haven't really ventured into meats yet. This will be interesting.
Btw, any Mummies staying near Rivervale Mall? That's where I'm near...if you are, we could probably meet up more regularly. I don't mind if you want to come to my place and just let the baby play on the mat.
Sanrio: My gal only wan the EXP fish - threadfin or red garoupa. Cheap fish like ikan billis she give face or refuse to eat! Even white promfret also hiam!

Blueroti: Nmind, I already have someone to help me liao. Thank you!

Mindy: U no I was telling u about the bathtoy? I was so fedup, cuz the Nuk at JL totally NONE. So in the end I fedup, I really order from USA. it should still cost me about $1 after adding shipping.
Jesse: The most exp cut is the "mei rou" "mui yoke" in cantonese i think. I buy the fake mei rou or "jia mei rou" they will know. The mei rou price is easily double of the normal meat ;P

I finally got my 7 litre stockpot! so now i make lots of soup and freeze them, then when cooking porridge, my gal won't complain too little taste :p
u wanna join us tomorrow for lunch ??
think so far, will be ixora, traz, aprilmum and myself.

anyone else ???

u want to come along too since u can drive now ;p
sanrio: wah! your menu looks very interesting! full of variety! how do u manage cooking so many things and looking after cher at d same time ah? share your secrets w clueless working mum leh:p

jessemum: are we the only ones w early birdies? kekeke! seriously, I wun mind the early bedtime if I were a sahm. In fact when I was on long leave for a wk or 2, I relished putting lele to bed in the early evening so that I have some ME time
But when working it's diff lor. Come home after a long day of working&thinking of him, yet cannot even have 30mins of time w him. I might just quit this stoopid job to look after lele... been thinking about it for ages... we'll see we'll see... maybe next time you here me make "official announcement" liao haha!

My hub worse than your hub cos he needs to leave home early and works long hours, so practically every weekday is a c-no-lele day. I really wondered how he can stand this, but he said it's okay for him. Men are just of a diff make-up la.
Haiz, today really suay, suppose to do lasik but end up having high fever this morning... so have to reschedule to next tuesday.... all arrangement have been made and hubby already applied for leave, but......

Hi cool_ID, wow, your power really high, I think it is gd that you have done the lasik.

Mrs Chia, how is your pre-lasik examination today? When r u schedule to do?

As for Stamford Catering, how is the food and setting? I lazy to look around, so might want to follow Augleo and order from them.

Hi Jesse, my power is 400+ each eyes. A lot of friends went to SNEC and have gd comments...
jesse , u staying near rivervale mall .
my ma staying blk 140, wat blk u staying ?
kate , ur sentiments same as me leh . my hubby also kept late nites , so seldom play wif the sonny . even if he sees him , he rather watch TV n read papers . abit bo chup attitude . guys dun hv the parental instincts . i also want to QUIT my job be samh , but tough leh ...
Ok .. hopefully the foto shoot will be gd. Mine session at Bscene was bad, bbJ so cranky n no smile at all. Tho' they try & use toys behind e camera to wave at him, dun tink he give a damn to them. End up, we oni choose 1 pix (wif package) dats all.
mrs lai , can i ask questions ?
u froze alot of foodcubes rite . Is it good to thaw n cook ? will there be any nutrients loss ?how long can we keep these cubes
ar u a sahm? w 2 mean less personal tx, less slp, less extra $, keke... but double joy, happiness, fun n blessings.. u feel all worth it wen u c them playing, laughing 2geter, hug n kiss each other but headache wen they fight or snatch toys n korkor dun wan to share/give.
my 'ideal' is to hv 2, 1 boy n 1 girl n God has blessed us with them. wen d going gets tough at times, i alwy remind myself to b thankful for these blessings. i suppose evy1 can cope but perhaps d age gap n d timing, wld nid a bit of planning n discussion btw d couple. wld b gd if do hv grandparents to help in caregiving. for me, i sahm. my older boy is in cc now. cos my hb is nvr pro maid. my mil is old but my mum do pop by once a while.
if closer age gap, they can b best playmate.
if wider age gap, less stressful for mummy.
as for me, we 'plan' such tat my older boy passed 2 yrs old, 'independent' a bit n can go cc b4 my no.2 cum along.
what time is lunch tomorrow? my lunch window is very small...12:30 to 1:30 only. The biggest window I have is tea (usually 4 - 6).
try to choose a timing tat bb wake up fr usual nap n had his main meal. milk can fee din car. bring snacks. go eraly to give him a bit of time to warm up.

as a sahm, i plan my timing 'chun chun', keke... oso cher has quite a fixed sleep n eat routine so i prepare n cook wen she nap. else she wld b in walker in kitchen w me. if she cranky, i gave her snack to munch. then i sing, talk to her while i quickly cook. but mus b careful lah. so i alwy use d 'fire' furthest away at d stove.
Mrs Lai,

Thanks for the words. I'll use them when I get to the market. I'll just start with a little bit.

Just to clarify, the meat is just for making stock? Do we feed it to the baby?
u know K dun like meat leh. fish still ok, can finish porridge in less than 10min. but wit meat, takes longer, will push away the spoon
i used lean meat (ba tao) to cook soup/stock. to feed cher, i buy 'mei rou' n steam. i buy 'zhen mei rou' since cher dun eat tat much. is much more tender n juicy. but for pork, i alwy blanch it w hot water 1st b4 i use it for cooking.
we meetin at 12-1.30pm. see whether u can catch us ?? we will be at Swensen. u can call me when u reaches. my no is nine six eight zero six seven three two.
what's holding you back from being a SAHM?

My husband really prefers to be with Jesse, but too bad someone has to work. He does the first feed in the morning and if anything crops up at night (which only happens when he's sick), husband also in charge of that. He sleeps with the baby monitor next to him because he knows I'll just turn it off! Bad mummy. He's really a good father lah...e.g. I want to do something every wed mornings, he has been taking leave every wed morning so that I can go. We're still trying to find a baby sitter just for weds morning to come to our place.

Caicai, I'm at 151

our situation a bit like your's. Husband also don't want maid to look after child...and our parents are not available to help us. So if and when we have another one, we have to be prepared to do everything ourselves lah. My parents do pop by like 3-4 times a year to give me a break here and there (like go cut hair, etc)...

You're right, I'm very thankful for Jesse. And it sounds like 2 years is a good age gap. Thanks for the advice! (PS: I used to say I want 4 but now, I 1 also happy liao! haha)
blueroti: I wasking asking for DLIM haha if u have given her then ok liao

my one is Dr Lynn something from AsiaMedic ... more exp then SNEC but it was recommended by my colleagues and sister. She's more exp than SNEC but she is good lor. She even measured my cornea thickness just to ascertain my suitability and did a check cuz I complained of dry eyes (after abusing the contact lenses :p). I also have high internal eyeball pressure but she said it's due to the thicknes of my cornea, which makes me a very suitable candidate for lasik! So happy MUAHAHAHA

I think in all it's about $5K plus for both eyes. Even my gynae (Dr Fong Yang) ask why so exp, cuz his sister (i think) just went to do it at Mt E and only cost $3K for both eyes. So I said, depends on the doctor and the recommendations. I didn't want to go to someone who chin chye cuz I already got all these complicated issues.
Okay, I'll see how things go...will let you know

I hope you recover from fever soon. Let me know your feedback after your lasik! All the best!

Jesse's UP!
caicai: I think they have diff thinking than us. Last time I asked my hubbie how he can stand not being able to play w sonnie during weekdays, and he shared w me that if lele sleeps late, he will feel compelled to play w him, but if he has work to do (more often than not), he will not be able to play at ease cos work will be at the back of his mind. With a hectic work and after-work schedule that he has now, he said that he dun mind having some quiet time after work.
jesse: If make stock, I usu make a big pot, so I can keep some for my gal, and the rest I use it for SOUP OF THE DAY for the family menu =) Then we will eat up the meat lor. Soup Stock i use any meat as in one big slab.

Then when I cook her porridge, I have my grounded fake mei rou, which the butcher will grind it 3 times for me. So my gal will have minced pork with her porridge lor.

Only veggies i use (lazy mum) brocolli, peas, baby asapagus, carrots and I just tried french beans.
cai cai: max is 2 months. sometimes they get freezer burn so I give to my dogs ;P

Kate: ur son got stick to daddy? my gal don't - she will always scream until he has something she is interested in his hands. and my hubby always wonder why my gal don't want him - even after I have to constantly remind him to play with her.

Dunno leh, they din suggest. Than we oso chin cai juz take abit. Than they suggested take a break while they change back drop & guess wat, bbJ fell asleep. So we end the session.

bbJ no regular nap. He will take 1 at abt 10-12pm, dan afternoon ones not fixed. Some times no nap at all.
