(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Kate : Don't worry. Remember my Glynnis?? Also don't eat and drink much. Healthy can liao.

I took up Foto U 2 hr package. Original px is $258 but if got BP, than I tink it's 10% disc. It's for Max 5 pax but additional pax u can top up. I am planning to take quan jia fu with my parents & Bro's family too. Chk out their thread.


My Hb has a army mate who is a dietrician (spel correct anot huh?) .. anyway, he says bb's growth are irregular ones. Some days when they r growing, may ask for more food, & some days, they may not eat as much. It's pretty normal until abt 1yr o.
glynnis dun eat much also? think she's very active , eat too much = difficult to run around . my sonny also dropped his appetite now. but as long as he is active , i also try not to think -ve side of it . just a growing up phase , if they are hungry , tey will scream for more .sometimes i overfeed him , he will either spit out the teat or he will make a "puking" face to spit out the porridge .our babies can be experts in body language .
Caicai : Ya loh... My glynnis will just push the spoon away or escape by crawling away... Haa...

Now she is learning how to talk... At night when she wake up for milk... She will mama mama mum mum... baba baba mum mum... Haa...

And the most horrible thing is, when she wake up in the middle of the night and decide that its time to play... She will use my hp to hit my face. Then when i wake up and stare at her in shock, she smile so broadly...
<font color="0000ff">UPDATE</font>
<font color="0000ff">hippo is going to infant care from tomorrow onwards. I'm going back to teaching in term 2...so that i can get the 3 mths paid maternity leave...bobian..really need the money. going to use the remaining 2 weeks as a SAHM to slowly settle hippo in the IFC.</font>
Dreamygal: Glynnis sure is cheeky! When lele wakes up and cries for us and we ignore him, he will utter,"maaa..." very loud and clear! So I will heart melt and feed him, only to find that he will play for sometime even after the feed!?!

Esp recently, he has been starting to wake up in the mid of night to play............. my colleague who's now grown-up child said that last time her son had this "problem when he turnned 6mths. She asked the GP during a routine check-up and the GP said that cause is due to too-early naptime. So she moved bedtime to 9 and it cured the problem...

I wonder if this is the case for lele. His bedtime has always been 7 and we had no problems, but recently he seemed much more active during his bedtime and would sometimes play up to an hour after we tuck him in, before falling aslp. Maybe I will try let him play more before bedtime and also shift bedtime to 8...
thks for org the GUG trial class.
c u n Jayden on coming Sunday

thks...i paid S$100 for an hour session.
* get all softcopy (CD) on the same day.
* 2 pcs of 8R photo (still not deciding which to print)

erm...i rec'd 168 pcs...the 1st 6pcs weren't nice coz me kindda tense up lah

i know there is 1 May mummy get 220pcs within an hour = better deal than mine. hahaha!
i know can't comparing in that way : as long there are nice memory n some nice pix for JK to keep. Not the qty but the quality, right? kekekekeke!

mummies bringing bb for studio pix:
do remember to bring along ur child fav. snacks n toys. i brought some JK's fav. blocks along...keep him busy @1 corner while me n hb takes some couple pix

ya...i think only 1 in punggol...blk 192 Bright Kids.
I never go ard and compare...since it's nearby I just chuck hippo there. and then close one eye lor...
OMG.. foto u is much more cheaper *faint*
i still gotta pay $250 to take back all photos in CD
coz my package only got 5 5r photos so i ended chosing more than 20 extra to print so maryann say might as well buy the CD back

dammed it! i shd hv compared pricing!
i m also quite tempted to send my boy to IFC but do you think they will cry in unfamilar place? i don't hv courage so bo bian gotta trouble my hubby's grandparents to help babysit ..
but this arrangement cannot be long term

i tot if i start him young at IFC still not that bad.. now at 11 mth i think abit hard to get him settled down
there is no milk in betw his 2 porridge feeds?

i will alternate milk betw my boy's solid
so he will hv 2 porridge and 3-4 milk for whole day.

porridge can only tahan 2 hr.. but milk can tahan 3hr interval
i understand. sigh..i oso very heartpain...esp hippo has been a "zhai2 nan2" all along...seldom go out..now got to put him in an unfamiliar place. i expect him to cry and fuss...and learn eventually that he just hv to adapt.
i've been thru a lot with gorgor...he is one extreme kid.
When i put him in the childcare centre when he was 18 mths old, he wld cry non stop till he lost his voice. Then he started "self-torturing" and banged his head on the wall, bite his lips till bleed....
all i can say is that we really hv to let them learn..
u shld have ask us ??? i also paid $100 for an hour, can take back all in CD after the session.
go on wkdays get free2 8R
this mama here is having very bad MS...going to town is not at all tempting to me....i'm even too lazy to go downstairs and buy lunch for myself....eating maggie mee..
don't say liao lah.. i really can bang head.

i tot both of them shd hv competitive pricing since both got advertise here.

so sad leh.. my hubby sure kill me if i say go for another shoot
your package diff from this:

David's and Benjamin's Studio Package is $258.00
which includes:-

All images return.
2 hours session (including make up and wardrobe changing)
Maximum 5 people.
Make up &amp; Hair do for one female adult
3 pieces of 8R enlargement prints
The $100 promo over le. This $258 package is their regular promo. it's 2 hr instead of 1, &amp; it comes wif 1 set of make up &amp; hairdo. Also, 3 8R istead of 2 for the $100 promo.

i tink if small family, 1hr is enuff. if take big family portrait, than e 258 1 is ok. I am taking the 258 package for 8 pax . hehe.
thanks for the link!
order later.

dun "kek sim". i think studio loft &amp; foto-u the style quite diff right. cheer up! bbD looks nice also!
cool_d/dreamygal: Thansk for your advice on feeding! Maybe I worry too much liao... Thing is, if lele had no appetite and refuse food I will just let it be. But since he is the "can-eat-alot-kind", I worry that deliberately not feeding him often will cut his nutrients intake. Furthermore, babies this age very active and playful, can play till forget hunger!

mindy: Yup, no milk in between porridge. Maybe because lele eats so much porridge at one go? We only feed him next porridge feed 5/6hours later. Sometimes 4 1/2 hours if he requests...
Now I scared his milk intake not freq enuf for his age...
Think as long as Hippo dun reject…it should be fine to replace all the BM with FM eventually…anyway, milk is not the only source of food for him now since he is almost one year old. There’s also solids required to make up the nutrients needed. I read in a mummy’s blog that PD says as long as baby of this age got take in at least 450ml of milk per day.. it’s sufficient already. Can confirm with your PD too…

Woah…GorGor’s reaction to Childcare so extreme! Hopefully hippo will do much better at IFC…

Why dun you tabao at coffee-shop or market instead of eat maggi mee…more nutritious even though got MSG also…

Dun really know how to explain clearly on the 5-in-1 potty…but it’s something like at the later stage when baby becomes toddler, you can take out the top part of the potty use as training seat on the normal toilet bowl…then the bottom part can use as a stool for the toddler to step up to the toilet bowl.

Better to use detergent to wash the potty bah…else stinko after sometime….

What’s Lele weight &amp; height now? If he is growing well, no need to worry too much about the milk feed. How big a bowl of porridge is he eating?

Glynnis so clever! Fast to learn crawling….one of the fastest also to start talking….think when her birthday reaches, she probably can say a few words to impress your friends &amp; relatives liao.

Hihi!!! How are you? Long time never hear from you…how was your Chinese New Year?

Claire / Traz
Read a few mummies' comment that BBQ wholesale is good...though I have not tried b4.
springdance: now not sure what his ht and wt is but 1month ago his weight only 10percentile. The nurse couldn't believe it and thought she weighed wrongly. She even commented that it is quite unusual for weight at 9months to be lesser than when he was 8months old...
she gave me a booklet on feeding babies solid and asked me to attend workshop on preparing bb food.
His bowl of porridge is the size of a rice bowl, like those that are used by chicken rice/stir-fry stalls.
Lele does not seems underweight leh .. wat's his weight at 9mths? anyway, he seems happy &amp; active, so I dun tink need to worry much. Afterall, he is eating well. bbJ also eats 1 bowl of porridge for lunch &amp; dnr. Nowadays, me also asked FIL give him cereal in the morn + FM.

Btw, u still looking for flat? Juz to share wif u .. my neighbour selling his flat, but he's asking 430-450k, which I thot is extremely high. Or is the property mkt really so hot now?

I choose the senior consultant (so can do 2 eyes together) so it will cost slighty more than $4K including those necessary pre-examination, post examination etc... If choose consultant then will be around $3K....But can only do 1 eyes per day.
110sqm only. It's a 5rm flat. Valuation is 385k &amp; he is asking so high coz he hardly stays there. So his flat is like new actually, &amp; it's renovated somemore. So far, highest offer was 415k which he rejected .. ..
3 yrs ago, i've a colleague oso do 2 eyes @1 go.
hw many days of MC u need? hw do u take care of bbX? wat are the after care?

wow! he is asking S$45K more than the valuation.
u think he can make it?
cool_d: actually I'm more worried about not-enough nutrients than weight... but guess as long as he is happy and active should be okie...
Thanks for sharing!
Haha, I dunno. But I told my HB I wun pay 430k for a 5rm flat. But than, if someone does, than I may consider selling my flat too .. keke.

Btw, I did Lasik many yrs back .. when it was still so ex
But for a blind mouse like me, I tink it's the best thing I did for myself. My MIL juz did hers too recently, much cheaper .. like 2k+ if I am not wrong.
wow! share lei. after the lasik, hw many days u need to rest n how does it affect u.
me so curious n envy
Maybe can ask your FIL to give like 4oz (120ml of milk) in between the porridge feed. Won't overfeed this way and also you need not be so worry Lele having not enough milk.

Back from lunch at Marina Square...got any updates to share on the mummies' topic today? For the benefit of those who can't make it.... Guess mainly about plans for 1st birthday celebration? :p
The pre-examination can request for mc and they will give 2 days mc for lasik. I will request for additional day mc so that i go back to work on next monday.

According to my husband (he done few months back), he can see clearly immediately when he came out of the operating room. But have a layer of foggy effect. When he wake up the next day, his vision is perfect already.

I will place bbX at my mum house and my husband will bring him home in the evening. So my hubby will take care of him tomorrow. On thursday, my vision should be ok liao, but will still place him at my mum house in the day.
In fact, immediately after the surgery, oredi can see clearer le. But of coz the eyes will be like sore sore. Than doc. will advise dun rub or wat. If I rmbr correctly, no med, juz eyes drop. How it affect me is I finally can wake up &amp; see the time, first time in my life. Btw, I started wearing glasses at e age of 5 !!
Beyond n CoolD,
thks for sharing on lasik.
my family dun hv family history of short-sighted. in facts, all perfect eyes-sight loh.
me so vain...keep wearing classmate spec...see lah.
really regrets. zillion regrets.
so ma fan!!!!

today meet up, din managed to gather all mummies together. mainly go for shopping.
yes, did share abt b.day celebration preparation.
bb's updates.
today attendances:
1. Mrs Lai + Vanessa
2. Kelley
3. michK
4. michele + Claire
5. Sanrio + Cher
6. Gene + Gladys
7. taro
8. aprilmum
9. myself + JK

did i missed any1 out?
wow , beyond . dropped price for the lasik surgery liao . my hubby did it in 2007 , he chose the senior consultant , it costs 5K then .
so far he had no complaints abt his eye .
after he did the surgery , he was complaining of pain , i got so worried , i called the clinic to ask them why he is in pain . they said after 1 day , it will subside . luckily it did ...coz he was really whining away on the 1st day
where are you doing your lasik? My friend jio me together for the consultation. Suppose to go this month but I chicken out.

1 hand very much wanted to have 'perfect' eyesight, while the other, no guts.

no still no cfm with stamford.
aiyoh...me always last min loh.
yet book bakery n catering.

btw, any1 tried eCreative catering?
