(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Hi Darbebe,
I will be doing at Singapore National Eyes.

Ya, the prices dropped. You know hor, my hubby done a few mths back and then he have to pay for the post examination... but today they told me that with effect from 1 Mar, the post examination fees will be absorbed. They say no choice, as the market was very competitive.
Extremely .. my short sightedness is +1k, my astic is abt 400R, 600L. Dats y after lasik, me still got left overs, but I am happy wif e result oredi... as long as I can see w/o specs :p
Hi All, do you know how to get our baby's picture int he playhouse disney bday greeting part? I dunno who to contact for that.... any idea?

Augleo - your photos are very nice!!!
Btw - do you know where to make banners for bday party? thinking to make my son one

Mrs Lai - what a big photo!?!? I wonder what is her reaction when she sees this when she grows up!! hahah ;) just kidding!!! she looks lovely!
Hi ladies,
wah very long no log-in liao..

Hi Beyond,
so qiao.. I'm going for the pre-Lasik exam tomorrow .. going to see Dr Lee Hung Ming at Parkway.

Hey Augleo,
If you confirm going to get from Stamford Catering, I can call on your behalf and maybe get some discount- cos I used to order alot from Stamford and sometimes they will give some complimentary cakes/ drinks on top of the order.
as usual, replenish some stocks

Mrs Chia,
thks in advance

will SMS u, once i've cfm. likely will choose Stamford, but won't b ordering alot leh. ordering 30 pax

wow! make banner huh?
erm....no contacts at this point of time

custom made, can make it for Siggy's b.day party?

wow! so many ppl done Lasik n going to do.
great move!
today meet up:
sanrio n michele, sorry got to move ard when u gals arrived Han's. Today JK is kindda cranky.
** must to too excited to meet so many princesses.
let meet again n chat more

did u fill up the form n get the card?
think think ba, as wat the SA said...there is sale almost every months.

Mrs lai,
guess u din spend alots

nothing to buy?

Gene n aprilmum,
did u manage to spend ur vouchers?
disney and spring: I dunno! They say to 1) pic must be 35mm by 45mm then I had to resize AGAIN when the apples website said 400pixel by 514 pixel! So tt's that size it came out! Not my fault!!! Spring, the pic is taken at home, but it's not one of the nicest we have done ourselves, so never post up on blog ;P

Lasik: I did mine last yr, cost me over $5k for both eyes, but it's WORTH IT. My degree was 1000 plus 175 astig adn 900 plus 250 astig. Now, I only need to squit a bit cuz my astig just got from bad to worse (pregnancy hormones) but it's much much better, Imagine I don't have to grope for glasses in the morning!!!! I got it done JUST before I got preggie with Vanessa, so quite heng.

Photo session: If your baby is fussy for the first 1 hour, atlaest u still got anoither hour to take the pic!~!!! I am quite worried for the upcoming 30 min shoot with studio loft, what if my gal refuse to cooperate!
Augleo: U left so early ... i unearth this nice yellow Tee from Crystal blu with 70% discount and additional 20% members discount :p

I got the pot set (la gourmet) I wanted so v happy. All in all, i spent about $160. Quite ok, got 1 new pair of shoes too! v happy. But quite disappointing, nothing much to buy for baby really. my hubby must be thanking God.
mummies: who is going for the Robinson's member's preview tomm? Can let me know? I got some items I want to buy so can topang first? May not be able to go after work =(
so cheap! must b good deal.
JK was cranky n refused to sleep. the moment i placed him on car seat, dozed off liao

shld hv placed him back to stroller n go up n look for u hor. kekekekekeke!

Robinson Sale:
not for me.

or u can get ur list of items from Taka bb fair which starts this wknd.

This Sunday going to meet 11 mummies in GUG trial class
mummies, want anything from Babyonlinemall? Going to get some stuff by tommorrow morning, so if you want, let me know by tonite?

I forgot, GST will be charged for S$400 and above of shopping?
Yo Springdance!
I have not come into this forum eversince Jan. My CNY was cool! 1st time got input when go visiting. My gal was so happy eating rabbit milk sweet and kway buolo.

Now Holi coming so steal abit of the time to come back here. Must update myself or I will lose touch with the mummies here.

Robinson Sales
Whr? I got member card but dont think i recieve any news leh. Or I din read the letter.
Wah...so many people went for lasik. I've also been thinking about it but still undecided. I was going to do it already...but then my friends (all drs) adviced against it and all said they wouldn't do it for themselves. So I held back. Now I don't know. But I guess if I want to do it, I should go to SNEC.

Beyond, how much correction are you going to get? Mine's like 400+ and 500+...have a little astig.

I'm glad you had fun meeting up today. Hopefully all 11 babies will be cheery for the GUG trial.
u shld stop eating maggi mee leh. if u want Tingkat, sms me for the no. my frend got from this place and its pretty nice

hope u recover fm MS soon !

ths bday direct is organised by fen, april mummy. think that time when she was prganising the 1st one, she din ask us

mummies that i met today

so nice to see u gals again.
sharon, cindy and jane, missed u guys today !
agar contact shd be the same Mrs chan coz they quite popular at SMH forum

i think agar agar hv to be always stored in the fridge rite? then if our party got no fridge then how?

feel like ordering one for myself to eat coz i love agar agar!
funny u posted the agaragar cake! i was looking for the contact high and low since last week! the only thing is what do all mommies think of the dyes used in making the colorful agaragar cakes? ok for our babies to consume?

does anyone know how they charge?
Guess you’ll have to survive this 1st trimester and everything will be fine once again. Take good care ok. *muacks*
Btw, I think your hb is also thinking in the long run in investing on the Honda Stream la. Think about it, a normal salon car only take 5 pax. If he wanna bring his parents or yours out, then difficult to squeeze mah. MPV is good lor, at least can convert to 7 seater. Otherwise think of the extra space you get if you drive to Malaysia. Don’t blame him la.
For FM, I think you should give alternate feeds instead of mixing BM with FM leh. You can consider Nan3, since it’s meant for bbs from 10 months.

Good! Then must start potty training now ok.

I guess if bb is not crying for food then it’s ok lor. Some bbs have smaller appetites mah. Can’t expect them to eat every 3 hours leh. We adults can’t take it too leh.
BbL’s bedtime’s at 7pm? So good! At least you got time to watch TV and eat dinner in peace right? Mine’s around midnight, everynight. But I don’t blame her since we wakes up late too.

Cool Daughter
Try laying the base of the potty with toilet paper. Make sure it’s thick though. Then wrap it up and flush it down the toilet lor. Then you just need to rinse the potty. If got accidents, like poo smeared on the potty, then wash with bb soap, not detergent leh. It may harm their delicate skin.

I didn’t get to really utilise my vouchers coz some things, if you wanna get the member’s price, then have to pay cash or nets. So I keep the vouchers lor. Only some bb items I pay with vouchers.

Mrs Lai
Wah, envy leh. You bought so many things for yourself! Today I only bought bb’s stuff (as usual) and a wok. How happening is that?

This agar agar person is also recommended by my friend. I’ve personally tasted it and it’s good!

You like agar agar can buy from fruit stall type mah. Cheaper for own consumption. This one’s $38 leh.
bb shoes:
if u are gtg shoes for ur bb from BATA, u can get it from J.Little too. with 20% off.
yest. bought 1 pair for JK

total will b 12 bb in the GUG trial class

me will b meeting 11 of them. kekekekekekeke!
Gene: Glady's bedtime at 12midnight? Like cinderella...kee kee... what time does she wake in the morn? will wake for milk? Lele ususally sleeps at 7 and wake ard 7-8.30am, but will wake up once/twice for milk.

Yup, his early bedtime has been very convi for couple chill-out time at night, among other things! But hor, many times I wished lele will sleep just a little longer so tht I can at interact w him a little after a day's work. Imagine I get home at 6.30 each day, but he is already starting to fuss for bed. I can only change him into his pyjamas and tuck him in bed
But I didn't want to keep him up to fulfil my needs leh. Think it's unfair to him.

Luckily for me, he is showing signs of being ready for a later sleep time now
Recently he remained very energetic even when I get home @6.30, and will be quite playful and active. when I put him to bed at 7, instead of K.O in 15mins, he will play till 7.30 or as late as 8pm before slp.

Also, last time after milk he will K.O again but recently even after milk he will remain active and start talking and playing, for as long as 1-2 hours!

a few nights ago, lele woke not for milk but to play

So last night I kept him till 7.30pm and he KO immed_ly after touchdown on bed.)
Hope the mummies met up yday had a great time... join u all nx time..

your studio pics are very very very nice and heartwarming wor! i like the naked JK and he kissed u ones.. the $100 package no more liao ah?

Lele sleeps very early leh.. gd like what u said, the couple can do many things.. jo sleeps at abt 9+,10.. then i'll do cleaning/mopping in peace.. by the time i settle dwn, quite tired and late liao..

mrs lai,
so big the pic.. bbV is cute lor!
Allo, another agar agar recommendations: Alice Teo 90686047 - the stall is at the Beauty World food court (the one upstairs) so if you wan to see more samples you can.

We got the christmas agar agar from them (1 santa and 1 tree) not v exp - $25 and $18. I think it also depends on the design and the size. Alternatively, they also sell individual agar agar in shapes of teddy bear, cars, etc. You can always request it in certain colours, but I forgot how much. If I go there for lunch one of these days, I can take pics and then post for you to see.

Gene: I cannot find much things to buy for my gal, so other than my pot and shoes, the rest is for the home, like table cloth, etc. Otherwise the items will be all babies.
yo ixora!

erm...the S$100 promo ends last yr mid Dec.
rmbr we were "discussing" abt it u mentioned...still considering.
now hv another promo which is 2 hours session.

Mrs Lai,
they provides delivery for agar2?
Ixora: I read somewhere tt the foetus strts to sleep in mummy's womb from 7mths. When I was preg w Lele, I slpt v early most of the time, most times 9plus KO le. Sometimes as early as 8plus wor! When preggy super lethargic and like to sleep but then, I'm the can sleep anywhere, anytime, anyplace kind of person lor! My mummy said that when I was young v portable, just bring a pillow and I can KO anywhere haha! I still remembr when I was a child, I'll feel v sleepy and need to sleep at ard 9pm, even when I'm outside. Like alarm clock hor!

Maybe Lele received "training" from me right from when he was a teeny bb inside me haha....

Lil Jo sleeps at 9+ huh? what time she wakes?
augleo , anymore naked pics of JK hahaha ,
aiyah , next time hv any photo promo , pls shout at us .
now the cheapest around , seems to be Mrs Lai's link .
think if u are interested in BP, can drop a mail there. coz i think i saw 1 mummy might be organising a BP ;p
after the $100 offer, Ben did post that there is a new pricing for 2008. hence the new price list
aiya u knw me lah.. always dilly dally, consider consider then till promo end liao oso dunno kind.. i lazy to chk out on all these too.. haha

got foto-u BP? which thread?
yah yday i went back to my mum's.. very lazy to go out far alone with Jo... yup can meet up at CP, when??

i c... no wonder.. lil jo wakes up at abt 8am these days..
Hi Claire,

Sry for the late reply.

Following are the programme included in the trial class:-

1) Social Play
2) Hand-Ons project
3) music/movement/drama
4) phonics

If u r interested, I can add u to the waiting list cox currently all the two classes already fully taken up. Which class u prefer as we have classes on 9/3 & 16/3. Time - 1:30PM - 3PM.

Pls also provide your BB name, gender, D.O.B. I will help to add u to the list. Thanks.


Anyone of u have blueroti email? Still no reply from her & not sure if she is intersted with the GUG class. Thanks..
can meet up with u gals during lunch at CP.
this week u want ?? my boss not ard, can go earlier at 11.45 then come back b4 1.30pm !
we can call aprilmum, traz, kris ?? whoelse in SK & PG SAHM ???
So at Foto-U, they will tell u, ok, now we take naked shots, now we take tis & dat rite? Mummy & daddy dun hv to tink wat to do next .. wat abt the pose?
Ben will ask hw many suits (he will see the colors too) i bring for JK then he will tell us wat to do.

Few pose we requested, most of them Ben will guide us hw to pose.

he even ask whether parents bring extra clothings to change. no lei...just our white top. shld hv bring more other color top

children songs will keep on playing till end of the session.
Mrs Lai,

Thanks but I managed to get Blueroti's email from Augleo & I just email her...

Thanks again ...
Mrs Lai
Wow…you took the pic at home ah…the angle captured quite well…can see Vanessa face so clearly…. Not bad really….I can never get a full front face of my boy looking at the camera…he will try to snatch the camera whenever we attempt to take photo of him!

Oh ya…March holidays coming….can relax abit liao.

Any plans on how to hold the birthday celebration for your gal?

Do you think it’s good to buy some CDs of children’s songs and play as background music during the birthday party? But of most my guests will be adults (relatives & friends)…so would you think it’s ok?
SpringD / Mrs Lai,

I also have difficulties to take my boy photo. Dont think he can sit still for us to take leh. Either he will move sideways or look away while we try to take his photo. Unless we carry him. I heard from my frd that he brought his son to take passport photo & the studio man beli expert... he hold a toy on the camera and his son just stare at the toy quietly. Good ideal! Can give it a try...


U can on the children’s songs but maybe dont turn the volume too loud else the whole hse will become very noisy cox definitley all your relatives & frds will be chit chatting ard.
for the naked pics , did JK weewee accidentally ?
skully , daddy n mummy wear nice clothes n carry a peeing naked baby - spoilt pic lah .
micK , thanks , i go look c the thread later .
how abt tmr? my mil will b here, i can easily go out to meet u & rest for lunch..
fri oso can, juz that need to bring jo and gotta feed her at that hr.. but still can lunch lah..
chat later, i go & bath now.. jo juz slept..

u dont be jealous la, those are all for me oni hor...hehehe ya, still lookg for a tiara for maishia lei , does that count? but so far the ones i saw the plastic part abit painful for her bb head ..kekeke.. how abt kaira ? r u doing the princess theme?


thts a gd way of differntiatg the boys n girls actually .


cn check with u, wat tm did u go for the foto shoot ah? v stress again.. i book my secondd shoot for maishia 's 1st bday n worried she not cooperatv ..
my appt with Ben was 1pm.
JK's lunch@ 12pm, right after the session feed him milk in the car (on the way home).
last 15mins, he seems restless n we fed him biscuits.

enjoy ur session
when u intends to bring your child to Zoo n Jurong birdpark huh?

some mummies might get free entry from company's pass hor.

me starts looking for promotion now
Mrs Lai,
tks so much for d lift

my hb got free co pass for d family. so he alwy brg my boy to zoo. we hvnt brought cher yet.
ai yo, din get to chat w u ydy. me n michele came early n din c any of u at hans so we wen ahead to feed bb n our stomach 1st :p
