(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Ok managed to find this pic for her passport - thankfully the passport only last for 5 years, otherwise she will KILL me.


Jesse: if u see my gal dressed like tt, would you even ask if she's a boy? I got so many queries! even decked her out in pink, ribbons, hairbands and what nots. Give up ...
passport # different coz they are now using biometric ones

mrs lai,
nope, horns wun do, thot i saw some other pix taken during the xmas period

so how u manage to find one and submit ??

howdy ! long time no seeeeee
how daddi M getting Maisha diamonds ? kekekeke
mrs lai,
juz saw van pix, can lah! think maybe dun even need to wait for 5yrs rite ?? by then, so diff bah. imagine those who make at 2 weeks old
Mrs Lai
That's such a cute picture. She probably would mind the hair clips at age 5 but then again, maybe not.

My boy looked very strange in his passport photo but they are pretty lenient when it comes to babies, I think.

We won't be having a big bash for Jesse either. Just a small gathering of immediate family at my home. I'll be ordering pizza, KFC and buying a cake. Not even going to chalet. That's like a big thing to me already!

How did you start potty training? I'm thinking of starting in about 2 months time. Any info would be great. I have thought about putting him in cloth diapers in the day but do I really need to do that? Might look into the bumwear thing I've been reading about. It's just a covering for the clothe diaper?

Just came back from IKEA and Giant. Quite tired already...

Say, what kind of solids are you feeding your babies now?

Jesse takes 3 feeds of solids a day (8am, 12noon and 5pm). The usual stuff he eats are rice and carrots, sweet potato, beetroot and potato/rice, fish, broccoli and carrots with rice, bananas...Everything he eats is cooked in the slow cooker and is blended after it's cooked. He knows how to hold biscuits to eat but he somehow has problems transitioning to soft porridge (unblended).

What other things could I feed him? And how do you cook your babies' food?

Moxi/ Jesse
Initially I put her on the potty whenever she wanna poo, like when her face turn red when kek the poo out. So gradually it becomes a habit. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don’t. And when she does her business in the potty, I’ll praise her and clap and kiss her and she learnt that if she does it right, she gets praises. Also, I guess she’s very yim-chim, like me, so she hates to have her diapers soiled. Then through the months, she knows that if she needs to poo, she just have to say ‘umm umm’.

The new passports start with the letter E.
Ya, bbG is potty trained (fingers crossed) but sometimes when we’re out, it’s quite difficult coz no potty and I tried letting her sit on the toilet bowl but she’s quite amazed by the auto flushing system and she ended up not pooing.
You’re only bringing him to polyclinic this Saturday? Isn’t it too late. I mean, better to bring him earlier otherwise he may just recover from it already. But as you said that he seems his normal self so I guess not to worry. Just keep observing.

Mrs Lai
BbV so sweet! She even smiled for the camera. Fantastic. BbG’s photo super gong-gong coz she was only 3 months old when she took the photo. Not to mention, she’s still botak at that time.
Augleo and the rest
I'll see you gals at Marina Square tomorrow. I may not be joining you all for lunch but I'll see you at JL. I'll prob call Augleo when I'm there. See you gals. Gonna have an early night since bbG's finally asleep.

how are u ladies and babies???

very nice pics...JK is so cheerful and handsome...i think u r one amazing mom who has done a fantastic job in taking care of him...always so steady poon pi pi!

How r u? Wah...police case ah...ur students so happening! Let me know if u r attending any of the gathering...still have something not passed to u!

hey...i still owe u $$$ leh...let me know when u r attending any of the gathering too! How r u? Enjoying ur 2nd trimester?

thanks for the sms. This mama is now mountain tortise liao...have not been going out at all...very bad nausea/vomiting + heartburn + acidic feeling in the stomach.

michK/vodka/cooldaughter/mrs lai/ixora/taro/sanrio,
*wave wave*
traz: u take care of yourself, ur MS sounds bad ;P

Rem to get help if you need to. We don't have to carry all the burdens on our shoulder!

speaking of argument: had a big one with hubby over finances. *haiz*
its very very very bad MS...now gorgor will even take a plastic bag and pretend to vomit (with really exagerating expressions) to make fun of me after I've done that a few times in the car/outside.

i'm now only in wk 10...too early to tell the gender...oh yes...promised to buy the pink polo romper from u..hope it bring me luck! rem to bring it along when we next meet ok?

mil is around during wkdays but i'm the one doing most of the job...but these few days really feeling very terrible..so i hands off a bit liao...

having prob sleeping cos of the nausea+heartburn.
sian! for me, each pregnancy just gets worse!
mrs lai,
*shake hands*
hb said now the family is expanding...we need a bigger car...and he just bought a HONDA STREAM!...knowing that i've always objected to spending $ on the car...

by the way we are 2 poor teachers whose schools are within 2 km from our residence! We hardly use the car! And now that I'm on no pay leave, we are only surviving on his miserable income!

I'm so angry but he said "dont worry, i'm the one paying."
Hmm…your hubby drive rite? Then HmTeamNS at Bt Gombak is quite near liao…especially if you compare chalets in Pasir Ris or Changi… oh ya…if you dun mind Jurong…. Chevrons is another choice.

Sorry took so long to reply you coz I left office not long after I last posted on Sat…then yesterday and today no work so never log in…

Me still half-hearted whether to do at home or outside lei….. home is convenient & save a lot of $$….outside is something more unique and will be different from 1st month celebration...hmmm...hmmmm.....

Great to hear you have secured the venue…so where will JK’s party be held at?

And yes…. I must say those are really beautiful photos of your family! JK is so fair, sunny & chubby! I also realize that both you & your hubby are slim type of persons…heheh.

Dillion looks very fit & lean in the pic…Can submit for “Man-hunt Baby”!

I finally bought potty for my boy liaozz at Kiddy Palace….Baby 1st brand…it’s 5-in-1 type…for 5 different stages. Quite a good buy at $29.90….

Mrs Lai
Wat a BIGGG shot of Vanessa!!! Did you took it yourself or by professional photographer?

Sounds like you are in a rather bad shape…you really dun wanna consider stopping BF? Must take care of your body so that your number 3 will grow well yah….
yr family pix very nice.
i realise foto u uses more prop like toys compared to StudioLoft.

maybe bcoz i was late and happen to be the last slot for sat at 3 pm.. it was quite rushed
and most of the shots are posed photos. don't hv those natural shots.

anyway.. my hubby oredi black face when i drag him to take photo

now very tempted to go for foto u .. juz dunno how to convince hubby to do it again
yah...trying to stop bfding. In fact today just introduced hippo to some formula milk.

Mixed 60ml of FM into 120ml of EBM, 3 feeds a day (3x180ml, tats how little he is drinking per day...and most of the time cant finish all!)

was told to increase to 120ml FM + 60ml EBM after 3/4 days...then finally 180ml FM after another 3/4 days.

Is this correct??? *blur*

in fact, he is only 11 mths but i dont want to start him on 6-12mths FM then change again to 1-3year FM aft one mth...so straight awat giving him 1-3year FM now. No prob ba???
Morning mumies,

caicai, where to get gingko supplements?

Michelle, eggplant contains nicotine? I lilke eating eggplant wor.
darbebe , gingko supplements can be bot fm watsons / pharmacies .

old wives tale abt brinjals --> increase possibility of cataracts ? dunno how true lah
traz, moxi, springdance n min,

agreed with springdance, u can send Dillion's pix to "man-hunt". he got the look lei

thks for the encouragement. being a SAHM not easy, believe u know best. me nothing as compare to u. #3 coming le. JIA U

glad u are better now.

think ESSO soon will increase too.

abt the passport# n BC#, me din know till Catherine told me abt it when i wanna to submit JK's info to tour agency last yr

do ur bb scratch his head, rub his nose n ears whenever they are tired n cranky?
ooh , ysterday i was at JL orchard
i wanted to buy pigeon teats ( the PIC told me AVENT n Pigeons dun hv 20% off )
saw Medela PIS on promo <-- kelley u can look c
Gene: Actually Lele is already improving le... actually bringing him to polyclinic to ask about another matter. I'm concerned whether we are feeding lele enough nutrients. Lele only takes about 1 formula feed + 2 solid feeds during day and 1-2formula feeds during night, but a sample menu for 10-12 months given by the polyclinic have meal intervals every 3 hours wor.

Lele will take formula as first meal of the day, 4 - 5 hours later he will have porridge and 4-5hours later he will have porridge again. Sometimes my mil will "drag" feeding time till 6 hours later leh!!!

worried if we are "underfeeding" him and he not getting enough nutrients, so discussed w hub and decided to bring him to polyclinic ask the nurses and docs for advice.
Traz: u owe me $ meh? not reali enjoying myself like when i had #1 though.. cos work is bz and bz at home with the noti ash..hahaha.. u got to take care...

Leo: see u later!!

same loh.. me also.. at night still need to take care NIng, not like first preg. can enjoy all the way!!! another 3 more months to go!!! hehehe..
kate , in my personal opinion , if lele nvr shows signs of distress , he shd be ok . some babies are just like that . they dun hv much appetite , as long as u are feeding him fm , it shd contain all the necessary nutrients .
my ma was telling me , last time her cousin drank "condense milk" as his milk , but he also very BIG size n fat now . so dun be paranoid .
leo: ashlyn does that when she is sleepy.. she will scratch jst behind her ears.. rub her eyes or find the corners of her pillow n play with it on her nose!
but JK does it kindda "violent" esp. the scratching his head. if din trim his nail every3 days sure ganna wound

see u @Han's.

today meet-up:
mummies joining, see u 1.30pm @Han's.

repiled ur PM.
Gd Morning mummies!

<font color="blue">RE - GUG trial class!</font>

Pls note that there is a trial class for this coming sunday 9/3
@ United Square, # 01-20/2. Mummies, pls dont forget ya!

Calling for <font color="purple">blueroti &amp; Fen</font>!

<font color="purple">blueroti </font> - Pls provide me your bb gender, name &amp; D.O.B.

<font color="purple">Fen </font>- I have changed your class to 16/3! Pls take note ok..

See u all this sunday!

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

GUG_revised.xls (20.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>
take care
do cum n share w us anytx u can.

oh so it studioloft n not foto-u ah? i wld b at marina early so wld feed cher n hv my lunch 1st. wen u reach, give me a call lah. i can join u all for a drk or mt at JL. i m taking a lift fr hb whose mtg is somewhere near there n cant b late.

i bought 2 promo pkg at foto-u. 1 taken, d next 1 when cher 1yr old.
shld stop your BF-ing less stress lah. anyway, hippo on been on BF so long.

RE: shopping
wish i was joining u gals leh !

miss the fill up yest, coz running late in morning. ended spend $105 last nite for full tank
K has been doing that practically everytime b4 she sleep
amd when the nails are sharp, i can see her ears got scratch and blood stain (1 line)

ok, back to work
was thinking abt the link , Mrs Lai posted. 2 hrs session --> wldnt the baby be extremely CRANKY .
little JK seems to be bored towards the end of the session , he is considered a mild tempered baby . imagine my little monster ???!!! urghhhh
augleo...let's put it this way, one day after his nap, I saw a scratch on his eyelid.
Jesse's a head banger as well...but he learns from the best, I guess. :p It's very common for babies to pull their ears, scratch, rub their eyes etc etc...that's one way of indicating their need for sleep and also a way they soothe themselves.

Jesse eats a lot more than Lele. But of course, don't know how much solids Lele takes in a sitting also...but Jesse will indicate when he's hungry and he'll also stop eating when he's full.

Currently, he takes 4 formula feeds a day (240+ml each) at 6:30am, 9:30am, 1:30pm and 6:30pm. And he takes 3 solid feeds (about 3/4 rice bowl) at 8am, noon and 5pm. We just increased his solids intake because he was getting up earlier...usually when he has enough food during they day, he doesn't wake up too early and does at least 11hrs through the night.

Every child is different and I suspect Jesse's appetite is on the high side (like his parents). My maid told me that his cousins age 2+ and 7 eats less than Jesse! But for us, as long as he's not obese and still active (plus he knows when to stop eating, I never force him to finish anything) I'll just give him as much as he needs.

I'm also looking for a photo place to take some family photos (with parents and hopefully bro's family).

What is the "package" with studioloft like?

From augleo, I gather foto-u's like 1hr session...how much?

Mrs Lai's link gives a 2hr outdoor session for $138...

How about Studioloft? Any feedback?

Have fun at M.Sq!
Hubby sent car for servicing....definitely can't go anywhere today...
nowadays my boy also got scratch mark on his eye/forehead leh

i oredi cut short but still can scratch so i think i must file his nails
Caicai: Thanks for the advice! I also think I'm being paranoid too... but the fact is that lele has appetite. He can fin 240ml of milk in 5mins or 1 rice bowl of thick porridge (w meat and veg and all) and still ask for more, but we will not give him more, instead wait till at least 4/5hours later. Wondering if should give him more feeds .................... fan2 leh...
aprilmum: yup.. i m going.. to see if can get cheap deal of baby cot for my coming bb..hahah.. ur ning still wakes up for night feed? we like so "ku ming" hahaha... come come.. see me!! hahah

Ur Hb back from reservist le? Muz ask him help out abit .. u take care &amp; concentrate on ur bb3

What's 5 in 1 potty? I brot my potty like when bbJ is 4-5mths but haven used till now. .. haha:p I tink subconciously, I am delaying coz i cant imagine cleaning the poo poo. hehe. Btw, so wat do we do, pour poo poo into toilet bowl than wash e potty? Need to use detergent?
