(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

JK so much hair , u still said he no hair . poor JK , his mummy even broadcast his snoring habit to so many aunties on the forum . next time he sees us , he SHY liao

hahaha, so how was the session? i remb K was cranky and he had to make K smile to take pix of her ! he had to run ticke her toes then quickly snap, then again.

mrs lai,
i also do online, i used her PS pix to take. somemore, hers was a naked one in the tub, i crop until juz show face. collected within same week. i submitted on sunday, collect by Friday.
anyway, Van has lots of nice photo, juz choose one, if rejected then sure will let u know one.

KATE... i asked Mar mummies and 1 of them found this in wiki. but for me, in all moderation, shld be fine. not like u gg to feed Lele everyday with brinjal/eggplant

but if ur MIl reallly against, then dun. since she main caregiver right ?

ehh. going to freak u guys out with what i found on wikepedia on eggplants..
"It can block the formation of free radicals, help control cholesterol levels and is also a source of folic acid and potassium.[4]

Eggplant is richer in nicotine than any other edible plant, with a concentration of 100 ng/g (or 0.01mg/100g). However, the amount of nicotine from eggplant or any other food is negligible compared to passive smoking. [5]"

blurry vision.. refering to this existence of nicotine?
JK is cute lah.. got colour theme or not?

me oso thinking of taking the pics when Jo is abt a yr old..

Min, juz saw your comment on my blog..
I bot the mattress fr JL (expo sale then, $19.90), foldable one... abit thin thou, thinkin of getting her a thicker one since she's sleeping well..
Feeling so down now. haiz

Btw mummies, can I ask if your memory is failing after pregnancy?

Seriously, I feel that I have a bad memory after pregnancy. It wasn't the case before pregnancy.
MichK: Thanks for sharing the info! Din know that about eggplant. Ya, MIL is the main caregiver................................... sigh........................................
FYI, Claire also uses bumwear & cloth nappy - i think more environmentally friendly... but generally have to be more 'hardworking' in changing otherwise will LEAK! haha... i kenna a few times oredi! but definitely good for toilet training

sanrio, i bought http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=6487079 when I organised my OS coz originally wanted to put a car seat in MIL's car for claire but now decided NOT to leave claire in her care anymore so don't exactly need it anymore. If you like this one, I can sell it to you.

i also booked studioloft for claire's 1st year portraits - will be going on the last day of their available slot! hehe...
Michelle: hello... i keep quiet.. u rub salt on my wound ah.. my gal also got hair but only behind.. hahahaa.. leo saw wat..

darbebe: my memory already very bad before preggy.. preggy worst.. nw can hardly remember anythng..haiz.. one day will forget HB!!
Kelley, I ever talked to a GP about this. BUt all I got was Im thinking too much and it's due to inadequate sleep. But I think otherwise.
leo: JK so cute.. still can kiss u wor... was it difficult doing the shot.. nw that u saw ash super sticky to me.. i postphone till nw still hvn't confirm date for photoshot.. will probably do when ash is close to one..
Augleo: Nice pics! Simple but the expressions are all so natural, esp yours and JK's. I like the one w JK smooching your face! Soooooooooooo sweet heart almost melted!
I can join you gals tomorrow but most probably will bring my mum along coz I’ve not brought her out for lunch in quite a while. So kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Haha..
Btw, maybe you can consider giving JK another shave. Coz after the last shave, bbG’s 3rd, her hair is starting to grow thicker. But then still got the gu-gu line visible.

Ya, bbC got fine and little hair but she’s a cutie nevertheless! At least she doesn’t get mistaken for a boy like bbG la.
I may not be able to join you gals for lunch but will see you at JL.

It’s been a long time since we’ve heard from you. Ya, understand it must be really stressful for you since school started but hey, next week is holiday already right? At least can breathe a bit. We shall arrange to go to the bb fair together lor.

BbG had one of those loose and super smelly poo last Sunday. She had just poo after her dinner, solid one. We were at ECP checking out the new place at Big Splash so I let her sat on my shoulders and when her butt pass my face, I thought I smell something and confirm she got shit in her diapers. I was shocked coz it’s quite watery and smell abnormal, like a bit sour and she didn’t even know she pooed coz otherwise, she will make a big fuss of her soiled diapers and she had not shat in her diapers in months, since I’ve potty trained her. But that was once only.
hi hi...
Kate, Cai2, Kelley, Beyond n darbebe

tks tks....hahaha! my hb enjoys too.

coolD n ixora,
choose taking in March is pre-celebrating JK's 1st b.day too

coolD, Dlim n darbebe,
hope u've a great time in studio too
augleo! what a HANDSOME boy!! hmm... about tomorrow, claire actually has gymboree class... but i think no harm skipping 1 week! hehe... will see you all @ MS then.
JK>thks, Auntie Michele! muak muak!

Date: 4th March (Tuesday)
Venue: M.Square (J.little)
Time: ard 1.30pm

1. Augleo
2. Kelley
3. Mrs Lai
4. michele
5. sanrio
6. bububear

any1 else?
oh damn ... i needed the passport by this week cuz I need to submit the booking form by 7th march!

Maybe I cheat and submit our names first lor :p

*haiz* completely forgot about it and to make it worse, it's school holidays next week!
d pics are very nice! JK kiss mus hv melt ur heart.. i hv another session w foto-u, intend to take it on cher's 1st b'day.

can i noe how much is it?
yes...hv to.
any place to recommend? bb friendly?
or place near J.little?

u've any suggestion on makan place?

Mrs Lai,
shall we hv lunch 1st?
keke... evytx i brg cher out alone to marina, i only go coffee club till d staff all noe me. beef daube is my fav dish. d staff wld give me my/cher fav seat n offer me lots of help. take highchair for me, push my stroller aside, give me napkins, give cher coaster to play, if cher throws thgs on floor, they wld help me pick up, serve me water while i busy feeding cher b4 i order my food etc.... haha!! best service. me like queen, cher princess, haha..
i dun mind trying other places but dun noe where leh..
sanrio , i tot u also went to the same photographer as augleo ( not same pricing ?)
hmmm , i also want to take photos ... any contact no. or promotions going on huh ?
i like it "me like queen, cher princess".
cofy club near J.little?

Kelley n the rest of mummies,
oki with cofy club?
Aug: Lunch I can try, but gotta feed gal and maid first. and I may have already starved by then :p

Ok tonite try the photos ... but I doubt my gal will give me a easy time to take the pics. Unless I use her grumpy CNY pics.

your photos look very good. Really happy family!

Jesse's hair is like JK...denser patch in front. I used to laugh at him saying that he shows signs of early receding hairline. I've shaved J 3 times and while it's more even now, it's still denser at that front bit. I intend to bring him for another shave soon, before his birthday. His hair grows too fast.
Date: 4th March (Tuesday)
Makan: Han's @M.Sq @1.30pm
Target: M.Square (J.little)
Time: ard 1.30pm

1. Augleo
2. Kelley
3. Mrs Lai
4. michele
5. sanrio
6. bububear
7. aprilmum (TBA)
8. Gene

any1 else?

wow! u make me envy loh. "shaved J 3 times" + "his hair grows too fast".

studio pix:
CoolD, sanrio, jesse n mummies
thks for the compliments

watching our little ones grow really "melt" our hearts.

great pics ! i like it that studio loft cn come up with diff poses n nt the standard ones. btw wat timing u chose ah? jk super cheery !


Dillion looks v handsome ! cn tell he was enjoying himself . after hearing ur bad experience piercing ur ears ..Nw i m thinkg whether i shld hv pierced it when bb was 6mo..then she wud still be 'blurblur' =P


thks for the bb fair info ! hv been lookg out for it cos i rem last yr it was also arnd this timing ! xiexie !
re: potty train
envy u lei .. gladys cn poop in her pot liao . maishia thinks i m giving her some new toy when i put her on. she will hold the handle n jerk potty like a horse. do u put her on the pot everyday at same tm ? shld it be aft milk or sthg?

RE: bumwear
if bb poops in her bumwear it will be super messy rite? sori ah, i v suaku ..havnt tried bumwear b4
he loves his hair short and so do I...haha... and I find the hair evening out after each shave, though I think still need to do some more. But the sleep line around his head is still there...guess I'll have to wait until he's two for that to go away.

Re: Ear piercing
I know the hispanics pierce their daughters ears at around 2 weeks because they like to differentiate the boy from the girl...no one will get it wrong. (Till today I have ppl asking me if Jesse is a girl...sigh...)
augleo: passport# diff fr BC# huh? I din know tht! why huh? issit bcos the bc# strts w a "T" n the passport# will strt w "S"? hee hee...jus wild guess!
gene: gladys potty-trained le ah? you very fast hand fast leg leh! speaking of loose stools, this morning lele poo poo @ 4am n those it was still pungent, not as watery le. Intend to bring him to the polyclinic this sat...

yo yo ladies
I havent been able to visit the forum eversince 3rd JAn. Like Cat there is soo many things to do that I ahev very little time left for myself and BB Lovelle.

Bday Celebration
Anvy that u all are preparing for BB 1st Bday. My families (both in law and my own side) want to keep it low profile. Even Hb is not keen to whole any big celebration. So we only book a chalet at Aloha Loyang and have a little BBQ session ttz all. So miserable.
